Despite the majority vote against the EU treaty in Ireland. That should have effectively killed the EU Treaty by their referendum. The Eu Bureaucrats appear to be ignoring the will of the people and their resounding NO vote!
British sources said that the EU summit is likely to conclude that the Irish vote is a problem for the Irish government, not the rest of the EU.
"The Irish government will have to go away, and think about how to proceed, but the rest of us will keep going," said a Foreign Office source.
Jose Manuel Barroso, the Portuguese president of the European Commission, insisted that treaty would not be stopped.
European leaders were making plans to find a legal way around the Irish 'No' vote.
This is an excellent example of the arrogance and dismissive attitude that the elitists, who become part of the "apparatchik"government of the "ONE WORLD" advocates.
The statement relates to the European Union, but the concept is applicable to all those who don't believe in individual "STATE" rights of Counties. Those who become members of the leadership of a "QUASI-WORLD LEADERSHIP" become part of the group that believes in the secularist humanist cult. This group has no real concern for the people they are supposed to represent, because they are devoted to the cause of world domination.
These people are dedicated to the control of all peoples, by the governing body that they are a part of. The De**l be damned what the people at home think, as is evidenced by the quote above by Jose Manuel Barroso.
This man is an advocate of alternate fuel usage, or penalty taxation of those who fail to comply. It is quoted by sources close to the EU,that the average Britain will have to pay 730 pounds in fees/taxes to comply with the EU proposals to reduce carbon emissions.
Some sources say that Britain would have to build two windmills per day, to comply with the carbon savings dictated by the EU before the 2020 deadline.
I Think we should Only Tax the people that believe carbon gas is Bad for the Planet.These Green Fools should wake up, get out of the city, and smell the clean "backwoods",forest air. We can only fight this ECO Beast created by Al Gore and his followers,if we all pull together as a Team. Breathing Tax is not beyond comprehension in the minds of the environmental
This reminds me of the Beatles song called, “The Tax Man”, Which as I recall, goes, “Just hope they don’t tax the air you breath…Tax Man”!!!!!
From John D. Dingell of Michigan, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, to ba-zillionaire mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg and now U2 frontman Bono, we endure calls for a carbon tax.
So thick is the hype, so deep is the indoctrination, the New York Times went out of its way to declare that “everyone is using the atmosphere like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free,” in other words the very fact you are breathing is detrimental to the planet.
Al Gore has declared the discussion over, even though, as Paul Joseph Watson notes, “over 100 prominent scientists who have signed a letter slamming the UN move” toward a carbon tax “as a futile bureaucratic scheme” and “pointing out the results of a recent study in the International Journal of Climatology which concludes that climate change over the past thirty years is
largely a result of solar activity and that attempts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are irrelevant. But then elected and appointed officials seldom listen to the facts, because money and power talks louder!
Saturday, June 14, 2008

The media is full of stories about various Congressmen and Senators announcing that they are proposing to spend taxpayers money on investigating various subjects from professional sports to the major oil companies.
I don't subscribe to the Federal government sticking their noses in private business, other than to follow charges of violations of the Sherman anti-trust exemption of a particular industry.
The problem with investigations in general, is that they seldom result in anything other than media exposure of those who seek to "puff-up" their own egos. Media exposure seems to be the life blood of too many occupants of the American Congress.
Having said this, and being a capitalist by philosophy, I hesitate to bring up the subject of Congressional investigation. However, the situation we find ourselves in today dictates a break from my normal line of thinking.
The price of crude oil is now $139.00, and food products have been increased as much as 40%. This presents the greatest threat to our economy and way of life since the Great Depression!
Congressman, of the liberal persuasion, have leaped to the conclusion that Big Oil is resposible. It is only natural that those of a socialist persuasion would attack capitalism as their object of scorn. But in this case simple research could lead these same leftist to the conclusion, that I have come to believe is the cause for our dilemma. This brings to mind the famous quote by Abraham Lincoln:" You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
The problem we have with the high cost of crude oil and therefore, gasoline and natural gas, is the free enterprise system has allowed the speculators, arbitragers and commodities brokers to bid up the price of crude oil.
In the Commodities Markets of Chicago( the largest)and New York, they have traded commodities like pork bellies, cotton, orange juice and grains for decades. The market allows people to sell long and sell short with the bet being that whatever commodity is purchased, will be higer or lower in price when the contract they buy comes due.
Then the Ecologists screamed global warming warnings, and politicians fell for the scare tactics, and hatched the bio-fuels subsidy schemes. Farmers stopped growing wheat and soy beans, in favor of growing government subsidized corn for ethanol. Food prices slowly rose, and then the media began screaming that we were faced wih a depletion of the oil in the ground if we didn't conserve, and the stage was set for the Wall Street boys to enter the game!
"For decades, oil was too cheap. Until 1999, a barrel went for less than $10 (€6.40).Then the rising economies like China, India, Russia and Brazil stimulated demand for oil, driving up the price.. But what really changed the market were the big pension and investment funds joining in the commodities market "merry go round". Source: Der Spiegel
Oil is the lubricant of our economy. As it keeps getting more expensive, the engine of the economy begins to stall. And wheat and rice, as staple foods, are truly essential to human life. As they become more and more expensive, poor people must go hungry or, in some cases, even starve as in Somalia, from famine!
In late 2003, commodity brokers invested only $13 billion in the food commodities business. By March 2008, that number had jumped to $260 billion, an increase of 1,900 percent.
Last year, new investments in the commodities markets amounted to roughly $100 million a day. At the beginning of this year, what had been a steady flow turned into a torrent, with more than $1 billion flooding the market every day. Hedge funds, banks, pension funds, investment funds -- in other words, groups that represent millions of small investors -- are all involved. At first they invested their money in the dot-com market, then in real estate, and now agriculture and the energy markets are their choice.
Speculators -- and speculation bubbles -- have always existed, as a look back in history shows. What is new is the sheer volume of speculation, numbering in the billions, in recent years.
This has something to do with modern financial markets and their instruments, known as derivatives, which major American investor Warren Buffet has rightfully described as "weapons of mass destruction".
But these weapons are only effective because the central banks have created the necessary environment. Never before in history has the world been deluged by such a flood of money. The largest employee fund in the USA CALPERS has heavily invested in oil and food products futures.
There are over 300,000 different securities being traded each day on the World's markets.
It is the "Wild West" of investment in the commodities markets, with litile or no controls on the amount of money that is invested by hedge funds. They may have perverse financial incentives, with litle of their own capital involved in the hedge funds they are manipulating.Traders use every excuse they can think of to drive up prices!
Because of the weak dollar and the high price of oil. The new defacto currency has become crude oil!
Since the commodities market now operates on expectations not on actual value like stocks, massive amounts of borrowed money can be invested . This creats a huge bubble that at some point could burst. And much as I hate to say it, the Federal Governement should spend their time examining this investment vehicle, to determine if the proper regulations are in place to prevent another crisis like the sub-prime mortgage debacle!

The most recent report released Friday from, The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, reveals that the USA is not the World's largest polluter of the atmosphere as many would like you to believe. Rather, it is a country that for no good apparent reason, was exempt along with India, from the protocols and restrictions dictated at the Kyoto Global Warming Conference.
China has now clearly overtaken the United States as the world's leading emitter of climate-warming gases, a new study has found. The increasing emissions from China - up 8 percent in the past year - accounted for two-thirds of the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions in 2007, the study found.
The difference had grown to a 14 percent difference, and that's indeed quite large," said Jos Olivier, a senior scientist at the Dutch agency. "It's now so large that it's quite a robust conclusion."
"Worse, China's emissions are likely to continue growing substantially for years to come, because they are tied to the country's strong economic growth and its particular mix of industry and power sources", the researchers said. Source" The International Herald Tribune
It is interesting to note that while the United Nations is pressing USA diplomats to reduce emissions of coal fired plants,80 percent of the world's coal demand comes from China, according to the International Energy Agency.
With the high price of oil and gas more processing plants, especially those in countries without nuclear power generators, are looking to coal for a more economic way to produce energy in the form of electricity. This brings with it a Catch 22 situation for our military-industrial complex!
For decades, oil was too cheap. Until 1999, a barrel went for less than $10. Of course, rising economies like China, India, Russia and Brazil have stimulated demand, driving up the price of oil. But what really changed the market/price, were the big pension and investment funds.
Searching for secure and long-term returns, major investors turned their attention to the commodities indexes, investments that promised substantially higher returns than investing in the stock market. The more the funds invested, the higher the prices went, especially since the market for speculative commodities securities is very small. Even minor shifts in the portfolios of large mutual funds can quickly drive up the price of oil.
With the knowledge of the above facts, as the weeks and months go by, it becomes more and more apparent that the whole Global Warming scheme is a bait and switch method of redistribution of wealth from the countries who have wealth to those so called "third world countries".
The demand of trillions of dollars to help "poor" countries to cope with the high cost of food resulting from conversion of food grains to bio-fuels is just one of the redistribution schemes hatched by the cadre of "One Worlders" behind this movement.
Then there are those who have jumped on the "band wagon" because of the carbon credits scheme that can be manipulated as is the commodities market today with the oil crisis.
Lost in the shuffle of all this high powered planning is the average tax paying American. Who speaks for him? Not the Congress of the USA while controlled by Democrats in the pocket of Environmentalists, and the RINOs of the same ilk!
Time for Americans to wake -up and get rid of those schemers in Washington who have lost touch with us church going, bible carrying gun owners! Time to clean house or get ready to lose the fight for freedoms!

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
For years as a child, when traveling in my parents car to visit my mothers parents in farm country.I would see billboards loudly proclaiming "Impeach Earl Warren". I thought they were strange, so I asked my father who Warren was and why did they want to "impeach him? He responded that, President Eisenhower nominated Warren for the Supreme Court, despite the fact that Warren had no prior judicial experience.
Despite his lack of qualifications, he was sworn in as Chief Justice on 5 October 1953. During his tenure, the Supreme Court ruled on
Both decisions were monumental and controversial at he time of he decisions. Thus the signs were posted by those who believed Warren was a liberal taking the Country the wrong way.
Compared with what the five leftist judges did this week, the Warren Court seems almost conservative. The Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The "supremes" have lately been acting as though were real SUPREMOS beings, with Almighty power over the Constitution of the United States.
Their decision to grant the same rights to suspected terrorists captured during a time of war, is a heinous distortion of rational thought.
These prisoners held captive in Guantanamo Bay are not citizens! If anything, they are terrorists waiting for the opportunity to deal a deadly blow against America.
Despite this, the un-supreme court, has with a bizarre decision, granted these prisoners the same rights that,those of us who are citizens have as a birth right!
It is at a time like this that a quote from Abraham Lincoln should be recalled. "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Over throwing five Supreme Court Justices is an effort that would be almost impossible to accomplish. But we can do one thing in November. WE can be sure that we don't allow a man who has spent much of his pre-Washington days associating with known Marxists, and has since being elected to the U.S. Senate, amassed the most liberal voting record of all the Senators.
If we wish to give what is left of our freedom away, one decision at a time. We will elect OHObama in the Presidential election in November.
The five justices of the Supreme Court have so foolishly and treasonously given the US Constitution extra-territorial effect, and applied civilian criminal law theories to the battlefield, where military law and the law of war (quite different from civilian criminal law) is the appropriate standard. This is what comes of appointing agenda-driven lawyers for the ACLU,and Obama would only contribute more of the same!
So those of us who cherish our freedoms, must put aside all other political items being mentioned in the campaign and vote to keep the Supreme Court out of the hands of the Marxist/Leninist of the American left. Vote against Obama, if not for McCain!
Friday, June 13, 2008

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
From The London Telegraph WEB SITE comes this information.
"Saudi Arabia today called for a summit of oil producing countries and consumers to discuss how to prevent oil prices from soaring further, following last week's surge to a record high of $139 a barrel.
The country's Information and Culture Minister, Iyad Madani, said that the kingdom would work with OPEC to "guarantee the availability of oil supplies now and in the future".
In a statement following the weekly meeting of the Saudi Cabinet, Mr Madani said the current price of oil was unjustified and pledged action to prevent further "unwarranted and unnatural" price hikes.
The price of a barrel jumped by over $10 on Friday - the largest ever one day increase - as the dollar weakened further and tensions escalated between Israel and Iran, the world's fourth-largest exporter.
The Saudi's could not care less about the pain that their monopoly of the oil industry has on the average American!
What this meeting is all about, is to try to preserve their profit margin that they have obtained by being one of the three major suppliers of crude oil to the world.
This past year has been a bonanza for the Arab Country's, and equally so for Russia. Their oil is being marketed to unheard off heights!Partialy due to speculation, but mainly because of rapid increase in demand from China, USA and India.
No one in his or her right mind would have thought that a strong, viable and prosperous Country like the USA, would have let it self get into such a mess energy wise.
Even though contiguous land, and off shore areas, contain more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia and Iran combined. The leftist environmental movement has managed to stifle the exploration and recovery of crude oil for over 40 years!
The first refinery in over 35 years is just now being built with great opposition from the environmental zealots.
The Arabs read the newspapers, scan the Internet and watch TV, and they realize that the voting public in the USA is getting tired and anxious over the high cost of gasoline and natural gas. Diesel, that is used primarily to keep food products moving to the market is more costly than gasoline. As a result the cost of food and everything associated with delivery of foods and products are sky rocketing. People are having to cut back on their grocery purchases to pay for gasoline to get to work!
The Arabs know Americans are sick off it, and fear that the "sleeping giant" that is the "silent majority" in America, is waking up!It will not be long before voters are screaming to drill for oil here in the United states. Bumper stickers are being printed now with just the word,"Drill Now"!
Americans want clean air, but they must eat and go to work, and realize that energy deposits under our own soil and off shore could make us independent of the Arabs in 10 to 20 years if Congress would just listen to them not the leftist ecology zealots!
If Congress doesn't open up the locks that have been placed on the drilling and refining of crude oil, they will have a revolution on their hands. No, not a shooting revolution, but a revolution that will clean house of all those who cater to Environmental lobbies and not the will of the people.
As once was said, "open your windows and say I have had enough"! Drill now!!!!!
Related Links
Scramble for oil as price continues to rise
Oil price leap fuels stagflation fear
Brazil dazzled by promise of new oil riches
Market fundamentals did not justify the rise in oil prices, said the cabinet statement, adding that it had asked Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi to call a meeting to discuss the issue
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - "Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich defied his party leadership on Monday by calling for the impeachment of U.S. President George W. Bush for launching the Iraq war -- but his move was not expected to go anywhere".
The Ohio representative outlined his intention to propose more than two dozen charges against Bush on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.He has no partner in this travesty as House Democratic leaders have repeatedly said, since winning control of the chamber in the 2006 elections, that they would not consider any effort to remove Bush from office.
Kucinich, a former presidential candidate, accused Bush executing a "calculated and wide-ranging strategy" to deceive citizens and Congress into believing that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States".
This move to impeach the President is despite the Speaker of the House's admonition not to try to pass a Bill of Impeachment against Bush. Liberals,aka,Socialists, like Kucinich, take no orders from anyone in their quest to destroy what they perceive as an obstacle to their quest for total government control over our lives.
He is notable for his unpatriotic actions that include visiting Syria's president al-Assad, voting against the Patriot Act, being the only Congressman voting against the Resolution honoring the victims of 9/11. He also voted against Rothman-Kirk Resolution calling the UN to declare Mahmoud Ahmmadinejad guilty of genocide. He and Ron Paul were the only ones to vote against this resolution!
Despite his hatred for Bush, as evident from his lame attempt to impeach him. This weasel of a man voted against the Impeachment of President Clinton! But he signed a letter of solidarity, along with other Congressional leftists, in 2004 showing support for Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. A hater of Bush and America, who supports Hamas and al-Qaeda!
The list of anti-American actions goes on, but the above list should give you enough information to deduce that this man is a disgrace to the Congress of the United States and an example of how screwed up Cleveland must be, to send this little worm to Congress.
Today is the 71st anniversary of the execution, by Joseph Stalin, of eight of his General Staff for conspiracy against Stalin. Kucinich should be glad he lives in a country that allows the freedom to speak his mind , no matter how heinous his words are. If he lived where he would like to take the USA, he would be taken out and hanged or shot!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The world of professional sports is being rocked to it's very depths by a former referee of the National Basket Ball Association, aka.NBA.
The allegations about the 2002 series were contained in a letter filed by a lawyer for Donaghy, who pleaded guilty last year to felony charges alleging he took cash payoffs from gamblers and bet on games himself. Donaghy, 41, faces up to 33 months in prison at sentencing on July 14.
Without identifying anyone or naming teams, Donaghy also claimed the NBA routinely encouraged refs to ring up bogus fouls to manipulate results but discouraged them from calling technical fouls on star players to keep them in games and protect ticket sales and television ratings FOR WHICH THE LEAGUE RECEIVES BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EACH YEAR.
"If the NBA wanted a team to succeed, league officials would inform referees that opposing players were getting away with violations," the letter said. "Referees then would call fouls on certain players, frequently resulting in victory for the opposing team."
Donaghy's lawyer has sought to convince a federal judge in Brooklyn that Donaghy, of Bradenton, Fla., deserves more credit for coming forward before he was charged to disclose behind-the-scenes misconduct within the NBA. The letter, filed Monday, suggests prosecutors have hurt Donaghy's chances for a lesser prison term by downplaying the extent of his cooperation.
Both Donaghy's attorney, John Lauro, and prosecutors declined comment.
The league said the scandal was limited to Donaghy and two co-defendants, both former high school classmates who also pleaded guilty to gambling charges. source: My Way News
The denials are to be expected, but as a professional sports fan who now has switched to the College sports, because I have suspected for more than a few years that professional sports administration( Commissioners) has decided that they are in the entertainment business not he sport business.
As a result the basketball, baseball and football professional game, are filled with alleged criminal associates and people who despite repeatedly violating the laws regarding steroid use, are allowed to continue playing. The career of Ricky Williams, Rodney Harrison,and Shawne Merriman in football, and baseball's current home run king are examples.
Too many games have been decided in the hands of officials. Questionable calls at critical times, usually at a deciding point of the game, has led me to doubt the honesty of the game.
There are billions of dollars bet on professional sports. It is too bizarre to believe that this huge pool of money bet every week has not been tapped into by professional gamblers!
Th players make millions and the officials work for "peanuts". All in the same game, that makes the league administration hundreds of millions each year.Why not give the officials a chance to make a "tidy sum" on critical games? This is the place where organized crime could find an opening!
My point is not that all officials are guilty of "managing" the game. All it takes is few officials who officiate "key" games each week. Games that attract a lot of attention, especially gamblers!
But the players should not be given a free pass either. There are too many instances when good receivers short arm receptions for an incomplete pass at a critical point of the game. Or a missed block on a pass play could result in a fumble or a lose close to the goal line. Players must be included in any investigation of "funny business" in professional sports.
I don't usually advocate government interference, but some independent unbiased agency should look into what I believe has become the biggest attraction for the "mob" since prohibition!

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
IS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE A CITIZEN?« previous entry | next entry »
Jun. 11th, 2008 | 03:49 pm
The following quote was posted on the internet today by a man named Geraghty. It raises, if true, a condition that would make Obama unqualified to be President. I am not posting this with the full knowledge of the story being true, but to prompt bloggers all over the Country to demand that Obama produces his birth certificate. If he does, and it proves he was born in Hawaii to a citizen of the USA. It will put to rest one more troubling issue about Obama's past,that he wishes us to not bring up.
If he refuses, then the Democrats running the party should declare an "open" convention, before they get caught with "egg on their collective faces"!
Bloggers are raising questions about Illinois Senator,Barack Obama's qualifications to be U.S. president, because of the secrecy over his birth certificate, and the requirement that presidents be "natural-born" U.S. citizens.
"The reports released to date show Obama was born in Honolulu to Barack Hussein Obama Sr., of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, of Wichita, Kan."
According to, which is cited by Geraghty, the requirements that were in force from Dec. 24, 1952 to Nov. 13, 1986, encompassing the time of Obama's birth, state, "If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least 10 years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16."
He then points out Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, was 18 when Obama was born "so she wouldn't have met the requirement of five years after the age of 16."
Obama's father, a student sent to the United States from Africa, lived several places in the United States and then returned to Kenya where he was killed in an auto accident.

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
The President is elected by the Electoral College. He is not elected by the total popular vote as is the case for all most all other government elections.This is because we are a Republic not a Democracy where majority rules. If we were then politicians would only have to campaign in the most populous cities and ignore those of us in the less populated areas.Besides, the electoral collage system for Presidential elections is part of article II, section I of the U.S. Constitution.
When you vote in the primary election for your candidate for President, you are actually voting for the "electors" who are members of the Electoral College.The electors cast their votes after the general election is finished and report to Congress the result.
In fact once the new Electoral College is elected, they are not bound by law to vote for the man or woman selected by those whom they are elected for. They have the right to change their minds. History shows us Since the founding of the Electoral College, there have been 156 faithless Electors. 71 of these votes were changed because the original candidate died before the day on which the Electoral College cast their votes. Three of the votes were not cast at all as three Electors chose to abstain from casting their Electoral vote for any candidate. The other 82 Electoral votes were changed on the personal initiative of the Elector.
Sometimes Electors change their votes in large groups, such as when 23 Virginia Electors acted together in 1836. Many times, however, these Electors stood alone in their decision. As of the 2000 election, no Elector has changed the outcome of an election by voting against their party’s designated candidate.
Despite these 156 faithless votes, and a Supreme Court ruling allowing states to empower political parties to require formal pledges from Presidential Electors (Ray v Blair, 343 US 214), 21 states still do not require their members of the Electoral College to vote for their party's designated candidate.
In all other elections the person who gets the majority of votes wins the election. Some States reqire a person to be elected by 50% plus one of the votes cast, but generally the person who wins the popular vote, wins!
This year the popular vote has apparently been won in the Democrat Party by Hilary Clinton. Obama has apparently obtained the majority of electors to garner thw nomination. The issue rests with the deciions made about the allocation of more than 5% of the electors. These "Super Delegates" exist in both parties, but more so in the Democrat party.
The Super Delegates are State Governors, elected Congress persons, party officials and many more dignitaries. They don't appear on the ballot, but are annointed to the Electoral College by their position of power!
To complicate the situation in the Democrat party. The head of the Democrat party, Dr. Dean, decreed that he would punish those States of Michigan and Florida that held their primaries before the date the Democrat party selected. Eventually, he decided to cut their elected primary electors in half. Never mind States Rights!
Because of this decision, in the end the Florida electors have a voting weight of only half their numbers. Dr. Dean and his ilk thereby assured that Obama would garner enough electors to win the nomination. This despite the fact that Hillary won all electors in Florida!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Two Leftists Used Change For Their Message

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
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Jun. 9th, 2008 | 05:56 pm
Karl Marx was an amoral relativist and secular humanist, who was the designer and indirect accomplice in the demise of what we call "common sense".
He was the "father of the bastard children of the twisted ideologies of multi-cultural ism with the phony emphasis on "diversity".
Most of our public school teachers, at all levels, are doctrinaire leftists, who apparently worship at the feet of Marx. Thus we have college freshman who can only read at an eight grade level. And mathematics has become a lost ability. If you don't believe me, go into a convenience store and buy an item that costs $11.83, and watch the young person struggle with change for a twenty dollar bill!
When Marx died in March of 1883 his tombstone, that was built and paid for by the Communist party in 1953, had the following words carved on it below the heading, "WORKERS OF ALL LANDS UNITE“
Where have you heard the word "CHANGE" used lately?
It is strange that so many Jews in America appear to be followers of,if not Marx himself, at least the basic principals of humanism and secularism.
In his paper ON THE JEWISH QUESTION, he wrote, "let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the real emancipation of our time".
Sounds a lot like the mentor and Pastor of the Democrat Presidential nominee, Reverend Wright!
"We need to take faith seriously not simply to block the religious right but to engage all persons of faith in the larger project of American renewal". So says Obama in his "Audacity of Hope" book, and it sounds strangely similar to a quote of Marx. "Religion is the opiate of the people".
Karl Marx seemed to regard religion as one of the toughest roadblocks to mounting and sustaining a proper revolution by the proletariat. That the masses would continue to stubbornly cling to their religions, placing their hope in God rather than man, was evidently one the more disturbing aspects of his quest for a Communist society.source:Wikapedia
This sounds strangely similar to the comments OF OBAMA about people IN SMALL TOWN AMERICA where residents “cling to guns and religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them".
Should freedom loving Americans take a chance on a man who acts and sounds like the modern day equivalent of Karl Marx?
Monday, June 09, 2008

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
Not since the beginning of Christianity, have people exhorted others to believe and follow! The 12 Apostles and their contemporaries Matthew, Mark, Like and John spent their lives until they were martyred extolling the virtues and rewards of following and believing in Jesus Christ. For over 2000 years people have followed and believed the teachings of the Jesus. Not all have accepted his message of Peace, love, Mercy and Hope, but billions have.
Now comes Barrack Hussein Obama with his promise of CHANGE if you will elect him. His Campaign Web site "Obama 08" has this message at the top. "I am asking you to believe".
One of the pop-up pages directs you to the Obama site called "Turn The Page On Iraq"
It starts out by stating that he was apposed to the war in Iraq before it began and he lists four points to end the conflict if only people will elect him President.
The first three are consistent with what he has said on the campaign trail all along. He would Pull out all troops one or two brigades at a time after he is inaugurated. He would call for a new Constitutional Convention to re-write the Iraqi Constitution, and thirdly he would have diplomatic meetings with all the surounding country's leaders. This would of course include Syria and Iran who have declare the USA and Israel as the Great Satan, and have avowed to destroy us!
But the real shocker is the fourth and final STEP! "He would take immediate steps to confront the humanitarian disaster in Iraq, and hold accountable any perpetrators of WAR CRIMES"!
No where does this statement mention al Qaeda or the terrorists from Iran who have been responsible for the killing of thousands of the Iraqi people with their bombs.
It sounds like a slogan from Amnesty International or many of the "peace" groups who have repeatedly accused President Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney of war crimes.
The only person who was guilty of crimes against his own people, was Saddam Hussein, and he has been tried, found guilty and hanged. Our effort has been one of release from tyranny the people of Iraq, and it is a noble effort for which over four thousand have given their lives. They are all volunteers, not draftees or conscripy soldiers. Many who have gone back numerous times after their tours were over to finish what our Warriors believe is a just cause!
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