The most recent report released Friday from, The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, reveals that the USA is not the World's largest polluter of the atmosphere as many would like you to believe. Rather, it is a country that for no good apparent reason, was exempt along with India, from the protocols and restrictions dictated at the Kyoto Global Warming Conference.
China has now clearly overtaken the United States as the world's leading emitter of climate-warming gases, a new study has found. The increasing emissions from China - up 8 percent in the past year - accounted for two-thirds of the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions in 2007, the study found.
The difference had grown to a 14 percent difference, and that's indeed quite large," said Jos Olivier, a senior scientist at the Dutch agency. "It's now so large that it's quite a robust conclusion."
"Worse, China's emissions are likely to continue growing substantially for years to come, because they are tied to the country's strong economic growth and its particular mix of industry and power sources", the researchers said. Source" The International Herald Tribune
It is interesting to note that while the United Nations is pressing USA diplomats to reduce emissions of coal fired plants,80 percent of the world's coal demand comes from China, according to the International Energy Agency.
With the high price of oil and gas more processing plants, especially those in countries without nuclear power generators, are looking to coal for a more economic way to produce energy in the form of electricity. This brings with it a Catch 22 situation for our military-industrial complex!
For decades, oil was too cheap. Until 1999, a barrel went for less than $10. Of course, rising economies like China, India, Russia and Brazil have stimulated demand, driving up the price of oil. But what really changed the market/price, were the big pension and investment funds.
Searching for secure and long-term returns, major investors turned their attention to the commodities indexes, investments that promised substantially higher returns than investing in the stock market. The more the funds invested, the higher the prices went, especially since the market for speculative commodities securities is very small. Even minor shifts in the portfolios of large mutual funds can quickly drive up the price of oil.
With the knowledge of the above facts, as the weeks and months go by, it becomes more and more apparent that the whole Global Warming scheme is a bait and switch method of redistribution of wealth from the countries who have wealth to those so called "third world countries".
The demand of trillions of dollars to help "poor" countries to cope with the high cost of food resulting from conversion of food grains to bio-fuels is just one of the redistribution schemes hatched by the cadre of "One Worlders" behind this movement.
Then there are those who have jumped on the "band wagon" because of the carbon credits scheme that can be manipulated as is the commodities market today with the oil crisis.
Lost in the shuffle of all this high powered planning is the average tax paying American. Who speaks for him? Not the Congress of the USA while controlled by Democrats in the pocket of Environmentalists, and the RINOs of the same ilk!
Time for Americans to wake -up and get rid of those schemers in Washington who have lost touch with us church going, bible carrying gun owners! Time to clean house or get ready to lose the fight for freedoms!
Dr Richard Pike, a former oil industry consultant and now the chief executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: "Rather than only getting 20 to 30 billion barrels [from the North Sea] we are probably looking at more than twice that amount."
His analysis is supported by petroleum experts who believe there are some 300 fields off the coast of Britain still to be explored and tapped properly. If energy prices continue to soar, companies will become increasingly willing to tap previously uneconomic oil fields.
Dr Pike claims that the industry knows the true figures but refuses to release them because of commercial secrecy.
The mental hospitals,sadly,are mostly closed and outpatient treatment is obviously a complete failure for these self serving,full of themseves nutcases.Unfortunately,they are driving humanity,as we know it,closer and closer to total collapse.Money and material garbage, unfortunately, does not create wisdom which our foolish secular world wrongly worships as the signs of intellectuality and success.The Peacock is very impresive when he struts around and spreads his beautiful tail feathers but has about as much intelligence as do the great pretenders of improving humanity.
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