Denial and rationalization by those American liberals who can no longer distinguish right from wrong and are wedded to the concept of multiculturalism will be the undoing of this great Country unless we realize that the only way we can neutralize the threat of Radical Islam is to destroy it from within.
Joseph Stalin said "We don't have to defeat the United States militarily, we will destroy it from within".
The same logic applies to places like Iran and Syria. Instead of bombing them back into the stone age or putting tens of thousands of "boots on the ground" to defeat them. We should be using every covert availability to encourage the dissatisfied Mullahs and general populace in both Countries to over throw the autocratic and dictatorial governments presently in power.
This doesn't mean I support the call by the Democrats in Congress to withdraw our troops from Iraq, but I don't think it is possible to defeat radical Islamists militarily unless we gain the support internally from the moderate Muslims in these Countries.
We cannot force internal stability, it must come from within, spearheaded by those who wish to rid themselves of the autocratic rule of the despots who have control. In Iran this is possible with CIA and covert support to those identified as in opposition to the status quo.
Jihad has two phases: The Greater Jihad that is "spiritual warfare against the lower self" and the lesser jihad:"war against non-Muslims until they become Muslims or pay the "Jizya" poll tax, or be killed.
We can't and should not attempt to have them renounce their religion, but with covert and positive "propaganda" we should be able to induce them to renounce the " lesser jihad". Failing this we will have to bomb them back to the stone age as we did to Germany and Japan!