Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Only Way To Win The War

The man who postulated the "theory of relativity", Albert Einstein, said "The world is a dangerous place because of those who look on and do nothing, not those who do evil".
Denial and rationalization by those American liberals who can no longer distinguish right from wrong and are wedded to the concept of multiculturalism will be the undoing of this great Country unless we realize that the only way we can neutralize the threat of Radical Islam is to destroy it from within.
Joseph Stalin said "We don't have to defeat the United States militarily, we will destroy it from within".
The same logic applies to places like Iran and Syria. Instead of bombing them back into the stone age or putting tens of thousands of "boots on the ground" to defeat them. We should be using every covert availability to encourage the dissatisfied Mullahs and general populace in both Countries to over throw the autocratic and dictatorial governments presently in power.
This doesn't mean I support the call by the Democrats in Congress to withdraw our troops from Iraq, but I don't think it is possible to defeat radical Islamists militarily unless we gain the support internally from the moderate Muslims in these Countries.
We cannot force internal stability, it must come from within, spearheaded by those who wish to rid themselves of the autocratic rule of the despots who have control. In Iran this is possible with CIA and covert support to those identified as in opposition to the status quo.
Jihad has two phases: The Greater Jihad that is "spiritual warfare against the lower self" and the lesser jihad:"war against non-Muslims until they become Muslims or pay the "Jizya" poll tax, or be killed.
We can't and should not attempt to have them renounce their religion, but with covert and positive "propaganda" we should be able to induce them to renounce the " lesser jihad". Failing this we will have to bomb them back to the stone age as we did to Germany and Japan!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Aid And Comfort To Our Enemy From Congress


The impending passage in the House of Representatives of resolution stating rejection of President Bushs' deployment of 21,000 more troops to Iraq. Spearheaded by an ex-Marine who should know better, and a "wannabe" Queen, Nancy Pelosi, which has no actual power and all political posturing to satisfy the ultra left supporters who got these "cretins" elected to the majority in Congress last November. Will be applauded in the hidden enclaves of the Islamic terrorists our brave armed forces are attempting to defeat in Iraq. It is a national disgrace.At the very best, this action is a display of power by the new "leadership" in the House of Representatives, and at its' worst it is giving "Aid and Comfort" to an avowed enemy!Representative Murtha, a decorated ex-Marine, who has apparently forgot what it feels like to be encircled with supplies and ammunition running out and no hope of help coming in time, or he would run not walk away from such a dastardly proposal. Instead he is a guest on NPR and brags about stopping our troops in their tracks with the legislation he, Pelosi and their ilk have put forward. From hero to traitor in such a short time, and for what?
He might as well be voting to fund Muqtada al Sadrs' "mahdi" army, since this legislation will only give credence to Islamist Osama bin Ladins description of America as "a paper tiger" with no stomach for a fight! Shame on you Democrats and "weak kneed" Republicans that supported this shameful legislation!

Open Borders Coming Soon!

With the "MSM" and Democratic controlled Congress incessantly calling for Our withdrawal from Iraq the probability of another inundation of refugees to this Country is imminent.
Lost in the conversation about the Mexican illegal immigration across our southern borders is a little publicized fact that President Bush sign an Executive order in 2005 that has allowed 100,000 Muslims from the Middle East, North Africa and Asia to be granted political asylum.
Now the news comes from Washington that President Bush will allow 20,000 Iraqis "political asylum" this year without any "screening" of the refugees for "sleeper" Islamist sympathizers. This is just the beginning of the flood that will occur if the Left is successful in forcing a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.
Not only will withdrawal be a "Victory" for al Qaeda and Islamic radicals, but it will open a vacuum in Iraq which will rapidly be filled with Sunnis and Shiites battling each other for control. The blood bath that will follow will be genocide for anyone suspected of co-operating with U.S. forces during our occupation.
Even if we only withdraw our troops to Kurdish held portions of Iraq, as has been suggested, we will be unable to stop the mass murder of civilians.
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims will be scrambling to get out of Iraq, and since France and Great Britain have a large population of Muslims in their Country which are beginning to cause social problems. We can expect that the majority of the Iraqi immigrants will head our way . Undoubtedly with the help of our military air planes and Naval ships.
Can we afford to allow unlimited potential sympathizers of Islamic fascism entrance to our country without screening them before and after they arrive? With the political correctness we live with and the assistance of organizations as "CAIR" you know screening will not happen.
While we contemplate withdrawal, we should look to France to see what happened there since their Muslim population has exceeded 10% of their population. Street riots and formation of separate"ghettos" with Sharia law prevailing is a distinct possibility if we are inundated with refugees from Iraq. Is it really a good idea to withdraw?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

While Democrats Debate U.S.Troops Advance

While Pelosi and Murtha plod forward with their legislative effort to stop the deployment of more troops to Iraq, and Senator Reid and his ilk have been handed their first defeat with the negative vote on a attempt to stop the Presidents proposal. The "Striker Brigades" are fanning out over "hot spots" of terrorist activity in and around Baghdad going house to house. These groups of 2500 to 3000 troops have only one mission. Find the terrorists and their leadership and kill or capture them to stop the violence and destruction they are waging against their own Countrymen.
The only problem with this effort is that the first and second echelon of the Mahdi Army of Moqtada al-Sadr has fled to safe haven in Iran. This fact was reported by Michael Howard of "The London Guardian", and confirmed by the Advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister later today.
The BBC News also reported that radical Cleric Sadr
has sought refuge in Iran.
It appears that not only have the Iranians given hundreds of Austrian made 50 caliber guns, able to pierce armour plating, but are giving haven to those sought by our valiant troops until the appeasement Democratic Congress can force withdrawal of our troops.
Then the Mahdi army and the Iranians will invade Iraq and commit genocide on any and all those who cooperated with the U.S. This sounds strangely similar to the Viet Cong attacking our troops in the sixties in Viet Nam, and then withdrawing to safe haven in Cambodia where bureaucrats forbid our military to pursue them.
Vladamir Putin speaking in Germany this week said:" If U.S.were to leave and abandon Iraq without establishing the grounds for a united and sovereign country, that would be their second mistake. Even Putin who like our "Old Media" and Congressional appeasers, believes the first mistake was invading Iraq. Feels a withdrawal would be disastrous.
When will the American people wake up and realize that withdrawal will not appease the Islamist Terrorist.? It will only give them another place, beside Iran and Syria, to build weapons of mass destruction to be used against the U.S. and Israel. It will also give another "black eye" to the U.S. Military. Further giving reinforcement to the theory of Islamists that the U.S. is nothing but "a paper tiger". We must not let the leftist media and "wannabe" 60's anti-war movement win this battle. Ours' and Israels' safety and way of life depends on the winnig this war not capitulation as was done in Viet Nam.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Iraq War Needs An Ernie Pyle

The news from Iraq seen on TV and read in the mainstream and not so mainstream newspapers is best described as "Bad News". The leftist media has concentrated on the "horrible atrocities" committed by our gallant soldiers and the "tremendous loss of life of the Iraqi civilians caused by our military aggression."Such traitors as Huston born Dahr Jamail, anti-Bush, anti-war in Iraq activist who has written for "The Nation and contributed to "Pacifica Radio", both hard leftist oracles, has spent his four visits, totaling 8 months, in Iraq taking photos of sick and wounded Iraqis, and reporting favorably on his interview of the program editor of Al-Jazeera, Samir Khadis. His reports never mention anything good being done for the Iraqi people. The schools they have built, the water and electricity restored to many parts of Iraq are left unmentioned by a man who has dedicated his "journalistic" effort on degrading our troops and especially President Bush.
There are too many regular contributors to the news from Iraq who we see everyday on the main network TV stations to mention in this blog. You all know who they are. The point is Lenin was correct when he called the media"useful idiots"!
With the exception of Col. Oliver North a recipient of the Silver star, Bronze star and two Purple hearts for action in Vietnam, reports are incessantly negative in an effort to cause the loss of will to persevere in the American Public.
Oliver North not unlike Ernie Pyle gets right into the groups of Marines who go to battle, in "harms way", not reporting from a safe green zone. His insightful reports like Ernie Pyle show the courage and valor of the men and women who fight for what they know is right. The defeat of Radical Islamic terrorists.
Ernie Pyle was killed by a sniper while covering the battle on a little island off Okinawa called la Shiva, and is buried along side two unknown soldiers in the Military Cemetery inside the Punch Bowl on Oahu, Hawaii.
I had the privilege of visiting his grave site when the ship I was stationed aboard made a port of call at Ford Island. Little did I realize back then in the years when Journalists did everything they could do to help the war effort with their writing. That a day would come when Journalists and "wannabee"Pulitzer prize winners would turn on our fighting men and their Commander in Chief as they have done.
Ernie Pyle through his efforts got a law passed in Congress that adjusted the pay of those soldiers in "harms Way" to an increase of 50% for "fight pay". Where are the Ernie Pyles'of today? Only a few brave Patriots labor in the war zone of Iraq to report victories and progress toward the defeat of a dreaded enemy.