Lost in the conversation about the Mexican illegal immigration across our southern borders is a little publicized fact that President Bush sign an Executive order in 2005 that has allowed 100,000 Muslims from the Middle East, North Africa and Asia to be granted political asylum.
Now the news comes from Washington that President Bush will allow 20,000 Iraqis "political asylum" this year without any "screening" of the refugees for "sleeper" Islamist sympathizers. This is just the beginning of the flood that will occur if the Left is successful in forcing a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.
Not only will withdrawal be a "Victory" for al Qaeda and Islamic radicals, but it will open a vacuum in Iraq which will rapidly be filled with Sunnis and Shiites battling each other for control. The blood bath that will follow will be genocide for anyone suspected of co-operating with U.S. forces during our occupation.
Even if we only withdraw our troops to Kurdish held portions of Iraq, as has been suggested, we will be unable to stop the mass murder of civilians.

Can we afford to allow unlimited potential sympathizers of Islamic fascism entrance to our country without screening them before and after they arrive? With the political correctness we live with and the assistance of organizations as "CAIR" you know screening will not happen.
While we contemplate withdrawal, we should look to France to see what happened there since their Muslim population has exceeded 10% of their population. Street riots and formation of separate"ghettos" with Sharia law prevailing is a distinct possibility if we are inundated with refugees from Iraq. Is it really a good idea to withdraw?
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