Saturday, July 05, 2008



July 04, 2008 Forgery Revealed in Kos Publication of Obama 'Birth Certificate' AUTHOR: Rick Moran
"This is an issue that isn't going away for the Obama campaign and unless they address it in an effort to put it to bed, it will become one of those "distractions" the candidate really hates: A few weeks ago, a diary entry at Daily Kos published several documents purporting to be Obama's birth certificate. One of those documents is now a confirmed forgery, ferreted out by the website Israeli Insider:

Jay McKinnon, a self-described Department of Homeland Security-trained document specialist, has implicated himself in the production of fake Hawaii birth certificate images similar to the one endorsed as genuine by the Barack Obama campaign, and appearing on the same Daily Kos blog entry where the supposedly authentic document appears.

The evidence of forgery and manipulation of images of official documents, triggered by Israel Insider's revelation of the collection of Hawaii birth certificate images on the Photobucket site and the diligent detective work of independent investigative journalists (led by JimJ and Texas Darling) and imaging professionals such as Polarik in the three weeks since the publication of the images, implicate The Daily Kos, a "progressive" blog site, and the Obama campaign's "Fight the Smears" website, in misleading the public with official-looking but manipulated document images of doubtful provenance. Moreover, the blog and the campaign have been negligent in allowing the promotion of obviously forged and fake official documents together with the purported image of Obama's birth certificate".

It seems to me that each week there is another flip-flop on policy or a revelation of questionable associates in Obama's past.
Is the Obama campaign beginning to unravel? The answer if you rely on the MSM reporting, is certainly not, as they continue the incessant negative reporting of McCain's positions. They even had the Gall to make a big story about the "Judas" generals comments that the prisoner of war status of John McCain, was not an asset to being president.

This is a story that is ongoing, and answers must be forthcoming!

Friday, July 04, 2008


The Federal Government is reducing the amount paid to Doctors for treating medicare patients by 10.6% as of last Monday, and there is a scheduled 5% reduction scheduled for 2009.

Because this is becoming a financial burden many private practice doctors are unwilling to absorb, many are opting out of the Medicare program.
In Texas it is a real problem. There are only about 38% of general practice physicians now participating in the Medicare program. In 1990 there were at least 90% of the Texas physicians participating in the program. This bodes poorly for many senior citizens and those about to become eligible for medicare.

Were the 10.6 percent cut and an additional 5 percent cut scheduled for January 2009 to go through, Texas doctors, and in most other states, would lose approximately 18,000 dollars treating the elderly and disabled over the next 18 months.
Congress is mired in partisan bickering about how to pay for the additional funding both parties agree is necessary, already missed a June 30 deadline to prevent the 10.6 percent cut.

The Senate voted last week not to take up legislation passed by the House,that would have dipped into a Medicare pool of money that currently goes to private, fee-for-service insurers and use it for the traditional Medicare program. President Bush had vowed to veto that bill.

Still, Congress is expected to reach a quick compromise next week — partly because neither party wants to alienate millions of seniors voting in November.
Texas Sens. John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison say they're hopeful about the prospects of a bipartisan resolution.

But the resolution is widely seen as another Band-Aid, not the fundamental reform that doctors say is needed so battles don't keep coming up annually.
Physicians say the problem is a statutory formula that leaves less money to go around as more people use the program. Left intact, they say, the formula would reduce reimbursements by 40 percent over the next nine years.
Among those who agree with doctors is Cornyn.

Instead of reforming the system, Cornyn said Tuesday in a letter to his Senate colleagues, Congress has made "a never-ending series of patchwork fixes that were inefficient and costly and caused undue hardship on everyone involved."
Real consideration of the legislation is not expected to come until a new Congress takes over in January.

I have an idea where the Congress can discover some of the money needed to keep funding the medicare program at it's present level.
Congress spends the following amounts of your tax dollars supporting America's own genocide, abortion!
In 2003, Planned Parenthood Federation of America extinguished the lives of 244,628 unborn babies — making the organization more deadly than leukemia, brain cancer, skin cancer, diabetes, car accidents, Alzheimer’s disease, and HIV/AIDS combined.

Even the United Nations statement on World Birth Control , says nothing about funding as you can see from this: "All couples and individuals have the right to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have access to the information and means to do so."

Cancer kills a little over five hundred thousand lives a year, but abortion is the number one killer in the USA. Over 1.5million baby's are aborted each year.To this the Saintly Mother Theresa had this to say: "America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts--a child--as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience".
--Mother Theresa -- 2.25.94

How much of Planned Parenthood's activities are paid for by us as taxpayers? In its 2003-2004 annual report, Planned Parenthood announced that it had received more than $265 million in government grants and contracts for just that one year. This is nothing new. In the seven years from 1997 to 2003, Planned Parenthood received more than $1.49 billion from American taxpayers. Tragically, in its annual reports, the organization also admits that it has performed 1,398,574 abortions during that time period alone.

But America’s unsuspecting taxpayers have not only financed the abortion industry giant’s disturbing agenda, we have helped Planned Parenthood to accumulate profits of more than $350 million in just those seven years.
2003-2004 ... $ 35.2 million in tax money
2002-2003 ... $ 36.6 million in tax money
2001-2002 ... $ 12.2 million in tax money
2000-2001 ... $ 38.9 million in tax money
1999-2000 .. $ 59.5 million in tax money
1998-1999 ... $125.8 million in tax money
1997-1998 ... $ 42.1 million in tax money
If all these millions were not given to the abortion industry the government would have the money to keep the covenant they made to US senior citizens when they passed the medicare Bill.

The "right to choose" does not guarantee the right to have the Federal Government(aka: the taxpayers) pay for the abortion! The choice was made when the woman got pregnant, and the bill is hers to pay, if her conscience or lack of, allows her to kill the baby growing in the place that should be the most safe place in the world, a mother's womb.

The time has come for all senior citizens to start a movement to defund Planned Parenthood and the international programs that fund abortions. The money would be more well spent saving lives, than killing them!

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty.
They will need all our prayers if Senator "flip-flop" gets elected in November!

TODAY,In Fargo North Dakota, Obama made another verbal move to the center of the political spectrum. With his extreme left of center voting record, and his promises to the anti-war zealots,that allowed him to defeat the anointed favorite, Hillary Clinton. Obama's handlers have tacked to the right on Iraq to try to court those of us who believe withdrawal would lead to genocide in Iraq.

Obama opened the door Thursday to altering his plan to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq immediately after his election, as he repeatedly promised during the campaign. He said in Fargo, that based based upon what he hears from military commanders during his upcoming trip to Iraq, he will reformulate his withdrawal plans.

This is just one more "flip-flop" Obama has made since garnering the magic number of electoral delegates to almost guarantee his nomination, in Denver, on the first ballot.

Alex Conant had this comment about the most recent "flip-flop".
"There appears to be no issue that Barack Obama is not willing to reverse himself on for the sake of political expedience,Obama's Iraq problem undermines the central premise of his candidacy and shows him to be a typical politician." Conant is a spokesperson for the Republican National Committee, but he is saying what many Americans must be asking themselves. "How much is Obama willing to betray those who got him to where he is today, and how much can we trust him to not betray us all for his personal agenda? This is a question that needs answering!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.

The Jewish religion has always held that their is sanctity in human life. For this reason many who are active in the movement to abolish capital punishment are Jews.
It is with the background of this belief system that I write this blog.
There is a certain dichotomy in the blind following of a man who strongly believes in the "right" to kill a baby that survives an abortion, and the position that holds life is a sacred gift from "I AM WHO AM".

The following is an excerpt from "Jews Choosing Life", by Matthew Berke.
"The sanctity and infinite worth of every human being is a quintessential Jewish value, grounded in the biblical notion that man is made in the image and likeness of God. According to the Mishnah (Sanhedrin 4:5): "Whoever destroys one life is as if he destroyed a whole world, and whoever preserves a life is as if he preserved the whole world."

Against this background, it is ironic and vexatious for many pro–life activists that American Jews tend to line up on the "pro–choice" side in the struggle over abortion. "Affirming the Sanctity of Human Life," a conference held last November 12 in Washington, D.C., brought together a hundred or so Jews who are troubled by the Jewish community’s stance toward the unborn, particularly concerning the gruesome late–term procedure known as "partial–birth abortion.
Rabbi Moses A. Birnbaum, from Long Island, NY, ha this to say: "there is much misgiving and guilt in the Jewish community over partial–birth abortion, and people are hungering for an authentic Jewish response. Although Jews cannot, like Catholics, accept a total ban on all abortions, according to Rabbi Birnbaum, it is imperative to "unite with our Christian brothers and sisters" against partial–birth, "a procedure unique in its total violation of Jewish law" and "tantamount to infanticide." He said Jews should not worry about partial–birth legislation leading to a wider ban on abortion, but should consider one issue at a time. He decried the "mantra of choice," arguing that sometimes people must simply "choose life—the best choice of all, the only choice."

I believe that because of the flip-flops taken by Obama on the Palestinian-Israeli problem, and his stance on partial birth abortion(murder), many orthodox and reform Jews will choose to stay home in November. They cannot bring themselves to vote Republican, nor can they vote for a man who violates their religious beliefs.

In every significant interaction in Obama's adult life with those who disdain and vilify Israel - from Rashid Khalidi to Reverend Jeremiah Wright to Louis Farrakhan - Obama has demonstrated passive resignation and indifference.

He did not stand up to his friend Khalidi, the Palestinian activist, professor and former Palestinian spokesman whom Obama honored at a farewell dinner, and object to Palestinian invectives that Israel was an apartheid state. He did not recoil, until Wright insulted him at the National Press Club, from Wright when he learned that Wright considered Israel a "dirty word" and postulated that Israel had invented an "ethnic bomb."

He did not heed (or was oblivious to) public pleas from Jewish organizations to avoid the Million Man March that Farrakhan organized; nor did he years later leave his church when it honored Farrakhan. It took a hateful rant from another wide-eyed preacher against Hillary Clinton, just when Obama needed to cool intra-party animosities, to do that.

AND IF any further proof were needed, Obama's actions with regard to the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment, the measure to classify the Iranian National Guard as a terrorist organization, should settle the question of Obama's intestinal fortitude when it comes to Israel. An issue presented itself: a choice between, on the one hand, taking a stance against Israel's most vile enemy, Iran, and, on the other, appeasing the far Left of his own party.

Obama chose to satisfy the crowd and opposed the amendment. The amendment would have been "saber rattling" and unduly provocative, Obama argued at the time. Senators Dick Durbin, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and three quarters of the US Senate voted for the amendment. source: U.S. Senate Archives

Once his nomination was secured, Obama told those assembled at the AIPAC convention that he supported classification of the Iranian National Guard as a terrorist organization, a move he well understood was important to Israel's security and to AIPAC's members. Yet under just a smidgen of political pressure during the primary race, he had not been able to muster the will to support a modest measure which inured to Israel's benefit.

Is there anything in all this to suggest that in a potential crisis, when much of the world would be pressuring him to let Israel die, Obama would push all the naysayers aside and demand to "send them everything that can fly"? There is not a shred of evidence to suggest that he would be beyond persuasion when it came down to Israel's survival. In fact, all the available evidence indicates that the opposite is true. Source: Jerusalem PostThat does not mean Obama will not carry the majority of the Jewish vote. Jews are overwhelmingly Democratic, and it is certainly the case that for many American Jews the secular liberal agenda takes precedence over everything else in presidential politics.

For these voters, then, "1973" is not uppermost in their minds. Their devotion to liberalism is controlling, and for their own peace of mind they are willing to accept Obama's generic expressions of warm feelings toward Israel.

Indeed the temptation to believe in Obama's bland promises of support for Israel is a tempting one for liberal Jews. If they can convince themselves that he will be "fine on Israel," no conflict arises between their liberal impulses and their concern for Israel. The urge to believe is a powerful thing, especially when the alternative is an intellectual or moral quandary.

As Sandi Merle put it: "Ultimately, we will have to explain to our children, and our children’s children. L’dor va–dor, from generation to generation, we may have to explain the evil that lives after us."

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.


It is a day that most people will spend barbecuing, enjoying a day off from their jobs, but few will reflect upon those who gave their lives to establish a country that was independent of the "mother country", England.

In the United States, Independence Day (commonly known as the Fourth of July) is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

An estimated 25,000 American Revolutionaries died during active military service. About 8,000 of these deaths were in battle; the other 17,000 deaths were from disease, including about 8,000 - 12,000 who died while prisoners of war, most in rotting prison ships in New York. The number of Revolutionaries seriously wounded or disabled by the war has been estimated from 8,500 to 25,000. The total American military loses were most probably in the area of 50,000!

The British surrendered at Yorktown in 1781, but it wasn't until the Treaty of Paris in 1783, that the Revolutionary war was officially over.
The Treaty of Paris, was signed on September 3, 1783, and approved by the Congress of the Confederation on January 14, 1784, formally ended the American Revolutionary War between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America, which had rebelled against British rule starting in 1775.




Rep. Robert Wexler of South Florida, sent an email to all the Jewish leaders assuring them that Obama is a strong supporter of Israel and they should support his election.
While he was doing this, Senator "I lost to the Swift Boats" Kerry, was in Israel meeting with key leaders of government to assure them that Obama is on their side.All this is in preparation for the announced visit by Obama to Israel sometime before the November election.

The root of the matter, as some observers of American Jewish politics see it, may be that Obama’s rhetoric and themes of reconciliation and common ground – the heart of his national popularity – sound off-key and even naive in the context of a grim, confrontational moment in the Middle East.

Obama’s substantively hard line on Israel has cost him friends among Chicago’s Palestinian activists. But his rhetoric has given the pro-Israel side pause. As Israel’s most vocal American allies see it, the divisions there aren’t about partisan name-calling: they’re about murder and the survival of a Jewish state. Faced with apparently implacable enemies like the Palestinian group Hamas and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, backers of Israel see little room for reconciliation, and little reason for hope.

The following quote is from the Jerusalem Post. It explains the dilemma Obama has with convincing many Jews that he is on their side. Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America had this to say:
“It was mystifying to me when [Obama] said that one of the reasons there isn’t peace in the Middle East is because of ‘cynicism.’ Cynicism? That’s the reason?” asked Morton Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America, a hard-liner who often gives voice to sentiments other Jewish leaders are more comfortable whispering “It makes me think that Barack Obama doesn’t understand the continuing Arab war against Israel.” Klein said he found the notion of an Obama presidency “frightening".
"Obama is regularly rated the “worst for Israel” of leading American presidential candidates by a panel assembled by the liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz. But Klein’s remarks, an open letter to Obama from an Iowa Jewish leader concerned that Obama had spoken of Palestinian suffering, and a host of more quietly expressed concerns, produce a certain weary frustration in Obama’s Jewish backers, who include prominent supporters of Israel.

Obama's past suggestion that the Israeli and Palestinian sides are equally to blame –for the protracted fighting is a matter for pause for Jews whom Obama courts for votes. This provoked the following from the editor of The New York Post, E.J. Kessler.

"Obama fails to understand the totalitarian politics and sensibilities of the folks over there, who are not well meaning".
Kessler,the New York Post editor who’s a longtime observer of American-Jewish politics, continued, “His approach will appeal to a lot of lefty Jews, but it won’t appeal to the serious players,” she said, referring to the better-organized and better funded groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Council, AIPAC.

Meanwhile, never mentioned before by the MSM, Obama's half sister gave a campaign speech to Asian americans in San Francisco.
Soetoro-Ng and Obama have different fathers and the same mother. Her father is Indonesian, his is Kenyan. Her husband is Chinese-Canadian.
The throng of Asian-American donors drew closer, drinks in hand, to hear Barack Obama's sister describe the wide arc of his life: beyond politics and Chicago, into his childhood in Indonesia and Hawaii.

Why have we not heard about his sister? Soetoro-Ng explained:
"Discussion of those ties has taken a back seat to the Obama campaign's efforts to win the Hispanic vote and his ability to rouse young and black voters. In spite of the drawn-out primary season, many voters have heard little about Obama's years in Jakarta — he lived there between 1967 and 1971, while his mother was married to Soetoro-Ng's father, an Indonesian businessman — or about his years in Hawaii, where Asian-Americans are a majority". Source:My
How much else is their in the closet that is the life history of BHO? And why has he not answered the question why his birth certificate from Hawaii has no seal or signature?

Monday, June 30, 2008


Being a Navy veteran, and a life long Republican who strayed from the fold only once. I voted fro JFK! I am afraid more than I dislike the Democrat candidate for President. He is a charming, well spoke, affable man who presents a fine image.
I cannot hate him because he is the most liberal in the Senate according to his voting record. I cannot hate him for his long time association with America hating racist, Rev. Wright. I cannot hate him for his past association with Weatherman Ayers, who wished he had blown up more of America, but still holds a professorship at a Chicago University. I cannot hate him because he calls the Catholic "priest" Pfleger a friend, even though this man should have been "de-frocked" long ago for his anti-Catholic pronouncements!
No, I cannot hate him, because he was born in the image and likeness of the God who created him and all the rest of us. I am a Catholic, and I must love my fellow man if I wish to gain the prize of everlasting happiness in the presence of God!

But I do border on hating him for his position on partial birth abortions. He voted against The Induced Birth Infant Liability Act while serving in the Illinois legislature in 2002.
The Bill was to extend the same medical care to babies who happen to survive an abortion attempt as is enjoyed by all babies born alive.
Not satisfied to allow a baby who has miraculously survived an abortion, to live. He used the argument that allowing rights to this live aborted baby would violate the Constitution!

In fact, when a similar measure-- the Born Alive Infant Protection Act-- was brought before the U.S. Senate, not one Senator voted against it. Even NARAL Pro-Choice America didn't oppose the bill.

Call me old fashioned and narrow minded , but It's difficult for me to not hate someone who's eager to extend an array of constitutional rights to terrorists(Guantanamo Bay), but who refuses to provide the most fundamental rights to the most vulnerable living, breathing new born infant.

Perhaps it's my failure to comprehend Obama's exquisite intellectual subtlety. Obama challenged the constitutionality of the bill,contending that conferring equal protection, i.e.,personhood, upon a "pre-viable fetus" would render the bill an unlawful anti-abortion statute. There is nothing "pre-viable about a baby from conception to birth, even if it was tried to be killed by America's Genocide, abortion!

At what point after birth does Obama call a baby a person and not a fetus? One day? Six months?

I have a hard time generating feelings of love or even respect for someone who voted against helping newborns struggling to live.
I suspect most people don't know about Obama's position on babies who survive abortion attempts and it's unlikely that they'll ever find out. The media seem more interested in reporting on the cultural implications, or the racial animus of those who question Obama's policies, and those of his wife. If more people knew about Obama's disregard for babies who have the will to survive an abortion, there would be more scrutiny and less "honeyed words"!