Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Rep. Robert Wexler of South Florida, sent an email to all the Jewish leaders assuring them that Obama is a strong supporter of Israel and they should support his election.
While he was doing this, Senator "I lost to the Swift Boats" Kerry, was in Israel meeting with key leaders of government to assure them that Obama is on their side.All this is in preparation for the announced visit by Obama to Israel sometime before the November election.

The root of the matter, as some observers of American Jewish politics see it, may be that Obama’s rhetoric and themes of reconciliation and common ground – the heart of his national popularity – sound off-key and even naive in the context of a grim, confrontational moment in the Middle East.

Obama’s substantively hard line on Israel has cost him friends among Chicago’s Palestinian activists. But his rhetoric has given the pro-Israel side pause. As Israel’s most vocal American allies see it, the divisions there aren’t about partisan name-calling: they’re about murder and the survival of a Jewish state. Faced with apparently implacable enemies like the Palestinian group Hamas and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, backers of Israel see little room for reconciliation, and little reason for hope.

The following quote is from the Jerusalem Post. It explains the dilemma Obama has with convincing many Jews that he is on their side. Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America had this to say:
“It was mystifying to me when [Obama] said that one of the reasons there isn’t peace in the Middle East is because of ‘cynicism.’ Cynicism? That’s the reason?” asked Morton Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America, a hard-liner who often gives voice to sentiments other Jewish leaders are more comfortable whispering “It makes me think that Barack Obama doesn’t understand the continuing Arab war against Israel.” Klein said he found the notion of an Obama presidency “frightening".
"Obama is regularly rated the “worst for Israel” of leading American presidential candidates by a panel assembled by the liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz. But Klein’s remarks, an open letter to Obama from an Iowa Jewish leader concerned that Obama had spoken of Palestinian suffering, and a host of more quietly expressed concerns, produce a certain weary frustration in Obama’s Jewish backers, who include prominent supporters of Israel.

Obama's past suggestion that the Israeli and Palestinian sides are equally to blame –for the protracted fighting is a matter for pause for Jews whom Obama courts for votes. This provoked the following from the editor of The New York Post, E.J. Kessler.

"Obama fails to understand the totalitarian politics and sensibilities of the folks over there, who are not well meaning".
Kessler,the New York Post editor who’s a longtime observer of American-Jewish politics, continued, “His approach will appeal to a lot of lefty Jews, but it won’t appeal to the serious players,” she said, referring to the better-organized and better funded groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Council, AIPAC.

Meanwhile, never mentioned before by the MSM, Obama's half sister gave a campaign speech to Asian americans in San Francisco.
Soetoro-Ng and Obama have different fathers and the same mother. Her father is Indonesian, his is Kenyan. Her husband is Chinese-Canadian.
The throng of Asian-American donors drew closer, drinks in hand, to hear Barack Obama's sister describe the wide arc of his life: beyond politics and Chicago, into his childhood in Indonesia and Hawaii.

Why have we not heard about his sister? Soetoro-Ng explained:
"Discussion of those ties has taken a back seat to the Obama campaign's efforts to win the Hispanic vote and his ability to rouse young and black voters. In spite of the drawn-out primary season, many voters have heard little about Obama's years in Jakarta — he lived there between 1967 and 1971, while his mother was married to Soetoro-Ng's father, an Indonesian businessman — or about his years in Hawaii, where Asian-Americans are a majority". Source:My Politico.com
How much else is their in the closet that is the life history of BHO? And why has he not answered the question why his birth certificate from Hawaii has no seal or signature?

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