Saturday, July 21, 2007


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Unfortunately this amendment is being used against us Americans by a "cult" that professes to be a religion of peace, but was founded by a tyrant who believed: "It is not fitting for a Muslim man or woman to have any choice in their affairs when a matter has been decided for them by Allah and His Messenger. They have no option." Qur'an 33:36

He also proclaimed this: "Against them (the unbelievers) make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.” Quran 8.06.

And if that is not enough he also proclaimed: "O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guides not a people unjust." Quran 5:51

Compare those "religious" proclamations to the following: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Bible (Matthew 5:44) A phrase that aptly describes the precepts of Christianity, and then ask yourself if the framers of the Constitution intended to allow freedom to practice a dogma that not only dictates a persons way of life, but also the total control over persons mind and body. Recognizes no law except Sharia law and the Quran?

The following is a quote from Muslim scholar Amil Imali. A man who became an "apostate" of the Muslim "religion", and now writes books and articles about the dangers of the Muslim growing encroachment on America.

"Any religion that seeks to create its own “State” and its own legal system and seeks to mobilize its own militia is itself not interested in separation of church and State, and has no right to use that separation to create hegemony."

Our elites in the major Universities who are predominantly secularist liberals have spent the years since the sixties proclaiming that Christianity is part of the evil that is Western and American values.
Islam receives no such angst from these religion haters. When The cartoon was published that made fun of Muhammad, the founder of Islam(570-632). The rioting in the streets and property destruction was, if not justified called expected response to the "slur".
No such treatment was accorded the Christians in 1988 when they peacefully demonstrated outside theaters showing the Martin Scorsese film "The Last Temptation of Christ". The demonstrators were referred to as "radical right wing Christians". A pejorative consideration at the very least!

It is in this area where Americans appear to have become confused. Along with the other political correct concepts, freedom is wrongly interchanged with license!
Freedom grants individuals independence and opportunity. License results often in anarchy, and consists of profligration,unrestraint and entitlement. If it feels good do it, and don't speak ill of anything different than you, are good examples.

While we are thinking "PC", the Muslims are increasing their influence and presence all over America, and if WE the American people don't come to the realization that the enemy is within us. We will before long be living at the very least in a fragmented society of Muslim enclaves where Sharia law rules and ghettos where the rest of us "infidels" try to live with the Constitution and rights granted to us by the Constitution.

His act was an act of a first-class terrorist. He did not congratulate them because he knew that they entered Islam by force. Is this man really the prophet of freedom, compassion, and human rights? Listen carefully! These oppressive attitudes and actions are as clear as the sun on a bright summer day. Muhammad's words are self-explanatory:

"Had you not accepted Islam I would have beheaded you and cast your heads under your feet!"

What human rights! What compassionate, kind, meek and noble characters! Undoubtedly, this alone is enough to uncover the dreadful dark side of Muhammad's character and his religion.

Friday, July 20, 2007


It is difficult to express my angst for two people in the Congress of the United States for their acts of treachery.

Hillary Clinton, the carpet bag Senator from New York, and current aspirant to the Presidency has done more to help embolden the terrorists who are killing our boys and girls who wear the uniform of the United States than anyone since Congressman Murtha.

Even though she voted to fight the war in Iraq originally, she is now on the "stump" acting like John Kerry. Her speeches are filled with anti-war rhetoric to attract her leftist anti-Bush base.

But publicly asking the defense department to begin drawing up a plan to withdraw the troops and all support equipment, is a heinous act. It further adds to the calumny that Senator(I am King) Reid did when he declared the war is

Our enemy has full access to the media. They even have one of their own in Aljazeera, so they learn about things like this as soon as we Americans do. If they don't learn it before we do from their moles inside the State Department and other Government agencies. Don't doubt for a second that they are not infiltrated within our government. They are fanatics, and their leadership is very cleaver and determined.

Congressman Waxman, Democrat from California 30th district represents Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, West lake Village and most of the California's southern gold coast. Home to many media and movie stars and moguls who are as far left as you can get. He is an advocate for "tree hugging" environmentalists, and in 2006 introduced "The Safe Climate Act". An act to help stop "global warming".

The following is a quote from two article written in today's edition of the "The New Media Journal".

"Under Secretary of Defense Eric Edelman wrote a biting reply to questions Clinton raised in May, urging the Pentagon to start planning now for the withdrawal of US troops. A copy of Edelman's response, dated July 16, was obtained Thursday by The Associated Press. Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are perceived to have done in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia," Edelman wrote. He added that "such talk understandably unnerves the very same Iraqi allies we are asking to assume enormous personal risks." Clinton, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has privately and publicly pushed Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Peter Pace two months ago to begin drafting the plans for what she said will be a complicated withdrawal of troops, trucks and equipment.
A New York Times best-selling author says members of the supposed "peace movement" delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and supplies to terrorists engaged in a bloody street battle against United States Marines in Iraq. The latest book by Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson (US Air Force-Ret.) is called War Crimes: The Left's Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror. In the book, he claims that two anti-war groups -- "United for Peace & Justice" and "CODEPINK: Women for Peace" -- literally gave aid and comfort to terrorists when they delivered $600,000 in cash and supplies they claim was humanitarian aid to civilians. According to Patterson, Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) facilitated the transaction for CODEPINK by signing a letter allowing them to get the cash and supplies into Fallujah...Patterson says that is not the only treacherous thing these groups have done. "When the Iraq war first started, CODEPINK and Medea Benjamin went to Baghdad and opened an office designed to try to encourage American soldiers to desert, go AWOL, and not fight the war," he explains."

In years past people who commited acts like these were Censured if not imprisoned, hanged or shot. These liberals should reflect upon what will happen to them if they get their way, and the genocide that follows in Iraq will be because of their aid and comfort to the Islamst terrorists!

Congressman Henry Waxman and Senator Hillary Clinton have demonstrated to me that they are giving aid and comfort to the enemy during a time of war and should be at the very least censured by their respective Congressional groups.

Waxman, a long time congressional supporter of "tree hugging" environmentalists represents the 30th Congressional district of California. A district that includes WestLake Village, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica along the Southern California gold coast. This area is filled with movie mgules, movie stars and wealthy leftists who all vote for the issues he supports.

He has been a Bush hater ever since the President was first elected, and a anti-Iraq war supporter from the beginning of the war. His actions to help "Code Pink" and "United For Peace and Justice" deliver 600K to the Iraq "insurgents" is an infamous act!

The blood of those murdered in Iraq, including the skeleton U.S. force left behind, after our military pulls out and retreats will be on their hands!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


The Arabic word for deception is Taqiya, and it is a doctrine used very successful by those who hate and wish to destroy us and those members of the leftist clique that presently run both Congress and the Main Stream Media.

There are two large forces that exist today who are gloating over the American leftists who have an apparent suicide wish for our Country, and ultimately themselves.

AlQaeda,created by Saudi Wahabis, and The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and their millions of followers. Supported by the tens of millions of Muslims worldwide who are either afraid or choose not to speak out against the Islamist terrorism, take comfort in the fact that most Americans have bought into the "Taqiya" that if we withdraw our troops from Iraq, Americans will be safer than we are now.

The big lie that too many "well meaning simpletons" have bought, is that only a small percentage of Muslims are "bad guys". There is a Muslim word for these people, Mufsidoon. These are terrorists who wage a wrong war. The concept was created by Saudi Wahabis and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt to confuse Westerners so as to not use the words Jihad and Jihadism to describe their terrorist activities that have been committing all over the World.

The simple fact is that for a person to be a Muslim they must abide by the dictates of the Quran. This includes the dominance of Sharia law over all human activity and supersedes all other laws.

Holland, Canada, England and France have already experienced Muslim demands for the adoption of Sharia law. When we withdraw from Iraq these people will get the idea that America is a Country that won't fight for what we believe. These people consider Iraq just one battle involving a world wide "crusade" to establish Sharia law. The next battle field could be Manhattan, Lisbon, Munich or London.

Islamism is very similar to cancer. Like cancer it starts with a small cluster of cells. If left untreated or eradicated by cutting it out it will eventually overtake and consume the host!

Fanatics like Ahmadinajad, Khomeini and their followers will rejoice and be emboldened by our withdrawal from Iraq. When the next person asks you what would be so wrong with living under Sharia law. Ask him to speak to Amil Imani, an Iranian born American, who fled Iran when The Islamist took over. He didn't like the public hangings, or the killing of women who had been raped!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Michael Chertoff Needs To Go!

Unless you have been in a coma or just arrived from another galaxy .You know the Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, Quakers or Jews have not waged a war of terror against this Country and most of Europe since 9/11/01.

Why then does the man who is charged with national security visit mosques, and speaking to a meeting of the NAACP, ask them to fight for the rights of Muslim Americans?

If he bothered to read it, the Pew Research Institute poll of Muslim youth aged 18-29 found that 26% percent believed suicide bombing was justified!

The recent estimates of the number of Muslims in the United States is 2.35 million people. Of these almost 31% are youths aged 18-29. This is a group of 183,000 people who live in this country who believe suicide bombing is justified. All are home grown potential terrorists, and the man who can't even keep our borders secure is advocating support for their rights!

If a poll revealed that 26% of American youths thought that driving under the influence should not be a crime. The story would make front page headlines and highlight the nightly TV news.The Pew poll received scant coverage.

It is time for people, especially government appointed or elected people who are responsible for our security, to seriously confront the issues at stake. Our very freedom depends upon it.

It would be appropriate if Mr. Chertoff and his ilk would visit every mosque he could, and ask those present and their leadership to denounce the terrorists who carry out the heinous acts in the name of Allah. This should be a request for a public statement that has never been precisely spoken by the Imams and the leadership of the Muslim advocacy groups.

All these groups do is preach tolerance for them publicly, and use their political influence and Saudi funded money to advance their cause. Let there be no mistake their cause is the establishment of Sharia law in place of our laws and Constitution.
And they don't care how long it takes!

Unlike the Congress of the United States and too many Americans,they don't expect a "quick fix", or they will end it all as we are planning to do in Iraq. They are patiently doing their internal revolution while the terrorists they support do their deadly deeds.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.

President Bush has already declared "Mission Accomplished" so It will not surprise me if he pulls a biblical act of washing his hands of the war in Iraq.

The Congress and the sheep who feed of the trash that the min stream media feed them have collectively determined that the Iraq War is a lost cause.

Of course you would expect the media elites and the Democrats to declare defeat. They hate anything Bush is involved in. It's that Texan with the religious bent that makes them hate him, you see, yaawl!

But the President may pull a Pontius Pilate,( Roman Governor of Judea from 26-36AD)and sign the bill that is passing through the Congress and will soon be voted out of the Senate.

You see, the President doesn't want to torpedo the whole Republican party. By vetoing this bill he will put the Republicans running for election in 2008 in the position of having to defend their votes either up or down on the measure.

If he signs the bill he will "hand the ball" of to the Democrats, and when the slaughter of the troops who are not lucky enough to go home but remain as a skeleton defense force and the genocide of the Sunni Iraqis begins. Bush can say "I told you so", and the Democrats will have to answer to their voters back home!



The other is a war for the soul of this country and we must never stop fighting if we hope to win this battle that is being waged on many fronts.

When our forefathers drafted our Constitution it was drafted by men who had decided they had enough autocratic rule, and they wanted to craft a Republic which included individual rights. So they wrote the bill of rights. This was done all under the firm belief that this nation would be ruled by it's citizens with the basic principles derived from the Almighty Power that created us.

They wanted nothing to do with a state formed and controlled religion and thus created the separation of Church and State amendment. They did not abolish religion. They gave each citizen the right to worship his God in his own chosen way, not that dictated by the government. Period!

When I was a young man, and had the opportunity to play on the football field with the great New York Giants star Center whose picture is included. No not in the pros, but on a College field for two years when we were still young and driven to succeed.

Little did any of us know that the device the family or groups of friends would gather around after the dinner hour to watch wholesome entertainment would turn into a war weapon.

How you ask has TV turned into a "war weapon"?
It has been gradually and deliberately used to poison the minds of the viewers,especially our children, to reject the values we had and accept the multiculturalism, atheistic and anti-American values of people like Carl Marx and Lenin.

Instead of watching Jackie Gleason, the Honeymooners, Milton Berle, and Lucy. The TV waves are filled with programs that promote promiscuity, euthanasia,teen abortion, suicide and murder. The language used today in our television movies would land anyone who uttered the words in the 50's, in jail or for sure off the air.

I am no prude, and have committed many offenses against the basic decency we once had, but you don't have to be a Saint to see the music, and entertainment industries have become vehicles for vile filth that the youth of America is subject to every day. It is no wonder that violent crimes committed by teenage girls has risen exponentially. And we kill 1.5 million unborn babies every year!

Those of you who are pro-abortionists don't have to write me. I know you hate what I am saying, and all that I stand for. Let me just say one thing. This individual is convinced that we will have to account for these deadly transgressions at the end of times.

There will only be two places left after Mother Earth is destroyed. Heaven and H**l, and you and I will be in one of them. I believe the fight for our very souls must be recognized and we all must choose who we will follow. The real "GREAT SATAN or GOD? I have made my choice!

Monday, July 16, 2007


Even President Bush recently stood on the steps of a Muslim Mosque with his shoes reverently removed and proclaimed to the world:" Islam's a religion of Peace." Secretary of State Rice has proclaimed the same idiocy on numerous of her public utterances.

With those leftist in America who hate religion as much as Islamists, supporting the cause of Islamist radicals, with their cry to end the war in Iraq. It would appear to this blogger that the liberals believe that their support of use of the Koran and prayer rugs in prison, and the use of veils for Muslim women will further their cause to eradicate any religious symbolism in America as they have done to the public observance of the religious holidays of Christmas and Chanukah.

These same liberals are constantly stirring up antagonism between men and women, whites versus non-whites, rich vs. poor and morality with if it feels good--do it!

In reality their are letting their hatred for an America with it's laws and morals based upon Religious beliefs cloud their vision of what will happen to people like them if the radical Muslims eventually triumph. They will have to "fake" joining the Muslim faith or pay the "jizya"(head tax), leave the country or be killed like the rest of us who would rather be dead than renounce the one and only God!

Probably the most ridiculous story to appear on the Internet appeared today in the Seattle times web edition by reporter Janet Tu. She describes a situation in the Episcopalian Church of Saint Mark in Seattle, Washington. The story is about the Reverend Ann Holmes, who has declared that after being a minister for the past 20 years she decided 15 months ago, that she was both episcopal and Muslim!

It is patently absurd, of course, to be both a Muslim and an Episcopalian, even for the gruel thin creed that is Episcopalian ism. Not because being Episcopalian is so incompatible with Islam, but because Islam is entirely intolerant of any other religion and is, therefore, entirely incompatible with Episcopalians.

Islam sanctions lying to outsiders, oppressively taxing them for their beliefs, and, in some instances, the outright murder of those outside Mohammedan faiths, so to imagine that Islam would welcome a person professing two religions as if it were merely like taking a half-hearted citizenship in two different countries is a fool's assumption. This confused Muslin-Episcopalian is deluding herself to imagine she can mix and match her religions like one might accessorize a summer dress -- especially when one of those religions is Islam.

But then nothing should surprise us about a religion that was founded by King Henry VIII in the 6th century when Pope Clement VII failed to grant the King an annulment from his Catholic wife so he could marry Ann Boleyn.

Or the Church who voted in 1994 to let females become priests and in 2005 voted to allow them to be bishops and just for goo measure allowed openly practicing homosexuals and lesbians to become priests.This in the name of tolerance and multiculturalism, but is in actuality License!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

It Is All About Power Not About Saving Lives

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.

Your prayers are needed even more after what Congress did this past week to embolden our enemies!

Despite the fact that in less than two months General Petraeus was scheduled by Congress to return from Iraq to report on the military progress the power hungry democrats in the House of Representatives pulled the rug out from under him and the brave troops he commands.

By a vote of 223-201 the Democrat controlled megalomaniacs who now control congress decided to play General. The voted to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq within the next three months.

Even Dennis Kucinich(Dem, O.)voted against the bill, but not because he is apposed to withdrawal. He did not like the stipulation that tens of thousands of troops will be left behind. He wants them all out!

The defeatist Democrats lead by "Queen" Pelosi and one time hero now turned terrorist appeaser, Murtha sent a message loud and clear that the United States does not to fight terrorism anymore.
Congress woman Marsha Blackburn(Rep. Tenn.) said of this vote: this sends the message that the U.S. is weak on terrorism".

In the worst case scenario this bill would allow another slaughter similar to the Viet Minh annihilation of French troops in 1954 in the Vietnam area of Dien Vien Phu. Only this time it will be the troops left behind by the Democrats withdrawal of their comrades,leaving them to defend against overwhelming al Qaeda forces who will fill Iraq once our troops leave.

The slaughter will not end with our troops either. This power play by the Democrats in Congress who MUST show President Bush it is they whom run this Country not him. Will result in the murder of tens of thousands of Iarqi Sunni women and children along with their men who supported our troops.

I expect President Bush to veto this act of perfidy, but the Congress must hear from us bloggers that they were not elected as generals who control the battles in the field. They control the "purse strings, but they do not tell the Commander in Chief and his Generals how to fight the war.

If these megalomaniacs want to flex their muscles let them vote to cut off all funding for the troops. This they were elected to be able to do. And then let them go home and try to get re-elected after they do that!