Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
President Bush has already declared "Mission Accomplished" so It will not surprise me if he pulls a biblical act of washing his hands of the war in Iraq.
The Congress and the sheep who feed of the trash that the min stream media feed them have collectively determined that the Iraq War is a lost cause.
Of course you would expect the media elites and the Democrats to declare defeat. They hate anything Bush is involved in. It's that Texan with the religious bent that makes them hate him, you see, yaawl!
But the President may pull a Pontius Pilate,( Roman Governor of Judea from 26-36AD)and sign the bill that is passing through the Congress and will soon be voted out of the Senate.
You see, the President doesn't want to torpedo the whole Republican party. By vetoing this bill he will put the Republicans running for election in 2008 in the position of having to defend their votes either up or down on the measure.
If he signs the bill he will "hand the ball" of to the Democrats, and when the slaughter of the troops who are not lucky enough to go home but remain as a skeleton defense force and the genocide of the Sunni Iraqis begins. Bush can say "I told you so", and the Democrats will have to answer to their voters back home!
1 comment:
Is it any wonder that we have such incompetents leading this country to a slow but sure armageddon when it was reported by our leftist news media that only 16% of people between the ages of 18 and 40 even read the news?Yes,they will watch some imbecilic talk show host blab on about nothing that he knows anything about,but to think a little for themselves would be too taxing of their mentally acquired ignorance of the true facts.Cloning sheep is not necessary in our illiterate society.We have enough clowns to rule out producing mentally defective clones which are wandering through life with no purpose but seeking self gratification.Balzac,the great French writer of the nineteenth century pretty well summed up our tailspinning government in his excellent book "Sons Of The Soil".This country is going through the same political turmoils that France went through for several hundred years with the middle class overthrowing the French Royalty and then the lower classes trying to take over the middle class.He summed up pretty well the loss of true manners and etiquette lost by overthrowing the Royal class and replacing them by a raucous bunch of mass murderers who created governing positions for government control as the kind gentleman he was not.Balzac states correctly "Noble conduct makes even ignorance seem worthy."How true it is today as back then.Confiscation of property from the haves and give it to the State for distribution as they see fit for the masses.We call this Communism and not Democracy as our new age political thinkers are planning to do this country.
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