For 34 years we have had an atheist Congressman in the United States Congress. A man who has a record of being a secular humanist, and a man who now proudly proclaims his atheism, has taken upon himself to attack the president for his veto of the expansion of the the health act "SCHIP". Fortunately the House Democrats and RHINOS did not have enough votes to override this socialist bills veto.
This disgrace of the U.S.Congress recently received an award from the president of The American Atheists of Kalifornia", Dave King. The award was a gold lame purse!
This "nut case", Congressman Fortney "pete" Stark of Fremont, Cal., has the effrontery to violate the rules of the Congress that dictate that no member will make disparaging remarks about a member of Congress or the Chief Executive.
“Hi, my name is Pete.”
“And I have been totally godless for as long as I can remember.”
This is how he responded to his introduction at the atheist convention recently. Being an atheist he belongs to the Unitarian Universalist Community. More on this group later.
Only an area like the Bay area of Northern California could repeatedly, since 1973, elect a member of the "sect or cult" that refuses to call their gathering place a church, and instead call it a "fellowship".
The Unitarian Universalists, are followers of another Humanist, Starr King. This diminutive orator founded the First Unitarian Universalist Society church that still stands today in San Francisco.
The belief system, if you can believe a mixture of agnostic, atheists and Unitarian Universalists have a "belief" system. Their group is based upon the non-belief in a Deity, but the humanist ,pluralism and diversity of mankind.
What ever you feel and believe is right, you can accept as a true belief ,is the way I interpret my research of this cult that probably has the federal tax exemption of a Church.
The following is an excerpt from the "American Thinker":
2007-10-18: Stark Calls on Boehner, Republicans to Retract Opposition to Children's Health Care, Apologize to American Troops and their Families
"I have nothing but respect for our brave men and women in uniform and wish them the very best,,,,"In a heated floor speech, Stark repeatedly made the charge that the president would rather use government revenues to send U.S. soldiers to war than to pay for low-income kids' health care. A longtime war critic, Stark said the president couldn't find $35 billion to expand SCHIP but at the same time had requested an extra $200 billion to pay for military operations in Iraq. Earlier during the same session of the House he said this: "You don't have money to fund the war or children. But you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old, enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President's amusement."
This is not the first time Stark's mouth has moved faster than his brain. He once referred to a female colleague as a "whore" and speculated that another female colleague learned everything she knows about health care from "pillow talk" with her physician husband."
This is the man who said recently to a group of supporters in the San Francisco Bay area: “It’s not courageous to make a simple statement about personal beliefs … What is courageous is to stand up in Congress and say, ‘Let’s tax the rich and give the money to poor kids.’ Now that’s courageous.”
The American Humanist Association applauded Rep. Pete Stark for publicly acknowledging he does not believe in a supreme being. The declaration, it said, makes him the highest-ranking elected official and first congressman to proclaim to be an atheist. The organization took out an ad in Tuesday's Washington Post, congratulating the California Democrat for his stance.
I think he should be censured for violating House rules, but I won't wait, while holding my breath ,until the Congress does anything about this "trash mouth" Democrat. He fits in well with the rest of his ilk!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
The prayer above is not another slogan for us who hope and pray for a victory in "Bush's War". It is a fervent request for all Jews and Christians to pray for the defeat of the dastardly Bill being proposed by Speaker Pelosi and her gang of power hungry "thugs" in the Congress.
In all my years watching the dirty tricks in Congress being perpetrated by both Democrats and Republicans. I have never seen such a slyly conceived attempt to put the knife in the back of our troops, as the genocide Bill being proposed by the "deamoncrats".
More than 100 years ago there was a genocide in Turkey, but their also have been many other genocides in the more recent past that the Democrats conveniently ignore.
Just to name a few that were as bad or worse are the mass killings still going on in Africa by waring rebels tribes against their own people, Stalin's murder of his entire general staff and the killing of millions whom were declared dissidents. Pol Pot can be remembered for the millions he killed in Cambodia after the Viet Nam debacle.
By condemning the Turks, the Democrats hope to anger the leadership of Turkey enough that they will retaliate against the United States.
The result they want is the denial of air routes for U.S. military planes to fly over Turkey from bases in Europe.
Over 75% of the supplies sent to the troops in Iraq by air must be flown over Turkey.
Since the hypocrites representing the Democrats in Congress have neither the courage or the votes to vote to cut off supplies to our brave troops. They are trying to do it by surreptitious ways. Like a thief in the night!
Please call or write your Congress person, and tell them you want them to vote against a Bill that borders on "giving aid and comfort to the enemy"!
If I was still a Democrat I would be ashamed of what they are doing in an attempt to win powerand control!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
For the twelve years I lived in California I was exposed to the liberal antics of the California Democrat party and it's Democrat Governors. My job took me to Sacramento where I stayed across the street form the Capitol. I marveled and was somewhat perplexed how the Democrats had a vice-like grip on the State Government despite the ever rising tax rates they imposed on the people of California to subsidize their welfare state.
So I was surprised when a foreign born actor, who could barely pronounce the name of the state was elected Governor.
Arnold Alois Schwarzeneggar, Austrian born body builder and actor was elected Governor as a Republican in 2003, and re-elected in 2006.
This self professed admirer of President Richard Nixons views on free enterprise, was a breath of fresh air blowing through the state I used to live in . I thought!
But the "Governator", who married a Kennedy, and attends Catholic Mass every Sunday with his family at Saint Monica's Church, has acted like a left wing secularist of late.
The list of things he has promoted is lengthy, but for the pupose of this blog I will comment on the most recent and agregous act that Govoner Arnold has signed on to.
He signed a law recently, that "rips" the heart out of the American and Judeo-Christian Family! "Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose.
"Analysts have warned that schools across the nation will be impacted by the decision, since textbook publishers must cater to their largest purchaser, which often is California, and they will be unlikely to go to the expense of having a separate edition for other states. The bills signed by Schwarzenegger include SB777, which bans anything in public schools that could be interpreted as negative toward homosexuality, bisexuality and other alternative lifestyle choices. There are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative lifestyles and beliefs, however. "
In my humble opinion, SB 777 will result in reverse discrimination against students with religious and traditional family values.
It would appear to this blogger that the "GOV." has turned on the very people who had high hopes for a Conservative leader when he was elected Governor. I am glad I no longer live in the "land of fruits, nuts and flakes"!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
On the twelfth of October 2007 Oliver North Posted an article warning US that the "insider establishment" and "one world" advocates in Congress are trying to resurrect and legitimize a United Nations treaty that President Ronald Reagan said, during his Presidency, was a threat to the sovereignty of this great country, and a violation of our Constitution.
The treaty which is on the "fast track" of the U.S. Senate is the "LOST" treaty. First shelved by the Senate in 1962, but resurrected by Senator Biden and his cohorts. This treaty ostensibly is to preserve International waters for peaceful purposes. In fact , the 202 pages of the treaty, would dictate user fees for private shipping companies using international waters to transport goods to and from the United States. It would dictate global environmental regulations that would have to be honored by all ships at sea. But worst of all, it would hinder if not stop the U.S. navy from military exercises that use weapons in their training.
Ex-President Clinton, a favorite of the Internationalists, has come out in favor of the treaty, and I am sure ALGORE will soon lend his Nobel prize winning support to this dastardly treaty.
The following is a direct quote from Col. Oliver Norths article:
"According to the U.N., the purpose of LOST is to preserve international waters for peaceful purposes. But Articles 19 and 20 of the treaty would proscribe the U.S. Navy from training with weapons, collecting intelligence or interfering with enemy communications in the territorial waters of other countries without their expressed permission. Military aircraft are prohibited specifically from taking off and landing in these waters, and severe limitations would be imposed on loading and unloading “any commodity, currency or person” including military equipment. Submarines are required to travel on the surface and “show their flag in territorial waters." Article 30 states that warships not complying with the laws of a coastal nation can be forced to leave. Disputes about these issues would be adjudicated by international lawyers."
In 2003, Navy Adm. Michael Mullen, now the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that rulings from these arbitration panels “could have an impact on operational planning and activities, and our security."
LOST also opens the door to a long-sought U.N. goal: the redistribution of wealth by taxing Americans. The International Seabed Authority, a bloated, multinational bureaucracy headquartered in Jamaica, has the mandate to distribute revenues and “other economic benefits” on the basis of “equitable sharing criteria, taking into account the interests and needs of developing states." In addition to acting as a global IRS, the ISA also decides which companies from which nations will develop mineral resources on the seabed.
The conclusion of Col. North's article sums up more succinctly. than I can, why all Conservative Americans should right or call their Senators and tell them to vote against this power grab by ONE WORLDERS!
"Before casting a vote to ratify LOST, all 100 senators should read Article 314 of this onerous treaty and Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. The U.N.-crafted document specifies that amendments to the treaty can be adopted -- and therefore enforced -- without the consent of any signatory. Yet our Constitution requires that two-thirds of our Senate concur in any treaty. Do 67 members of this Senate now want to surrender that authority to foreign governments?"
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Democrats and some Republicans seem to be trying to make government run health care the major issue for voters to consider in the coming elections. The only real reason for this trend is the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.Her main issue is to provide Americans with Socialized Medicine.
An issue she tried to "cook -up" behind closed doors during Bill Clinton's first term as President. She failed miserably that time.
But now her complete election agenda appears to this blogger, as total socialism, if not Communism.
"It's all about the children," she says, "We have to provide health care for the low income children." Mrs. Clinton's idea of "low income children" is a 24 year old living at home with a family income of up to $80,000.00 annually. Obviously, this is not about the children. It's about government control over your health care in the hands of politicians who won't stop until they have control over every aspect of your life. To see what she plans will produce one need only look to Great Britain to see the costly mess they have with Socialized medicine, and I have written a previous blog on the horrors of the Italian Socialized Medicine I experienced first hand.
"It's all about the children," she says, "We have to provide health care for the low income children." Mrs. Clinton's idea of "low income children" is a 24 year old living at home with a family income of up to $80,000.00 annually. Obviously, this is not about the children. It's about government control over your health care in the hands of politicians who won't stop until they have control over every aspect of your life. To see what she plans will produce one need only look to Great Britain to see the costly mess they have with Socialized medicine, and I have written a previous blog on the horrors of the Italian Socialized Medicine I experienced first hand.
In England there is such a shortage of Dentists , particularly in small cities and towns that people have started do it yourself Dentistry(DIY).
They are anesthetizing themselves with liquor and "pulling" their own teeth. Some even do it for others, and there are reports that some skilled "DIY"s are removing their neighbors infected and rotted teeth.
This is a tolerable if unpleasant situation, but the deaths caused by infections in hospitals throughout the United Kingdom are a major concern.
The London Daily Mail reported yesterday that British hospitals are the most dangerous in Europe for killer super bugs. Mutating Strains of Resistant Staphylococcus is the primary cause, and could be avoided with proper barrier protection.
Liberal Democrat spokesperson for the National Health Service had this to say about the high infection rate:
"Our rates of infection are 'alarmingly high', according to research funded by the European Commission.
It put Britain at the top of a health league table for once, but only for shameful failure.
The danger of contracting the drug-resistant MRSA bacteria( a strain of anti-biotic resistant) in the UK was more than 15 times greater than in the safest countries in the study - Iceland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands.
The findings led to calls for urgent NHS action against MRSA - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - which is thought to claim up to 5,000 lives a year in the UK.
The infection can be spread by doctors and nurses failing to wash their hands after treating patients, but it also thrives on grubby curtains, carpets and bedding.
"Our rates of infection are 'alarmingly high', according to research funded by the European Commission.
It put Britain at the top of a health league table for once, but only for shameful failure.
The danger of contracting the drug-resistant MRSA bacteria( a strain of anti-biotic resistant) in the UK was more than 15 times greater than in the safest countries in the study - Iceland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands.
The findings led to calls for urgent NHS action against MRSA - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - which is thought to claim up to 5,000 lives a year in the UK.
The infection can be spread by doctors and nurses failing to wash their hands after treating patients, but it also thrives on grubby curtains, carpets and bedding.
'Just getting staff to pay attention to basics such as washing their hands could make a real difference. Pressure of work can never be an excuse.'
MRSA is estimated to cost the NHS more than £1 billion a year with some 100,000 hospital patients in England - one in ten - falling victim.
Many strains are so virulent that entire wards and operating theatres have to be shut down and cleaned.
Treating MRSA can mean weeks or even months of misery for sufferers, as wounds fail to heal and recovery is prevented.
Victims are supposed to be nursed in isolation, but a lack of beds means this is not always possible."
MRSA is estimated to cost the NHS more than £1 billion a year with some 100,000 hospital patients in England - one in ten - falling victim.
Many strains are so virulent that entire wards and operating theatres have to be shut down and cleaned.
Treating MRSA can mean weeks or even months of misery for sufferers, as wounds fail to heal and recovery is prevented.
Victims are supposed to be nursed in isolation, but a lack of beds means this is not always possible."
Do we Americans really want to drag down the best Care System in the world, just so we can "offer" a comrehensive but inferior system of health care? There has to be a better way!
Monday, October 15, 2007
During what feels like a never ending campaign to become the nominee of the two political parties. The media darling and previous co-occupant of the Oval Office, Hillary Clinton, has promised Americans a Socialistic package of "goodies" that Michael Harrington would be proud to co-sponsor.
Michael Harrington is the author of fifteen well known Socialist books, most were included in the list of required reading for all liberal arts students in college in the 60's and 70's. One of his books " The Other America, Poverty in the United States" was required reading for all sociology students and the "bible" for all aspiring young Socialists. Hillary must keep it at her bedside!
Senator Clinton has brought her "bag of tricks" to a new audience. Previously, the Deamoncrats deigned their "welfare" programs for the "impoverished" residents of the inner city. Now Hillary has broadened her target audience to include the "soccer moms", and the middle class. A class that has gradually shrunk thanks to the taxation policies of the party she will represent in 2008.
What she does not want the people to remember or think about is the history of corruption she and her Co-President, husband Bill dragged this Country through for eight long years.
When President Clinton was elected he spoke these words:"I will lead the most ethical administration in the history of this country".
Anyone who witness the corruption and hanky-panky in the Oval Office, must realize that these words were just as ludicrous as President Nixon's " I am not a crook".
The Clinton's were not just crooks they were "twisted', but then Hillary says that is just the right wing conspirators talking!
The facts show it is not a conspiracy, but the truth that won't be repeated in her adoring Media.
The following are items the American people should consider before they elect these two born again "hippies" to the White House again. All are alleged or proven facts.
Hillary Clinton became the first first lady to testify before a grand jury when she was subpoenaed by the Whitewater grand jury.
Took a $100,000 bribe, camouflaged as futures trades, from Tyson Foods Inc.
Speculated in Health Care industry futures while overseeing legislative reform of same.
Failed to correct false testimony by co-defendant Ira Magaziner in Health Care trial.
Obstructed justice by ordering the shredding of Vince Foster's documents in the Rose Law Firm.
Ordered members of the Health Care Task Force to shred documents that were the target of a court probe.
Ordered the removal of documents from Vince Foster's office and told aides to lie about their removal of documents.
Obstructed justice by keeping her billing records, a document sought under subpoena, in a closet in the White House residence.
Lied to investigators about her knowledge about billing records.
Lied to investigators about her involvement in the Castle Grande land flip con.
Ordered the use of the FBI to discredit Travel Office employees.
Lied to investigators about her involvement in the firing of Travel Office Employees.
A Federal judge ordered a trial on July 25, 1994 to determine if Hillary Clinton's heath care task force illegally operated in secret.
The White House finally releases more than 2,000 documents on June 25, 1996, relating to the travel office firings, originally requested two years prior by congressional investigators.
On top of all the above the Clinton were too close to people who have been indicted, convicted or are being investigated by Federal agencies, to allow them again to have access to the seat of Power in the U.S.
Such characters as Jorge Cabrera, Wang Jun, Grigory Litchansky, Yoh Lin Trie, Webster Hubbell, Peter Paul and Roger Tamaraz were large contributors and frequent visitors to White House "Teas", and are now in jail or under indictment. They all contributed heavily to the Clinton's election Campaigns.
Will Americans choose Socialism over honesty in government? I hope not!
Michael Harrington is the author of fifteen well known Socialist books, most were included in the list of required reading for all liberal arts students in college in the 60's and 70's. One of his books " The Other America, Poverty in the United States" was required reading for all sociology students and the "bible" for all aspiring young Socialists. Hillary must keep it at her bedside!
Senator Clinton has brought her "bag of tricks" to a new audience. Previously, the Deamoncrats deigned their "welfare" programs for the "impoverished" residents of the inner city. Now Hillary has broadened her target audience to include the "soccer moms", and the middle class. A class that has gradually shrunk thanks to the taxation policies of the party she will represent in 2008.
What she does not want the people to remember or think about is the history of corruption she and her Co-President, husband Bill dragged this Country through for eight long years.
When President Clinton was elected he spoke these words:"I will lead the most ethical administration in the history of this country".
Anyone who witness the corruption and hanky-panky in the Oval Office, must realize that these words were just as ludicrous as President Nixon's " I am not a crook".
The Clinton's were not just crooks they were "twisted', but then Hillary says that is just the right wing conspirators talking!
The facts show it is not a conspiracy, but the truth that won't be repeated in her adoring Media.
The following are items the American people should consider before they elect these two born again "hippies" to the White House again. All are alleged or proven facts.
Hillary Clinton became the first first lady to testify before a grand jury when she was subpoenaed by the Whitewater grand jury.
Took a $100,000 bribe, camouflaged as futures trades, from Tyson Foods Inc.
Speculated in Health Care industry futures while overseeing legislative reform of same.
Failed to correct false testimony by co-defendant Ira Magaziner in Health Care trial.
Obstructed justice by ordering the shredding of Vince Foster's documents in the Rose Law Firm.
Ordered members of the Health Care Task Force to shred documents that were the target of a court probe.
Ordered the removal of documents from Vince Foster's office and told aides to lie about their removal of documents.
Obstructed justice by keeping her billing records, a document sought under subpoena, in a closet in the White House residence.
Lied to investigators about her knowledge about billing records.
Lied to investigators about her involvement in the Castle Grande land flip con.
Ordered the use of the FBI to discredit Travel Office employees.
Lied to investigators about her involvement in the firing of Travel Office Employees.
A Federal judge ordered a trial on July 25, 1994 to determine if Hillary Clinton's heath care task force illegally operated in secret.
The White House finally releases more than 2,000 documents on June 25, 1996, relating to the travel office firings, originally requested two years prior by congressional investigators.
On top of all the above the Clinton were too close to people who have been indicted, convicted or are being investigated by Federal agencies, to allow them again to have access to the seat of Power in the U.S.
Such characters as Jorge Cabrera, Wang Jun, Grigory Litchansky, Yoh Lin Trie, Webster Hubbell, Peter Paul and Roger Tamaraz were large contributors and frequent visitors to White House "Teas", and are now in jail or under indictment. They all contributed heavily to the Clinton's election Campaigns.
Will Americans choose Socialism over honesty in government? I hope not!
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