Saturday, June 16, 2007
Another Hollywood "Copperhead"
It was announced today on the Internet site: "Guardian Unlimited",
that President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is traveling to Russia to purchase five Submarines from Putin's government.
The Guardian report reads as follows:
"According to Kommersant newspaper, Venezuela has agreed an initial contract to buy five Project 636 diesel submarines, and four Project 637 Amur submarines at a later date.The cost for these five subs is reported to be 500 million dollars".
You can be certain that his plans for their use is not peaceful!
At the same time the Venezuelan version of CNN, Telesur, announced
that Chavez had agreed to give that great "patriot from Hollywood, Danny Glover, a total of 118 million dollars to make a picture in about Tousaint Loverture.
Mr Loverture was a Haitian who lead a rebellion in Haiti by slaves of the British Colonialists.
The article describes the man thus:
"Toussaint Louverture is a towering figure in the region's history. A freed slave of African descent, he led thousands of slaves in successful campaigns against British, Spanish and French troops before being betrayed, captured and exiled. He died in 1803, just before his followers succeeded in establishing the island's independence:. Glover said he wanted to educate the US about the story.
The actor is chairman of the TransAfrica Forum, an advocacy group for African Americans and other members of Africa's diaspora, and a vocal critic of the Bush administration. Along with the singer Harry Belafonte, Glover is the best known celebrity supporter of Mr Chávez, whom he considers "remarkable". He is a regular visitor to Venezuela,along with the other "copperhead", Harry Belafonte.
To build consciousness of what Mr Chávez calls "21st-century socialism", the government has funded nationwide screenings of Charlie Chaplin's classic film Modern Times, about the exploitation of US factory workers during the depression.
He has also warned the Venezuelan Banks and Steel Cmpanies that he is about to take them over for not co-operating with his Socialstic programs.
First Congress Representatives from California: Waxman, Lantos and Speaker Nancy Pelosi now Glover choose to visit with people who have labeled us the "Great Satan".
At least Congress woman Pelosi didn't get take money from the Syrians. At least we never heard she did.
When is the State Department going to put an embargo on visiting Countries who are avowed haters of the United States?
Friday, June 15, 2007
Those who are apologists and propagandists for Islamofascism would like us to believe that the murders of 9/11 and those who continually commit atrocities in countries like Thailand, Somalia and Indonesia are nothing but a fringe group of Muslim radicals.
They justify their murdering innocent women and children with the now old canard "they are just reacting to Imperialist aggression".
However, in his 1996 fatwa, Osama bin Laden proclaimed:
“. . .O you horses (soldiers) of Allah ride and march on. This is the time of hardship so be tough. And know that your gathering and co-operation in order to liberate the sanctities of Islam is the right step toward unifying the word of the Ummah under the banner of ‘No God but Allah’. . .Our Lord, shatter their gathering, divide them among themselves, shaken the earth under their feet and give us control over them. . .”
It should be noted that to bin Laden, the Ummah is considered a figurative nation comprised of all Muslims and all Islamic nations.
A world dominated by the Muslim religion(aka cult) that only recognizes Sharia law and has no room for our Constitution or Bill of Rights. This is referred to as the "Cliphate".
Make no mistake. The Quran repeatedly glorifies death, killing and dying for the cause of Islam. It is written repeatedly, that killing and dying for Jihad will be rewarded in Allah's Paradise, and don't listen to those who would have you believe it is a religion of Peace.
Muslim holidays for the most part, particularly in the Shiite sect, glorify and revere death. Many streets in Muslim controlled Countries are named after suicide bombers.
This all begins in the Muslim Mosques and schools as I have said before. The Imams here in the United States are growing young suicide bombers and warriors for their final Jihad as we seem to bury our heads to the threat that our First Amendment to the Constitution provides these people who plan to gradually take over the World.Look what has happened already in the Country of Denmark and England where sections have been set aside where Sharia law not the laws of the Country prevail.
It is time to realize that not all religions are the same. If a religion is evil,maybe we should consider revoking its right to exist under First Amendment protections.
If it advocates that which is wrong and immoral, and it seeks to control all aspects of your life by force and fraud; if it seeks exemption from national laws protecting constitutional rights, then it can not and should not be considered a religion.
It must be called something else, and it cannot be recognized as a protected ideology under the First Amendment. We have hate-crime laws. How about admitting that there is a hate religion, and its name is Islam,a cult of fascism?
"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guides not a people unjust." Quran 5:51
Compare this with an except from the Bible and you be the judge.
“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Bible (Matthew 5:44)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Strange But So True
While Harry Reid and his co-conspirators conspire legislative means to force troop withdrawal from Iraq.
The United nations has approved a resolution to continue support for the American an multi-lateral troop deployment to Iraq. Not indefinitely but until the Iraqis feel they can control the secular violence within Iraq themselves.
You can search all the major network sites on the Internet and you will not find an article featured that reports this fact.
I found it by looking at the Internet site of Al Jazeera as I am wont to do on occasion to see what propaganda this Arabic network is spewing.The following is an excerpt from their Internet English site:
"UN extends forces mandate in Iraq" is the title of the article.
"Iraq's foreign minister said the government has made strides toward "self-sufficient security"[AP]
The United Nations has extended its mandate for US-led forces in Iraq after the country's foreign minister said they were "vitally necessary" for security and regional stability.
Hoshyar Zebari called the UN security council's move "very positive for Iraq".
He said all Security Council members understood "what the Iraqi government is facing", illustrated by the bombing of Samarra's Askariya shrine on Wednesday by "terrorists ... seek to destroy the fabric of Iraqi society".
The resolution adopted by the Security Council last year, which extended the mandate of the multinational force for one year starting on December 31, authorised a review of the mandate by June 15.
At an open council meeting, Zebari said that despite Iraq's daily violence, "the government has made tremendous strides toward the day when security will be provided by a self-sufficient, Iraqi national security force".
He said: "While Iraqis will always be grateful for their liberation from an absolute despot, no Iraqi government official - indeed, no Iraqi citizen - wants the presence of foreign troops on Iraqi soil one day longer than is vitally necessary.
"But today, and for the foreseeable months at least, the presence of [foreign] troops is vitally necessary not only for Iraq but also to safeguard regional security and stability."
Our Media portrays the war as a quagmire similar to Viet Nam, and most of the Democrat contenders(aka pretenders) for the White House in 2008 are calling for our withdrawal. Who should we listen to? I personally believe the Iraqi representative who spoke to the UN and wanted us to stay until they can control their own Country. Then we can withdraw!
In its statement, the UN said: "As requested by the government of Iraq ... the members of the council agreed upon the continuation of the mandate."
For this one time we should listen to the UN!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
While Congress and President Bush are trying to ram down the throats of us "rubes" and bigots who believe amnesty for illegals is a violation of our Constitution. It appears that if by some miracle the bill should fail. Those prostitutes of the legal profession, immigration lawyers, will continue to thwart the laws on the books relating to deportation of criminal aliens who were convicted in our courts of aggravated felonies.
A recent article on the Internet by Michelle Malkin illustrates that not only do we have law firms who make their millions defending organized crime members. We have four cases in New york that illustrate the disdain for our laws held by too many members of the legal profession.
"Immigration lawyers and ethnic activists run a massive, lucrative industry whose sole objective is to help illegal aliens and convicted criminal visa holders evade deportation for as long as possible.
Entry into this country should be a privilege, not a right. The open borders lobby has turned that principle on its head.
Look no further than New York, where four convicted criminal aliens -- a child molester, two killers and a racketeer -- just won a federal lawsuit to remain in the country after all being ordered deported.
The stunning decision from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Blake v. Carbone, came down on June 1 as the "shamnesty" debate was bubbling in Washington. The ruling, which hinges on convoluted due process arguments, will greatly expand the number of criminal aliens convicted of certain aggravated felonies who can now receive relief from deportation.
This is happening despite the passage of two federal immigration reform laws in 1996 severely restricting deportation waivers for criminal aliens."
Since a large portion of the crimes of violence committed in the major cities is gang related. It would seem plausible that our Judges would want to see those committing violent crimes are either imprisoned or deported. The information quoted above illustrates the exact opposite.
In cities all across America the MS-13 gang members are staking out territories that they use as their "home Turf" for extortion, robbery, drug sales and prostitution.
These people are immigrants from El Salvador and Mexico, Venezuela and Central America. Many if not most are here illegal having entered through our porous borders.
My question to Congress and the President is this. In the 1900s we cut off immigration from China because of the opium trade and other "racist" reasons. Why can't we have an immigration Bill that closes immigration to all people south of our border?
Never mind deporting the 12-20 million illegals already here. We can and should arrest, prosecute and jail those who break the laws with violence. Gradually we would cull out the "bad apples" who are already here, and then begin in 10 or 20 years to open the borders again. By this time the border fence should have been built to keep out the illegals.
I don't expect any Congress person or the President to pay any attention to this concept, but at least I have had my say.
If something other than the Amnesty "sell out" Bill doesn't happen we will be the next Balkanized Country in the world, and our way of life will have forever been changed for the worse!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
While the country is bickering when we should withdraw our troops from Iraq, the Islamic Radicals are busy both here at home and in the Middle East planing different methods to destroy us.
Pick up any newspaper today and you will see articles written by professors of Political science and foreign affairs making "alibis" for the 25% of Muslim youths who, when they were poled about suicide bombers answered, "they thought it was justified".
Mugtedar Khan professor of political science at the University of Delaware called the answers a reaction to prejudice, and "youthful rebellion and telephone survey bravado that you can blame on the war in Iraq".
Calls to engage the nations growing Muslim population to counter their sympathy for suicide bombers is a waste of our collective breath when you realize that these feelings are fomented in Muslim schools and the Mosques they attend.
It is long past the time when we listen to the political correctness of the secular advocates who refuse to accept the fact that the religion of the Muslims must renounce violence or this problem will continue to grow. Religious fanaticism is the most difficult problem we face today.
The Pew report showing that Muslims aged 18-24 had a 25% favorable opinion of suicide bombing. These are people who we continue to try to assimilate into our culture. It cannot be done!
The threat from Islamists in foreign lands is not limited to only Iraq and Afghanistan.
The news is filled with the fruitless attempts by the United Nations to stop the development of nuclear weapons in Iran, and in todays news on the Internet there is an article advancing the possibility of Syria having weapons grade anthrax and Vaccine Resistant Smallpox in weapons grade condition.
Anthrax has already been used in the U.S. after 9/11, and there is treatment for it if caught soon enough.
Smallpox is a different and more deadly problem. During the 20th century it killed 300 million people in third world countries and Europe.
It was believed by 1997 that it had been eradicated here in America, but now it raises its deadly head in the hands of enemies of this country.
One gram of the virus released into the air here in America could produce 100 cases within 17-21 days. The incubation period once the virus is breathed into the respiratory system. During the first 17 days that a person has contracted this deadly disease, from which there is no vaccine, he or she has no sympyoms and could reinfect anyone they sneezed or coughed on resulting in a possible global disease with tens of millions infected within 6-8 weeks due to the availability of fast air travel.
Those who were vaccinated previously, most when they were children as I, will no longer be protected since the vaccine provides protection for only five years at most.
As this virus is a new strain of smallpox. I have copied a piece from NIH describing it.
STATUS OF SMALLPOX: ERADICATION & BIOTERROR: "Although smallpox was declared extinct in the wild in 1979 (last natural infection recorded in 1977) there is increasing concern about its potential use as a biological weapon. Although only two locations officially hold variola (one at the CDC in the USA and one in Russia) it is feared that secret stockpiles exist. Variola has been weaponised in Russia and there is currently concern about bioterrorism. A bioterrorist attack using smallpox (or some variant thereof) could be devastating and the UK and USA are buying vaccines against smallpox".
Bloggers note: It doesn't take a scientist to deduce that Syria bought the Resistant Strain of Smallpox from Russia.
Monday, June 11, 2007
While European Countries like France, Belgium and Germany are turning away from the left of center socialist governments, here at home at last for of the Democrat candidate for President are preaching things that would make Karl Marx and Nikita Krushchev proud.
Karl Marx was the author of the Communist manifesto that lead to the nightmare of the Russian revolution and the genocide that followed.
Nikita Krushchev as Russian Premier and dictator of the Communist Country that was and I believe still is a potential mortal enemy of our beloved Country, had this to say about us.
Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev said of Roosevelt's "New Deal" paradigm shift, "We can't expect the American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."
It is no surprise that Dennis Kucinich, democrat Congressman from Ohio advocates left wing policies. A man who was voted one of the ten worst Mayors in Ohio. An environmentalist, vegan who is for abortion on demand,and same sex marriages was called "a genuine Progressive" by Ralph Nader.
But why people seem to be picking two people who are advocating proven failed policies of Socialism like Obama and Hillary Clinton are making part of their campaign promises I will never be able to comprehend.
While in Manchester New Hampshire over the weekend Senator Clinton said, " free enterprise capitalism is the root of all evil"!
I guess she thinks our system is worse than Nazism, Communism and all other forms of population control.
She went on to say " we will replace an "on your Own" society with one of shared responsibility and prosperity."
At the same time she picked an impeached Federal Judge, now Congressman from Florida, Alcee Hastings, to be the co-chairman of her Presidential national election committee.
When Nikita was Premier of the Communist party he gave a speech in a closed door session of the Politburo during which he spoke of the evils of Stalin, and what must be done to rectify those acts.
Hilliary's speech sounded strangely familiar.
Krushchev said this:
"We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all; we must… return to and actually practice in all our ideological work the most important theses of Marxist-Leninist science about the people as the creator of history and as the creator of all material and spiritual good of humanity... [We must] continue systematically and consistently the work done by the Party's Central Committee(substitute Hilliary's government) during the last years, a work characterized by minute observation in all Party organizations, from the bottom to the top, of the Leninist principles of Party leadership... characterized by the wide practice of criticism and self-criticism. [We must] to restore completely the Leninist principles of Soviet socialist democracy, expressed in the Constitution of the Soviet Union, to fight willfulness of individuals abusing their power. The evil caused by acts violating revolutionary socialist legality which have accumulated during a long time as a result of the negative influence of the cult of the individual has to be completely corrected."
As was said previously: "one step at a time" and they will turn this free country into a Socialist anti- personal freedom, anti-God loving country into a secularist "Village"!
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