Saturday, September 12, 2009


We all know that Iran has a megalomaniac leader and the puppet of the Mullahs who are sworn haters of America and Israel. What we o not no is when they get the BOMB will they use it on Israel or will they fashion a suitcase type bomb that they will give to terrorists to inflict serious damage on whom they call "the great Satan"--the USA!!
Iran is in a race to acquire a nuclear weapon, a political game changer for the Mid-East.

What we also should know is revealed in this statement."America’s Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Vienna-based watchdog group, correctly set the tone by stating that Iran now has sufficient material to produce a nuclear weapon. Glyn Davies added that Iran’s “ongoing enrichment activities moves Iran closer to a dangerously and destabilizing breakout capacity” These were the toughest remarks so far during the Obama Administration concerning Iran’s technical capacity to build a atomic bomb, and added to the anxiety that Teheran is really not negotiating seriously but instead buying time while playing the international community for a patsy".

We have dithered around with UN resolutions and threats of embargoes for eight years, but the Iranian's keep making their nuclear killer bomb!

Will we wait until we have another 9/11 only worse??
It is as my grandfather said to me "it is time to fish or cut bait"!

We have the capability to take out the known sites where thy are enriching the nuclear materials, and we should strike before they do!
Obama and his minions seem to be concentrated on socializing the USA more than he is concerned with his main job as President. To protect the citizens and be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces who reacts appropriately to a threat to OUR safety!

But there are fascinating twists in the storyline since last year. President Barack Obama has offered to negotiate with Tehran without preconditions and earlier in the year set a September deadline for Iran to negotiate seriously or face renewed calls for economic sanctions. Obama’s Springtime offer essentially allowed Tehran’s scientists a further six months of uninterrupted work on their nuclear program. Yet, since that time, Ahmadinejad’s own authority has been challenged in the bitter aftermath of Iran’s fraudulent Presidential elections.

Now come September we confront our own arbitrary deadline but with some definite changes in the political landscape. The Obama Administration, despite initial optimism in dealing with this Charter member of Axis of Evil, feels it may be getting scammed by Ahmadinejad. The West Europeans, while decidedly nervous over a nuclear Iran, would just like to squeeze in a few more lucrative business deals before the next slap on the wrist. And neighboring Arab states are just plain scared.This is all being done with the threat of a nuclear attack on us by Iran never being mentioned .

If we are more concerned with what the rest of the World thinks of us then we are about protecting our citizens from a nuclear disaster that will make the Twin Towers pale in comparison.
Then we should give the green light to the Israelis to take out the threat. Each day we hesitate and talk they are building air defense systems that will cost more lives of the pilots who eventually have to do the air strike. And we risk the nuclear disaster that hangs over the heads of every major city in the USA unless this madman is stopped!
Source: World Tribune. com

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

Talk about regulation of people's lives. The Wall Street Journal reports that hidden within the over 1000 pages of HB 3200 is the biggest pay off and pay back to Unions for their over 500 million dollars that helped sweep Republicans out of Congress and elect Obama.

Tucked away in thousands of pages of complex new rules, regulations and mandates are special privileges and giveaways that could have devastating consequences for the health-care sector and the American economy at large.

The Senate version opens the door to implement forced unionization schemes pursued by former Govs. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois in 2005 and Gray Davis of California in 1999. Both men repaid tremendous political debts to Andy Stern and his Service Employees International Union (SEIU) by reclassifying state-reimbursed in-home health-care (and child-care) contractors as state employees—and forcing them to pay union dues.

Following this playbook, the Senate bill creates a "personal care attendants workforce advisory panel" that will likely impose union affiliation to qualify for a newly created "community living assistance services and support (class)" reimbursement plan.

The current House version of ObamaCare (H.R. 3200) goes much further. Section 225(A) grants Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius tremendous discretionary authority to regulate health-care workers "under the public health insurance option." Monopoly bargaining and compulsory union dues may quickly become a required standard resulting in potentially hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses across the country being forced into unions.

Ms. Sebelius will be taking her marching orders from the numerous union officials who are guaranteed seats on the various federal panels (such as the personal care panel mentioned above) charged with recommending health-care policies. Big Labor will play a central role in directing federal health-care policy affecting hundreds of thousands of doctors, surgeons and nurses.

Consider Kaiser Permanente, the giant, managed-care organization that has since 1997 proudly touted its labor-management "partnership" in scores of workplaces. Union officials play an essentially co-equal role in running many Kaiser facilities. AFL-CIO President John Sweeney called the Kaiser plan "a framework for what every health care delivery system should do" at a July 24 health-care forum outside of Washington, D.C.

The House bill has a $10 billion provision to bail out insolvent union health-care plans. It also creates a lucrative professional-development grant program for health-care workers that effectively blackballs nonunion medical facilities from participation. The training funds in this program must be administered jointly with a labor organization—a scenario not unlike the U.S. Department of Labor's grants for construction apprenticeship programs, which have turned into a cash cow for construction industry union officials on the order of hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

There's more. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus has suggested that the federal government could pay for health-care reform by taxing American workers' existing health-care benefits—but he would exempt union-negotiated health-care plans. Under Mr. Baucus's scheme, the government could impose costs of up to $20,000 per employee on nonunion businesses already struggling to afford health care plans.
Baucus is a Democrat from Montana( chairman of the Senate who has served in the Senate since 1978, and is the seventh longest-serving senator as of 2009.
It is no wonder the Union Lobbyists have got their hooks in him!

Mr. Baucus's proposal would give union officials another tool to pressure employers into turning over their employees to Big Labor. Rather than provide the lavish benefits required by Obamacare, employers could allow a union to come in and negotiate less costly benefits than would otherwise be required. Such plans could be continuously exempted.Source:The Wall Street Journal

U.S. Senator Max Baucus finally broken his silence regarding his personal position on including a public option in health care reform legislation. Monday night (8/17/09), in an unprecedented conference call to Montana Democratic central committee chairs, the powerful leader of the Senate Finance Committee told his strongest supporters that he supported a public option. While discussing the obstacles to getting a public option through the Senate, he assured his forty listeners, "I want a public option too!" source:Gossip

This means that any proposal from a Democrat will probably open the door to the so called Public Option. This is a semantic euphemism for Socialized Medicine! And the main beneficiaries will not be the patients but the Unions!

And while Americans are distracted by the Health Insurance rancor the Democratic controlled Senate committee strikes a blow to our defense capabilities, and allows the USA to share valuable technology with foreign buyers.

A Senate panel urged the Air Force on Thursday to start developing an export model of its F-22 Raptor, the most advanced U.S. fighter jet, even as it voted to end U.S. purchases.

Japan, Israel and Australia have shown interest in buying the supersonic, radar-evading F-22 Raptor, designed to destroy enemy air defenses in the first days of any conflict and clear the way for other missions.

Foreign sales were banned by a 1998 law aimed at protecting the "stealth" technology and other high-tech features said to have made the F-22 too good for money to buy.The bill, adopted 30 to 0 in 15 minutes without debate, largely backed program cuts sought by President Barack Obama. Overall, it provided $636.3 billion for defense in fiscal 2010, which starts October 1.

If enacted, the measure adopted by the Senate Appropriations Committee would let the Defense Department prepare a modified F-22 that protects classified and sensitive information, technologies and U.S. war fighting capabilities.Source:

Both this bill and the Democrats Public Option health plan should be soundly opposed!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

President Barack Obama on Tuesday praised American Muslims for enriching the nation's culture at a dinner to celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

"The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country," Obama said at the iftar, the dinner that breaks the holiday's daily fast.

The president joined Cabinet secretaries, members of the diplomatic corps and lawmakers to pay tribute to what he called "a great religion and its commitment to justice and progress."

Attendees included Congress' two Muslim members -- Reps. Keith Ellison and Andre Carson as well as ambassadors from Islamic nations and Israel's ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren.

And yet when Obama spoke to the graduating class of the Catholic University, Notre Dame, he never mentioned that Catholicism was one of the great religions. Essentially he spoke about secular co-operation.
" Many of you at Notre Dame - by the last count, upwards of 80% -- have lived this law of love through the service you've performed at schools and hospitals; international relief agencies and local charities. That is incredibly impressive, and a powerful testament to this institution. Now you must carry the tradition forward. Make it a way of life. Because when you serve, it doesn't just improve your community, it makes you a part of your community. It breaks down walls. It fosters cooperation. And when that happens - when people set aside their differences to work in common effort toward a common good; when they struggle together, and sacrifice together, and learn from one another - all things are possible".

It appears Obama is more concerned with the message that has been a hallmark of his administration. Doing thing for he "common good" not the freedom to personal success!

And it appears that Obama has forgotten the fact that our Constitution and Bill of Rights were written by Christians. There were no Muslims at the drafting or signing of the Constitution.History documents that there were 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. There were 48 signers of the Articles of Confederation. All 55 delegates who participated in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 are regarded as Founding Fathers, in fact, they are often regarded as the Founding Fathers because it is this group that actually debated, drafted and signed the U.S. Constitution, which is the basis for the country's political and legal system. The majority of the signers were Episcopalian and all were Christian!

Sharia law of the Koran does not allow democracy or the republican form of government even if strict Christian principles are not taken into account.
Although the Koran’s attitude toward Christians in certain early passages of the Koran was to respect Christians and their Book, those passages were abrogated or superceded by later passages which called for Christians and Jews to be subjugated or killed. Under Sharia law (religious law applied to everyday life as specified in the Koran) Christians may not practice their religion!

If you doubt me, just digest these quotes from the Koran:
[3.151] We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they set up with Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and their abode is the fire, and evil is the abode of the unjust.

[4.89] They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

[5.33] The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement,

[8.12] When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

[8.39] And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah; but if they desist, then surely Allah sees what they do.

[9.5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

What was the reason for Obama's salute to a religion that is based on a book that denies the rights and freedoms that the Country he leads as president is based upon?


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

And in his proposal he will include a fine for those families that do not have health insurance that reportedly is as follows.

Democratic plans call for requiring most Americans to carry health insurance. Failure to comply could cost families as much as $3,800 a year, according to a new Senate proposal.

The president is likely to say tonight that a government-run insurance plan, known as the "public option," will not provide a level of subsidies that give it an unfair advantage over private insurers, according to aides familiar with the speech preparations.
This of course is a bold faced lie. When the government runs a health plan as they have done with Medicare for decades. They do not have to worry about deficit spending! The tax payer is always there! Private insures cannot compete with a deficit spender health care scheme. To exist private insurance companies, and there are 1300 company's that sell health insurance, must pay taxes and make a profit, unlike the Federal govt.

Under a new Senate plan, people who earn between 100% and 300% of the poverty level (or between about $22,000 a year and $66,000 a year for a family of four) would face fees ranging from $750 to $1,500 a year.

For taxpayers with incomes above 300% of poverty, the penalty starts at $950 a year and reaches as high as $3,800 for families. Nearly 12 million people fit in this category, according to the National Institute for Health Care Management.

The idea behind the penalty is that those who can afford insurance but don't buy it are imposing costs on the entire health system. Under the proposal, nearly 12 million people who currently have no insurance could be subject to such fines, according to figures compiled by the National Institute for Health Care Management.

Starting next year, the plan also calls for annual fees of $6 billion on health-insurance providers, $4 billion for medical-device makers, $2.3 billion on drug makers and $750 million on clinical laboratories. The fees would be levied on individual companies based on market share. Insurers also face an excise tax of 35% for any health plan worth more than $8,000 a year for individuals and $21,000 a year for families.If this is not undermining the private insurers nothing is!!

Karen Ignagni, chief executive of America's Health Insurance Plans, an industry lobbying group, said the new fees would make it more difficult for health insurers to contain rising costs. "Our members are talking about that being at odds with the goal of cost containment," she said.

Congressional leaders, meanwhile, breathed new life into a proposal for a legislative mechanism to trigger a public plan if private insurers fail to reduce health-care inflation or cover the uninsured.This in my opinion is a trigger aimed at private insurers that is intended to clear the competition for single payer health insurance--SOCIALISM!!

There is little doubt that if the government expands the pool of covered people with the present number of doctors and nurses. There will eventually be a need to ration care.
Obama talks about people and families going bankrupt because of large uncovered catastrophic illness or accident. What he does not address is the number of people who will die because of the rationing of care to the elderly and infirmed because of cost containment.

The United States had over 17,000 people killed by drunk drivers in 2008, and many of those drunk drivers had no automobile insurance.
But the striking difference between the fine for a first time drunk driver averages $250 -$500 in the State of Florida.Yet the Democrats in Congress and Obama plan to fine a family or person for not having health insurance from each year from an estimated $700 to $22,000!

This is the beginning of taxation disguised as fines for failing to confirm to the "common good". This is an other example of the attitude of totalitarian rule that Obamamaniacs have in store for the American public in their CHANGE That We Can Believe In!

I do not think that intimidation and fines for non-conforming to government mandates is the path our founders put us on when they wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights? It sounds more like the road to tyrannical control over the average American that the elite politicians and their wealthy supporters will never be a part of.

Sunday, September 06, 2009


The media and the Democratic leaders of both the House and Senate have called those who show up at Town Hall meetings to protest the Obamacare massive take over of 1/6th of this County's GNP, goons, brown shirts,Nazis and un-american.
But the only mayhem committed at the protests has been committed by union bully's who beat and kicked a Black man who was passing out flags at a St. Louis Town Hall meeting and the crazy who bit off the pinkey finger of a man because he was protesting against the government option!

The action of union members is reminiscent of the organization tactics of the late Jimmy Hoffa. Force and intimidation,and to what purpose you ask?
Unions spent over 60 million dollars to get Democrats elected and they are being rewarded for their largeese by both the Congress and the President.

First there was the "sweat heart deal" that the UAW got in the re-organization of General Motors, and the billions given to GMAC. Now there is the real prize for the unions, health care!

The labor movement has not spent such large sums of money campaigning for health care reform out of disinterested concern for the common good: Unions will benefit immensely if the government takes over the health care system.

The most obvious benefit President Obama's health care plan provides to organized labor is a $10 billion taxpayer bailout for underfunded retiree health benefit plans. Many unions negotiate benefit packages that allow workers to retire early and collect health benefits until they qualify for Medicare. Many of these plans they are underfunded because unions mismanaged them.[4]

The health care legislation transfers $10 billion to these accounts, in the form of a reinsurance program that pays most of the cost of claims for workers in these plans.[5] Like the GM and Chrysler bailouts, the health care legislation requires all taxpayers--including low income workers without retirement plans--to pay for benefits for already well-compensated union workers.

Government-dominated health care would transform union organizing. Whether or not the government explicitly nationalizes the health care industry, government funding and government-dictated standards eliminate competition. Under health care reform, unionized hospitals would not face a competitive disadvantage because no competition would exist. All health care workers would become quasi-public employees. Whatever costs unions increased would be passed on to the taxpayer and not threaten union members' jobs. For instance, taxpayers would cover the costs of reduced productivity due to inflexible union work rules. Prospective union members would know this and, as a result, become more likely to unionize. Every step toward government-run health insurance vastly simplifies the process of organizing new union members and keeping existing union members employed.

This is precisely what happened in Canada, a nation culturally and economically similar to the United States, but with government-run single payer health care. While only 18 percent of nurses belong to unions in the United States, 78 percent do in Canada.[6] A full 61 percent of all Canadian health care workers belong to unions, well above the 11 percent in the United States.[7]

Given these figures, it is no wonder that the Service Employees International Union supports government-dominated health care so strongly. The SEIU represents health care workers. Under a government-run health care system, the SEIU could easily organize millions of new members who would then pay billions of dollars in mandatory dues. For example, if unions organized nurses at the same rate in America as they do under Canada's national health care system, they would bring in two million new members paying roughly $1.8 billion a year in dues.[8] Whatever its effects on the overall quality of health care, government health care would bring a financial windfall to the labor movement.
Source:The Heritage Foundation