The media and the Democratic leaders of both the House and Senate have called those who show up at Town Hall meetings to protest the Obamacare massive take over of 1/6th of this County's GNP, goons, brown shirts,Nazis and un-american.
But the only mayhem committed at the protests has been committed by union bully's who beat and kicked a Black man who was passing out flags at a St. Louis Town Hall meeting and the crazy who bit off the pinkey finger of a man because he was protesting against the government option!
The action of union members is reminiscent of the organization tactics of the late Jimmy Hoffa. Force and intimidation,and to what purpose you ask?
Unions spent over 60 million dollars to get Democrats elected and they are being rewarded for their largeese by both the Congress and the President.
First there was the "sweat heart deal" that the UAW got in the re-organization of General Motors, and the billions given to GMAC. Now there is the real prize for the unions, health care!
The labor movement has not spent such large sums of money campaigning for health care reform out of disinterested concern for the common good: Unions will benefit immensely if the government takes over the health care system.
The most obvious benefit President Obama's health care plan provides to organized labor is a $10 billion taxpayer bailout for underfunded retiree health benefit plans. Many unions negotiate benefit packages that allow workers to retire early and collect health benefits until they qualify for Medicare. Many of these plans they are underfunded because unions mismanaged them.[4]
The health care legislation transfers $10 billion to these accounts, in the form of a reinsurance program that pays most of the cost of claims for workers in these plans.[5] Like the GM and Chrysler bailouts, the health care legislation requires all taxpayers--including low income workers without retirement plans--to pay for benefits for already well-compensated union workers.
Government-dominated health care would transform union organizing. Whether or not the government explicitly nationalizes the health care industry, government funding and government-dictated standards eliminate competition. Under health care reform, unionized hospitals would not face a competitive disadvantage because no competition would exist. All health care workers would become quasi-public employees. Whatever costs unions increased would be passed on to the taxpayer and not threaten union members' jobs. For instance, taxpayers would cover the costs of reduced productivity due to inflexible union work rules. Prospective union members would know this and, as a result, become more likely to unionize. Every step toward government-run health insurance vastly simplifies the process of organizing new union members and keeping existing union members employed.
This is precisely what happened in Canada, a nation culturally and economically similar to the United States, but with government-run single payer health care. While only 18 percent of nurses belong to unions in the United States, 78 percent do in Canada.[6] A full 61 percent of all Canadian health care workers belong to unions, well above the 11 percent in the United States.[7]
Given these figures, it is no wonder that the Service Employees International Union supports government-dominated health care so strongly. The SEIU represents health care workers. Under a government-run health care system, the SEIU could easily organize millions of new members who would then pay billions of dollars in mandatory dues. For example, if unions organized nurses at the same rate in America as they do under Canada's national health care system, they would bring in two million new members paying roughly $1.8 billion a year in dues.[8] Whatever its effects on the overall quality of health care, government health care would bring a financial windfall to the labor movement.
Source:The Heritage Foundation
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