Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year And God Save Us From Our Leaders

As we get ready to celebrate the beginning of the New Year and the National elections in 2008, there is at least one issue which should put a damper on our enthusiasm for the celebration of a new beginning in 2008.

If you have not hard about it, the Congress passed a new CAFE bill and President Bush did as he has so many other times during his seven years in office. He pulled the rug out from the little man! He signed a bill into law that will make automobiles drastically smaller and less safe on the highways to satisfy a bunch of Ecology worshipers whose theory of the Global Warming has not been conclusively been proved. As reported in this blog and many others, there are at least 400 scientist whose expertise is in climate and its relation to man made pollution, who decry the claim that man made pollution has an adverse effect on the Warming of the World.

Never mind scientific testimony. The world has apparently bought into the philosophy and religious fervor of the man who claims to have invented the Internet, Al Gore and his ilk.

The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed the revised version of the Energy Independence and Security Act, returned to it from the U.S. Senate this week. After a camera-ready trip to the White House in a Toyota Prius, the bill was signed into law by President Bush. A key provision of the bill is an increase in fuel-economy standards to average 35 mpg by 2020, which is the first time the CAFE average has been raised since the 1970s.

Also included in the bill were mandates for the U.S. fuel supply to include 36 billion gallons of biofuels — including 15 billion gallons of ethanol, with the rest from "non-food" sources — in 2022. A substance that will make the mega-farmers rich and raise the cost of most food products, that has been shown to damage the fuel injectors of cars over time.

The horrors of this bill will be born by those who have to drive on the highways with the uncontrolled behemoth trucks. To make cars more fuel efficient the auto makers will have to make vehicles for passenger travel smaller and lighter. While they do this the trucks get larger, and become more of a threat to the health an safety of the "individual" driver.

It is much easier to take on the individual than the trucking industry or the teamsters!

Recent studies by Harvard University demonstrate the dire consequences of reducing the size of passenger vehicles. Not only will more cars be blown off course when one of the double trailer trucks passes At more than 75 miles an hour. The real crisis will occur when their is a collision with one of these monsters of the highway!

Researchers at Harvard University and the Brookings Institution found that these micro-cars are not as safe as the current U.S. fleet. Their research found that for every 100 pounds shaved off cars to meet CAFÉ standards between 440 and 780 additional people were killed in auto accidents. This means that an additional total of 2,200 to 3,900 lives will be lost per model year. Adrian Lund, of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety said, “Fatalities are much higher with small, lightweight vehicles.” Politicians are force-feeding the micro-cars on the American public even if that means these vehicles will be less safe.
A study in Florida concluded with the following facts: According to the 2003 Florida Department of Transportation Factbook, on average 704 traffic accidents occur in Florida each day. In 2002, there were 250,470 traffic accidents which resulted in 229,611 injuries and 3,143 deaths.

A recent visit to a Toyota dealership, the number one car being sold today in the U.S., it was discovered that only one car meets the standard passed by Congress. The Toyota Prius.Where as the smallest car made by Toyota, the Yaris, had a maximum 36 mpg on the highway, and its combined city and highway average was below the required 35 mpg. The Toyota Camry Hybrid also failed the new CAFÉ standards.

Don't think for a minute that the limousine riding Prince's and Princesses of Congress will be found driving one of the new fuel efficient and dangerous to our health cars. They will cruise up to the Embassy party's in their gas guzzling limos. You can bet on that!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Critical Look At Poverty In U.S.A.

Because of the leftist bias of most newspapers and TV news programs. I tend to get my news from various sites on the Internet. I use domestic as well as foreign sites to gather knowledge of what is happening today.
This has been a reliable source of balanced reporting for me, but today when I logged on, the MSN home page featured an article that caught my eyes.

The article is about 41 million people in the United States not having the basic necessities of life.The article is the product of Professor Donna Haig Friedman and others who are feminist activists that teach at The University of Boston, and are leaders of the Center For Social Policy.
In their report they stated that 41 million persons could not afford the basic necessities of shelter and medical care.

Yet in a June 2005 report, she and her collaborators reported that in homeless people they studied for their report. The number one medical problem for 78% of those interviewed was substance abuse!!

To give you an inkling of this professors political sympaties I offer the following quote from her report on the recruitment of PHD candidates at UMass.

"Again this year, we were contacted by the Open Society Institute about a program that is funded by the Soros Foundation Network and USAID that brings Palestinian doctoral students to a limited number of American universities. Although this year’s candidates were better matched to a program in public administration rather than public policy, we are definitely interested in future collaboration".
This gives us a slight inkling what their political positions are. Could it be Socialism?

Before I list some statistics that were released by the Census Bureau. I have to point out that their article says nothing about the impact on poverty by the illegal aliens in this Country. If these women want to write about poverty they could look to the Sudan, Bangladesh or some parts of Communist China!

Homeland Security's Office of Immigration Studies released a report August 31 that estimates the number of illegal aliens residing in the U.S. is between 8 and 12 million. But the group Californians for Population Stabilization, or CAPS, has unveiled a report estimating the illegal population is actually between 20 and 38 million.
Four experts, all of whom contributed to the study prepared by CAPS, discussed their findings at a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington Wednesday. James Walsh, a former associate general counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, said he is "appalled" that the Bush administration, lawyers on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and every Democratic presidential candidate, with the exception of Joe Biden, have no problem with sanctuary cities for illegal aliens.

As our nation prepares to ring in the new year, the U.S. Census Bureau today projected the Jan. 1, 2008, population will be 303,146,284 -- up 2,842,103 or 0.9 percent from New Year’s Day 2007.
In January, the United States is expected to register one birth every eight seconds and one death every 11 seconds.
Meanwhile, net international migration is expected to add one person every 30 seconds. The result is an increase in the total U.S. population of one person every 13 seconds.

There is no disputing that there is poverty in the United States, but overstating the problem in the middle of an election campaign is demagogic and the connection of professor Friedman's UMass. doctorate program indicates where her motivation comes from.

Much of her article concentrates on the plight of the children, but how many children live without at least one parent? If the Census Bureau statistics are true, perhaps the reason children don't have adequate health care is the parents confusion between NEEDs and WANTs!
The census Bureau released the following data in 2003:

Of those considered below the poverty line($20,650 for a family of four), 97% had color TV, 46% owned their own houses,73% owned microwave ovens, 76% lived in air conditioned dwellings, 75% own cars and 30% own two cars.
The average living space for a family of four, below the poverty line, in the United States is larger than the average non-poor person living in Athens, London, Vienna and Paris.

The Census Bureau also reported Tuesday that 36.5 million Americans, or 12.3 percent — were living in poverty last year. That’s down from 12.6 percent in 2005.
The median household income for all families was $48,200, a slight increase from the previous year. But the number of people without health insurance also increased, to 47 million..

If we believe the figures quoted by Profesor Friedman, then only six million people above the poverty line are without health coverage. Not bad for a Country with 20-30 million illegals and a total population over 300 million. But then negative reports always seem to be the Lefts long suit.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sports At All Levels Deny Free Speech

Bobby Knight was reprimanded by the big 12 Conference for derogatory remarks he made about the officials after a game. What he said follows and does not seem to be deogatory, What he said was his opinion:
"I thought it was a horrendous call," Knight said after the game.
Knight's comment violated the Big 12's sportsmanship code, which prohibits public comments about officiating, the conference said in a statement.

This is as good an illustration of the Gag rule that appears to exist in College and especially in professional football. A rule against anyone involved in the playing of games, from the players and coaches to the television announcers, not to make any negative comments about the officiating or any official in particular.

Bill Carollo, an NFL official for 29 years, who officiated two Super Bowls, had this to say about officials. "We make three or four mistakes a game. Most aren't known to the public. Just like the players, everyone is human, and no one's perfect. We're graded on every single play of every single game. The players get better, and the coaching schemes get better. You're scrutinized more because of the media. You can't ever get too comfortable. We have one-year contracts. You make one bad call, you could be out."

If that is true, then why are players and coaches fined and suspended from games for criticizing officials calls during crucial moments in the games?

During the Ravens and patriots game an official allegedly insulted a player repeatedly.Raven's player, Rolle's accused head linesman Phil McKinnely of repeatedly calling him "boy" at one point in the game. This provoked a semi-violent response from the player toward the referee

McAlister had more critical words about the referees and singled out a late holding call on rookie safety Jaimaine Winborne.
"It's hard to go out there and play the Patriots and the refs at the same time," McAlister said. "They put the crown on top of them, they want them to win. They won."

The NFL reacted severely, and four Ravens players were fined for violating league rules prohibiting the "abuse" of game officials. Speaking your mind is now equated as abuse!
Linebacker Bart Scott was fined $25,000 for verbally abusing game officials and throwing an officials flag into the stands during Monday night's game against New England.
Cornerbacks Samari Rolle and Chris McAlister and wide receiver Derrick Mason were fined $15,000 each for publicly questioning the integrity of the officiating in the game.
"This is about the importance of sportsmanship and respecting the integrity of our game," Ray Anderson, the NFL's executive vice president of football operations, said in a statement. "We do not tolerate inappropriate conduct between teams and game officials. This includes reminding game officials that they are to conduct themselves at all times as professionals in their dealings with players, coaches, and other club personnel."

Or is it more about preventing anything that would question the integrity of the biggest "Cash Cow" in professional sports? In a Country where free speech is being reduced daily by PC and diversity rules and decisions. You would think a violent sport like football could stand some criticism of all those involved in the game. Including the officials!

From Folly To Corruption

In 1924 the World had just experienced the killing of tens of millions of men that resulted from the assassination of the Arch Duke of Austria. One gun man killed the Arch-duke. No nations invaded another, but things escalated to the point where in two battles, Verdun and Somme, during six weeks of battle the Allies lost 350,000 men!

During the course of World War One, eleven percent (11%) of France's entire population were killed or wounded! Eight percent (8%) of Great Britain's population were killed or wounded, and nine percent (9%) of Germany's pre-war population were killed or wounded! The United States, which did not enter the land war in strength until 1918, suffered one-third of one percent (0.37%) of its population killed or wounded.

Because of this carnage the victorious Nations decide to form the League Of Nations in hopes of ending war for all our times.
The League Charter had 26 Articles of which I will quote only the preamble and the last, to illustrate where we have come since 1924.

"THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, In order to promote international co-operation and to achieve international peace and security by the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war, by the prescription of open, just and honourable relations between nations, by the firm establishment of the understandings of international law as the actual rule of conduct among Governments, and by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organised peoples with one another, Agree to this Covenant of the League of Nations".
ARTICLE 26. "Amendments to this Covenant will take effect when ratified by the Members of the League whose Representatives compose the Council and by a majority of the Members of the League whose Representatives compose the Assembly. No such amendments shall bind any Member of the League which signifies its dissent therefrom, but in that case it shall cease to be a Member of the League".

History shows that this grand attempt to establish World Peace failed miserably. The Sino-Japanese War raged from 1937 to 1945, and then the World experienced the killing of an estimated 60 million soldiers, airmen, naval, marines and civilians during World War II(1939-45). It has been estimated that close to 30 million military personal lost their lives in WWII!

Then the victorious Nations got the grand idea that they could prevent war by forming the United Nations. So, in 1945 in the City of San Francisco, they gathered and began the United Nations. The Charter is quoted below, and it like the League of Nations has also failed in it's stated purpose--prevent War!

Since June 26, 1945, when the UN Charter was drawn up and implemented in October of the same year, there have been many wars. Some were euphemistically called "peace keeping" missions, for political reasons, like Korea, but there were hot wars in Vietnam, Bosnia, Nicaragua, Angola, Darfur, The Sudan and the Greek Civil war to name but a few that the UN did not prevent or help to win.

In the African Continent waring tribes of Muslims are killing thousands of people today, but the UN seems more preoccupied with getting a Carbon-Tax passed that will help them with, what this blogger believes has evolved into their primary function. The redistribution of wealth, and the control over the productivity and way of life of US in the United States!

I have a suggestion that would help with the national debt. Since the League of Nations was rightly located in a neutral Country, Switzerland. Lets start a movement to relocate the UN to Geneva, and when it is gone we can tear the buildings down and sell the bricks and pieces of concrete to those who bought the "pet rock" and pieces of the Berlin Wall!

We could turn the valuable land, United States property, into a money making endeavor by leasing or selling the land in "Turtle Bay" for hundreds of millions of dollars!

At least that way we would remove from our sight an organisation that was formed in 1945 with good intentions, but has evolved over the years since 1945, into an adversary of our sovereign Country. Just think of the unpaid tickets and citations that the New York police would not have to file in the "round file" on the floor!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Christmas Commentary From A Loyal Reader

The Lord must be about ready to make a second appearance, because of the almost total denial of decency and the lack of caring for Our fellow Man, in this world.
He has passively watched from above as greed, arrogance, self love, desecration and destruction of art and places built in his honor(Churches and Synagogues) by insensitive "goons" called humans.
The elitists of the world thinking they can emulate our Dear Savior by pretending they can produce beings such as humans and other animals from nothing.
God gave man a brain and a free will to "piddle" around in his miserably short life to keep him occupied. He provided all the ingredients necessary for pompous fools to take matter already created by God, and use these God created materials to make crude replicas of animals,man,etc.
These so called Frankenstein thinkers are creating nothing that was not already available to them by God.
Stupid and arrogant people don't know that matter cannot be created or destroyed but it may only be altered. Yes, for over 6,000 years man has continuously plundered, murdered and enslaved their enemies, and 2,000+ years ago God sent his only Son to this little "blob" in space to prove his love for man, by allowing him to die for man's sins.
And what does God receive as thanks for this miracle beyond the understanding of the feeble human mind, disbelief and worldwide chaos, and hate.
How insignificant we are on this exiled planet spinning in a galaxy of billions of God made stars, which more arrogant minds refuse to accept this Truth.
Their feeble minds can spend a lifetime trying to deny their "half cocked" non-creationist (Big Bang) beliefs.
A few brilliant scientists did own up to being honest and admitting he had accomplished little in a lifelong pursuit in a particular science and there has to be a Creator who put this puzzle in place.
The same creator has the power and the promise that he is going to undo a part of that puzzle, and set things right for all the arrogance, pride,and worldwide hate.
Let the "snakes, and grasshoppers" fiddle their way into Hell, and those of faith in God be prepared for the promise of his coming. When He will gather up those who believed and were humble of heart to Heaven and scatter the proud and the mighty to the bowels of Hell.
Merry Christmas to all!

Monday, December 24, 2007

No Peace On Earth And No Good Will At Christmas

Although the secular humanists have done their best to remove Christ from Christmas, and even the Christmas tree is now referred to as the holiday tree.
We can all be thankful that those of us who believe that God's only begotten son was born in Bethlehem so He could save Us from the original sin of Adam and Eve. Can go to our chosen churches in safety.
The people in Christ's birth place, and many places in Indonesia, are not so fortunate.
Bethlehem, the place where the bible tells us that Christ was born, maybe not exactly on the 25th of December, is no longer populated by Christians. The Muslims have moved in, Christians moved out, and now those who remain are threatened and intimidated, as are the Christian pilgrims who want to visit the place of Christ's birth.
Bethlehem's dwindling Christian population, has reportedly been the target of rampant Islamic intimidation and persecution.

Bethlehem consisted of up to 80 percent Christians when Israel was founded in 1948, but immediately after the Palestinian Authority took over in 1995 in line with the U.S.-backed Oslo Accords, the Christian population quickly declined to about 23 percent, with a large majority of Muslims. The 23 percent Christian statistic is considered generous since it includes the satellite towns of Beit Sahour and Beit Jala. Some estimates place Bethlehem's actual Christian population as low as 12 percent, with hundreds of Christians emigrating every year.

Christian leaders and residents, most of whom spoke on condition of anonymity during recent interviews, said they face an atmosphere of regular hostility. They said Palestinian armed groups stir tension by holding militant demonstrations and marches in the streets. They spoke of instances in which Christian shopkeepers' stores were ransacked and Christian homes attacked by Palestinian Muslims.Source: World NetDaily.
This is not as horrible as what the Bali police forces are afraid will happen to the minority Christian population that plans to go to Church services on Christmas. More than 17,000 police and soldiers have been deployed in the Indonesian capital to guard against a repeat of Christmas Eve attacks seven years ago, when Christian churches in the mainly(85%) Muslim nation were bombed.
The Main Stream Media would have you believe that it is the Jews that are intimidating and impeding Christian pilgrims in the quest to worship at Christ's birth place. Not so!
The facts show that Bethlehem is not surrounded by any wall. Israel built a fence, in 2002, in the area where northern Bethlehem interfaces with Jerusalem. A tiny segment of that barrier, facing a major Israeli roadway, is a concrete wall that Israel says is meant to prevent gunmen from shooting at Israeli motorists.

The fence was constructed after the outbreak of the Palestinian inifada, or terror war, launched after late PLO Leader Yasser Arafat turned down an Israeli offer of a Palestinian state, returning to the Middle East to liberate Palestine with violence.
Scores of deadly suicide bombings and shooting attacks against Israelis were planned in Bethlehem and carried out by Bethlehem-area terrorists, including Eita and his ilk.
At one point during the period of just 30 days in 2002, at least 14 shootings were perpetuated by Bethlehem cells of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorists, killing two Israelis and wounding six.

Many times Muslim gunmen in the Bethlehem area reportedly took positions in civilian homes in the hilltops of Christian Beit Jala, which straddles Bethlehem. Beit Jala afforded the terrorists a clear firing line at southern sections of Jerusalem and at a major Israeli highway down below, drawing Israeli military raids and the eventual building of the security barrier there.
Is this barrier causing Bethlehem's Christians to flee, as the mainstream media claim?
Simple demographic facts will answer this question. Israel built the barrier five years ago. But Bethlehem's Christian population started to drastically decline in 1995, the very year Arafat's Palestinian Authority took over the holy Christian city in line with the Clinton, U.S.-backed Oslo Accords.
Yet we still give millions of dollars each year to the Palestinians who are controlled by Christian and Jew hating thugs. Go figure!
Merry Christmas, and thank God Almighty that we still live in a Country that has freedom to worship or not worship as your conscience dictates!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Two Edged Sword Of Global Warming Scam

Last month, delegates from 187 nations and thousands of special interest "environmentalists" spent a luxurious week in Bali.
There meeting was slated to be a push for more restrictions on CO2 emissions, thus allegedly reducing the imminent threat of Global Warming.
From the reports I have read, their quest has been a futile attempt. Since they met in Kyoto, there have been more emissions from Countries like China, India, Brazil and other "developing" Countries, who were exempted from the Kyoto agreement.
The following is a report of the emission data since Kyoto. It shows the fact that large, rapidly industrializing developing nations like China, India, and Brazil that are not required to reduce their emissions have rapidly increased CO2 emissions.
China will soon pass the U.S. as the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases. According to a The Heritage Foundation source.
China is vastly expanding its factories and power plants, and as can be expected, opposed emission targets that would bind it.
China now "uses more coal than the United States, the European Union and Japan combined," and so "the increase in global warming gases from China's coal use will probably exceed that for all industrialized countries combined over the next 25 years".Source:The Heritage Press
India is not far behind in opening new coal-fired plants and is projected to become the world's third largest greenhouse gas emitter by 2015. It is indisputable that developing countries are rapidly increasing their emissions of greenhouse gases and will more than offset the reductions outlined in Kyoto.Yet the zealots of Global warming continue to ask the United States and Europe to cut back on their CO2 emissions by reducing our economic machinery.
Not only will this hurt our economy. Jobs will be lost, as if we haven't lost enough to China, India, Pakistan and Countries like Communist Vietnam.
If you doubt what I am saying. Just look at the label that shows where your athletic shoes, shirts and hats and golf clubs are being made.
What is actually happening, is a redistribution of wealth from our Country, in the name of preserving the ecology of the Earth!
Anyone who has studied basic science can tell you that the pollution in China or India drifts around the World, and into the atmosphere where it effects the reflection and deflection of the Suns rays.
If we believe the alarmists who proclaim the end of the World as we know it. Then the so called developing nations of China and India should be required to reduce their emissions or all we do is for naught.
As China is close to surpassing the U.S. and become the biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses. When this shift happens it will have tremendous practical as well as symbolic significance, and it will dim the appeal of unilateral U.S. action. It is important to note that China isn't slowly edging past America; it is roaring ahead.
Emissions of carbon dioxide, the byproduct of fossil-fuel combustion and the greenhouse gas of greatest concern, are exploding along with China's economy. New coal-fired power plants are reportedly being added in China at the rate of about one per week, and these facilities are less efficient and higher-emitting than their western counterparts. While China becomes a Communist controlled economic giant, that co-incidentally holds billions of dollars of our debt paper, is still referred to as a developing country. It is developing at a more rapid rate than the U.S. , and because it has an autocratic government there is no "trickle down effect" that helps it's impoverished peasants. They should not be given a pass on this world wide scam, that has been called a fraud by more than 400 real climate scientists!
According to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, which believes China has already surpassed America, emissions in China rose 9-percent in 2006, on top of a 12-percent increase in 2005. Meanwhile, America's emissions have been growing much more slowly, averaging little more than 1-percent per year and in 2006 actually went down!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Main Stream Media Demonstrates Bias Once Again

To those of us who long ago reorganized the bias of the Left Wing main stream media, it is no surprise that the associated Press story about the finding of an Al Queda torture chamber in Iraq didn't make the news in any one of the major networks other than Fox!

CBS, NBC, ABC And CNN will splash any news that deprecates the United States war effort in Iraq or Afghanistan. They featured news of the "water boarding" of Terrorist prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Secret CIA interrogation camps, and anything negative about the effort to obtain information from captured terrorist suspects.

But the news of the finding of a torture camp with electric wired bed springs, bloody knives and swords, and walls scrawled with sarcastic hate messages directed to the people about to be tortured, is no where to be found.

Could it be that the disinformation and extremely biased networks don't want the American public to know what monsters we are fighting in Iraq? No, it must be balanced news! Yes, and black is white!

The following quote was found first in the web page of the London Daily Telegraph, and after searching all major network sites . It was also found on Fox, as a feature story, for all to read and know the truth!

BAGHDAD — "Blood-splotches on walls, chains hanging from a ceiling and swords found on the killing floor of a suspected Al Qaeda in Iraq torture chamber are the latest horrors discovered by U.S. soldiers pushing into a province that remains an extremist stronghold.
Scrawled in white paint on one wall above a bed used for torture was a Quranic phrase normally used to welcome a guest, but given the horrific surroundings, conveyed only sadistic mockery: "Come in, you are safe" was the message in Arabic."

"We discovered several (weapons) caches, a torture facility that had chains, a bed — an iron bed that was still connected to a battery — knives and swords that were still covered in blood as we went in to go after the terrorists in that area," said U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Mark P. Hertling, the top U.S. commander in northern Iraq.

It was not the first such torture chamber discovered in Iraq, and it was a stark reminder of the horrors that exist in this country after nearly five years of war, despite growing optimism as violence has fallen about 60 percent since June.
The U.S. military — which discovered the torture site, along with nine weapons caches during a Dec. 8-11 operation north of Muqdadiyah, about 60 miles north of Baghdad — said: "it was used by Al Qaeda in Iraq." Graffiti on the building proclaiming "Long Live the Islamic State" has been used by the insurgent group in the past. Their stated goal is to establish such a state, or caliphate, in Iraq.

Lets not hear any more the claims that the nightly news on television and in most papers is anything but anti- Iraq war, anti-Bush, and anti-Religion.

They all should be printed on RED paper!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Good Reason To Not Vote For A Democrat

The Democrat party has always stood for the "little Man" in the United States. Beginning with the "New Deal" plans of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, and continuing on to the Great Society of President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. The Democrats have been the party of the working poor and middle class.

Not so anymore, as the report from the Congressional Office of Budget and Management shows in the following excerpt.

Four of the five leading candidates for the Democratic nomination have signed on to the bill which will punish the "little Man" severely to satisfy demagogues of the Global warming scam. The old saying: "Say what you mean and mean what you say" is applicable to these four hypocrites who aspire to the highest office in the Land. You will not hear them talking about their signing on to a Bill that would financially strap the working poor. Nor will you see or read about this travesty in the main stream Media. This is why I am writing this blog!
Any person who votes for these big government and taxation addicts is shooting themselves in the foot literally if not actually. The pain will be felt long after these pampered and wealthy persons luxuriate in the glow of power in the White House.

This was reported this week.
Senate Environment & Public Works Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have proposed the "Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act" aimed at combating climate change. The proposed partisan bill (S.309) is supported by another 15 senators, including: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY); Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL); Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT); Sen. Joseph R. Biden (D-DE); Sen. Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI); Sen. Russell D. Feingold (D-WI); Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI); Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA); Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ); Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT); Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ); Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI); Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI); Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD), and Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD).
FACT: A new MIT study concludes that the Sanders-Boxer approach would impose a tax-equivalent of $366 billion annually, or more than $4,500 per family of four, by 2015. And the annual costs will grow after 2015.

Have we not had enough of the tax and spend Democrats? They promise no tax relief from the thievery that they now extract from our paychecks. They promise more spending on socialist programs that will require more taxation, and it won't be from the well tax sheltered "rich" guys!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Time Magazines Man Of The Year Is An Atrocity

You might expect it to happen in France or Iraq. Maybe even Iran,that a magazine would pick a "former" KGB officer as their Man Of The Year.
But not in the United States, unless it is a Left Wing rag like Time Magazine that has long since lost it's objective Journalism.
The Pick of Vladamir Putin is even more absurd than last years pick of the year, "YOU"!
Putin the new "czar" of Russia is dangerous in the sense that he doesn't care about civil liberties, he doesn't care about free speech."He also stood side by side with France against sanctions against Saddam Hussein the Butcher of Baghdad.
Putin is head of the Russian Presidents council and when the Oil for Food scandal finally was exposed it was revealed that this group , all ex-KGB members and close associates of Putin, received millions of barrels of oil from Saddam. Oil which they could exchange for cash, because they were opposing, in union with the French, any sanctions or action against the murderous regime of Saddam by the UN.
"Russia topped the list of nations from whom the Hussein regime wanted support at the Security Council. As a result, the Hussein regime granted allocations to Russian individuals, political parties, and others due to their good relationship with Iraq and their support for the lifting of sanctions. The scale of the oil allocations given to Russian individuals and political parties was substantial, totaling approximately 30 percent of all the oil allocated during the course of the program."Source:Reuters News

Many of these allocations went to the Unity party, a predecessor of the Unified Russia party, which holds 37 percent of the seats in the Russian Duma. This party nas been described as "a pro-Kremlin party associated with Russian president Vladimir Putin."
In a prison interview last month with Senate investigators, Tariq Aziz said the Unity party was chosen for the allocations "because Russia was taking positions at the Security Council that were favorable to Iraq."
To add to that infamy, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned against military action against Iran and backed its right to nuclear energy, during the first visit to the country by a Kremlin chief since World War II.
Putin, attending a summit meeting of Caspian Sea states, arrived in the Iranian capital amid heavy security and secrecy over his travel plans after reports a squad of suicide bombers planned to kill him. If you wonder why, think back to the Journalist and politicians who were murdered because of opposition to Putin's actions.
Two notable murders are at least indicative of Putin associates involvement in murder. They are Anna Politovskaya who was gunned down in her apartment and the thallium poisoning of Alexander Litvenenko in London. Both were murdered in 2006.
A statement made by Mr Litvinenko before he died was read out by his friend Alex Goldfarb outside University College Hospital, London.
In it he accuses Russian President Vladimir Putin of involvement in his death and says his killer was "barbaric and ruthless".
Novaya Gazeta( Russian Newspaper) claims that Politovskaya was working on a major new expose of human rights abuses by Putins security forces in Chechnya. The fact that her murder coincided with President Putin’s birthday (birthdays are very important in Russian traditions) suggests that someone wanted to send a message, and has led many Western media outlets to charge that the Kremlin or security services were behind the crime. USA Today, the largest circulation newspaper in America, compared Vladimir Putin to Josef Stalin in one of their editorials.

While in Iran Putin had this to say: “It is also important that we talk about the impossibility of using our territory for other countries to carry out aggression or military action against Iran or other Caspian littoral states.” The other countries he is referring to are the United States and NATO.
Adding fuel to the "firestorm" over Iran's nuclear build up, Russia has delivered the first shipment of nuclear fuel to Iran's Bushehr atomic power station. A senior Iranian official said his country would under no circumstances halt its efforts to enrich uranium -- fuel. It says it needs nuclear fuel for other power plants, but the U.S. and other foreign powers fear the nuclear fuel could be used in a nuclear bomb.
Western nations led by the United States had urged Russia not to deliver fuel to Bushehr, a plant in southern Iran that Russian engineers are building under a $1 billion contract. This like all other requests to Russia has gone un-heeded.
Why not, We only saved them from being another Nazi satellite country with our invasion of Europe and the billions of dollars of military equipment we shipped to Russia in ships with great cost of American seamen!
In 1939 Time magazine pick Joseph Stalin for Man of the Year. A butcher who murdered untold millions of Soviet citizens he felt were a threat to him. It include half of his General Staff of the Military. This year they matched their perfidy in picking Putin!

Monday, December 17, 2007


Ever since the "Balfour Declaration" issued by the British Government in 1917, expressing support for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. There has been fighting, intifada and Peace Accord meetings to settle the Palestinian problem.To no avail!

The world once again rallied to the support of the embattled Palestinian government on Monday, pledging $7.4 billion in aid over the next three years at a donors' conference — a sum that tops the Palestinians' own expectations.

The sum raised Monday was substantial even compared to the more than $10 billion that donor countries have given to the Palestinians in the past decade, according to the World Bank. Officials have said the Palestinians have received more international aid on a per capita basis than any other nation or group of people in the postwar period.

The key issues that dominate this area of Palestine are the need for Israel to ease restrictions on Palestinians while not compromising its security, and the fate of Gaza, which has been virtually cut off from the world since the Islamic militant Hamas seized control by force in June.
My question is this: will the militant Hamas get control of the money, and start another intifada, or will it go to the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in this area in abject poverty..There are 4 million Arabs living in the Gaza Strip that is only 140 square miles in size. Not much larger than Rhode Island!

The West Bank and The Gaza strip has approximately 3.5 million Arabs and 440,000 Jewish settlers living in the area that is situated between Israel and Jordan. This is the area known in Biblical times as Judea and Samaria. Samaria(The West Bank) is approximately 2,270 square miles in size.
This was the geography that the Israelis occupied after they won the war in 1967. The Gaza strip is slightly larger than two times the size of Washington, DC!

Of course, these historical details are of little interest to the Islamic fundamentalists, who, by most accounts, enjoy majority support in the Gaza Strip.They have expressed a desire to wipe out Israel and claim the whole region.

For them, history begins with the conquests of Muhammad and his caliphs in the seventh century. According to Koranic law, all the land they conquered (including not only today's Palestine but also Spain and Portugal) became inalienable Islamic territory. Or as Mahmoud Zahar, a Hamas leader, said recently, "the fundamentalists seek to control not just the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, but All of Palestine is our land."

I believe that most Arabs would like to "de-Judaize"( eliminate Israel) all of Palestine, and many, no doubt, see the Gaza evacuation as a first step.
Is the United States and The European Union going to Pay for this genocide?

Yossi Melman of the Israeli Daily Haaretz had this to say about the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. "The official government, led by Mahmoud Abbas and celebrated by George Bush and most of the world, is weak and lacks the authority to reestablish its rule as sole representative of the Palestinian people.
At the same time, the government of Ehud Olmert – like most previous Israeli governments – is scared to death of initiating a dramatic, daring move to end the occupation.
The Saudi ambassador said that speeches made at the conference need to be matched by deeds. "The proof is in the pudding," he told us reporters. Once again, he was right. I don't believe that both sides (the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority) have the imagination, the vision, and the guts to deliver on the promises of Annapolis.
To make it come through, there is a need for two dramatic and probably traumatic events: a civil war among the Palestinians, in which hopefully the Abbas camp would crush the Hamas fundamentalists; and, on the Israeli side, dismantling settlements and moving 200,000 Jews still left in the West Bank – probably igniting a civil war."

And still Diplomats and World leaders keep funneling money down the rat hole that for the past decades has seen nothing but blood, sweat and tears. Is there no end to the fight between Palestinians and Israelis? I don't think so, because since the early 50's when the United Nations made Israel a sovereign Country, the Arabs have had a bur under there camels saddle to eradicate the state of Israel. There has to be an end to this bloody fight!

Obama Is No JFK!

In news articles and blogs the supporters of Barrack Obama have tried to compare him to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
This is ludicrous on first blush when you compare the political record and positions that Obama has taken compared with JFK.
JFK and Obama both went to Harvard, but that is where the comparison ends.
Kennedy was against abortion, Obama is for it, He was against the Iraq war before it began, and still is despite the gains our brave troops have made towards victory.
Kennedy wasn't for war, almost nobody is for war, but when one begins, the brave and the patriotic support the war effort. JFK is famous for his Purple Heart he won in the battle of Leyete Gulf when he commanded PT-109.
As President he authorised the use of defoliants, napalm and jet airplanes for use against the Communist North Vietnamese. He also sent 16,000 Green Berets as military "adviser's" in 1963.
He approved the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba and the Cuban Missle crisis showed he was willing to go to war to protect our Country from the Soviet Union placing ballistic mislles in Cuba. I can't envision Obama giving the military that kind of support, since he was protesting the War before it even began!

Obama is for repealing President Bush's tax cuts so he can fund socialised medicine and the giving of tax dollars to those who pay no taxes, aka: Earned In come Tax Credit. A euphemism for taking money from those that have and giving to those who have not. Charity it is not. It is redistribution of wealth and confiscation, and JFK would oppose it!

Obama supporters and "modern day" Democrats (aka socialists) have hijacked the good name of John F. Kennedy. One of JFK's key economic plans included massive, across-the-board tax cuts, similar to those of Reagan. Much like the 1920's and 1980's, it was these tax cuts that led to the Golden Kennedy-Johnson years.
Pro-tax lobbyists and leftist Congressmen/women, claim that Kennedy's tax cuts were significantly different than the tax cuts of Reagan, and the tax cuts of President Bush. They claim that Kennedy's tax cuts benefited low-income families, while Republican tax cuts only benefit the wealthy.

To some extent, Kennedy's tax cuts benefited the upper and upper middle classes even more. By the time Kennedy took office, the top income tax rate had reached 94%. Kennedy originally asked for it to be reduced to 65%, but a Democrat Congress slashed this down to 70%.

During a speech, JFK stated, "the current tax system exerts too heavy a drag on growth, reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment and risk taking. Without a question, it is mostly the middle and upper classes that undertake risky purchases and investment".

As expected, the tax revenue from the top 1%, the top 5%, and top 20% surged as a result of income growth from the tax cuts. Tax revenue from the rich increased from almost 12% in 1963, to 15% by 1966.

One only needs to examine the true economic policy and beliefs of JFK. History is on the side of tax cuts - the same side of Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush. If JFK had been alive today, it is likely he would have switched to the Republican Party. The following is an actual quote from President Kennedy: "An economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget - just as it will never produce enough jobs or profits." Yep, JFK was a supply-sider, one of those greedy, rich, white, politicians who liked to cut taxes. Obama is not a new JFK!

As Senator Lloyd Bentsen said to Senator Dan Quayle during the Vice-Presidential debate of 1988: "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy." If he were alive today, I believe he would repeat the same message to Obama and his supporters. We had one charismatic personality in President Bill Clinton, now it is time to elect a President who has the experience and willingness to stand up to our enemies no matter what the rest of the decaying World thinks. Our very survival depends upon it, and charisma won't get it done!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Let Us Stop The Religion Bating In Presidential Race

When John Fitzgerald Kennedy ran for President of the United States the rap against him by those who didn't want him elected was that if We elected a Roman Catholic to the Presidency. The Pope would have an influence on Our political system.

Of course this was nonsense, and just another example of the hate language used in modern day politics by candidates and their operatives, in the run for office.

Today we have perfect examples of multiple cases of religious hatred being used against men running for the Presidency.

Obama has been noted for his youthful Muslim schooling, Romney is vilified because he is a Mormon, and Huckabee is both promoted and derided because he was once a Baptist Minister.

In the history of this Country there have been 42 different Religions represented by the occupants of the Oval Office. Just to name a few. There have been 11 Episcopalians beginning with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, the two Roosevelt's and George Bush. There were 10 Presbyterians including such notables as Ronald Reagan, Eisenhower in his later years and Wilson. Five Methodists and 4 Baptists including Carter, Harding Clinton and Truman.

There has been one Jehovah's Witness, Dwight David Eisenhower as a child, and as mentioned just one Catholic despite the fact that over 25% of the United States population claim to be Roman Catholics.

What is the point of all these statistics. It is that the Quality of the man, and what he /she stands for, and has voted for, that should be the determining factor in deciding whom we should elect to the highest office in Our Country, not his/her religious affiliation.

I believe a supporter of free-market economics and limited government, moral causes such as the right to life and the preservation of marriage, and a foreign policy based on the national interest are more important than where he/she goes to Church on Saturday or Sunday!

President JFK had this to say about religion in the Presidency:"Whatever one's religion in his private life may be, for the officeholder, nothing takes precedence over his oath to uphold the Constitution and all its parts -- including the First Amendment and the strict separation of church and state. We the voter should ignore the hypocrisy of Religion bating and support and elect the person we believe will keep this Country Great, powerful and Free!

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Trojan Horse Being Presented BY The UN

For over 90 years there has been a Communist influence in the World. Since the 1917 revolution in Russia, the Bolsheviks have been advocating tearing down the "rich" and redistributing their wealth to the workers.

The only problem with this reasoning is that the money robbed from the "Whites" in Russia never trickled down to the masses. It benefited those few who were members of the Communist party, who became the new elite class in Russia. The peasants saw not one dime. In fact those who had small farms, that they tilled to scratch out a small living,had them confiscated, and the farmers became part of "collective farms" working for the Communists.
The failure of Communism in Russia and the pending collapse of the Chinese Communists hasn't stopped the Communist movement. They just found a new home, and this week they showed their ugly face at the "Global Warming Conference" in Bali.
The advocates of redistribution and confiscation of wealth finally showed their "Hold Card"!
Today's' Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works published a report that illustrates the "Global Warming" advocates real agenda.
They want to "rob" the wealthy and give to the poor in the form of a Global Carbon Tax!
A panel of UN participants on Thursday urged the adoption of a tax that would represent “a global burden sharing system, fair, with solidarity, and legally binding to all nations.”
“Finally someone will pay for these [climate related] costs,” Othmar Schwank, a global tax advocate, told Inhofe EPW Press Blog following the panel discussion titled “A Global CO2 Tax.” Schwank is a consultant with the Switzerland based Mauch Consulting firm
Schwank said at least “$10-$40 billion dollars per year” could be generated by the tax, and wealthy nations like the U.S. would bear the biggest burden based on the “polluters pay principle.”
The U.S. and other wealthy nations need to “contribute significantly more to this global fund,” Schwank explained. He also added, “It is very essential to tax coal.”

The redistribution of wealth in the World is just an organism for extracting money from a Country (USA) that has a successful economy, and give it to a United Nations organisation that has been shown to be a corrupt organisation,that does not have the best interests of the United States.
Long before Al Gore jumped on his "hobby horse" to sound the alarm bells for Global Warming, their were people in our government who were advocating support of a tax on energy. The following quote illustrates this truth!
Former Colorado Senator Tim Wirth reportedly said in 1990, "We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing — in terms of economic policy and environmental policy."
Despite the protestations of real climate scientists the Left in this Country and the World has decided to push Global Warming scares to gain their ultimate prize. Robbing the rich and giving it to the poor! The IRS does enough of that we don't need another large hand in our pockets extracting more of our hard earned income!
In conclusion, think on this: MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen warned about these types of carbon regulations earlier this year. "Controlling carbon is a bureaucrat's dream. If you control carbon, you control life," Lindzen said in March 2007.
In addition, many critics have often charged that the proposed tax and regulatory “solutions” were more important to the promoters of man-made climate fears than the accuracy of their science.
Now that the UN has officially announced what the "fearmongering" about man-made global warming has been designed to justify all along - a global carbon tax which will do nothing to reduce carbon emissions but everything to feed the trough of world government, and put 10-40 billion dollars a year in the hands of the UN Multilateral Adaptation Fund, aka: redistribution of Our wealth to the undeveloped World. It is time to have the courage to stand up and say I won't take any more! Call or write your Congressmen/women and tell them to hold the line against this outrageous tax!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black!

Will Rogers said many things, but one quote is appropriate to begin this blog. He said: "The Country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when a baby gets hold of a hammer"!

The following illustrates his point very well.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-Calif.), Chairwoman of the New Democrat Coalition, demands an AMT(alternative minimum tax) bill that conforms with budget rules. “I want AMT paid for. I think the entire Democratic Caucus wants the AMT paid for. I am very resolved to that.
“I’m very mindful of the number of constituents damaged if we don’t get this fixed … [people] also want [tax relief] paid for because they are deeply concerned about the way the Republicans ran the Congress.”
Perhaps she should listen to the report by this Advocates report: " In 2006, the IRS's National Taxpayer Advocate's report highlighted the AMT as the single most serious problem with the tax code. The advocate noted that the AMT punishes taxpayers for having children or living in a high-tax state, and that the complexity of the AMT leads to most taxpayers who owe AMT not realizing it until preparing their returns or being notified by the IRS."
Although federal debt has soared during the Bush presidency, Republicans say deficit spending was needed after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the ensuing recession.
Congresswoman Tauscher said Senate Republicans need to recognize that a new party controls Congress, and compromise. Maybe that is why Congress approval rating is lower than President Bush by over 10 points!

She reminds us, "we took the majority and decided we were not going to run the government as they did, as profligate spenders. They need to be cooperative.”Sounds pretty partisan to me. So much for co-operation.

Perhaps Ms. Tauscher should check the recent history of the Democrats spending in 2006 and 2007, before she gets her panties in a knot! She must know the following facts: CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS HAVE A LONG-STANDING RECORD OF FISCAL IRRESPONSIBILITY
This year, Democrats Passed A Budget That Includes The Largest Tax Increase In U.S. History:
Democrats In The House And Senate Voted To Pass A $2.9 Trillion FY2008 Budget Resolution That Includes The Largest Tax Increase In U.S. History. (S.Con.Res.21, CQ Vote #377, Adopted 214 - 209: R 0 - 196; D 214 - 13, 5/17/07; S.Con.Res.21, CQ Vote #172: Adopted 52-40: R 2 - 40; D 48 - 0; I 2 - 0, 5/17/07)
The Democrats' $2.9 Trillion Budget Fails To Extend All The 2001 And 2003 Tax Cuts. "Congressional Democrats ... recently announced agreement on a $2.9 trillion budget blueprint for 2008, promising a budget surplus in five years but only by allowing some of President Bush's tax cuts to expire." Source: Andrew Taylor
The top Republican on the Senate committee, Sen. Judd Gregg, said: " the Democratic plan would produce 'the largest tax increase in U.S. history, billions in new spending, and no attempt to address the long-term fiscal crisis' in retirement programs and Medicaid, the health care program for the poor and disabled." Source: Associated Press

Over the next ten-year period, the average household's taxes would increase by $2,641 annually, or 12 percent above current tax levels." The Senate Budget: A $2,641 per household tax increase, and no entitlement, (the largest part of the annual budget) reforms, Source: The Heritage Foundation, (3/22/07)
Democrats' recent show of earmark reform left the veneer of transparency but gutted the substance.
Less than two weeks after the Senate's new Earmark Rules took effect, critics are accusing Democrats of providing less openness than promised by persons like Speaker Pelosi!

"As It Stands, Complete Earmark Information Will Not Have To Be Put Online Until 48 Hours Before Bills Reach The Floor." Source: (CQ Today)
In January, the Senate voted unanimously to provide this budget information. However, by July, a "star-chamber" conference committee left the veneer of transparency but gutted the substance." (CQ Today, 9/24/07)
"This Is One Of The Most Bald-Faced Bait And Switches I've Seen In Washington." source:Bart Jansen and Jonathan Allen,
Senator Hillary Clinton apparently doesn't mind weakness of the Democrats Earmark Reform, She has a history of piling on the pork.
From the 107th - 109th Congress, Sen. Hillary Clinton sponsored or co-sponsored Bills that total over $674.1 billion in spending. (National Taxpayers Union Website)

Yet she has the chutzpah to ask you to help by bringing your mops and brooms so she can clean out the mess in Washington. I think she should get her "pink slip" instead of mops and brooms. Unless they are used to sweep her and Bill out of politics!

The Hill Newspaper Reported ... "That Clinton Secured 26 Pet Projects, Or Earmarks, Worth $148 Million In A 2008 Defense-Spending Bill More Than Any Other Democrat Except For The Chairman Of The Armed Services Committee." Nuff said!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Begining Of The End For Free Speech?

" Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide."
John Adams, Letter, April 15, 1814

It would seem to me, that what is happening to the majority of people in the United States, and the Rest of the civilized world, in the name of political correctness and diversity is the fruition of John Adams polemic. The following blog will try to illustrate why I believe we are attempting to correct a small evil by using a weapon of mass destruction. Limiting free speech!

The Europeans have taken tolerance and diversity to the extreme. Poland would like to become part of the European Union, but since it is predominantly a Catholic Country the Poles oppose abortion.

The EU is insisting that the Poland, which is the native land of the former Pope John Paul II, must lessen or eliminate its stand against abortion and the practice of homosexuality before it can come under the full graces of the European Union.

Here at home, recently passed legislation in California illustrates what happens when the popular notion of "tolerance" intrudes into the realm of law.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, signed a bill in October 2007 that disallows the use of the words, Mom, Dad, Husband and Wife in California schools.

The new language laws in California are an example of tolerance becoming militantly intolerant. Gays and transsexuals are protected from any offence imagined or real. This is accomplished at the expense of offending over 95 percent of the heterosexuals and their families who reflect the make up of California schools.

Is this tolerant? Has any one asked the question; just how many high school and elementary students are gay or transsexual? Gay high school students perhaps, but transsexuals in elementary schools? Just how many of them are there in California? Has California changed its laws to defend the sensitivities of a non-existent group of people?

Have we traversed from the silent majority up to the moral majority only to slide over to the tolerant majority; then all the way back to the silent majority again?
Now we seem to have the new "American morality"; the new partner of tolerance and diversity! We risk hurting ourselves irreparably with something that claims to take the hurt off of everyone.

Tolerance is a word that is sailing around at the speed of insanity and stupidity. What about the rights of the majority?

The confusion this creates is apparent when Islamic groups like CAIR go about pointing out every perceived insult to Islam in America, even as America and the rest of the world are not afforded a speck of tolerance in return, in fact the doctrine and ideology of Islam as written in the Quran and Sharia law, forbids it.

A cartoon, a negative statement about Muhammad or refusal to convert to Islam can result in death, as it did in the Netherlands.

Yet there are Americans (ACLU for one) who also watch for any and all possible intolerant language as it pertains to Islam. Double standards notwithstanding; this is the stupidity connected to the word "tolerance" that betrays its obvious lack of wisdom and social importance.

If we are not vigilant, these United States of America will become the United States of Tyranny.

Who Shall We Believe?

Climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia report that observed patterns of temperature changes (‘fingerprints’) over the last thirty years are not in accord with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability. Therefore, climate change is ‘unstoppable’ and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation." These results are in conflict with the conclusions of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and also with some recent research publications based on essentially the same data. However, they are supported by the results of the US-sponsored Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). The report is published in the December 2007 issue of the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society [DOI: 10.1002/joc.1651]. The authors are Prof. David H. Douglass (Univ. of Rochester), Prof. John R. Christy (Univ. of Alabama), Benjamin D. Pearson (graduate student), and Prof. S. Fred Singer (Univ. of Virginia).
And the Hartland Institute reported this week that the ice cap in Antartica is growing larger. "Antarctic sea ice set a new record in October 2007, as photographs distributed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed penguins and other cold-weather creatures able to stand farther north on Southern Hemisphere sea ice than has ever been recorded. The news of expanding Antarctic sea ice stole headlines from global warming alarmists who asserted Arctic sea ice had reached its lowest extent since 1979."

Despite these reports, Climate Nobel Laureate Al Gore, is traveling through Great Britain and Europe giving speeches that netted him over six thousand dollars a minute for a speech in Great Britain recently.The London Daily Mail reported the following today: "Many of the audience at last month's Fortune Forum summit were restless as Mr Gore, who has won both a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for his Global Warming campaigning work this year, delivered the half-hour speech that netted him $203,099,000...Guests had paid between $2,000 and $100,000 to attend."

Despite the evidence to the contrary, Democrat Senators known for their Liberal, left wing stand are forming their own group to attend the "climate Change Conference" in Malasia. This despite the fact that the President has a delegation attending that will support the position taken by the President and Congress previously, to not sign the Kyoto Agreement.

The following was reported by The Congressional Quarterly: "This week, representatives of more than 180 nations will meet on the Indonesian island of Bali to begin discussing a climate change agreement intended to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. But the delegation that will be the most closely watched will not even have an official seat at the table. A "bipartisan" group of US senators and their top aides, which will be led by Democratic Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts and Barbara Boxer of California, plan to meet with attendees and affirm their commitment to participating in the next round of global efforts to cap carbon emissions".

Their position will be sharply at odds with that of the official US delegation, which consists of Bush administration officials who remain opposed to mandatory emissions curbs. It also will deviate from positions taken by past US Congresses that deemed the 1995 Kyoto agreement onerous,unworkable and bad for the U.S. economy.

In Australia the Carbon Frenzy has gotten so bad that the following was reported today by CNS: "Having babies is bad for the planet, and parents of more than two children should be charged a birth levy and annual tax to offset the "greenhouse gases" their child will be responsible for over his or her lifetime. At the same time, those who use and prescribe contraceptives and sterilization procedures should earn tax relief for such greenhouse friendly services" that help to keep the population size down. These proposals, by an Australian academic, were published in the country's leading medical journal on Monday.

When will people in the United States wake up to the FACT that the Ecology movement is the new home of the Communist Party in the United States?