Friday, May 15, 2009
All the dispute is because Notre Dame is the power house Catholic university in the USA, and Obama is an outspoken advocate of abortion and partial birth abortion. Not all Catholics appear to feel that is a reason to disqualify Obama from being awarded the honorary degree, as the polls indicate that approximately 58% of people who identify themselves as Catholics voted for President Obama in the general election.
Those 58% percent are either ignorant or choose to ignore the precepts of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church has been an outspoken advocate for the sanctity of life from conception until natural death occurs for centuries. This puts anyone who supports abortion , and especially partial birth abortion( the killing of a live baby in the birth canal by sucking it's brains out)in direct opposition to the teaching of not only the Catholic Church but many Christians and Jews, despite what the "unsupremes" ruled in Roe/Wade.
And now there is another reason to disqualify Obama from even giving a speech at Notre Dame, much less getting an honorary doctorate.
This story was published in the Patriot post today. I am including a portion of it to illustrate why Obama should not be on the podium this Sunday at Notre Dame. At least Arizona State had the sense and chutzpah to not award an honorary dgree when Obama spoke at their graduation yesterday.
"Harry Knox is the director of the Faith and Religion Program at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a homosexual rights organization. Knox has said, among other things, that the pope’s view on condoms was “hurting people in the name of Jesus,” and that the Catholic Church's denial of communion to a “married” lesbian couple was “immoral and insulting to Jesus” and an “act of spiritual and emotional violence.”
Further, Knox said that by not supporting a U.N. resolution that called for decriminalizing homosexuality and equating all sexual orientations, the Vatican was “sending a message that violence and human rights abuses against LGBT people are acceptable.”
Knox has also called Pope Benedict XVI a “discredited leader” and described the Catholic Knights of Columbus a “discredited army of oppression” because they supported a California ballot initiative to define marriage as being between one man and one woman.
Obama named Knox to his advisory council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships on April 6. previously reported that the letter Boehner signed called on President Obama to remove Knox"
If Knox said this about Muslims who stone to death or throw off high buildings known homosexuals in many Muslim countries. He would be widely condemned by the Media, and certainly never appointed to any staff position by Obama. There is something seriously wrong with what is going on in the Halls of Power in Washington when people who advocate killing a human in the most safe place in the world (a mother's womb) are appointed to positions of power. It is time for the Silent Majority to be resurrected!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Even the Pope is being duped by the Palestinian Authority! Obama and most of the EU nations have advocated a two state resolution to the conflict between the PA and Israel.
The Pope said this yesterday; "Mr. President, the Holy See supports the right of your people to a sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers, secure and at peace with its neighbors, within internationally recognized borders," the pontiff said upon his arrival, standing alongside Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
This despite the fact that Christians are a tiny minority among the 3.9 million Palestinians who live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In a trend seen throughout the Middle East, their numbers have dwindled as Christian Palestinians weary of occupation seek out new opportunities abroad.
The bloody conflict that has festered for over 40 years,partially because the PA and all Arab and the non-Arab Iran have refused to recognise the right of the State of Israel to exist!
Obama's closed door session with the Israeli advance man for Prime Minister Netanyahu indicated the lack of support that the Israeli's can expect from Obama. This despite the fact that the PA nad most Arab countries want to destroy Israek, and this story from Ramalla illustrates the contempt the Muskim world has for Israel and Jews in general.
"In the first case of its kind, a Palestinian Authority "military court" on Tuesday sentenced a Palestinian man to death by hanging after finding him guilty of selling land to Jews. The verdict came shortly after the PA's chief Islamic judge, Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, issued yet another fatwa (religious decree) banning Muslims from selling land or houses to Jews. The death sentence is seen as an attempt by the PA leadership in Ramallah to deter Palestinians from conducting real estate transactions with Jews. It follows reports according to which Jewish individuals and organizations recently bought land and houses from Arabs in Jerusalem and some areas in the West Bank. The man sentenced to death is Anwar Brigith, 59, from the village of Bet Umar, north of Hebron. The three-judge panel found the defendant guilty of violating PA laws that bar Palestinians from selling property to "the enemy." In its ruling, the court, which convened in Hebron, said that Brigith had acted in violation of a Palestinian "military law" dating back to 1979, which states that it is forbidden for a Palestinian to sell land to Jews. The accused was also found guilty of violating a law dating back to 1958 that calls for a boycott against Israel, as well as another law from 1953 that bans trade with Israelis. The judges issued the verdict unanimously and pointed out that the defendant did not have the right to appeal. The death sentence, however, must be approved by PA President Mahmoud Abbas. The court was headed by Gen. Abdel Karim al-Masri, who sat together with two other PA security officers, Muhrez Atyani and Nabil Jaber. The court also decided to confiscate Brigith's money and property. Although the PA has never executed Palestinians accused of selling land to Jews, several "suspects" have been kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian security personnel or members of armed groups in the West Bank and Gaza Strip". source: The New Media Journal
Why do those who advocate dividing Israel not consider asking Egypt, Iran or Syria to deed land to the Palestinians so they can form a State of their own?
The Pope said this yesterday; "Mr. President, the Holy See supports the right of your people to a sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers, secure and at peace with its neighbors, within internationally recognized borders," the pontiff said upon his arrival, standing alongside Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
This despite the fact that Christians are a tiny minority among the 3.9 million Palestinians who live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In a trend seen throughout the Middle East, their numbers have dwindled as Christian Palestinians weary of occupation seek out new opportunities abroad.
The bloody conflict that has festered for over 40 years,partially because the PA and all Arab and the non-Arab Iran have refused to recognise the right of the State of Israel to exist!
Obama's closed door session with the Israeli advance man for Prime Minister Netanyahu indicated the lack of support that the Israeli's can expect from Obama. This despite the fact that the PA nad most Arab countries want to destroy Israek, and this story from Ramalla illustrates the contempt the Muskim world has for Israel and Jews in general.
"In the first case of its kind, a Palestinian Authority "military court" on Tuesday sentenced a Palestinian man to death by hanging after finding him guilty of selling land to Jews. The verdict came shortly after the PA's chief Islamic judge, Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, issued yet another fatwa (religious decree) banning Muslims from selling land or houses to Jews. The death sentence is seen as an attempt by the PA leadership in Ramallah to deter Palestinians from conducting real estate transactions with Jews. It follows reports according to which Jewish individuals and organizations recently bought land and houses from Arabs in Jerusalem and some areas in the West Bank. The man sentenced to death is Anwar Brigith, 59, from the village of Bet Umar, north of Hebron. The three-judge panel found the defendant guilty of violating PA laws that bar Palestinians from selling property to "the enemy." In its ruling, the court, which convened in Hebron, said that Brigith had acted in violation of a Palestinian "military law" dating back to 1979, which states that it is forbidden for a Palestinian to sell land to Jews. The accused was also found guilty of violating a law dating back to 1958 that calls for a boycott against Israel, as well as another law from 1953 that bans trade with Israelis. The judges issued the verdict unanimously and pointed out that the defendant did not have the right to appeal. The death sentence, however, must be approved by PA President Mahmoud Abbas. The court was headed by Gen. Abdel Karim al-Masri, who sat together with two other PA security officers, Muhrez Atyani and Nabil Jaber. The court also decided to confiscate Brigith's money and property. Although the PA has never executed Palestinians accused of selling land to Jews, several "suspects" have been kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian security personnel or members of armed groups in the West Bank and Gaza Strip". source: The New Media Journal
Why do those who advocate dividing Israel not consider asking Egypt, Iran or Syria to deed land to the Palestinians so they can form a State of their own?
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was right on and almost a prophet when his statement is applied to what Obama is doing to the economy and the free enterprise private sector these days.
His regulation of the banks and auto industry, and today his announcement that he will look into the salaries of financial executives9banks), show his determination to bury the private sector with strangling regulations, and take over by the government of one after another private sector businesses.
In light of his move toward replacing the private sector executives in the industries that he has already effectively taken over, with government bureaucrats. He is sort of keeping his campaign promise to create millions of jobs. The only hitch is that the job growth will be in the Federal government bureaucracy not the private sector.
Even as I write this post the news is reporting that General Motors stock has dropped to as low as a dollar today, and their is a talk of closing over 150 GM distributors that will put on the street without jobs close to a hundred thousand people!
"At a time when the official unemployment rate is nearing double digits, and 6.35 million people are receiving unemployment benefits, the U.S. government is on a hiring binge.
Executive branch employment - 1.98 million in 2009, excluding the Postal Service and the Defense Department - is set to increase by 15.6 percent for the 2010 fiscal year. Most of that is thanks to the Census Bureau hiring 102,000 temporary workers, but not counting them still yields a net increase of 2 percent in one year.
There's little belt-tightening in evidence in Washington, D.C.: Counting benefits, the average pay per federal worker will leap from $72,800 in 2008 to $75,419 next year.
Meanwhile, according to Forbes' layoff tracker, there have been 558,087 layoffs since November 2008 at large public companies; even local school districts aren't immune. That's just a sliver of the total unemployed, which government data estimate to be 8.6 percent of the workforce, or an alternate method of reckoning that counts discouraged workers puts at 20 percent.
Some of the Feds' hiring increases have been stunning. If you look at the four-year period from 2006 to 2010, the number of Homeland Security employees has grown by 22 percent, the Justice Department has increased by 15 percent, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission can claim 25 percent more employees" source: The American Thinker
If anyone has any doubts about president Obama's socialist tendencies. These facts should open their eyes. It is my opinion that Obama intends to destroy as much of the private sector with punitive regulations like taxes, cap and trade costs and card check that will force many small business out of the private sector.
His "marriage" with big labor unions is quite evident from his dealings with the Chrysler bail-out and rapid bankruptcy and his response to SEIU request to put pressure on the California Governor and legislature to restore cuts in pay for SEIU employees approved by the Democrat controlled legislature to avoid imminent bankruptcy for California!
Will the Silent Majority wake up before it is too late?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
AARP.They have amassed millions of members and has been an active advocate for seniors in Washington on many issues including Medicare and prescription benefits for seniors.
But since Obama has taken over the Oval Office they have been strangely silent on two issues that will affect seniors in an adverse if not a fatal way.
The two issues which they should have been opposing both in their lobbying efforts in the halls of Congress, and in the Media are the Presidents call for Universal Health Care and the impending tax on dividends on stocks.
Yesterday the Health Insurers and the AMA , an organisation that has less than 50% percent of the practicing doctors as members, went to the White House to say "Me Too" to the "Messiah" in Chief. They collectively promised to cut health care costs if they were allowed a seat at the decision table of the framers of Obama's socialised medical plan.They said they could cut heath care costs over the next ten years by 2 trillion dollars if they were included in the planning. A desperate and dangerous promise to avoid being left out of the "deal".
In his budget proposals, Obama has accounted only for revenue to cover about half of the projected cost of turning health care coverage over to the government. The $2 trillion in savings would be spread across the board, but could help the federal government cover those costs and extend coverage to the nearly 50 million uninsured.
What these statistics do not tell you is that 20 million of the estimated 50 million( I believe it is closer to 40) are illegals! So really we are talking about dumping the best medical care in the world for 20 million people.
If you doubt we have the best care, just visit a Mayo clinic and see the hundreds of patients seeking care from Canada, England, Germany and South American countries where socialized medicine is the law.
The only ways the medical care costs can be lowered is to eliminate waste, and allowing bureaucrats to enter the medical care system is no way to do this, as you will see in the Postal Service and Amtrak! The other way is to ration care, as they are doing in every country where socialised medicine is used. Rationing is a threat to everyone over 62 years old!
This is a grave threat to anyone over the age of eligibility for Social Security. If you study and follow the foreign models you will find that "old" patients are routinely denied angioplasty,open heart surgery, hip replacement and any life saving expensive treatments for Cancer. Palliative care is the road all seniors will be shunted down!
Then there is this threat to seniors that AARP should fight.
"President Obama's "Budget Blueprint" proposes to raise the tax rate on dividends and capital gains from 15 percent to 20 percent.[1] This tax hike would hit senior citizens particularly hard, as it would depress the value of stocks held in many types of retirement savings plans they rely on for income to supplement their Social Security benefits.
These plans include 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs, and self-directed state, local, and federal government employee retirement funds. As of December 31, 2008, these plans invested $4.4 trillion in stocks--just over of 54 percent of all their assets.[2]
Capital gains and dividends taxes decrease stock prices in two ways: They reduce the after-tax value of the dividends and capital gains earned by stocks, and they increase the cost of capital for businesses, thereby reducing future business profitability.
To determine how much Obama's proposed tax hike would reduce the value of retirement savings plans, the value in current dollars of the yearly revenue raised by the tax increase (as shown in the Budget Blueprint) is discounted by the latest available price-to-earning ratio of the S&P 500 to calculate the aggregate decline in stock prices. This is a widely accepted methodology.[3]
According to this calculation, the tax hike would cause stock prices to drop almost $93 billion. As the percentage of all stocks held in retirement savings plans is approximately 30 percent,[4] nearly one-third of the decline in stock prices would fall on stocks owned through these plans. This works out to $27 billion of lost value for current and future retirees unnecessarily redistributed to Congress. That works out to $434 of lost retirement savings for each family.
Seniors' Income Would Fall
The $27 billion of lost wealth would lower the incomes of seniors dependent on retirement savings plans. Seniors sell stocks held in these funds after they retire to pay for their living expenses, including basics such as housing, food and medical care. When the stocks they sell decline in value, seniors have less money to pay their bills, and their budgets are squeezed tighter.
Seniors dependent on retirement savings plans already experienced a precipitous decline in purchasing power due to the current recession. From the end of 2007 to the end of 2008, they lost more than $2.6 trillion of value--more than 24 percent of their total worth--because of the decline in stock prices.[5]
Unlike the decline in stock values due to the recession, the stock price decline caused by the dividend and capital gains tax hike is irrecoverable because the additional tax lowers stock prices permanently--or at least until the tax hike is reversed. On the other hand, the lost value from the stock market decline will reverse as economic conditions improve".
These two proposals that Obama has on his agenda will Punish Seniors! Will AARP fight them???
Source:Curtis S. Dubay, Senior Analyst in Tax Policy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation.
Monday, May 11, 2009
"Extortiongate"And the SEIU!
Watergate brought president Nixon the threat of impeachment and ultimate resignation for his attempt to cover up the break-in of the Democrat headquarters in the Watergate building.The media drove the story to Armageddon proportions to rid themselves of a president they hated.And if they had their way they would do the same thing to president Bush over the "water boarding" fiasco.
Fast forward to today and I believe we have a scandal of real potential criminal proportions that occurred in the recent past.
President Obama and his merry band of "enforcers" are reported to have brought extortion into the White House numerous times. The most recent dastardly act involves the White House and the State of California.
The illegal influence appears to have occurred over the decision in Sacramento, Ca. to cut the wages of the The Service Employee International Union (SEIU).
SEIU was among the second biggest financial donor to President Obama's presidential campaign, contributing $33 million. The union is also consistently among the biggest donors to Democrats in Sacramento and aggressively fought wage cuts during state budget negotiations.
The state of California is fiscally bankrupt, and the cuts were part of an attempt to balance an extremely bloated budget that is heavy on social and welfare benefits.
But the president is apparently not busy enough trying to socialize the country with the take over of the auto industry, banks and our medical care. He was compelled to get involved in a matter of states rights. Of course this is just another pay back to another union who put him in the Oval Office. First there was his attempt to give the auto workers union 33% share in Chrysler corporation in the bankruptcy settlement, and now he is paying off his debt to SEIU!
The following is a direct quote from the Los Angeles Times, and it illustrates the Chicago like tactics that the Obama "mob" in the White House are using to get their way whenever anyone crosses one of "their own"!
"Officials in the governor's office say a politically powerful union may have had inappropriate influence over the Obama administration's decision to withhold billions of dollars in federal stimulus money from California if the state does not reverse a scheduled wage cut for the labor group's workers.
The officials say they are particularly troubled that the Service Employees International Union, which lobbied the federal government to step in, was included in a conference call in which state and federal officials reviewed the wage cut and the terms of the stimulus package.
California Secretary of Health and Human Services Kim Belshe said she could not recall another instance in which the federal government invited a significant stakeholder group into such government-to-government negotiations.
"The involvement of a stakeholder in this kind of state-federal deliberative process is unusual at best," she said. "This was really atypical and outside any norm I am familiar with."
In addition to several state and federal officials, participants in the April 15 conference call included an SEIU associate general counsel in Washington, a lobbyist for SEIU in California and a representative from SEIU's policy staff in California, according to a list provided by the Schwarzenegger administration".
Does anyone have a problem with "pay for play" when it is transacted by a union who intends to force a state to continue paying high wage rates to its members while using its influence with a President to threaten to hurt all the citizens of the state?
I have a real problem with a President who picks and chooses winners depending on whether they supported him financially during the election, as if he were a corrupt Chicago machine alderman, as opposed to say the President of the United States who is supposed to represent all of us?
I have a problem with Boss Obama who threatens and extorts to meet his goals (see Chrysler cram down or his comment that he was the only one standing between Wall Street banking execs and the pitchforks). He has expressed his desire not to quell the people's anger but to "channel it."The problem is the channeling is all one way!
Obama was about "Change" all right; he has turned the Presidency truly into a Bully Pulpit. And He is the Bully.
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