Last Sunday at the storied home of the Detroit Tigers in Michigan where greats like Ty Cobb, Bob Gibson, Mickey Lolich and Cy Young winner Willie Hernandez once played . A travesty occurred within those hallowed baseball walls. Louis Farrakhan gave a speech to his Muslim followers in which he called for not only the impeachment of the President of the United States. He made a public display of what this blogger feels is seditious speech. He said: "Blacks are urged to avoid military service." When he spoke these words an apparent friend of this radical "Nation of Islam Brotherhood" one time leader was in the audience. Representative John Conyers witnessed this diatribe and later said nothing to indicate he was apposed to what Farrakhan said. This another prime example of how our right of free speech can be used to tear down our Great Country!
This is not the first time a Muslim public figure has called for the Impeachment of Mr. Bush.
Last October, now representative to Congress from Minnesota, Kieth Ellison said:"the president is running amok, and there is only one way that you can truly hold this President accountable is impeachment. Now that Pelosi has appointed him to the prestigious Committee of the Judiciary. He is in the place to continue his "jihad" against President Bush.
Expect him and many followers of The Nation of Islam to be in the crowd marching on the Capitol this weekend demanding an end to the Iraq war.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
We Ignore The Threats we Choose to Hide
Each year 6,000 children age 16 to 20 are killed when they are driving a car! The number killed in 2002 was 7386.
The cost of medical treatment and rehabilitation of the other 300,000 teens injured in car wrecks is $42.3 billion!
Many of these deaths are alcohol and or drug related, but not all. Many are caused by accidents in the small cars that parents buy to satisfy the mobility needs of the modern teenager, and to put less of a burden on the parents to take them where they need and want to go.
Many accidents resulting in fatalities are the result of small cars being struck by large trucks or SUVs.
We don't hear enough about these deaths. The Media is too busy screaming about the 4000 KIA in Iraq in the past four years.
Instead of spending their time in Congress drawing up bills to "defund" and force withdrawal of Our troops in Iraq. These Hypocrites should be looking to legislate more safety on the highway for our children and ourselves.
Instead, the Congress continues to raise the mileage requirement for passenger cars and is "lockstep" with environmental activists to pressure the American public into buying lighter hybrid gas and battery powered cars.
They have allowed double trailer trucks and hundreds of thousands of school buses without seat belts. All of this has made the highways not only more dangerous for all drivers, but most certainly contributed to the teen death rate. Each year the average car gets lighter and the trucks get bigger and polute more.
The loss of Our men and women, who have been killed in action in Iraq is tragic. But the inattention of the teen death rate on the highways by Congress is criminal and shows the preoccupation (and pandering) with the "fanatically" anti-industrial environmentalists by the Washington politicians and the Main Stream Media.
By the way, these hybrid cars cost on average $3,000 dollars more than the same car powered by gasoline.This figure comes from the makers of the Honda cars.
With gas at the present price of $2.50 per gallon. It will take ten years of average driving to make up the difference in cost, driving the hybrid that gets 46-50 miles per gallon. There has to be a better way. How about letting more foundries be built, and drilling for oil in ANWAR before only Russia and China have enough oil to sustain their quest for world power!
The cost of medical treatment and rehabilitation of the other 300,000 teens injured in car wrecks is $42.3 billion!
Many of these deaths are alcohol and or drug related, but not all. Many are caused by accidents in the small cars that parents buy to satisfy the mobility needs of the modern teenager, and to put less of a burden on the parents to take them where they need and want to go.
Many accidents resulting in fatalities are the result of small cars being struck by large trucks or SUVs.
We don't hear enough about these deaths. The Media is too busy screaming about the 4000 KIA in Iraq in the past four years.
Instead of spending their time in Congress drawing up bills to "defund" and force withdrawal of Our troops in Iraq. These Hypocrites should be looking to legislate more safety on the highway for our children and ourselves.
Instead, the Congress continues to raise the mileage requirement for passenger cars and is "lockstep" with environmental activists to pressure the American public into buying lighter hybrid gas and battery powered cars.
They have allowed double trailer trucks and hundreds of thousands of school buses without seat belts. All of this has made the highways not only more dangerous for all drivers, but most certainly contributed to the teen death rate. Each year the average car gets lighter and the trucks get bigger and polute more.
The loss of Our men and women, who have been killed in action in Iraq is tragic. But the inattention of the teen death rate on the highways by Congress is criminal and shows the preoccupation (and pandering) with the "fanatically" anti-industrial environmentalists by the Washington politicians and the Main Stream Media.
By the way, these hybrid cars cost on average $3,000 dollars more than the same car powered by gasoline.This figure comes from the makers of the Honda cars.
With gas at the present price of $2.50 per gallon. It will take ten years of average driving to make up the difference in cost, driving the hybrid that gets 46-50 miles per gallon. There has to be a better way. How about letting more foundries be built, and drilling for oil in ANWAR before only Russia and China have enough oil to sustain their quest for world power!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Jane Smiley, Islamist Collaborator?
In an article for Slate shortly after Election Day 2004, Leftist Jane Smiley wrote:
"The election results reflect the decision of the right wing to cultivate and exploit ignorance in the citizenry...I suppose the good news is that 55 million Americans have evaded the ignorance-inducing machine. But 58 millions have not...Ignorance and bloodlust have a long tradition in the United States, especially in the red states...The error that progressives have consistently committed over the years is to underestimate the vitality of ignorance in America...The history of the last four years shows that red state types, above all, do not want to be told what to do - they prefer to be ignorant. As a result, they are virtually unteachable...Listen to what the red state citizens say about themselves, the songs they write, and the sermons they flock to. They know who they are - they are full of original sin and they have a taste for violence."
"The election results reflect the decision of the right wing to cultivate and exploit ignorance in the citizenry...I suppose the good news is that 55 million Americans have evaded the ignorance-inducing machine. But 58 millions have not...Ignorance and bloodlust have a long tradition in the United States, especially in the red states...The error that progressives have consistently committed over the years is to underestimate the vitality of ignorance in America...The history of the last four years shows that red state types, above all, do not want to be told what to do - they prefer to be ignorant. As a result, they are virtually unteachable...Listen to what the red state citizens say about themselves, the songs they write, and the sermons they flock to. They know who they are - they are full of original sin and they have a taste for violence."
Then she wrote the following for the Huffington Post 2/06/07:
The problem with victory here is that Cheney and Bush can't reveal what they have always really wanted--control of Iraqi oil, and so they when they get it (which they might), they won't be able to reveal that victory is achieved. There's a big picture and a little picture. The big picture is that no victory can be won against an insurgency without pretty much wiping out the native population (which naturally resents being told what to do). The little picture is that if and when the US and its oil companies get control of Iraqi oil and the profits thereof, they can't admit that that is what they were after in the first place. So, "Prez" Bush, no victory for you. Sorry.
If the Mullahs had written and spoke the words above they couldn't have done a better piece of propaganda for the Radical Islamist cause than this 3 times married and divorced, Vassar '71 graduate is doing on a daily basis.
The greatest hope the Radical Islamists have in their quest to defeat US, the "great Satan", is to destroy the American Public confidence in our Government. They know they can't win a military victory----YET!
Once they get the "BOMB" they can and will use it. In the meanwhile the four things they want to do is promote four things in the U.S.
Infiltration, Intimidation, Disinformation and most importantly Appeasement.
They have already begun the infiltration with the election of Ellison to the U.S. Congress, CAIR is leading the battle of intimidation. A perfect example is their immediate condemnation of the "Moderate Muslims" meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida this past week.
Disinformation comes in many forms. The biggest supporter is the leftist main stream Media here in the U.S. This includes the "traitor" Jane Smiley whose quotes I lead off with in this blog.
Appeasement comes in the form of the Democratic Congress lead by Pelosi, Murtha, and their followers the "peace marchers" and defacers of the Congressional Bldgs.
It is clear to me that Stalin was not too far from the truth when he said: "We don't have to defeat you militarily. We can do it internally." What he didn't say and needs to be said. We will use your Constitutional right of free speech to do it. Ms. Smiley and the Media are living proof that we are on course to destroy ourselves.
Enemies All Around US
"Someday soon the the escapism will run into the dreaded reality." This quote was made by a little know author when talking of the "peace-nicks" and leftist leaning U.S. government officials who advocate diplomacy for Iran, Iraq and Korea.
The problem, as always is the case with idealism, is the reality that you can talk until you run out of breath, and it won't change the minds of those who have as the main purpose in their lives , the destruction of our way of life and us with it.
These are not only Radical Muslim extremists. The Marxist threat is still all around us. The media and most government agencies know it, but make little mention of it.
A good example of the impact that foreign enemies have is found in the actions perpetrated by the Premier of Russia, Vladamir Putin.
The man Boris Yeltsin hand picked for Russian Prime minister,Lt.Colonel Putin of the KGB has his fingerprints all over the disappearance the Saddams WMD. The following quote from Scott Melensek indicates Putin was complicit in removing the WMDs as well as delivering conventional weapons to the Iraqi s to fight the U.S. during the protracted time it took to decide to invade Iraq.
Lest you think one lone KGB agent now turned politician did this alone be reminded that BBC news reported that four out of five Political leaders, and State Administrators have been or still are members of Russias' Secret Service. Thus, we have the following report.
"An Arabic-language report obtained by U.S. intelligence disclosed the extent of Russian armaments. The 26-page report was written by Abdul Tawab Mullah al Huwaysh, Saddam's minister of military industrialization, who was captured by U.S. forces May 2, 2003." Other intelligence officials confirm the possession of these documents and more. "The materials outlined in the documents included [illegal] missile components, MiG jet parts, tank parts and chemicals used to make chemical weapons, the official said." The WMDs were most likely removed via two Russian ships that left the port of Umn Qasr, and were never stopped by the U.S. Navy.
Recently declassified documents from Saddam’s Iraqi Intelligence Services headquarters as well as the "Iraqi Perspectives Project" report released two weeks ago both serve as new sources detailing how Russian intelligence was working hand in hand with the IIS-even going so far as to provide the Iraqis with the American invasion plans for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Sec. State Rice has even brought up the matter of Russian aid to Saddam’s dying regime as recently as last week. Note: The weapons used today come from Belarus via Syria and Iran where they are slipped across the border to Iraq.
One wonders how differently the war in Iraq would look if American commandos had been able to seize elusive WMD in those first few hours of the war, and what it would have been like if they could have presented it to the world? As more and more captured documents are being released every day, why not present the documents detailing the list of illegal Russian armaments provided to Saddam, or the other evidence of illegal Russian support as well?
You can "bet the Farm" you won't read this report and the many other Documents included in the "Duelfer Report Vol III" until after 2008!
The problem, as always is the case with idealism, is the reality that you can talk until you run out of breath, and it won't change the minds of those who have as the main purpose in their lives , the destruction of our way of life and us with it.
These are not only Radical Muslim extremists. The Marxist threat is still all around us. The media and most government agencies know it, but make little mention of it.
A good example of the impact that foreign enemies have is found in the actions perpetrated by the Premier of Russia, Vladamir Putin.
The man Boris Yeltsin hand picked for Russian Prime minister,Lt.Colonel Putin of the KGB has his fingerprints all over the disappearance the Saddams WMD. The following quote from Scott Melensek indicates Putin was complicit in removing the WMDs as well as delivering conventional weapons to the Iraqi s to fight the U.S. during the protracted time it took to decide to invade Iraq.
Lest you think one lone KGB agent now turned politician did this alone be reminded that BBC news reported that four out of five Political leaders, and State Administrators have been or still are members of Russias' Secret Service. Thus, we have the following report.
"An Arabic-language report obtained by U.S. intelligence disclosed the extent of Russian armaments. The 26-page report was written by Abdul Tawab Mullah al Huwaysh, Saddam's minister of military industrialization, who was captured by U.S. forces May 2, 2003." Other intelligence officials confirm the possession of these documents and more. "The materials outlined in the documents included [illegal] missile components, MiG jet parts, tank parts and chemicals used to make chemical weapons, the official said." The WMDs were most likely removed via two Russian ships that left the port of Umn Qasr, and were never stopped by the U.S. Navy.
Recently declassified documents from Saddam’s Iraqi Intelligence Services headquarters as well as the "Iraqi Perspectives Project" report released two weeks ago both serve as new sources detailing how Russian intelligence was working hand in hand with the IIS-even going so far as to provide the Iraqis with the American invasion plans for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Sec. State Rice has even brought up the matter of Russian aid to Saddam’s dying regime as recently as last week. Note: The weapons used today come from Belarus via Syria and Iran where they are slipped across the border to Iraq.
One wonders how differently the war in Iraq would look if American commandos had been able to seize elusive WMD in those first few hours of the war, and what it would have been like if they could have presented it to the world? As more and more captured documents are being released every day, why not present the documents detailing the list of illegal Russian armaments provided to Saddam, or the other evidence of illegal Russian support as well?
You can "bet the Farm" you won't read this report and the many other Documents included in the "Duelfer Report Vol III" until after 2008!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Vedict For The Left
The guilty verdict today of Mr. Libby is an example of the miscarriage of justice that we can expect to experience as long as we have the Democrats in power. One of the Jurors. How he ever was accepted as a juror I can't imagine. Dennis Collins, was a past employee of the Washington Post! Talk about the "fox in the hen house". Did the defense think they could convince his "warped liberal mind" that their defendant was innocent?CREW filed the suit against Libby, and quotes from the "Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics", sound like they are unhappy their suit didn't include more of the Bush Administration.This organization claims they are Conservative. If so where were they during Clintons eight years in the White House. Bill and Hillary did enough shady things to fill their calender.
Strength and Honor" Needed Now More Than Ever
Two notable meetings were held the past few days.
The first was the trip of the "height challenged Iranian President,Ahmadinejad, to Saudi Arabia. His visit apparently was to discuss his quest for nuclear weapons with King Abdulla bin Abdul Aziz. The meeting didn't last long. The 5'3# megalomaniac left Saturday for the meeting in Riyadh, and hurriedly departed for Iran the same night. Neither the King or Ahmadinejad speak each others language, so interpreters had to be used.
When the meeting was over the King announced among other things,"Our two Nations are Muslims with a united belief and therefore enjoying good relations." No mention of Irans quest for nuclear power was included, and since the Iranian president left so suddenly it is assumed by the foreign press that a disagreement over Irans nuke ambitions may be the reason for the sudden exit.
Saudi Arabia because of its' vast oil resources has always been considered an ally, but over the years they have been at cross purposes with the U.S.and Iran.
Saudi Arabia supported Saddam in his war against Iran in 1981, and it was only when Saddam invade Kuwait did they change allegiance and allow U.S. troops to be "staged" in their Country.
Meanwhile for many years Saudi Arabia has spent close to one hundred billion dollars promoting the Muslim faith around the world, including the U.S.
Their money has been spent building Mosques, schools and promoting their brand of Muslim Faith, Wahhabi's. The Saudis gave refuge to "The Muslim Brotherhood" when many of the Middle East Countries banned the radical group. One of the "refugees was Osama bin Laden!
At approximately the same time the King and Iranian President were meeting House Speaker and a few of her leftist friends, Representatives, Dingell, Conyers, Rangel,and a few others were meeting with unnamed Muslim leaders here in the U.S.
The topic of their conversation was the discrimination shown to Muslims in America. Never mind 9/11. The Speaker had this to say: "This discussion is only the first in an ongoing dialogue between congressional Democrats and Muslim Americans," explained Pelosi. "We share a fundamental principle – the belief that diversity is the backbone of our communities. Generations of Muslims have made positive contributions in every aspect of American life. We must now work even more closely to navigate through the challenges we face as a nation."
Is it indeed true that Pelosi was able to find Muslim leaders who actually celebrate diversity? Could this be why the identity of the group remains secret – to protect them from less multilaterally sensitive members of their own community?
Pelosi continued: "Since September 11th, many Muslim Americans have been subjected to searches at airports and other locations based upon their religion and national origin, without any credible information linking individuals to criminal conduct. Racial and religious profiling is fundamentally un-American and we must make it illegal."
Only a person "brain dead" or one pandering to the Muslim vote for her Party could say such utter tripe!
The first was the trip of the "height challenged Iranian President,Ahmadinejad, to Saudi Arabia. His visit apparently was to discuss his quest for nuclear weapons with King Abdulla bin Abdul Aziz. The meeting didn't last long. The 5'3# megalomaniac left Saturday for the meeting in Riyadh, and hurriedly departed for Iran the same night. Neither the King or Ahmadinejad speak each others language, so interpreters had to be used.
When the meeting was over the King announced among other things,"Our two Nations are Muslims with a united belief and therefore enjoying good relations." No mention of Irans quest for nuclear power was included, and since the Iranian president left so suddenly it is assumed by the foreign press that a disagreement over Irans nuke ambitions may be the reason for the sudden exit.
Saudi Arabia because of its' vast oil resources has always been considered an ally, but over the years they have been at cross purposes with the U.S.and Iran.
Saudi Arabia supported Saddam in his war against Iran in 1981, and it was only when Saddam invade Kuwait did they change allegiance and allow U.S. troops to be "staged" in their Country.
Meanwhile for many years Saudi Arabia has spent close to one hundred billion dollars promoting the Muslim faith around the world, including the U.S.
Their money has been spent building Mosques, schools and promoting their brand of Muslim Faith, Wahhabi's. The Saudis gave refuge to "The Muslim Brotherhood" when many of the Middle East Countries banned the radical group. One of the "refugees was Osama bin Laden!
At approximately the same time the King and Iranian President were meeting House Speaker and a few of her leftist friends, Representatives, Dingell, Conyers, Rangel,and a few others were meeting with unnamed Muslim leaders here in the U.S.
The topic of their conversation was the discrimination shown to Muslims in America. Never mind 9/11. The Speaker had this to say: "This discussion is only the first in an ongoing dialogue between congressional Democrats and Muslim Americans," explained Pelosi. "We share a fundamental principle – the belief that diversity is the backbone of our communities. Generations of Muslims have made positive contributions in every aspect of American life. We must now work even more closely to navigate through the challenges we face as a nation."
Is it indeed true that Pelosi was able to find Muslim leaders who actually celebrate diversity? Could this be why the identity of the group remains secret – to protect them from less multilaterally sensitive members of their own community?
Pelosi continued: "Since September 11th, many Muslim Americans have been subjected to searches at airports and other locations based upon their religion and national origin, without any credible information linking individuals to criminal conduct. Racial and religious profiling is fundamentally un-American and we must make it illegal."
Only a person "brain dead" or one pandering to the Muslim vote for her Party could say such utter tripe!
Monday, March 05, 2007
HBO Should Cancel Maher and Apologize
This post includes a quote located on Mr. Sheppards' web site that needs comment.
In the past HBO has put shows on their "trashy" network that were an attempt to defame or question the way our President is waging the war against Islamic terrorism. The Abugrab episode is just one of many programs featured on what is sold as an entertainment network. The HBO Brass have obviously decided to push for defeat in Iraq, and promote anything that deprecates President Bush.
At the same time they actively feature homosexuality and various forms of depravity that is part of the "nihilistic" plan for cultural change in the U.S.
But what Bill Maher said on his show is an all time low for HBO, and needs to be denounced by the HBO executives and the producer of his "tripe" that is called a show!
In no other country in the world would his statements about the failed attempt to kill the Vice-President be allowed to be aired except the maybe in the American hating Arab States. HBO did the job for Al Jazeera.
Posted by Noel Sheppard on March 3, 2007 - 10:22.
In 2002, ABC decided not to renew Bill Maher's contract apparently due to some disgraceful comments he made on his program "Politically Incorrect" following the 9/11 attacks. After what transpired on "Real Time" Friday, the heads of HBO should be equally outraged, if not more.
As the discussion moved to the attempted assassination of Vice President Cheney last week, Maher asked his panel why it was necessary for the Huffington Post to remove comments by readers concerning their disappointment that the attempt failed. As the conversation ensued, Maher said one of the most disgraceful and irresponsible things uttered on a major television program since Bush was elected.
In a nutshell, the host said the world would be a safer place if the assassination attempt succeeded. And, he even had the nerve to reiterate it.
In the past HBO has put shows on their "trashy" network that were an attempt to defame or question the way our President is waging the war against Islamic terrorism. The Abugrab episode is just one of many programs featured on what is sold as an entertainment network. The HBO Brass have obviously decided to push for defeat in Iraq, and promote anything that deprecates President Bush.
At the same time they actively feature homosexuality and various forms of depravity that is part of the "nihilistic" plan for cultural change in the U.S.
But what Bill Maher said on his show is an all time low for HBO, and needs to be denounced by the HBO executives and the producer of his "tripe" that is called a show!
In no other country in the world would his statements about the failed attempt to kill the Vice-President be allowed to be aired except the maybe in the American hating Arab States. HBO did the job for Al Jazeera.
Posted by Noel Sheppard on March 3, 2007 - 10:22.
In 2002, ABC decided not to renew Bill Maher's contract apparently due to some disgraceful comments he made on his program "Politically Incorrect" following the 9/11 attacks. After what transpired on "Real Time" Friday, the heads of HBO should be equally outraged, if not more.
As the discussion moved to the attempted assassination of Vice President Cheney last week, Maher asked his panel why it was necessary for the Huffington Post to remove comments by readers concerning their disappointment that the attempt failed. As the conversation ensued, Maher said one of the most disgraceful and irresponsible things uttered on a major television program since Bush was elected.
In a nutshell, the host said the world would be a safer place if the assassination attempt succeeded. And, he even had the nerve to reiterate it.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Concerned Parents Alert!
Parents of Teenage and College bound girls should be aware that their children will be bombarded by a cabal of a cell phone business and Planned Parenthood (aka No-Parenthood).
They will try to get them to sign up for their phone service with "Working Assets".
This cell phone provider has made a commitment to Planned Parenthood to give 10% of its profits to planned parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is a total misnomer in that it is a 100 million dollar business that provide abortions as their product. As a side line it sponsors and dispenses birth control pills and devices.
Even if you believe abortion should be legal you have to know that the target audience of this cell phone phone company is women under the age of 24. Their present subscribers consist of 70% under age 24, and 27% are teenagers. This would seem why Planned Parenthood made the deal. To expand their client base as well as the money to promote more legalized genocide.
Another organisation receiving money from this cell phone company is the well known Communist sympathizing CODEPINK!
Government statistics show that since 1981 an average of 1.6 million abortions were committed each year until 1990. Roe/Wade became law in 1973, so it is likely that over 31 million victims of abortion have been sacrificed on the altar of "Womens' Rights".
And yet we keep hearing how terrible it was (and it was) when Hitlers Nazis killed 6 million Jewish adults. If only Americans had half as much compassion for the defenseless unborn!
They will try to get them to sign up for their phone service with "Working Assets".
This cell phone provider has made a commitment to Planned Parenthood to give 10% of its profits to planned parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is a total misnomer in that it is a 100 million dollar business that provide abortions as their product. As a side line it sponsors and dispenses birth control pills and devices.
Even if you believe abortion should be legal you have to know that the target audience of this cell phone phone company is women under the age of 24. Their present subscribers consist of 70% under age 24, and 27% are teenagers. This would seem why Planned Parenthood made the deal. To expand their client base as well as the money to promote more legalized genocide.
Another organisation receiving money from this cell phone company is the well known Communist sympathizing CODEPINK!
Government statistics show that since 1981 an average of 1.6 million abortions were committed each year until 1990. Roe/Wade became law in 1973, so it is likely that over 31 million victims of abortion have been sacrificed on the altar of "Womens' Rights".
And yet we keep hearing how terrible it was (and it was) when Hitlers Nazis killed 6 million Jewish adults. If only Americans had half as much compassion for the defenseless unborn!
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