Two notable meetings were held the past few days.
The first was the trip of the "height challenged Iranian President,Ahmadinejad, to Saudi Arabia. His visit apparently was to discuss his quest for nuclear weapons with King Abdulla bin Abdul Aziz. The meeting didn't last long. The 5'3# megalomaniac left Saturday for the meeting in Riyadh, and hurriedly departed for Iran the same night. Neither the King or Ahmadinejad speak each others language, so interpreters had to be used.
When the meeting was over the King announced among other things,"Our two Nations are Muslims with a united belief and therefore enjoying good relations." No mention of Irans quest for nuclear power was included, and since the Iranian president left so suddenly it is assumed by the foreign press that a disagreement over Irans nuke ambitions may be the reason for the sudden exit.
Saudi Arabia because of its' vast oil resources has always been considered an ally, but over the years they have been at cross purposes with the U.S.and Iran.
Saudi Arabia supported Saddam in his war against Iran in 1981, and it was only when Saddam invade Kuwait did they change allegiance and allow U.S. troops to be "staged" in their Country.
Meanwhile for many years Saudi Arabia has spent close to one hundred billion dollars promoting the Muslim faith around the world, including the U.S.
Their money has been spent building Mosques, schools and promoting their brand of Muslim Faith, Wahhabi's. The Saudis gave refuge to "The Muslim Brotherhood" when many of the Middle East Countries banned the radical group. One of the "refugees was Osama bin Laden!
At approximately the same time the King and Iranian President were meeting House Speaker and a few of her leftist friends, Representatives, Dingell, Conyers, Rangel,and a few others were meeting with unnamed Muslim leaders here in the U.S.
The topic of their conversation was the discrimination shown to Muslims in America. Never mind 9/11. The Speaker had this to say: "This discussion is only the first in an ongoing dialogue between congressional Democrats and Muslim Americans," explained Pelosi. "We share a fundamental principle – the belief that diversity is the backbone of our communities. Generations of Muslims have made positive contributions in every aspect of American life. We must now work even more closely to navigate through the challenges we face as a nation."
Is it indeed true that Pelosi was able to find Muslim leaders who actually celebrate diversity? Could this be why the identity of the group remains secret – to protect them from less multilaterally sensitive members of their own community?
Pelosi continued: "Since September 11th, many Muslim Americans have been subjected to searches at airports and other locations based upon their religion and national origin, without any credible information linking individuals to criminal conduct. Racial and religious profiling is fundamentally un-American and we must make it illegal."
Only a person "brain dead" or one pandering to the Muslim vote for her Party could say such utter tripe!