They will try to get them to sign up for their phone service with "Working Assets".
This cell phone provider has made a commitment to Planned Parenthood to give 10% of its profits to planned parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is a total misnomer in that it is a 100 million dollar business that provide abortions as their product. As a side line it sponsors and dispenses birth control pills and devices.
Even if you believe abortion should be legal you have to know that the target audience of this cell phone phone company is women under the age of 24. Their present subscribers consist of 70% under age 24, and 27% are teenagers. This would seem why Planned Parenthood made the deal. To expand their client base as well as the money to promote more legalized genocide.
Another organisation receiving money from this cell phone company is the well known Communist sympathizing CODEPINK!
Government statistics show that since 1981 an average of 1.6 million abortions were committed each year until 1990. Roe/Wade became law in 1973, so it is likely that over 31 million victims of abortion have been sacrificed on the altar of "Womens' Rights".
And yet we keep hearing how terrible it was (and it was) when Hitlers Nazis killed 6 million Jewish adults. If only Americans had half as much compassion for the defenseless unborn!

Yes,and the disgusting thing about the whole evil plan is the parents end up subsidizing the exact crime of genocide they are against by paying the ridiculous charges these over 21 but yet monetarily dependent young kids run up.The sick society of the forces of evil gets sicker day by day.
Thanks Bill.I really got ticked off when these flunkie Republican presidential wannabes such as McCain,Guiliani,and Romney,like the liberals they truly are,agreed with Dean and the rest of the simpering liberal jerks who made something out of absolutely nothing.This proved to me that these three cowards don't have the resolve, or simply stated the guts, to tell the left wing democrats to go suck an egg which any decent Republican would have done.These guys represent their own self interests only,and if candidates like this are frontrunners for the Republicans the Republicans are in a world of hurt.Coulter for President would be my choice if she were on the ballot.She is a true patriot who despises these Marxist driven liberals selling out our sacred country to International Communism.She is among the few with courage to stand tall for the United States as a Democracy.
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