Monday, March 05, 2007

HBO Should Cancel Maher and Apologize

This post includes a quote located on Mr. Sheppards' web site that needs comment.
In the past HBO has put shows on their "trashy" network that were an attempt to defame or question the way our President is waging the war against Islamic terrorism. The Abugrab episode is just one of many programs featured on what is sold as an entertainment network. The HBO Brass have obviously decided to push for defeat in Iraq, and promote anything that deprecates President Bush.
At the same time they actively feature homosexuality and various forms of depravity that is part of the "nihilistic" plan for cultural change in the U.S.
But what Bill Maher said on his show is an all time low for HBO, and needs to be denounced by the HBO executives and the producer of his "tripe" that is called a show!
In no other country in the world would his statements about the failed attempt to kill the Vice-President be allowed to be aired except the maybe in the American hating Arab States. HBO did the job for Al Jazeera.
Posted by Noel Sheppard on March 3, 2007 - 10:22.
In 2002, ABC decided not to renew Bill Maher's contract apparently due to some disgraceful comments he made on his program "Politically Incorrect" following the 9/11 attacks. After what transpired on "Real Time" Friday, the heads of HBO should be equally outraged, if not more.
As the discussion moved to the attempted assassination of Vice President Cheney last week, Maher asked his panel why it was necessary for the Huffington Post to remove comments by readers concerning their disappointment that the attempt failed. As the conversation ensued, Maher said one of the most disgraceful and irresponsible things uttered on a major television program since Bush was elected.
In a nutshell, the host said the world would be a safer place if the assassination attempt succeeded. And, he even had the nerve to reiterate it.


Anonymous said...

How about this hate speech by a liberal socialist compared to Ann Coulters alluded remark about a thug shyster lawyer.This hatemonger Maher doesn't belong in threrapy,he belongs locked up for a death wish to the Vice President of The United States.You won't see but a glitch of this fool's treason in our mainstream media who will blab on about Maher's First Amendment rights.
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Anonymous said...

How about this hate speech by a liberal socialist compared to Ann Coulters alluded remark about a thug shyster lawyer.This hatemonger Maher doesn't belong in threrapy,he belongs locked up for a death wish to the Vice President of The United States.You won't see but a glitch of this fool's treason in our mainstream media who will blab on about Maher's First Amendment rights.
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