Friday, May 09, 2008


The leftist Media is headlining the fact that a Union has endorsed Obama! The issue is another of the disinformation that the main stream media has been feeding the ignorant portion of the public for the past 10,-12 years. The New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times along with numerous other Oracles of liberal positions have already anointed Obama as their Presidential candidate, so I guess this should be no surprise.

"The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)announced its support for Obama. The union claims about 600,000 members who work in the federal and Washington, D.C., governments. There endorsement is no surprise to me, after all Obama is an advocate of bigger government control over our lives, and the most Liberal of all the Senators in the US Senate!
While they endorsed Obama they also left open the possibility of Hillary Clinton snatching the nomination with this tribute to Hillary: "While we have made the decision to endorse Senator Obama, we retain the utmost respect for Senator Clinton. Senator Hillary Clinton has been a stalwart champion of federal employees, and AFGE is grateful for her support on issues ranging from collective bargaining rights to privatization to the need for additional federal protective officers who provide security at federal buildings,” said Gage.(AFGE president)

Their endorsement: "Senator Obama has proven himself to be a friend of labor, displaying a firm understanding of the critical importance of both a healthy labor movement and a strong federal workforce,” said John Gage, AFGE national president". A Strong federal work force is nothing less than a march toward Socialism, and Obama's campaign promises are nothing less than a march toward socialism!

What Americas hard working taxpayers need is a smaller more efficient government, not the big government Obama will give us!


With farmers destroying wheat fields to plant corn or soy beans, to cash in on the subsidized price of grain products that can be used to make ethanol. The world is beginning to experience food riots and over fourteen countries are facing rapidly approaching famine.

Since the majority of Congress and the President have "bought in to" the idea that ethanol will help reduce our dependence on fosil fuels, despite the fact that it costs more to make than gasoline and gradually destroys fuel injectors in motor cars! The supply of corn, soy beans and rice has been drastically reduced for the making of food products.Check your food stores to see the results, higher prices. And this is just the begining!

In places like Haiti the poor are eating yellow cake "mud Biscuits". On the roof of a former prison, enterprising women prepare something that looks like biscuits and is even called by that name. The key ingredient, yellow clay, is trucked in from the nearby mountains. The clay is combined with salt and vegetable fat to make dough, which is then dried in the sun. The clay costs$5.00 to make 100 biscuits!
For many Haitians, the mud biscuits are their only food. They taste of fat, suck the moisture out of the mouth and leave behind an aftertaste of dirt. They often cause diarrhea, but they help to numb the pangs of hunger. "I'm hoping one day I'll have enough food to eat, so I can stop eating these," Marie Noël, who survives with her seven children on the dirt cakes.source :The Associated Press
The shortages triggered revolts in Haiti last week. A crowd of hungry citizens marched through Port-au-Prince, throwing stones and bottles and chanting, "We are hungry!" in front of the presidential palace. Tires were burned, and people died. It was yet another of the rebellions that are beginning to occur with increasing frequency worldwide, but which are still only a harbinger of what is yet to come. The USA closed our embasy during these riots!

Food is become increasingly scarce and expensive, and it is already unaffordable for many people. It is estimated that 850 million people have to go to bed hungry every night. How long will it be before these hungry people turn to the violence of revolution and the Communism that usually follows a revolution that is violent!

World Bank President Robert Zoellick warned that exploding food prices threaten to cause instability in at least 33 countries, including regional powers like Egypt, Indonesia and Pakistan, where the army has had to be brought in to protect flour transports. The crisis is helping radical Islamic movements gain strength in North Africa. There has been unrest in recent weeks in Mauritania, Mozambique, Senegal, the Ivory Coast and Cameroon, where the violence has already claimed about 100 lives. source : DerSpiegel

The food crisis has hit Manila in the Philippines where Communist insurgents have already been busy with their spread of revolution through violence. India has the largest number of underfed people, about 220 million!

China with over close to a quarter of the world's population to feed, but only 7 percent of its farmland. And a similar situation applies in India. This means that both countries must import food on a large scale, prompting many exporting countries to impose export quotas so that their own citizens are not suddenly forced to go without.

How long will the ethanol frenzy go on in the USA? Will it take riots by the poor and rationing to wake Americans to the fact that ethanol is not the answer to the fuel crisis here in the USA?

More drilling where we know the oil is and building more refineries will make some people mad, but is the only Christian thing to do. As Christ said, "feed My poor.! Not make ethanol out of food products and starve my poor!

Thursday, May 08, 2008


In North Carolina, Hillary Clinton could muster only 8% of the black vote and about 40% of voters younger than 45. Early in the campaign, in neighboring South Carolina, she won 19% of the black vote. Her plunging standing among African-American voters has made it almost impossible for her to win the kinds of sizable victories she needs to close the delegate gap.

All over the South Obama has courted and won the Black vote as shown in these statistics from South Carolina."Blacks made up 55 percent of the voters in Saturday's contest, slightly more than turned out in the state's primary four years ago and by far their biggest share in any presidential contest so far this year. Obama won eight in 10 of their votes". source:MSNBC

With the media and print news promoting the idea that the election of an African-American would be a major " breakthrough"for the USA, and at the same time warning that if Hillary wrests the nomination from Obama in Denver, the streets will erupt in fire.

The Democrat campaign has become as racist as never before. Michelle Obama was sent forth to stir up parishioners in Black Churches. Obama cry of Change appeal to followers of Black Liberation Theology, and many young idealists, but what is the change we will get if the anointed Black, aka Lefist, candidate from Illinois wins.

Perhaps his words speak less than do his associates with whom he has cavorted and admired for the past 20 years.

"This primary season may not be over, but when it is, we will have to remember who we are as Democrats," Obama said. "This fall, we intend to march forward as one Democratic Party united by a common vision for our country." An appeal to Democrats to unite behind the man who used his race to court Black and liberal voters throughout the USA.

While he was saying the above, his wife was saying this to voters: "I don't want Barack to be anybody other than who he is. Because if America doesn't accept that, then I want America to own that. I want them to look themselves in the face and say "you had a choice. You had a choice to choose somebody who was decent, who was going to be a uniter. Somebody who's going to be honest, who is going to tell you the truth. All these things you say you want, and then you get it, and you trip. You freak out. And you question it, and you worry, and is it true"?

The truth about who Obama is, is the last thing on the Obamas minds. Their 20 year affiliation with the race-baiting, American hating Pastor Wright, and their close association with Wheatherman bomber turned college professor Bill Ayers, puts a lie to all they say about unity on the campaign trail! Obama is a socialist, who believes the government should tax and spend to provide all our needs from cradle to grave, make no mistake about that! And his associates and friends prove it.

Since Obama has not disavowed Ayers, it is appropriate to quote him from statements he made on his own web page. Episodic Notoriety-Fact and Fiction concludes with this: " Capitalism played it's historic role and is exhausted as a force for progress: built on eploitation, theft, force, conquest, war and racism, capitalism and imperialism must be defeated and a world revolution-a revolution against war and racism and materialism, a revolution based on human solidarity and love cooperation and the common good- must win".

If what he is saying doesn't sound like the Communist manafesto, I will eat my favorite Packers hat!

In the states of North and South Carolina, and Pennsylvania statitics show that Obama received 90% of the Black vote, and I suspect it was the same in most states. No matter that he associated with indicted criminals, racist Pastor and weatherman bomber. He is one of them!

But willmiddle America vote for a man who speaks of a Change he will bring that may not be what is good for a Free America!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


The Korean War took place from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953, AND TECHNICALLY IT IS STILL ONGOING AFTER 53 YEARS!

The "cease fire" that has existed since the guns became silent and the killing stopped, could begin again at any time. Thus we have had troops in Korea for over 50 years, with no date certain that they will be withdrawn.

The President has said that the fight against Islamist terrorists could last for one hundred years. Presidential candidate, John McCain, has said it could be possible that the USA must keep troops in Iraq for 50 years to maintain the peace when it finally comes. And it will come if McCain is our next president.

Despite the historical fact of our Korean troop deployment, the Democratic National Committee has chosen to get down in the gutter with their effort to distract the voting public from the fact that the Democrats have two lying socialists running against each other for the Democrat nomination.

Their "street fight" has the potential of tearing the party apart, especially if Hillary Clinton should wrest the nomination from the media anointed Obama.

The dastardly video add that is now appearing on television is an example of the desperation and gutter mentality of those who run the present day Democrat party.

The video shows McCain and president Bush with their estimates that we could have troops in Iraq for from 50 to 100 years. Remember Korea while I develop this piece.

The add shows two soldiers in full battle dress beside a palm tree a few seconds before they disappear in a fire ball of an IED!

Then they show the vehicle, probably a Humvee, on fire with destruction all around it!

This add has used the death of two heroes ,who were killed in the blast ,as do the terrorists when they film a successful killing of soldiers, Iraqi enemies or captured civilians being decapitated. There are over 1800 Internet sites used to propagate terrorism success to the world.We don't want it to be part of political adds!

We don't need or want our fellow country men using graphic pictures of the death of brave soldiers, for political gain. This can only be viewed as dastardly, cowardly and desperate on the part of a political party that is on the verge of being torn apart.

I believe it is not only profane, horrendous and degrading of the families of those who have lost men and women in uniform during this war. I believe it shows the true colors of the leftist who have taken over the Democrat party. Anything this pack of hypocrites can dream up is fair game in their quest for power!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


One of my favorite First Ladies had this to say to Americans: " You just don't luck into things as much as you'd like to think you do. You build step by step, whether it's friendships or opportunities".

The lady who aspires to accompany her husband into the White House said this about America and Americans at a political rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

Since Mrs Obama was born in 1964 she has had the experience of witnessing the first manned landing on the moon in 1970, the appointment of Colin Powell then Condi Rice to the position of Secretary of State. The appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. Thomas Sowell, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King's receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom,just to name a few Black people who received the prestigious award!

A lot has been written and said about the race bating and hate speeches that have come from the mouth of Obama's mentor for 20 years, but Michelle Obama's one public statement disqualifies her from being the First Lady in my opinion.

Both Wright and Obama, in their different ways, have for decades been promoting the far left vision of victimization and grievances-- Wright from his pulpit and Obama as a community organizer for the radical group ACORN, as a collaborator with former Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers, and as the member of the U.S. Senate with the farthest left voting record.

Do Americans really want to give these two, privileged and wealthy radicals, the opportunity to run a Country they both feel is so wrong that they need to Change it. Change we can surmise from their leftist leanings will be a lurch to the left if anything they say is to be believed. Barack Obama has promised change. And as indicated by the public support that his candidacy has received by accused terrorist fundraiser Hatem El-Hady, Obama's version of change that terrorists and their US supporters can believe in.

Make no mistake, if Obama wins, Michelle Obama like Hillary Clinton when Bill was President, will be active in forming Presidential policy.