Friday, December 22, 2006

Perhaps Christians Should Declare a Fatwa

Its the season of Joy and celebration for all Christians. We celebrate the Birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ on Christmas as has been the Custom and religious obligation of all Christians for Centuries.
But Newsweek Magazine Decided to throw a little controversy into this Christmas season.
In their December 18th issue they feature an article written by Lisa Miller that has the Painting by Francesco Mancino of "The Holy Family" on its' cover. From this beautiful picture one might think this is an article highlighting the reverence that 80% of the United States nearly 300 million people have for the Birth of Jesus. Wrong! The article is about a "A Nice Jewish Boy". The article refers to the First Century Jewish Family Values That Shaped Christianity. The reference to time ignores the well established reference points of BC (before Christ) and AD (Year Of Our Lord), using instead the designation of all agnostics CE (Common ERA). The article is filled with quotes from well known feminist and promoter of "The Gnostic Gospels", Elaine Pagel.
The ultimate blasphemous statement is Ms. Millers description of how The Virgin Mary let Joseph Know she was "with Child". "She then tells Joseph she is pregnant and he is not the father".....Never referring to The Christ Child as a Devine incarnation of the Son Of God. She refers to "the figure they believe to be the Son of God."
If Christians were like Muslims a Fatwa would have been issued by one of the Church leaders by sundown the 19th of December. As you may or may not recall we had a Fatwa issued for Salman Rushdie for writing "The Satanic Verses" and in 2002 Mohsen Mojtahed Shabestares issued a death Fatwa for Jerry Falwell for calling Mohammad a terrorist.
In the 1600s this woman would have been burned at the stake for her blasphemy. Fortunately we no longer burn such people, but we can boycott the magazine she writes for, and I for one will never pick up another copy of Newsweek.
If such an article were written about Jewish or Muslim dogma there would be an outcry of antisemitism or Muslim Hatred, but these days it seems like some have declared open season on Christianity. It is past time we Christians take a stand and use our purchasing power to boycott any organization that is anti -christian, including candidates for election and those holding office.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

"E Pluribus Unum" Means Little Today

The advent of the "lefts" drive for political correctness and multiculturalism has begun an internal threat to this great Country never expected by the framers of our wonderful Constitution.
The "out of many,one" was adopted in the late 1700s with the hope of building a great country of diverse people from many European nations that would pull together and build a strong, unified nation. The great dream of immigrants worked for almost two hundred years. Then along came "The Great Society", The Vietnam War, and the Cold War with the Soviet Union. With all this activity came a flood of immigrants from Southeast Asia, Russia, Africa, and Mexico along with thousands from other Third world countries. And the flood of immigrants has not subsided, particularly the flood of illegals from across our border with Mexico.
While the Country was being invaded by an ever increasing illegal immigrant population, the Liberals in our schools and government were busy inculcating minds open to new ideas that it was only fair to embrace the concepts of multiculturalism and the idea of hyphenated Americans such as Mexican-Americans and African-Americans, and while we are tyring to accommodate these new "citizens" it would be so nice to accept the use of their native language. Thus we have bi-lingual classes in schools, thousand of streets in large cities with Vietnamese or Mexican or Cuban names. The end result is the rapid "Balkanisation" of The United States". We now have large areas where no English is spoken at all, and try to get information on the telephone, and you will have to select a number to press to get information in a variety of languages.
Early immigrants assimilated with one another. Yes, they sometimes fought one another, and large groups lived in "Ghettos", but in the workplace if you wanted to get ahead you spoke English. Tests were given in English. Textbooks for schools written in English were Universal, and the test for Citizenship was in English.
In California it is probably the worst situation, The "Recoquistas" are an organization of Mexicans, legal and mostly illegal, that refuses to assimilate in any way. They preach speaking only Spanish. The forbid interracial marriage and hope to take over California and "return it to the rightful owner", Mexico.
The latest threat comes from the radical and nearly radical Muslims. This group also lives in separate enclaves in some areas of the country, and in many cases recognize only Sharia law not American law.
All of the above plays into the hands of the Left wing "One Worlders" who hate our singular achievement as "One Nation Under God", and plan to do everything they can to bring us down!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This Thorn in U.S. Side Must be Removed

If the United States ever hopes to develop a stable government in Iraq there is one man who must be removed one way or the other from the scene. His name is Mugtada al-Sadr.
This man, the fourth son of Ayatollah Muhammad Sadig Al Sadr, is a member of one of the most prominent families in Iraqi religious and scholarly circles. His father was instrumental in the Iraqi attempt to overthrow Saddam Hussein in 1991. The Kurds and Shiites managed to overthrow the Saddam leadership in 14 of 18 Iraqi provinces, but the alleged promised support for this up rise was never forthcoming from President Bush's' father. The result was Saddam put down the up rise and murdered tens of thousands of the Kurds and Shiites and their families.
Mugtada was left with his three brothers and a father who were hated by Saddam. The result was that his father was murdered while at prayer in 1999 and two of his brothers were killed that same year. The third brother went into hiding leaving an angered religious cleric to twist in the winds of hatred. Mugtada took up his fathers cause of proclaiming every Friday evening before prayers the phrase,"No.No to America; No, No to Israel." He took up residence and located his quest for power in the Shiite slums outside Baghdad called " Sadr City". It is from here that he started the Shiite army known as "The Army of Mahdi". The name is taken from a Messianic figure in Islam!
From a small band of angry Shiites who survived the Sunni oppression of Saddam he has built a sizable force that is apparently trained across the Iraq border in Iran. Iran also supplies this army 80 million dollars per month to buy weapons, supplies and night vision equipment. They are well supplied by Iran!
Mugtada relishes the fact that he is considered an "outlaw". and has apparently mobilized the Shiites who follow him in his hatred for The United Sates and Israel. His supporters are called "Sadists", and they grow in numbers daily.
If he is allowed to continue as a threat to the Forces in Iraq the chances are very good our mission will fail. The obvious conclusion is that he must be taken out one way or another. If we hope to have some kind of lasting peace in Iraq, and finally bring our boys and girls home, instead of leaving them to be picked off one by one by the "Army of Mahdi.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Making of a Feminine Leader

Even as we morn the deaths of our brave soldiers who were killed in the fight against the terrorist insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. A three star general looking forward to his fourth star is the leader of a school at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, that trains each year 2000 young Army officers how to be"more culturally sensitive."
General David Petraeus, a highly decorated leader of the 101st airborne division in Mosul, Iraq in 2001-2003 , now is in charge of making the future leaders of our troops, who go into battle, how to do their utmost to avoid large scale destruction. To win the hearts and minds of the people in the countries they are sent to fight. They are taught respect for foreigners, have cultural awareness and practice tolerance.
This General with the aid of Marine general James Mattis has written a 241 page manual that is the new way to combat counterinsurgency.
You probably won't be able to read these articles in our "Lame" Media". I found it in a lengthy report written for Der Spiegel on line by Ullrich Fechtner. A German citizen who was allowed access to this highly classified and barb wire protected Army base to interview General Petraeus about his "revolutionary" approach to training our combat leaders.
One of the quotes from this General that caught my attention was his assertion: "It is easy to blow down and go in with machine guns blazing or throw grenades. But when you do that you often risk creating more enemies because of the way you conducted the operation". The huge impact of cultural, religious and ethnic factors. Those are the key elements when you plan and conduct military operations. A nation building army with money as the best ammunition ,is the new way." This really scares me!
Doesn't this man realize he is taking men and women who either in their four years in training at West Point or during their ROTC training were taught to be trained leaders of people who are trained not to be diplomats, they do that in diplomacy schools, but to lead people who can kill the enemy so we win the war. Whatever it takes.
By feminisation of our Army we are building a schitzophrenic group of leaders who will have to stop and think before they pull the trigger. By that time they and their men will be dead. God help us!

Monday, December 18, 2006

President Bush Must Not Ignore Senator Nelsons' Perfidy

The following is a paragraph from the Logan Act. This law was originally passed in 1799 when John Adams was President and last amended in 1994. If you read it you will see that the latest Democrat to violate this law was Senator Nelson from Florida. My Senator unfortunately. This man willfully undermining the Constitutional authority of the President is not the first Democrat to do so. Kerry, Kennedy and a few others have done the same thing. Made trips to foreign Government leaders for discussions which were not authorized by the only man Constitutionally responsible for Foreign Policy . President Bush must not let this act go unnoticed and must condemn Senator Nelsons act of perfidy. Too many important Issues depend on the relations with Syria to allow just any legislator to independently contact a leader of a country which may or may not be a potential enemy of this Country.
§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).