Saturday, April 05, 2008


In January 2005 the European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) commenced operation as the largest multi-country, multi-sector Greenhouse Gas emission trading scheme world-wide. This is not unlike the Commodities Exchange.

The ETS, now in its second phase running from 2008-2012, allocates a fixed quota of carbon credits, each allowing the bearer to pollute the equivalent of one metric ton of carbon dioxide. Member states are then free to trade credits among themselves.
EUAs, the carbon credits traded under the ETS, lost ground on Wednesday, as December 2008 futures on the European Climate Exchange closed 61 cents or 3 percent lower at 19.70 euros a metric ton.
The benchmark futures have lost almost 12 percent since Friday's close, though many attribute it to weakness in energy prices and uncertainty in the global economy.

Allowances traded in the EU, ETS will not be printed but held in accounts in electronic registries set up by Member States. All of these registries will be overseen by a Central Administrator at EU level who, through the Community independent transaction log, will check each transaction for any irregularities. In this way, the registries system keeps track of the ownership of allowances in the same way as a banking system keeps track of the ownership of money. SOUNDS TO THIS BLOG MEMBER AS WORLD GOVERNMENT CONTROL!

"Market-based solutions in the form of cap-and-trade are a key component of the comprehensive policies to combat climate change. Alongside other emissions reduction strategies and technology promoting policies, market mechanisms offer the opportunity to achieve maximum greenhouse gas emissions reductions on a global scale in the most economically efficient manner. Market-based solutions result in emissions reductions and accelerate the development, diffusion and deployment of low-carbon technologies".
Despite the fact that the United States Senate refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, because of the fears that it would cripple our economy. There are a few Eastern States in the United States that have signed on independent of National consensus to this Carbon scheme. The States who are members presently are listed below.
New Jersey
New York
In fact under the cloak of media censorship, the following Governors have joined as Media spokespersons. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (CA), Ex- Governor Eliot Spitzer (NY),and Governor Jon Corzine (NJ).

My question is why does the Media not make note of this deliberate effort to undermine the will of the Senate?

Proponents of this world government control, that will supersede our National Laws, believe in the concept of financial penalties for "carbon polluters". This statement illustrates where "Goreites" are heading us. Might as well cede control to the UN!

"The risks posed by climate change can be minimized by immediate, ambitious and comprehensive action. Local, state, national, regional and international governments must implement mutually reinforcing policy frameworks(aka: controls) aimed at addressing climate change. Action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is significantly less costly than the potentially catastrophic consequences of inaction; and immediate action is less costly than delaying our responses".

This is the same scare tactic that has always been used by those who want to take control away our freedoms.
Source: ICAP statement

Given the fact that scientist have discovered that there has been no increase in the World temperature in the past two years, and the fact that third world countries, of which India and China are included, have failed to agree to any carbon limitations. We are facing a massive redistribution of wealth from the so called "rich" nations to the "poor nations".

Reuters reports the following: "At the week-long Bangkok conference, the World Bank pushed its proposals for a $5-10 billion Clean Technology Fund, a $500 million "adaptation" fund and possibly a third fund dealing with forestry".

And Before they agree to any sort of restrictions on emissions of the greenhouse gases fuelling global warming, poor countries want firm commitments of billions of dollars in aid from their rich counterparts.This is nothing more or less than Marxism at it's ultimate!

While Food Supplies Get Scarce We Swim On Lake Of Oil

Very recently, the U.S. Energy Department announced the results of a land survey...
It was conducted to determine the official amount of oil a thousand feet deep in the Rocky Mountains...They reported this stunning news:We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:
8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
18-times as much oil as Iraq
21-times as much oil as Kuwait
22-times as much oil as Iran
500-times as much oil as Yemen
...And it’s all right here in the Western United States. James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says, “We’ve got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East.”
More than 2 TRILLION barrels. Untapped.
“That’s more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today,” reports The Denver Post

While we sit on an ocean of oil that could make the USA independent of the "bloody" Arabs, food grains are being diverted from the production of things people need to sustain life, to a "hair brained" fuel called "bio-fuel.
A fuel made out of any grain product that is more costly to make and less fuel efficient when it is used!

Refineries that are already more than forty years old and burdened with at least a dozen additives that must be added to gasoline processed to comply with various State laws. Now have to retool to make the wonder fuel. A fuel that destroys fuel injectors and has a bigger "carbon foot print" than gasoline!

If you haven't noticed food prices on cereals, breads, ice cream and most everything we eat has gone up since the "Goreites" convinced even President Bush and aspiring President McCain of the need to convert to bio-fuels. The main reason is this:Corn prices jumped to a record $6 a bushel Thursday, driven up by an expected supply shortfall that will only add to Americans' growing grocery bill and further squeeze struggling ethanol producers.
Corn prices have shot up nearly 30 percent this year amid dwindling stockpiles and surging demand for the grain used to feed livestock and make alternative fuels including ethanol. Prices are poised to go even higher after the U.S. government this week predicted that American farmers -- the world's biggest corn producers -- will plant sharply less of the crop in 2008 compared to last year. The F word will soon be heard, and I don't mean the nasty word, but famine!
Everyone, including myself, wants clean water and air that is safe to breath. But the approach we have taken will not reduce the carbon monoxide in the air or the nitrous oxide that diesel trucks give off profusely. What it will do is provide a famine in third world countries and a food shortage here in the USA that is unimaginable by the average American.
For the sake of the spotted owl, snail darter and the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle, people like the The World Conservation Union(IUCN) have convinced our elected representatives that drilling for oil is less important to our way of life than these creatures survival.
The next time you fill your gas tank don't curse big oil. They make 8% profit no matter what the cost at the pump. Blame the politicians and the Leftists who influence policy in Washington. And it will only get worse, until people finally wake up to the biggest hoax perpetrated on the American people in the past hundred years. By then Gore, Bush and many other politicians and corporate types will have made their millions on the newest scam, carbon credit trading, and our way of life as we know it today will have vanished!

Friday, April 04, 2008

His Worst Nightmare!

Not only does Senator Obama have to carry around his neck the heavy weight of his racist Pastor, and his indicted Syrian born friend, Tony Rezko.

Now news comes that the worst President this Country ever had, is supporting Obama!

The "myway" news site has an article today, written by Ben Evans, that details an interview with Carter during which the following is quoted : "Former President Carter left little doubt this week about whom he'd like to see in the White House next year".
Speaking to local reporters Wednesday on a trip to Nigeria, the former Democratic president noted that Barack Obama had won his home state of Georgia and his hometown of Plains.
"My children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama," he said at a news conference, according to the Nigerian newspaper This Day. "As a super delegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for, but I leave you to make that guess."

President Carter, forever remembered for 18% interest rates on money, gas lines around the block, and the deposing of an American ally, The Shah of Iran. This led to the take over by the ayatollah Khomeini, who promptly killed over 20,000 pro-Western officials, and you know what he plotted for 9/11/2001!

During Carter's Presidency, the U.S. Embassy in Iran was stormed and 52 Americans taken hostage for 444 days. America's lack of resolve was confirmed in the jihadist mind, so on Nov. 4, 1979, 400 Khomeini followers broke down the door of the embassy in Tehran, seizing the compound and the Americans inside. The hostage takers posed for the cameras next to a poster with a caricature of Carter and the slogan: "America cannot do a damn thing". They were correct for over 400 days!

Carter's anti-Israeli, pro-Plalestinian stance and his coziness with Venezuela's Chavez and former dictator Castro won't add to the vote tally of Jewish and Cuban American votes for Obama.

With the crisis brewing in Iran over their quest for nuclear weapons, and the "saber rattling" of Putin in Russia. The one thing this threatened Free Country doesn't need is a "clone" of Carter.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Two hundred and thirty two years ago our forefathers created a Republic based upon the principles of free speech, freedom to choose your own religion, not that of the State, and the rights as human beings granted to us by our Maker.

Some where along the way we have seemed to loose sight of what a precious gift we inherited! We have allowed liberal courts and leftist politicians to chip away at the pillars that this once great nation was founded upon.

We have allowed hordes of illegal and legal foreigners to come into our country, not to assimilate and be part of "E pluribus unum"., but to "Balkanize" our country.

This has led us to the point in time where we have a large portion of our 300 million population who feel no allegiance to this Country or it's basic principles.

We face a situation where the threat from within is almost greater than the threat from outside our borders. How do we combat this threat and turn the tide in our favor once again?

I believe it is time to re-establish a loyalty oath for all who live here!
Before you say, but that would be wrong, we already ruled the pledge of allegiance was not to be enforced. I say different times require different circumstances. There is a historical precedence for the "Loyalty Oath". Abraham Lincoln used it during the Civil war and President Truman did it during WWII.

And I believe the time has come when the internal threat that undeclared people of a religious faith that is dedicated to convert or eliminate all non-Muslims, must renounce the terrorist element in the Muslim religion and declare allegiance to this Country.
If they want the benefits they should be willing to renounce that which is an avowed threat to US.

There is really no way to accurately state the number of Muslims in the United States, because the Census Bureau is not allowed to ask what is a persons religion. But knowledgeable persons estimate 4.75 million Muslims live in the USA. The radically active Muslim group CAIR takes exception to this number for the following reason. CAIR insist on the 6-7 million figures, because a larger number, even if phony, offers it enhanced access and clout. Convincing the Republican Party that Muslims number 8 million, for example, led to urgent calls from its chairman for "meeting with [Muslim] leaders," something which becomes less of a priority if the Muslim population turns out to be much smaller.

A loyalty oath to a nation state is created during a time of social tension when people wish to guard against behavior like advocating fundamental change, advocating violent overthrow of the nation state, or spreading dissent within the Country. Such social tension is most manifest during times of war or when the nation state is faced with a conflict with one or more other nation states . source: Wikapedia
I believe the time is now!

The U.S Supreme Court has both upheld the use of loyalty oaths and overturned lower court decisions upholding loyalty oaths.So this is an issue that will be devisive,but what is new about that here in the USA?

If you do not believe the threat exists within the Mosques and Muslim organisations. I offer this excerpt from an interview within a Mosque.

A question-and-answer session with Imam Abdul Makin in an East London mosque asks why Allah would tell Muslims to kill and rape innocent non-Muslims, including their wives and daughters, according to Islam Watch. "Because non-Muslims are never innocent, they are guilty of denying Allah and his prophet," the Imam says, according to the report. "If you don't believe me, here is the legal authority, the top Muslim lawyer of Britain." The lawyer, Anjem Choudary, backs up the Imam's position, saying that all Muslims are innocent. inn"You are innocent if you are a Muslim," Choudary tells the BBC. "Then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are not a Muslim, then you are guilty of not believing in God." (ilalics are the bloggers)

Choudary said he would not condemn a Muslim for any action. "As a Muslim, I must support my Muslim brothers and sisters," Choudary said. "I must have hatred to everything that is not Muslim." You be the Judge!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Once again the ACLU masquerading as a patriot coming to the rescue of the oppressed American public has filed another public complaint that they hope will weaken the Government's ability to fight internal subversion and terrorism.

This time it is the Department of Defense use of surveillance and investigative tools used to compel businesses to turn over customer information without a judge's order or grand jury subpoena.

To the average person the ACLU appears to be a bastion of defense for the little guy against "Big Brother".

This could not be further from the truth. The History of the ACLU will be discussed next, but I must remind readers that the ACLU has led the charge to get Religion out of the schools and Public places, defended suspected terrorists and since it's inception has been a champion of Leftist causes.

One of the great myths of the 20th – and now 21st – century is the belief that the American Civil Liberties Union was an organization that had a noble beginning, but somehow strayed off course.
That myth is untrue. The ACLU set a course to destroy America – her freedom and her values – right from the start.
From its very beginning, the ACLU had strong socialist and communist ties. As early as 1931, the U.S. Congress was alarmed by the ACLU's devotion to communism. A report by the Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities stated : "The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press and free assembly, but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is an attempt to protect the communists " .
Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman founded the ACLU in 1920 along with three other organizations dedicated to the most leftist of causes. The histories of these two individuals belie their claims of patriotism and respect for the Constitution.
Baldwin openly sought the utter destruction of American society. Fifteen years after the founding of the ACLU, Baldwin wrote: " I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself ... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal".
Source: Alliance Defense Fund

Those that followed Baldwin and Eastman have attempted to disguise their intentions with pious platitudes proclaiming they are protecting our freedoms. In fact they are doing the Devils work! This statement regarding the Defense Department illustrates the work they are about. Tying the Hands behind the back of all who are trying to make Our Country safe and free of subversives by investigative methods. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. They are not breaking down doors as the KGB and "The Second Department"(SSM) in Communist Countries of China and the former Soviet Union.

In a press release yesterday, ACLU lawyer Melissa Goodman, said Congress should provide stricter guidelines and meaningful oversight of how the military and FBI make national security letter requests.
"Any government agency's ability to demand these kinds of personal, financial or Internet records in the United States is an intrusive surveillance power," she said. "The DOD may be accessing the kinds of records they are not allowed to get."

Melissa Goodman is a Staff Attorney in the ACLU's National Security Program. She works on the ACLU’s national security docket and litigates cases concerning surveillance, excessive government secrecy, torture and detention, and the freedoms of speech and association. Most recently, she has been counsel in the ACLU's lawsuits challenging warrant less NSA surveillance, the Patriot Act, the government's practice of ideological exclusion, and the CIA's abduction and detention of Khaled El-Masri, a victim of the CIA's practice of "extraordinary rendition."

Something is seriously wrong when an American organisation goes to bat for convicted terrorist, as is the case in the following: Mohammed Hossain and Yassin Aref, who were convicted of supporting terrorism after an elaborate FBI sting operation allegedly found them supporting a fake assassination plot. Illegal (italics are mine)NSA surveillance may have spurred the sting operation. The case involves secret arguments by the government, and more astonishingly, secret opinions by the judge that only government prosecutors were allowed to read.
ACLU's National Security Project(Melissa Goodman) and the New York Civil Liberties Union filed a brief in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, the court hearing Hossain and Aref's appeal of their criminal convictions. In the brief, they argue that the government should not be allowed to use evidence obtained through illegal NSA surveillance in criminal prosecutions of American citizens, and that the possibility that these defendants were the victims of illegal surveillance by the NSA warrants examination by the court. All this for people who were complicit in a terrorist plot, they thought!

They also were responsible for the May 2007 decision by the National Cemetery Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs agreeing, as the result of litigation, to engrave the Pentacle on the grave markers of Wiccan or Pagan veterans.This is an insult to Christian and Jews buried in hallowed ground!

And to top it all off the ACLU, in a 2002 letter, stated that it "opposes child pornography that uses real children in its depictions," but that material "which is produced without using real children, and is not otherwise obscene, is protected under the First Amendment" My comment is this. Any endorsement of cartoons or live pictures of "supposed" children being involved in sex acts is not only obscene but show the Marxist bent of those who support it!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

What Bible Are they Reading?

The Rev. Anthony B. “Tony” Robinson wrote in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (March 28), “After 9/11, Wright charged that ‘America's chickens are coming home to roost’ … he said ‘God damn America.' … Sounds like what the Bible calls a prophet."

The Dallas Morning News (March 29) reported, “More than two dozen well-known black preachers and scholars, in Dallas for a long-planned conference, offered unequivocal support Friday for one of their number who was not there. … Several of the scholars and preachers spoke at a news conference. They said that Dr. Wright's sermons fit into a long-standing black tradition of prophetic preaching."source:The Patriot Post

I am no scholar of Religion. My only claim to understanding religion and the prophets associated with it, is my grammer school and college courses in the History of Religion. I also have my own faith that tells me, hate speech was never a part of the message that prophets preached. It certainly did not come out of the mouth of John the Baptist.

When I hear about so many Black Pastors coming to the aid of Reverend Wright's hate America and "whitey". I am stuck by an idea that too many Black churches have lost the reason for their existence.

I have no problem if they want to preach that Mary and Joseph and their son, Jesus, was Black. I do have a serious problem if Black churches have become like too many Muslim Mosques here in the USA. Preaching hatred and filling the minds of parishioners with lies about the root cause of AIDS, Drug use and inciting to riot have no place in tax exempt houses of worship.

Free speech has it's limits. Freedom is not a license to preach hatred and foment division among our peoples.What Reverend Wright, and his outspoken supporters( and I listed just a few of the quotes available) should be out of bounds for anyone who claims to believe in the teachings of Jesus.

"The essence of the real prophets was not that they said things that disturbed people; the moral essence of the prophets was their moral clarity. They knew the difference between good and evil. “Woe unto those who call good ‘evil’ and call evil ‘good,'" said the Prophet Isaiah". source:Dennis Prager

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Normally I don't mixed politics with religion. They each have their strong and weak points, and they are strangely similar . One is the apparent understanding that both politicians and leaders of religions have when it comes to the effect the words they speak, have on the listener. Both the politicians and the Clergy do well if they have the mastery of the spoken word. A smooth talker like Obama has the affect of a snake charmer on his adoring supporters, and his now retired Pastor of over 20 years apparently had the same effect on Obama.The Internet and the few Conservative papers along with Fox News have let us hear and see what a racial bigot Reverend Wright is, but the main steam media has given both a pass!

There is a historical trail of the Media bias when it comes to coverage of religious disputes and breaking news. In addition to the glossing over of Obama's televised speech that was portrayed as being a repudiation of what Rev. Wright has been saying for over 20 years . That was in fact a rehash of racial discrimination as seen through the eyes of Obama and his pastor.

Compare this with the bashing of President Bush as being too radically religious.It is also interesting that Obama’s rhetoric was so steeped in evangelical Christian rhetoric. Isn’t a “fanatic" Christianity one of the charges so often leveled by the left against president Bush? Don’t they so often say that he is somehow too religious? And, how often did we hear from the MSM how “controversial" Bush (or any Republican) was for delivering a speech before Bob Jones University?

In the late 1990's a story appeared in the press about the schism in the American Catholic Church. It was widely circulated with 'liberal misinterpreters of Vatican II(1965) and post-Vatican II teachings. Liberals in the Press love to slam the pre-Vatican II Church by ignorantly claiming that the pre-Vatican II Church was 'monarchical' and that the post-Vatican II Church is much more egalitarian and democratic. Would that more leftist ideologues might pick up real post-Vatican II magisterial teachings, or read them at least! source: Father Patrick Serna in Renew America.

The featured story involved a televised comment by well known Contemplative Nun and founder of EWTN television network. and the sharp comments from Los Angeles Cardinal Mahony.The imbroglio between Cardinal Mahony and Mother Angelica, bears mention at this time because it is indicative of the controversy going on now in the political arena over the inflammatory speech of Reverend Wright, a Church of Christ ordained Minister, and Obama's attendance, and failure to speak out against the hate speech he used from the pulpit, until it was shown on the Internet.

With all the proof of how Barack Obama has been so close to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. for the last 20 years, it stretches the imaginationto assume that Obama never heard of Wright’s hate speech before. Reverend Wright blames US whites for all the ills of the black community.Wright claims that America deserved 9/11,and that whites created AIDS to kill blacks. Obama has the gall to claim that it’s everybody else stirring the racial divisive pot.During hiscampaign, Obama has cleaned up Wright’s racist hate speeches, but make no mistake that the message that Wright has so often bellowed from the pulpit is nearly identical to Obama’s on the campaign trail.

Obama has learned well from Rev. Wright. He’s learned well, indeed.On June 5th, 2007, Senator Barack Obama spoke before 8,000 people gathered in Hampton University's Convocation Center. Most of them were Black pastors and ministers attending a conference.He was there to speak on mostly post Katrina issues and to criticize the Bush administration's efforts during that natural disaster. Obama tried his catch phrase of the moment, saying that a "quiet riot" might be occurring in America and he affirmed that he felt that America was a racist nation, that the reaction to Katrina had just "pulled back the screen" on America's racism.

Obama also used rhetoric heavily doused with religious symbolism. And the Media sat on their collective hands! source: Liberty Post

In the case of the split between Mother Angelica and Cardinal Mahony, the media jumped on the stor,apparently attempting to create a schism even greater than it already was between traditionalist Catholics and the New "PC" and multicultural priests and bishops.They took great pride in highlighting the "fight" for control of EWTN by the Liberal American Bishops, but Mother Angelica, post stroke victim, dashed their quest by resigning as head of EWTN!

If the Media spent as much time covering the controversy between what Obama says he believes and what he and Reverend Wright say in front of all Black audiences. He wouldn't be the air apparent to the Democratic Presidential nomination. But then why would we expect the media to turn on one of their own?