Friday, April 13, 2007

Wars Are Lost When Logistics Fail

The famous battle of the Bulge during World War II was nearly lost because our troops were running out of ammunition, food and medical supplies,
The Germans had launched a last desperate attack in Belgium with the full force of Panzer Tanks and thousands of troops. This offensive was to try to keep the Allies from invading Germany.
Because of overcast skies and the German troops surrounding the Americans on three sides. Our soldiers were trapped and facing possible annihilation.
Thank God, clearing skies and the race across Europe by Patton's tanks.prevented Our defeat. The battle of the Bulge was eventually won. But at a great cost of lives due to the lack of supplies.
Since wars began, the one thing that has to be maintained is the supply line if an army has any hope of winning.
Europe and all Of Asia would also have been lost, no matter how valiantly our troops fought, if their supply lines were cut off.
Today we have the Congress of the United States threatening to cut off the supplies to our men and women in Iraq!
Even though President Bush will veto this Bill as presently constituted. The Congress seems determined to inflict defeat on the U.S. even if it means they have to literally take the weapons out of the troops hands.
Not only did they pass legislation that is a betrayal of our brave volunteers in harms way. They are giving aid and comfort to the enemy by visiting them in their own"lairs".
Congressional Speaker of the House Ms. Pelosi made history by being the only Speaker to visit a leader of a country during war who is known to be an accomplice of those we fight. Her visit to Syria was infamous!
Last week Congressman and Democratic majority leader, Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) , took it upon himself to pay a visit with a known Hamas supporter.
Hoyer met with Mohammad el-Katatni in Cairo, Egypt. After the meeting el-Katatni said: "they reached agreements that would be helpful when the Democrats win in 2008!
Instead of helping to win this war against Islamists. The democrats seem to be trying to help us loose. You be the Judge!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Media Learned From Advertisers

The Main Stream Media, including both radio and television, has been bombarding their airways with fabrications designed by slick Madison Avenue advertising firms for years. The claims the adds make are not always true or even close to the truth.
But as Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler learned. If you tell a lie often enough most people will believe it.
The Media news, that in my boyhood days would report the news, has adopted an advocacy presentation with the stories they send out to the unsuspecting public.
Unfortunately most of the media outlets are left wing advocates, dedicated to brain washing the American people into believing we are bad and our history is filled with atrocities for which we should fell guilty. Never mind getting the truth. Tell the story fast and repeat it until the "ignorant" masses believe it.
Two recent examples are the Duke Lacrosse team "rape case", and today's bombing of the Iraqi parliament building.
In the Duke case all the MSM outlets had tried and convicted the 3 "not guilty" young men before an indictment was handed down. They dug up every white hating black racist to have his say to the U.S. ,and never did anyone suggest these boys were innocent. Well, they are!
The bombing of the Iraqi parliament building is another example of advocacy journalism. The MSM wants the U.S. to loose this one as they did in the Vietnam War.
So when they news hit the wires the first thing broadcast was that a woman suicide bomber blew herself up inside the building. The next thing uttered was that this is a demonstration of the U.S. military lack of ability to secure the "Green Zone".
They never bothered to tell you that the bombing may have been caused by a bomb planted inside the cafeteria before today. Nor did they tell you that because of the threat of such action there were bomb sniffing dogs at the entrance to the building this morning before the blast occurred.
The latest news, still not reported by MSM, is that the bomb was set by a security guard of one of the members of the parliament.
As for the "Green Zone" being safe and secure. There are 15,000 people who live within this zone. They pass in and out off the zone daily. Anyone at anytime if they are sympathetic to the terrorist cause can bring explosive back into the zone.
But never mind the facts. Tell the story so it makes the U.S. and it's President look bad. Wake Up America!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Time to Ignore The "Fifth Column"

Today's Internet papers have two interesting and disturbing articles from Great Britain and The Middle East.
The first is the article in the net version of The London Times that reports on the front page that,"the United States is the greatest threat to world peace."
This startling conclusion comes from the left wing peace group "The Oxford Research Group", and is what you would expect from a group that believes all conflicts can be resolved with "closed door discussions between two equals."
The article in the Times was written by, Gabrielle Rifkind, a consultant to the Group for the "Human Security Forum". She also is a contributing editor to "The Peace Research Center."
The Oxford group has as the first of it's five principles that govern their activities. "The pursuit of non-military options to the resolution of conflicts (aka. war). Neither the Association of Ms. Rifkind or the principles of the two organizations she belongs to are mentioned in the Times article. It appears as an unbiased report.
Ms. Rifkind is the author of a treatise about the resolution of conflict in the Middle East between Hezbollah and Israel. Her conclusions are quoted below. Note the conclusion doesn't solve the problem. It just delays it for "future Generations"!
At the same time she advocates the resolution of the conflict between the U.S. and Iran over their nuclear enrichment program be resolved the same way. "Sitting down behind closed doors for a dialog of equals". These people must be from another planet!
The second article comes from Iraq where U.S. military generals have determined that the "EFP" explosive devices killing and maiming so many Iraqis and Americans are not only being made in Iran. The people embedding and setting the fuses for these terrorist weapons are being trained in Iran!
The following is an excerpt from a lengthy diatribe by Ms. Rifkind:
"Anti-Semitic elements are likely to be replaced by a more purely nationalist agenda. A new charter is unlikely to completely surrender the dream of a Greater Palestine; but it may place that dream on a more distant footing, and enshrine the possibility of coexistence based on 1967 armistice lines.
Hamas is now calling for a long-term reciprocal armistice, potentially for a period of 30 or more years. This initiative deserves serious consideration and examination by the international community, as it could lead to future negotiations and create space to find an accommodation based on coexistence.
As in Northern Ireland, rather than demanding that they be abandoned, it could allow for the aspirations and hopes of both sides to be separated from the practical realities, thus enabling certain thorny questions to be left to the next, less traumatized generation.
With the leftist politicians and academics advocating continued failed diplomacy. I believe it is past time to use our military might to whatever extent it takes to stop Countries like Iran from supplying instruments of death to Iraq and Hezbollah.
The only way we won the war against Germany and Japan was to bomb them to complete destruction and loss of the peoples will to fight. We will never win in the Middle East or anywhere else with limited rules of engagement.
President Bush has less than two years to ignore the peaceniks and take the gloves off!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Time To Cut the Blabber and Read Facts

The London Times Union online edition has an article alerting it's readers to the possibility that the aggressive speech of Iran's Ahmadinjad concerning his determination to proceed with nuclear enrichment might embolden the Washington "Hawks".
Roget's Thesaurus uses the top of it's list to describe a hawk as: "war monger, war dog, a person who urges war".
It lists further down that it can man one who: "proclaims or publicises." This is another illustration of "PC" speak taking over our lives. I personally think of "JAXHAWK"(my handle for JaxConservative Blog) as one who publicizes facts and ideas. I do believe as all patriots do. That a Country should go to war to defend our way of life ,or after it has been attacked by hateful people, as we were on 9/11/01.
The real purpose of this blog is not to make an argument with semantics, but to explain what I believe are pertinent facts.
Despite the fact that Iran has the second largest oil and gas reserves in the world. More than enough to fuel it's energy needs. Iran seems to be determined to produce enriched nuclear energy for which it has no peaceful needs.
Iran has the largest single source of Uranium of the Middle East, and is not dependant upon imports of raw uranium. This year they have processes 37 tons of "yellow cake" uranium, and have stated plans to mine 40 tons of uranium ore every year. Each 30 tons can produce 220 pounds of enriched uranium!
This amount used properly can make 4-5 nuclear bombs depending upon the destructive yield desired.
Now call all those who would hate and fear if the "little megalomaniac" in Tehran has multiple atomic bombs, Hawks! Those who rather ignore the possibility belong in the Zoo with the Ostrich.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Irans Propaganda Days

Lex et Libertas—Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.)

I feel sorry for anyone having to serve on a front line with wimps like these hostages who didn't even attempt to resist the actions of a rogue nation with the conscience of a dead rat.
The real problem is the Nanny State where these boys and girls were raised up,and I emphasize the word boys and girls.
The depraved sickos of the left wing news mythologists will have a field day celebrating Iran's great humanitarian action by releasing unharmed these "heroes".
A sad situation with the terrorist country being portrayed as a superpower which kindly released a group of spies that entered their territorial waters.The placating of one of our mortal enemies goes on with total indiference by those who supposedly control our nations.
An example of treasonous behavior was comrade Pelosi's recent trip to Syria with a direct snub of President Bush who was against aiding and abetting another nation harboring terrorists,in other words our enemy.

A direct insult to our Commander In Chief which gives a signal of weakness to our country to these America haters.

Giving In Makes Him Stronger!

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"--Samuel Adams .

Today the little dictator in Iran gave a speech in which he warned that if any western country tried to interfere with his nuclear program, Iran would react violently.
This appears to be a man buoyant and sanguine by the way he got away with the abduction and captivity of the British 15 royal marines and sailors. He even got an apology and promise from the British government that they would never enter Iran's waters without their permission.
This from the once mighty and invincible country that has lost the will to fight.
Let there be no mistake. the Islam-fascists of the Muslim world is a force dedicated, with religious fervor, to the destruction of Israel, the United States and the rest of the western civilization. They are not to be bargained with.
The diplomats be damned as their ways have failed Us too many times! These Islamic Fascist people are humiliated and angered by the prosperity and freedom of western civilization and want to eradicate it.
For those that say "but it is taking too long to accomplish our goals in Iraq". I must say, look to the principle of Hofstadter's law: this says that,"it always takes longer than you expect. therefore , it is not difficult to estimate a project---it is infinitely difficult". Murphy's law is a good reminder. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong".Both of these are applicable when fighting those who will die before giving up!
Neither statement says it is better to give up and capitulate than fight for what is right!
Hopefully we will make better choices than Great Britain and some of our European "allies".

Won't Fight But tell Stories Well

The News from Great Britain that the 15 sailors and Royal Marines who surrender rather than attempt to defend their mission is very upsetting and revealing.
These 15 are an absolute perfect example of what happens to a "Mommy Generation" of people wearing the "jaunty" uniforms of too many Countries today. Not only did these "15" surrender but they allowed themselves to be paraded on Iranian television giving thanks for their release by the henchman of the Ayatollah, clutching "goody bags like children on an Easter egg hunt not angry captives who were abducted on the high seas illegally.
Now these "cowards" are selling their stories to the print and video networks for as much as 150,000 pounds as if they were heroes.
Regretfully, a soldier who looses an arm or leg in Iraq will only receive 57,000 lbs. from the compensation fund of the British Department of Defense.
The shameful part of this whole disgrace is the Ministry of Defense and Royal Navy have publicly agreed to allow these military "vanquised 15" to sell their stories. Their explanation is ridiculous in the use of the comparison to the unusual circumstances that they said were similar to those who are awarded the Victoria Cross for Valor. Excuse me! I don't see any comparison with a hero and a group that surrenders without firing a shot.The Heros are those that gave their lives for freedom not those that have surrendered.

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadists.
And pray that we can defeat the enemy without counting on people who wear the uniform but, talk the talk, but can't walk the walk!