The Germans had launched a last desperate attack in Belgium with the full force of Panzer Tanks and thousands of troops. This offensive was to try to keep the Allies from invading Germany.
Because of overcast skies and the German troops surrounding the Americans on three sides. Our soldiers were trapped and facing possible annihilation.
Thank God, clearing skies and the race across Europe by Patton's tanks.prevented Our defeat. The battle of the Bulge was eventually won. But at a great cost of lives due to the lack of supplies.
Since wars began, the one thing that has to be maintained is the supply line if an army has any hope of winning.
Europe and all Of Asia would also have been lost, no matter how valiantly our troops fought, if their supply lines were cut off.
Today we have the Congress of the United States threatening to cut off the supplies to our men and women in Iraq!
Even though President Bush will veto this Bill as presently constituted. The Congress seems determined to inflict defeat on the U.S. even if it means they have to literally take the weapons out of the troops hands.
Not only did they pass legislation that is a betrayal of our brave volunteers in harms way. They are giving aid and comfort to the enemy by visiting them in their own"lairs".
Congressional Speaker of the House Ms. Pelosi made history by being the only Speaker to visit a leader of a country during war who is known to be an accomplice of those we fight. Her visit to Syria was infamous!
Last week Congressman and Democratic majority leader, Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) , took it upon himself to pay a visit with a known Hamas supporter.
Hoyer met with Mohammad el-Katatni in Cairo, Egypt. After the meeting el-Katatni said: "they reached agreements that would be helpful when the Democrats win in 2008!
Instead of helping to win this war against Islamists. The democrats seem to be trying to help us loose. You be the Judge!