If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"--Samuel Adams .
Today the little dictator in Iran gave a speech in which he warned that if any western country tried to interfere with his nuclear program, Iran would react violently.
This appears to be a man buoyant and sanguine by the way he got away with the abduction and captivity of the British 15 royal marines and sailors. He even got an apology and promise from the British government that they would never enter Iran's waters without their permission.
This from the once mighty and invincible country that has lost the will to fight.
Let there be no mistake. the Islam-fascists of the Muslim world is a force dedicated, with religious fervor, to the destruction of Israel, the United States and the rest of the western civilization. They are not to be bargained with.
The diplomats be damned as their ways have failed Us too many times! These Islamic Fascist people are humiliated and angered by the prosperity and freedom of western civilization and want to eradicate it.
For those that say "but it is taking too long to accomplish our goals in Iraq". I must say, look to the principle of Hofstadter's law: this says that,"it always takes longer than you expect. therefore , it is not difficult to estimate a project---it is infinitely difficult". Murphy's law is a good reminder. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong".Both of these are applicable when fighting those who will die before giving up!
Neither statement says it is better to give up and capitulate than fight for what is right!
Hopefully we will make better choices than Great Britain and some of our European "allies".
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