Today's Internet papers have two interesting and disturbing articles from Great Britain and The Middle East.
The first is the article in the net version of The London Times that reports on the front page that,"the United States is the greatest threat to world peace."
This startling conclusion comes from the left wing peace group "The Oxford Research Group", and is what you would expect from a group that believes all conflicts can be resolved with "closed door discussions between two equals."
The article in the Times was written by, Gabrielle Rifkind, a consultant to the Group for the "Human Security Forum". She also is a contributing editor to "The Peace Research Center."
The Oxford group has as the first of it's five principles that govern their activities. "The pursuit of non-military options to the resolution of conflicts (aka. war). Neither the Association of Ms. Rifkind or the principles of the two organizations she belongs to are mentioned in the Times article. It appears as an unbiased report.
Ms. Rifkind is the author of a treatise about the resolution of conflict in the Middle East between Hezbollah and Israel. Her conclusions are quoted below. Note the conclusion doesn't solve the problem. It just delays it for "future Generations"!
At the same time she advocates the resolution of the conflict between the U.S. and Iran over their nuclear enrichment program be resolved the same way. "Sitting down behind closed doors for a dialog of equals". These people must be from another planet!
The second article comes from Iraq where U.S. military generals have determined that the "EFP" explosive devices killing and maiming so many Iraqis and Americans are not only being made in Iran. The people embedding and setting the fuses for these terrorist weapons are being trained in Iran!
The following is an excerpt from a lengthy diatribe by Ms. Rifkind:
"Anti-Semitic elements are likely to be replaced by a more purely nationalist agenda. A new charter is unlikely to completely surrender the dream of a Greater Palestine; but it may place that dream on a more distant footing, and enshrine the possibility of coexistence based on 1967 armistice lines.
Hamas is now calling for a long-term reciprocal armistice, potentially for a period of 30 or more years. This initiative deserves serious consideration and examination by the international community, as it could lead to future negotiations and create space to find an accommodation based on coexistence.
As in Northern Ireland, rather than demanding that they be abandoned, it could allow for the aspirations and hopes of both sides to be separated from the practical realities, thus enabling certain thorny questions to be left to the next, less traumatized generation.
With the leftist politicians and academics advocating continued failed diplomacy. I believe it is past time to use our military might to whatever extent it takes to stop Countries like Iran from supplying instruments of death to Iraq and Hezbollah.
The only way we won the war against Germany and Japan was to bomb them to complete destruction and loss of the peoples will to fight. We will never win in the Middle East or anywhere else with limited rules of engagement.
President Bush has less than two years to ignore the peaceniks and take the gloves off!
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