Little mention is made of the fact that there are presently many technicians and telecommunication workers from the Peoples Republic of China (Communist China) operating with impunity in Iraq.
These PRC people are busy building the Iraq telecommunications network. Both fiber and wireless system are being built by the PRC, and not one Chinese person has been killed or kidnapped in the time that they have been there. The Terrorists are too busy trying to drive out The United States and its' Allies.
It is also a little publicized fact that the PRC has been supplying sophisticated weapons in large quantities to Mohmoud Ahmadinijad, president of Iran. A good supply of these weapons is making its' way into the hands of Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, to be used against Israel and Lebanese who oppose Hezbollah.
From "the Human Events News" we learn that the PRC is on a worldwide quest for more minerals including oil. They are active in The Sudan, and wherever they go they operate with impunity. None are killed or captured as hostages.
Not only do I think that it is unfortunate that apparently President Bush has"shot himself in the foot" by selecting a member of the IRS committee in Mr. Gates, but I think it is long past time that the majority of Americans ,whom polls seem to indicate want us out of Iraq ,wake up and realize that some morning they won't have oil or gas to heat their homes or run their fancy cars. If we abandoned the oil producing countries we depend upon and the Communist Chinese fill the vacuum, that is what will happen!