Thursday, October 26, 2006


If, God forbid, the Democrats win a majority in both houses of Congress in November. We shall see an immediate vote to withdraw our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan that will leave a void which will be immediately filled by the Mehdi lead by radical cleric Mugtada-al Sadr. What follows will be a wholesale genocide of thousands of Sunni and whatever American support personal are left behind to assist the fragile Iraqi government. The genocide in Cambodia and Vietnam following our "cut and run" will pale in comparison to the mass murder perpetrated on the Iraqis who supported U.S. troops in our failed effort. The world will once again look at the United States as a weak power unable to sustain a fight against the radical islamists. Iran will move immediately to establish its control over the Iraq
government, and will become the dominant power in the middle East free to continue its march toward nuclear weapon control. Weapons that could be used against the U.S. and certainly Israel.
With the Shiite death squads doing the dirty work of eliminating any trace of democratic government. Iran will be free to move in and take over as did the Communists in China with the withdrawal of their opposition, Chang Chi Chek, to Formosa.
Americans must consider the dire consequences of giving the power to decide whether or not we fight to defend ourselves or capitulate every time a threat occurs. You need only look to France to see what capitulation accomplishes. Last year over 112 cars were burned by Muslim rioters everyday, and 15 attacks were perpetrated against police or emergency personal on a daily basis. What was the French leaders response. They pledged millions of dollars in relief funds to the terrorist neighborhoods. Now the embolden youths are beginning their street plunder all over again.
Do Americans want this to happen here? Elect the Democrats to power and it will happen!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


The past two weeks I spent on holiday in Germany. While traveling throughout this land of a former foe and now ally in the fight against terrorism. I was sorry to learn that the average German thinks we are going to loose this war! Utilizing my meager German language skills I managed to talk to many average German men, mostly in Weinstubes or Bier gardens, while enjoying one or more of their fine wines or beers. But the most appalling thing I experienced was the repeated showing on CNN of a tape provided to CNN by Australian correspondent for CNN, Michael Ware. This grainy home movie type film was of a snipers view of the targets he shoot at and killed during the taping.
The targets were American soldiers. Shot and killed by this terrorist thug who CNN patronizingly referred to as an "insurgent". The dialog on this tape was in Arabic, with CNN translation. The most appalling, besides the murder of US soldiers, was the spotter telling the sniper to wait and shoot the soldier when Iraqis were out of the line of fire. As if this has stopped them from killing and maiming hundreds or their citizens in the past year.
The abhorrent part of this piece was the fact that it was shown repeatedly, every hour for at least two days by CNN Europe.
This was nothing less than a propaganda piece for the terrorists in Iraq. Once again I must ask. CNN, have you no shame or morals?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Olbermann Shows Desperation

The poster boy for "no class" journalism Mr. Kieth Olberman has posted on the Net a lengthy diatribe about the "despicable' fear tactics being used by President Bush and the Republican party prior to the november Congressional elections. This trash mouth,overly paid liberal mouthpiece doesn't even have the class to refer to Mr. Bush as President or Mr. He repeatedly calls our President ,"Bush". Not satisfied to settle for talking about the fine leadership and plans to combat the terrorist threat by the Democratic party as the reason people should vote for a change to the control of Congress. Mr. Olbermann slimes into the gutter and refers to the republican party with this ridiculous statement. "The leading terrorist group in the country right now is the republican party." His distorted view of the terrorist threat can be summed up in his words,"The key to terror, the key to terrorism, is not the act but the fear of the act." Tell that to the families of those poor souls who were killed on 9/11/01, the USS cole, and the Marine barracks just to name a few.We face the greatest threat to our freedom and way of life in the radical Muslim movement, and this fool chooses to show his partisanship by belittling the republican efforts lead by our president, Mr. Bush, to defeat the enemy. It is quite ordinary for Americans to expect instant gratification. We are not,however, ordering a fast food meal in this situation, We are trying to defeat a religiously fanatical force whom has been killing their foes, "infidels", for centuries. It won't be a short war, but we must "stay the course" if we hope to win this war against the Islamists.