government, and will become the dominant power in the middle East free to continue its march toward nuclear weapon control. Weapons that could be used against the U.S. and certainly Israel.
With the Shiite death squads doing the dirty work of eliminating any trace of democratic government. Iran will be free to move in and take over as did the Communists in China with the withdrawal of their opposition, Chang Chi Chek, to Formosa.
Americans must consider the dire consequences of giving the power to decide whether or not we fight to defend ourselves or capitulate every time a threat occurs. You need only look to France to see what capitulation accomplishes. Last year over 112 cars were burned by Muslim rioters everyday, and 15 attacks were perpetrated against police or emergency personal on a daily basis. What was the French leaders response. They pledged millions of dollars in relief funds to the terrorist neighborhoods. Now the embolden youths are beginning their street plunder all over again.
Do Americans want this to happen here? Elect the Democrats to power and it will happen!