The past two weeks I spent on holiday in Germany. While traveling throughout this land of a former foe and now ally in the fight against terrorism. I was sorry to learn that the average German thinks we are going to loose this war! Utilizing my meager German language skills I managed to talk to many average German men, mostly in Weinstubes or Bier gardens, while enjoying one or more of their fine wines or beers. But the most appalling thing I experienced was the repeated showing on CNN of a tape provided to CNN by Australian correspondent for CNN, Michael Ware. This grainy home movie type film was of a snipers view of the targets he shoot at and killed during the taping.
The targets were American soldiers. Shot and killed by this terrorist thug who CNN patronizingly referred to as an "insurgent". The dialog on this tape was in Arabic, with CNN translation. The most appalling, besides the murder of US soldiers, was the spotter telling the sniper to wait and shoot the soldier when Iraqis were out of the line of fire. As if this has stopped them from killing and maiming hundreds or their citizens in the past year.
The abhorrent part of this piece was the fact that it was shown repeatedly, every hour for at least two days by CNN Europe.

This was nothing less than a propaganda piece for the terrorists in Iraq. Once again I must ask. CNN, have you no shame or morals?
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