Now the latest example of "multiculturalism" trumps Islamic infiltration has taken place in Washington, D.C.
The Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England has personally promoted Wahhabi trained Navy Chaplin, Abukena Mohammed Sarfulislam, from Lieutenant to Lt. Commander, and pinned the Joint Services Commendation Medal on the new LTCDR.
This is the first time a promotion has been personally awarded by a high ranking Defense Department official. But this was done for a native born Bangladesh immigrant who became a U.S. Citizen in 1995, and serves as the Muslim Chaplain at the Marine Headquarters at Quantico, Va.
His award follows shortly the revelation that Army Captain, James Joseph Ye, a West Point graduate, was charged with mishandling classified information. He was never prosecuted and resigned from the Army. Another Muslim brother, Army Sargent Hasan Akbar "fragged" the tent of his Superior officers the night before the Army began its' invasion of Iraq. His grenade attack killed 2 officers an wounded a dozen more.
The strange thing about this promotion and medal award is that this Muslim Chaplin received these rewards for arranging prayer mats, skull caps and copies of the Quran for the Muslim prisoners at "Gitmo" prison. Not satisfied with those accomplishments he arranged for the taxpayers to offer 113 different Muslim dishes for the prisoners to eat. Sounds like a five star hotel menu not a prison. Then he set up sensitivity training for the guards so they would not offend the Muslim"terrorist" prisoners religious beliefs.
At the same time his diligent and patriotic work managed to get a Muslim Mosque built on the Base of Quantico Marines. All for the 24 Muslim Marines stationed at Quantico!
The Army also opened in October a Mosque at West Point for the 32 cadets who are Muslims, and have recruited extensively in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia for enrollees into the Cadet training program at The "Point." Two Countries known to be full of Radical Jihadists. Whats wrong with this picture. There are over 10,000 Muslims in the U.S. Army. Presumably loyal to America. The Marines have 462 Muslims in the Corps. We are fighting Radical Islam for the very existence of our way of life. Why do we openly "shoot ourselves in the foot" by encouraging the possible "Jihadist sleeper" at every opportunity. Would we have recruited from the Hitler Youth during WWII?
And I almost forgot Congressman Ellison was sworn in with his hand on the Quran, not the traditional Bible.
Ltcdr. Sarfrilislam may well be a loyal and patriotic Navy imam, but he did counsel "terrorist suspected" prisoners privately in their native tongues of Urdu or Arabic. Who knows what transpired during those conversations.
The thing that troubles me is no other service person has been publicly promoted and decorated by a Defense Department official other than this Muslim imam. Surely there must be some Sailor, Marine, Airman or Army person serving in a combat role who would deserve such a distinguished promotion. But then that wouldn't be the politically correct thing the Government wanted to do!