Not only has the Army set up a school for junior officers to teach them how to be more culturally sensitive. This facility trains an estimated 2000 future leaders of our Army troops into battle with a years indoctrination into cultural sensitivity.
Now the latest example of "multiculturalism" trumps Islamic infiltration has taken place in Washington, D.C.
The Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England has personally promoted Wahhabi trained Navy Chaplin, Abukena Mohammed Sarfulislam, from Lieutenant to Lt. Commander, and pinned the Joint Services Commendation Medal on the new LTCDR.
This is the first time a promotion has been personally awarded by a high ranking Defense Department official. But this was done for a native born Bangladesh immigrant who became a U.S. Citizen in 1995, and serves as the Muslim Chaplain at the Marine Headquarters at Quantico, Va.
His award follows shortly the revelation that Army Captain, James Joseph Ye, a West Point graduate, was charged with mishandling classified information. He was never prosecuted and resigned from the Army. Another Muslim brother, Army Sargent Hasan Akbar "fragged" the tent of his Superior officers the night before the Army began its' invasion of Iraq. His grenade attack killed 2 officers an wounded a dozen more.
The strange thing about this promotion and medal award is that this Muslim Chaplin received these rewards for arranging prayer mats, skull caps and copies of the Quran for the Muslim prisoners at "Gitmo" prison. Not satisfied with those accomplishments he arranged for the taxpayers to offer 113 different Muslim dishes for the prisoners to eat. Sounds like a five star hotel menu not a prison. Then he set up sensitivity training for the guards so they would not offend the Muslim"terrorist" prisoners religious beliefs.
At the same time his diligent and patriotic work managed to get a Muslim Mosque built on the Base of Quantico Marines. All for the 24 Muslim Marines stationed at Quantico!
The Army also opened in October a Mosque at West Point for the 32 cadets who are Muslims, and have recruited extensively in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia for enrollees into the Cadet training program at The "Point." Two Countries known to be full of Radical Jihadists. Whats wrong with this picture. There are over 10,000 Muslims in the U.S. Army. Presumably loyal to America. The Marines have 462 Muslims in the Corps. We are fighting Radical Islam for the very existence of our way of life. Why do we openly "shoot ourselves in the foot" by encouraging the possible "Jihadist sleeper" at every opportunity. Would we have recruited from the Hitler Youth during WWII?
And I almost forgot Congressman Ellison was sworn in with his hand on the Quran, not the traditional Bible.
Ltcdr. Sarfrilislam may well be a loyal and patriotic Navy imam, but he did counsel "terrorist suspected" prisoners privately in their native tongues of Urdu or Arabic. Who knows what transpired during those conversations.
The thing that troubles me is no other service person has been publicly promoted and decorated by a Defense Department official other than this Muslim imam. Surely there must be some Sailor, Marine, Airman or Army person serving in a combat role who would deserve such a distinguished promotion. But then that wouldn't be the politically correct thing the Government wanted to do!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
The Time is Now
"Iran's nuclear chief said his country has produced and stored 250 tons of the gas used as the feedstock for uranium enrichment, state-run television reported Friday.
Vice President Gholamreza Aghazadeh, who is also the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said Iran has kept the uranium hexaflouride gas, or UF-6, in underground tunnels at a nuclear facility in Isfahan to protect it from any possible attack.
Today, we have produced more than 250 tons of UF-6. Should you visit Isfahan, you will see we have constructed tunnels that are almost unique in the world," State-run television quoted Aghazadeh as saying...."Enemies have assumed that they can prevent the progress of the Iranian nation through psychological war and issuing resolutions, but they will be defeated," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying on state-run TV.
Posted by Robert at "Jihad Watch".
Vice President Gholamreza Aghazadeh, who is also the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said Iran has kept the uranium hexaflouride gas, or UF-6, in underground tunnels at a nuclear facility in Isfahan to protect it from any possible attack.
Today, we have produced more than 250 tons of UF-6. Should you visit Isfahan, you will see we have constructed tunnels that are almost unique in the world," State-run television quoted Aghazadeh as saying...."Enemies have assumed that they can prevent the progress of the Iranian nation through psychological war and issuing resolutions, but they will be defeated," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying on state-run TV.
Posted by Robert at "Jihad Watch".
"An American intelligence official said the new material, which has been authenticated within the intelligence community, confirms "that Iran is working closely with both the Shiite militias and Sunni Jihadist groups." The source was careful to stress that the Iranian plans do not extend to cooperation with Baathist groups fighting the government in Baghdad, and said the documents rather show how the Quds Force — the arm of Iran's revolutionary guard that supports Shiite Hezbollah, Sunni Hamas, and Shiite death squads — is working with individuals affiliated with Al Qaeda in Iraq and Ansar al-Sunna."
The two pieces quoted above come from"Jihad Watch", and they reinforce my previous blog that stated we cannot afford to dither away our opportunity to destroy Irans' capacity to build a nuclear bomb. If it takes a nuclear bomb to do it. Let it happen before they have built the facility so deep in the ground that it is nuclear proof. The Iranians are fomenting the violence of the "insurgents" in Iraq, and are participating in the street bombing and attacks on both the U.S. military and Iraqi civilians.
We must not let the power of the leftist press and those who would like to see us loose another war deter our attack on the identified treat that Iran presents to our way of life and the stability of the Middle East. The longer we wait the stronger they get, and the weaker we become.
Still A Bad Looser
In today's edition of Townhall, Mr. Patrick Buchanan takes another of his continuous pot shots at President Bush.
His article is typical of a man who has managed to get his face on National television, but failed in 1992,1996 and 2000 to convince enough Americans that he was worthy of sitting in the "Oval Office".
One particularly galling cheap shot in his tome was the following. "Surveying what appears an impending disaster in Iraq and U.S. foreign policy was a real "low blow" from a man who knows better.
He concludes his "tripe" with this: Meanwhile brave young Americans, the true idealists and casualties of the "neocons", 20 a week come home in caskets to Dover...".
He should be writer for the New York Times. First the word "Neocons",so frequently used as a derisive word is defined as a new conservative. Hardly the correct word for those who believed that Saddam Hussein's terrorist dictatorship posed a threat to the stability of a region, that because of radical ecologist influence, is our main source for the life blood of our way of life, oil!
With the Democratic Congress and the Leftist main stream media daily calling for a withdrawal form this Iraqi "quagmire" we don't need "blowhards " like Buchanan cheap shoting the President. He, Mr. Bush, has brought the end to Saddam Hussein, a known terrorist himself, as well as financial supporter of terrorism. He has brought free elections to Iraq. A constitution is in place, and tens of thousand of Iraqi volunteers are being trained as police and soldiers to defend themselves in time.
Yes there are brave men and women dying in Iraq, and this is the unavoidable tragic consequence of fighting tyranny. Buchanan Knows this.
I wonder what he would have written when over 9000 Marines were killed in the invasion of a rock called Tarawa. Or what would he have said about the thousands of American merchant mariners who died bringing supplies to "Uncle Joes" communists in Russian before we invaded Europe. After all Hitler did not attack us, and the war was thousands of miles away.
Bush needs encouragement and good advice, not derisive comments. In another time this would be giving aid and comfort to the enemy!
His article is typical of a man who has managed to get his face on National television, but failed in 1992,1996 and 2000 to convince enough Americans that he was worthy of sitting in the "Oval Office".
One particularly galling cheap shot in his tome was the following. "Surveying what appears an impending disaster in Iraq and U.S. foreign policy was a real "low blow" from a man who knows better.
He concludes his "tripe" with this: Meanwhile brave young Americans, the true idealists and casualties of the "neocons", 20 a week come home in caskets to Dover...".
He should be writer for the New York Times. First the word "Neocons",so frequently used as a derisive word is defined as a new conservative. Hardly the correct word for those who believed that Saddam Hussein's terrorist dictatorship posed a threat to the stability of a region, that because of radical ecologist influence, is our main source for the life blood of our way of life, oil!
With the Democratic Congress and the Leftist main stream media daily calling for a withdrawal form this Iraqi "quagmire" we don't need "blowhards " like Buchanan cheap shoting the President. He, Mr. Bush, has brought the end to Saddam Hussein, a known terrorist himself, as well as financial supporter of terrorism. He has brought free elections to Iraq. A constitution is in place, and tens of thousand of Iraqi volunteers are being trained as police and soldiers to defend themselves in time.
Yes there are brave men and women dying in Iraq, and this is the unavoidable tragic consequence of fighting tyranny. Buchanan Knows this.
I wonder what he would have written when over 9000 Marines were killed in the invasion of a rock called Tarawa. Or what would he have said about the thousands of American merchant mariners who died bringing supplies to "Uncle Joes" communists in Russian before we invaded Europe. After all Hitler did not attack us, and the war was thousands of miles away.
Bush needs encouragement and good advice, not derisive comments. In another time this would be giving aid and comfort to the enemy!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Diplomacy or Nukes?
This Great Country invented and used the nuclear bomb to end the war against Japan, and thus saved tens of thousands of American troops lives. These men would certainly have been killed had we continued our "island hopping" campaign to invade Japan.
Since 1945 we have had many opportunities to save American lives by using the "A" bomb, but the diplomats prevailed and it has remained in "moth balls".
To recall just a few historical occasions where American lives could have been saved I list, 1968 when the North Koreans seized the USS Pueblo and imprisoned the crew for eleven months. In 1951 the Chinese invaded North Korea in massive force and the prolonged and brutal retreat of Marines and soldiers who were trapped near the Yalu river. The war lasted for two more years with the death of thousands of American servicemen while diplomats dithered away the opportunity to win the war. The war which is still not over. We have a truce not victory!
In Vietnam we lost 55,000 servicemen because of the support of the Chinese communists with Russian weapons. A strategically dropped "A" bomb on Hanoi would have ended this horrible war in a nano-second!
In 1979 during the "reign" of President Carter the Iranians seized the American embassy and held hostage 55 Americans for 444 days while diplomats talked. Now Iranians President Mahmoud Amadinejad is furiously developing a nuclear bomb to eradicate Israel and if possible attack the United States with a nuclear bomb. This is not conjecture, but the stated objective of this maniac.
It would seem to this blogger that the leaders of this country as well as the "intelligentsia" of academia and the media believe it is more important to fear escalation of warfare than it does of our possible defeat. This perception of worrying what the "World" thinks of us and the fear of escalation is evident in every attack on Americans since the end of World War II. Perhaps we should reflect on the password given to the soldiers in the Army George Washington lead across the Potomac to defeat the Hessian's during the battle of Trenton. "Victory or Death". Sooner or later we will be the victim of a nuclear attack if we are unwilling to deploy our own strategic nuclear weapons to take out those who we know from their own words, are dedicated to our destruction. Talking never produced any lasting peace for this country.
Since 1945 we have had many opportunities to save American lives by using the "A" bomb, but the diplomats prevailed and it has remained in "moth balls".
To recall just a few historical occasions where American lives could have been saved I list, 1968 when the North Koreans seized the USS Pueblo and imprisoned the crew for eleven months. In 1951 the Chinese invaded North Korea in massive force and the prolonged and brutal retreat of Marines and soldiers who were trapped near the Yalu river. The war lasted for two more years with the death of thousands of American servicemen while diplomats dithered away the opportunity to win the war. The war which is still not over. We have a truce not victory!
In Vietnam we lost 55,000 servicemen because of the support of the Chinese communists with Russian weapons. A strategically dropped "A" bomb on Hanoi would have ended this horrible war in a nano-second!
In 1979 during the "reign" of President Carter the Iranians seized the American embassy and held hostage 55 Americans for 444 days while diplomats talked. Now Iranians President Mahmoud Amadinejad is furiously developing a nuclear bomb to eradicate Israel and if possible attack the United States with a nuclear bomb. This is not conjecture, but the stated objective of this maniac.
It would seem to this blogger that the leaders of this country as well as the "intelligentsia" of academia and the media believe it is more important to fear escalation of warfare than it does of our possible defeat. This perception of worrying what the "World" thinks of us and the fear of escalation is evident in every attack on Americans since the end of World War II. Perhaps we should reflect on the password given to the soldiers in the Army George Washington lead across the Potomac to defeat the Hessian's during the battle of Trenton. "Victory or Death". Sooner or later we will be the victim of a nuclear attack if we are unwilling to deploy our own strategic nuclear weapons to take out those who we know from their own words, are dedicated to our destruction. Talking never produced any lasting peace for this country.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Don't Send Your Child or Money to Duke University
Having been a person who was briefly involved in College athletics at a major University I was particularly upset when the story of the alleged rape of a non-student woman by members of the Duke Lacrosse team appeared in the Press.
The Liberal "rag" named New York Times filled their stories and editorial pages with opinions of the heinous attack on a poor defenseless black girl by these "bullies" who happened to be members of the University Lacrosse team.
The "White" district attorney, Michael Nifong" jumped at the opportunity to prosecute these white boys who had raped a black woman. This may or may not have been motivated by the fact that Nifong is the District Attorney in a predominantly Black District. The NAACP Did their usual act and "jumped in" with both feet, demanding Justice for this poor woman.
There is just one problem to this story. This was all done before any evidence had been found or presented to show the charged Lacrosse players actually raped this woman. Later it came out that the DNA taken from the accused boys confirmed that they did not rape the woman, but semen was found in the woman from having sex with more than one other man. This evidence was withheld from the defense until later, and when it leaked out the "district attorney" had to reluctantly drop the rape charges.
The Duke University in their further quest to advance their "Diversity Program" cancelled the remaining scheduled Lacrosse games and summarily fired the coach. Good thing they were not football players or they would have had a real "conundrum" on their hands. But, who watches Lacrosse besides a few hundred people who are friends and family of the players.
The terrible thing about this event is that the University is bending over backwards to violate the Law of the Land regarding"Affirmative Action" by having a program with full staff and a million dollar budget per year to promote diversity in the faculty and student population that targets women and minority recruitment. The following is a statement from the President of the University, Mr. Brodherd.
“I am greatly relieved for the students and their families that the most serious of the charges has been dropped. Given the certainty with which the district attorney made his many public statements regarding the rape allegation, his decision today to drop that charge must call into question the validity of the remaining charges."
I searched the archives of the Duke University Press announcements, and could find no statements by either President Brooderd or Provost to the Academic Council, Peter Lang that even hinted they felt the accused students were innocent before the rape charges were dropped.
Duke has a Department Level Diversity program dedicated to increasing the number of minority students and faculty. A cusory read of the lengthy plan reveals nothing about the academic qualifications necessary to enter or teach at Duke. Quotas appear more important than academics to this blogger.
The Provosts 10/19/2006 report on "the Faculty Diversity Program" is full of references to "numbers of Minority Faculty" and concludes with this telling statement. " We must seek opportunities to support disciplinary and interdisciplinary progress on issues of race, ethnicity, and gender in the Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Professions."
Don't be deluded parents into thinking your children and dollars are going to a University that will present the best faculty and curriculum. What they will get is a faculty more concerned with continuing "Affirmative Action" than teaching and defending your child if he happens to get into the hands of the District attorney, guilty or not! It is eight months since these innocent young men were charged with a crime they were falsely accused and indicted for having committed. It is way past time for the United States Attorney General to get involved. If the colors were reversed he would have stepped in by now!
The Liberal "rag" named New York Times filled their stories and editorial pages with opinions of the heinous attack on a poor defenseless black girl by these "bullies" who happened to be members of the University Lacrosse team.
The "White" district attorney, Michael Nifong" jumped at the opportunity to prosecute these white boys who had raped a black woman. This may or may not have been motivated by the fact that Nifong is the District Attorney in a predominantly Black District. The NAACP Did their usual act and "jumped in" with both feet, demanding Justice for this poor woman.
There is just one problem to this story. This was all done before any evidence had been found or presented to show the charged Lacrosse players actually raped this woman. Later it came out that the DNA taken from the accused boys confirmed that they did not rape the woman, but semen was found in the woman from having sex with more than one other man. This evidence was withheld from the defense until later, and when it leaked out the "district attorney" had to reluctantly drop the rape charges.
The Duke University in their further quest to advance their "Diversity Program" cancelled the remaining scheduled Lacrosse games and summarily fired the coach. Good thing they were not football players or they would have had a real "conundrum" on their hands. But, who watches Lacrosse besides a few hundred people who are friends and family of the players.
The terrible thing about this event is that the University is bending over backwards to violate the Law of the Land regarding"Affirmative Action" by having a program with full staff and a million dollar budget per year to promote diversity in the faculty and student population that targets women and minority recruitment. The following is a statement from the President of the University, Mr. Brodherd.
“I am greatly relieved for the students and their families that the most serious of the charges has been dropped. Given the certainty with which the district attorney made his many public statements regarding the rape allegation, his decision today to drop that charge must call into question the validity of the remaining charges."
I searched the archives of the Duke University Press announcements, and could find no statements by either President Brooderd or Provost to the Academic Council, Peter Lang that even hinted they felt the accused students were innocent before the rape charges were dropped.
Duke has a Department Level Diversity program dedicated to increasing the number of minority students and faculty. A cusory read of the lengthy plan reveals nothing about the academic qualifications necessary to enter or teach at Duke. Quotas appear more important than academics to this blogger.
The Provosts 10/19/2006 report on "the Faculty Diversity Program" is full of references to "numbers of Minority Faculty" and concludes with this telling statement. " We must seek opportunities to support disciplinary and interdisciplinary progress on issues of race, ethnicity, and gender in the Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Professions."
Don't be deluded parents into thinking your children and dollars are going to a University that will present the best faculty and curriculum. What they will get is a faculty more concerned with continuing "Affirmative Action" than teaching and defending your child if he happens to get into the hands of the District attorney, guilty or not! It is eight months since these innocent young men were charged with a crime they were falsely accused and indicted for having committed. It is way past time for the United States Attorney General to get involved. If the colors were reversed he would have stepped in by now!
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