The Liberal "rag" named New York Times filled their stories and editorial pages with opinions of the heinous attack on a poor defenseless black girl by these "bullies" who happened to be members of the University Lacrosse team.
The "White" district attorney, Michael Nifong" jumped at the opportunity to prosecute these white boys who had raped a black woman. This may or may not have been motivated by the fact that Nifong is the District Attorney in a predominantly Black District. The NAACP Did their usual act and "jumped in" with both feet, demanding Justice for this poor woman.
There is just one problem to this story. This was all done before any evidence had been found or presented to show the charged Lacrosse players actually raped this woman. Later it came out that the DNA taken from the accused boys confirmed that they did not rape the woman, but semen was found in the woman from having sex with more than one other man. This evidence was withheld from the defense until later, and when it leaked out the "district attorney" had to reluctantly drop the rape charges.
The Duke University in their further quest to advance their "Diversity Program" cancelled the remaining scheduled Lacrosse games and summarily fired the coach. Good thing they were not football players or they would have had a real "conundrum" on their hands. But, who watches Lacrosse besides a few hundred people who are friends and family of the players.
The terrible thing about this event is that the University is bending over backwards to violate the Law of the Land regarding"Affirmative Action" by having a program with full staff and a million dollar budget per year to promote diversity in the faculty and student population that targets women and minority recruitment. The following is a statement from the President of the University, Mr. Brodherd.
“I am greatly relieved for the students and their families that the most serious of the charges has been dropped. Given the certainty with which the district attorney made his many public statements regarding the rape allegation, his decision today to drop that charge must call into question the validity of the remaining charges."
I searched the archives of the Duke University Press announcements, and could find no statements by either President Brooderd or Provost to the Academic Council, Peter Lang that even hinted they felt the accused students were innocent before the rape charges were dropped.
Duke has a Department Level Diversity program dedicated to increasing the number of minority students and faculty. A cusory read of the lengthy plan reveals nothing about the academic qualifications necessary to enter or teach at Duke. Quotas appear more important than academics to this blogger.
The Provosts 10/19/2006 report on "the Faculty Diversity Program" is full of references to "numbers of Minority Faculty" and concludes with this telling statement. " We must seek opportunities to support disciplinary and interdisciplinary progress on issues of race, ethnicity, and gender in the Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Professions."
Don't be deluded parents into thinking your children and dollars are going to a University that will present the best faculty and curriculum. What they will get is a faculty more concerned with continuing "Affirmative Action" than teaching and defending your child if he happens to get into the hands of the District attorney, guilty or not! It is eight months since these innocent young men were charged with a crime they were falsely accused and indicted for having committed. It is way past time for the United States Attorney General to get involved. If the colors were reversed he would have stepped in by now!
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