Since 1945 we have had many opportunities to save American lives by using the "A" bomb, but the diplomats prevailed and it has remained in "moth balls".
To recall just a few historical occasions where American lives could have been saved I list, 1968 when the North Koreans seized the USS Pueblo and imprisoned the crew for eleven months. In 1951 the Chinese invaded North Korea in massive force and the prolonged and brutal retreat of Marines and soldiers who were trapped near the Yalu river. The war lasted for two more years with the death of thousands of American servicemen while diplomats dithered away the opportunity to win the war. The war which is still not over. We have a truce not victory!
In Vietnam we lost 55,000 servicemen because of the support of the Chinese communists with Russian weapons. A strategically dropped "A" bomb on Hanoi would have ended this horrible war in a nano-second!
In 1979 during the "reign" of President Carter the Iranians seized the American embassy and held hostage 55 Americans for 444 days while diplomats talked. Now Iranians President Mahmoud Amadinejad is furiously developing a nuclear bomb to eradicate Israel and if possible attack the United States with a nuclear bomb. This is not conjecture, but the stated objective of this maniac.
It would seem to this blogger that the leaders of this country as well as the "intelligentsia" of academia and the media believe it is more important to fear escalation of warfare than it does of our possible defeat. This perception of worrying what the "World" thinks of us and the fear of escalation is evident in every attack on Americans since the end of World War II. Perhaps we should reflect on the password given to the soldiers in the Army George Washington lead across the Potomac to defeat the Hessian's during the battle of Trenton. "Victory or Death". Sooner or later we will be the victim of a nuclear attack if we are unwilling to deploy our own strategic nuclear weapons to take out those who we know from their own words, are dedicated to our destruction. Talking never produced any lasting peace for this country.
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