His article is typical of a man who has managed to get his face on National television, but failed in 1992,1996 and 2000 to convince enough Americans that he was worthy of sitting in the "Oval Office".
One particularly galling cheap shot in his tome was the following. "Surveying what appears an impending disaster in Iraq and U.S. foreign policy was a real "low blow" from a man who knows better.
He concludes his "tripe" with this: Meanwhile brave young Americans, the true idealists and casualties of the "neocons", 20 a week come home in caskets to Dover...".
He should be writer for the New York Times. First the word "Neocons",so frequently used as a derisive word is defined as a new conservative. Hardly the correct word for those who believed that Saddam Hussein's terrorist dictatorship posed a threat to the stability of a region, that because of radical ecologist influence, is our main source for the life blood of our way of life, oil!
With the Democratic Congress and the Leftist main stream media daily calling for a withdrawal form this Iraqi "quagmire" we don't need "blowhards " like Buchanan cheap shoting the President. He, Mr. Bush, has brought the end to Saddam Hussein, a known terrorist himself, as well as financial supporter of terrorism. He has brought free elections to Iraq. A constitution is in place, and tens of thousand of Iraqi volunteers are being trained as police and soldiers to defend themselves in time.
Yes there are brave men and women dying in Iraq, and this is the unavoidable tragic consequence of fighting tyranny. Buchanan Knows this.
I wonder what he would have written when over 9000 Marines were killed in the invasion of a rock called Tarawa. Or what would he have said about the thousands of American merchant mariners who died bringing supplies to "Uncle Joes" communists in Russian before we invaded Europe. After all Hitler did not attack us, and the war was thousands of miles away.
Bush needs encouragement and good advice, not derisive comments. In another time this would be giving aid and comfort to the enemy!
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