Saturday, September 26, 2009
Despite the fact that in the last week terrorist threats have ben reported at least three times. The latest was friday when a 19 year old Muslim was apprehended trying to blow up a 65 story ofice building in Dallas, Texas.
Fox News is reporting that: A Jordanian man living outside Dallas and an ex-convict who wrote letters to John Walker Lindh (the American turned Muslim terrorist )were in custody on Friday after each tried to blow up what they thought were vehicles packed with explosives outside a Texas skyscraper and an Illinois courthouse.
Public records show Finton was in an Illinois prison from 1999 until 2005 aggravated robbery and aggravated battery convictions. After getting out, Finton told his parole officer he had converted to Islam, the affidavit said.
AND an immigrant from Afghanistan who lived legally in Denver was plotting one of the most serious terrorist attacks on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001, federal authorities say.
A law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday that Zazi had associates in New York who were in on the plot. Court papers say that during the summer, Zazi and three unidentified associates bought "unusually large quantities" of hydrogen peroxide and acetone — a flammable solvent found in nail-polish remover — from beauty supply stores in the Denver area, products with names like Ion Sensitive Scalp Developer and Clairoxide.
Najibullah Zazi, 24, made his home in the United States, working as a Denver airport shuttle driver in Colorado and owning a coffee cart in New York City.
Authorities say Zazi scoured the Web and visited beauty supply stores in a hunt for chemicals needed to build bombs for Al Qaeda.
They characterized the suspected plot against New York City subways and trains as one of the most significant threats to the United States since 9/11.
Despite these attempted terrorist threats,the news from Washington is not that we will be beafing up our security on our southern border. But reducing the already thin line of defense against terrorists and illegals from pouring over our border! Gues where we will be sending border pratrol agents? The Canadian border!
Where the Canadian border service has not had to fire the only weapon they have, a hand gun, for almost a year.
Agency officers are stationed at more than 1,200 locations across Canada, including 14 international airports and 119 land crossings.
Canadian guards who began to carry sidearms in July 2007 are now pulling them from their holsters about three times a month!
The report says no guns were actually fired in the 34 cases where the sidearm was used last year. Batons were brought out five times but never used.
Pepper spray was discharged four out of the seven times it was displayed to aggressive travellers. No one was seriously injured in any of the incidents.
Compare this with the violence at our southern border where drug cartels carry automatic machine guns.
The Border Patrol is responsible for securing a total of 8,607 miles of border, including the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S.-Canada border from Washington state to Maine, and sectors of coastline in the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.And we are sending guards to the Canadian border. Has this administration lost it. collective mind!
In the May 7 update of its performance review, DHS said the Border Patrol’s goal for fiscal 2009 was to have 815 of the 8,607 miles of border for which the agency is responsible under “effective control.” The review also said the Border Patrol’s goal for fiscal 2010 was to again have 815 miles of border under “effective control,” meaning DHS was not planning to secure a single additional mile of border in the coming year.
However, Acting Deputy Assistant Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Todd Owen told a House committee in July that the Border Patrol already had 894 miles of border under effective control as of May 31 of this year. These 894 miles, Owen said, included 697 miles on the Mexican border, 32 miles on the Canadian border and 165 miles in the coastal sectors.
The entire U.S.-Mexico border is 1,954 miles long,( and horray, we have 697 miles covered!!)according to the International Boundary and Water Commission. While 697 of those miles are now under “effective control,” according to the Border Patrol, 1,257 miles are not under “effective control.”
The Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Border Patrol Director of Media Relations Lloyd Easterling confirmed this week that his agency is planning for a net decrease of 384 agents on the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2010, which begins on October 1.
A Department of Homeland Security annual performance review updated by the Obama administration on May 7 said the Border Patrol “plans to move several hundred Agents from the Southwest Border to the Northern Border to meet the FY 2010 staffing requirements, with only a small increase in new agents for the Southwest Border in the same year.” Why don't the Obama administration just put welcome signs all across the Mexican border!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Posted by Jax Hawk on Friday, September 25, 2009 9:04:49 AM
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Earlier this year, President Obama wrote to Russian President Medvedev and said he was willing to bargain away U.S. missile defense plans in Europe if the Russians helped to completely eliminate Iran's threats to global security.
Furthermore, an Administration spokesman recently admitted that the so-called third site for missile defense won't protect Europe from a strike launched in Iran. But this ignores the fact that Iran is not the only place from which a ballistic missile could hit Europe -- and in that case, if our missile defenses will not protect Europe, what will?
President Obama's personal popularity in the international community will protect them. Or the self-imposed restraint of terrorist states. Or the moral force of U.N. Security Council Resolutions. No, missile defense is our best chance to check the aggression of imperialist regimes and terrorist thugs alike. It undermines their motivations to spend billions on missile technology.
This is why former leaders of Central and Eastern European countries recently wrote an open letter to President Obama to remind him of the sacrifices they had made on behalf of freedom and the need for leadership now from Washington. It is also why Poland and the Czech Republic have bravely volunteered to host the "third site." Its deployment there makes the most strategic sense, both for the United States and our allies, and also represents the most cost-efficient option available to us. BUT OBAMA SAYS NO!!
At issue is whether missile defense represents a threat to the security and stability of the world or whether missile defense is, in fact, as Ronald Reagan said, the greatest hope the cause of peace has ever had.
It says a great deal about the world that enemies of freedom reflexively distrust missile defense, and that free people have difficulty understanding why anyone would find it even remotely controversial. It says even more about the United States and the American people that, even as the world's lone superpower, our greatest achievement in military technology is exclusively defensive in nature. No powerful society in history could ever make such a boast -- indeed, no other society would want to. SOURCE: HERITAGE FOUNDATION
From the words of his speech yesterday to the UN general assembly it appears that he is still apologizing for the USA strength and protection of the free world. He has cozied up to tyrants like Chavez, Castro and yesterday Kadafi, the mastermind behind the killing of 290 people in the Lockerbie plane bombing.
His own words say that he was more comfortable with his leftist(Marxist) professors and the radical students of all ilk while attending college. And he sat in a pew of a church whose pastor was anti-American, race bater and anti- free enterprise zealot for twenty years.
WE do not know what his thesis was based upon when he attended Harvard law school, nor do we know what type articles he wrote while being head of the Law Review, as they are strangely and ominously sealed!
What we do know is that he campaigned against Bush's Iraq War, and said we should take the fight to Afghanistan. Now that he is president and the casualties are rising. The general in charge has recommended that the Commander in Chief dispatch 40,000 more troops to avoid defeat at the hands of the Taliban. But Obama says he is not certain he will do send more troops!
I wrote a blog several months ago predicting that Obama would allow the Afghanistan war to become the 21 st Century version of the Viet Nam war. If he does not do what the commanders in the field wants him to do. How can he expect him to lead our brave troops to VICTORY?
I know victory is a dirty word in Obama's mind, but is he willing, as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, willing to send our brave men and women into a massacre? For if he lets them die on the vine rather than pull out if he does not want a victory. He is guilty of dereliction of his duty as president, and I believe impeachable!
Tags: troops History Afghanistan obama Military Vietnam
Posted by Jax Hawk on Friday, September 25, 2009 9:04:49 AM
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Earlier this year, President Obama wrote to Russian President Medvedev and said he was willing to bargain away U.S. missile defense plans in Europe if the Russians helped to completely eliminate Iran's threats to global security.
Furthermore, an Administration spokesman recently admitted that the so-called third site for missile defense won't protect Europe from a strike launched in Iran. But this ignores the fact that Iran is not the only place from which a ballistic missile could hit Europe -- and in that case, if our missile defenses will not protect Europe, what will?
President Obama's personal popularity in the international community will protect them. Or the self-imposed restraint of terrorist states. Or the moral force of U.N. Security Council Resolutions. No, missile defense is our best chance to check the aggression of imperialist regimes and terrorist thugs alike. It undermines their motivations to spend billions on missile technology.
This is why former leaders of Central and Eastern European countries recently wrote an open letter to President Obama to remind him of the sacrifices they had made on behalf of freedom and the need for leadership now from Washington. It is also why Poland and the Czech Republic have bravely volunteered to host the "third site." Its deployment there makes the most strategic sense, both for the United States and our allies, and also represents the most cost-efficient option available to us. BUT OBAMA SAYS NO!!
At issue is whether missile defense represents a threat to the security and stability of the world or whether missile defense is, in fact, as Ronald Reagan said, the greatest hope the cause of peace has ever had.
It says a great deal about the world that enemies of freedom reflexively distrust missile defense, and that free people have difficulty understanding why anyone would find it even remotely controversial. It says even more about the United States and the American people that, even as the world's lone superpower, our greatest achievement in military technology is exclusively defensive in nature. No powerful society in history could ever make such a boast -- indeed, no other society would want to. SOURCE: HERITAGE FOUNDATION
From the words of his speech yesterday to the UN general assembly it appears that he is still apologizing for the USA strength and protection of the free world. He has cozied up to tyrants like Chavez, Castro and yesterday Kadafi, the mastermind behind the killing of 290 people in the Lockerbie plane bombing.
His own words say that he was more comfortable with his leftist(Marxist) professors and the radical students of all ilk while attending college. And he sat in a pew of a church whose pastor was anti-American, race bater and anti- free enterprise zealot for twenty years.
WE do not know what his thesis was based upon when he attended Harvard law school, nor do we know what type articles he wrote while being head of the Law Review, as they are strangely and ominously sealed!
What we do know is that he campaigned against Bush's Iraq War, and said we should take the fight to Afghanistan. Now that he is president and the casualties are rising. The general in charge has recommended that the Commander in Chief dispatch 40,000 more troops to avoid defeat at the hands of the Taliban. But Obama says he is not certain he will do send more troops!
I wrote a blog several months ago predicting that Obama would allow the Afghanistan war to become the 21 st Century version of the Viet Nam war. If he does not do what the commanders in the field wants him to do. How can he expect him to lead our brave troops to VICTORY?
I know victory is a dirty word in Obama's mind, but is he willing, as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, willing to send our brave men and women into a massacre? For if he lets them die on the vine rather than pull out if he does not want a victory. He is guilty of dereliction of his duty as president, and I believe impeachable!
Tags: troops History Afghanistan obama Military Vietnam
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Pollster Frank Luntz understands wahtpresident "Rexus Magnumus" meant!. In a recent column for The New York Daily News, Luntz reports on his interview survey of 6,400 people, the results of which appear in his new book "What Americans Really Want ... Really." Luntz discovered that people are angry with the government because of the lack of accountability by our leaders and a lack of progress on anything meaningful in Washington.
The "absence of accountability," he writes, "ranks No. 1 in the hearts and guts of the average American. It is as though they get elected and move to Washing ton, and forget who sent them. I sincerely believe they live in a unpenitrible bubble only accessed through and by special interests that will keep them in their powerful seat!
Washington spends billions to bail out big business and then can't explain where the money went. Washington spends $800 billion on a stimulus package filled with earmarks and pork projects. And now Washington is trying to create a trillion-dollar health-care experiment when over 85 percent of Americans are satisfied with their health care just as it is."
Luntz continues: "This could be forgiven, perhaps, if those elected officials from Washington exhibited even an ounce of respect for the voters who pay their salaries. But the combination of a political class that ignores those with whom they disagree and a business class that ignores the very real suffering of the working class (if they are, in fact, working) while pocketing million-dollar bonuses has convinced the public that no one cares."
As a candidate for president, Barack Obama decried the financial toll that the Iraq war was taking on the economy, but Obama’s proposed spending on welfare through 2010 will eclipse Bush’s war spending by more than $260 billion.That is a quarter of a trillion. The figure we never heard about until Obama and his Congress took over!
Even after he has been in office for eight months he is still blaming Bush for the deficits we are builing. It is time for people to realize that he owns the debt now and has done nothingto reduce it, but doubled up on the debt!
“Because of the Bush-McCain policies, our debt has ballooned,” then-Sen. Barack Obama told a Charleston, W.V., crowd in March 2008. “This is creating problems in our fragile economy. And that kind of debt also places an unfair burden on our children and grandchildren, who will have to repay it.”
During the entire administration of George W. Bush, the Iraq war cost a total of $622 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.
President Obama’s welfare spending will reach $888 billion in a single fiscal year--2010--more than the Bush administration spent on war in Iraq from the first “shock and awe” attack in 2003 until Bush left office in January.
Obama’s spending proposals call for the largest increases in welfare benefits in U.S. history, according to a report by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. This will lead to a spending total of $10.3 trillion over the next decade on various welfare programs. These include cash payments, food, housing, Medicaid and various social services for low-income Americans and those at 200 percent of the poverty level, or $44,000 for a family of four. Among that total, $7.5 trillion will be federal money and $2.8 trillion will be federally mandated state expenditures.
“One in seven in total federal and state dollars now goes to welfare. But this is a completely unknown story,” Rector said. “This is not being reported. No one knows Obama is spending $10 trillion on welfare.”
Welfare spending has taken its toll on the federal debt. Since the beginning of the “war on poverty,” $15.9 trillion has been spent on welfare programs. The total cost of every war in American history, starting with the American Revolution, is $6.4 trillion when adjusted for inflation.
Welfare has been the fastest growing part of the federal government’s spending, increasing by 292 percent from 1989 to 2008. That’s compared to Social Security and Medicare, which grew 213 percent, the study says.And the Left ignores their handy work, and screams about the increased cost of private medical care!
Adjusted for inflation, welfare is 5 percent of the gross domestic product today. It was only 1.2 percent of GDP in 1965, the report says. Also, over the next decade, $1.5 trillion in welfare benefits will be paid to low-skilled immigrants.
Adjusted for inflation, welfare is 5 percent of the gross domestic product today. It was only 1.2 percent of GDP in 1965, the report says. Also, over the next decade, $1.5 trillion in welfare benefits will be paid to low-skilled immigrants. Mostly to people who sneaked across our pourus border!
Still, high levels of poverty are reflected by the U.S. Census Bureau because shockingly, the bureau counts only 4 percent of the total welfare spending as income when it calculates poverty. Thus, most discussions on poverty begin on the virtual premise that welfare does not exist, the study says.
“None of the $800 billion being spent is counted as income, so the Census comes back and they say, ‘Oh my goodness, we have 40 million poor people. We need to spend more money,’” Rector explained. “That is a game WE taxpayers can never win.”
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
When Obama ran for president those close to him and his rich, socialist friends like George Sorros, knew full well that this was a born and bred socialist they were backing. But the electorate who put him in the White House thought he was the savior that would clean up corruption in Washington, and enhance the great country they lived in.
Now we know that he is not the "messia" who will make this country great and clean out the corruption in Washington. He is in the bed with the corrupt organization ACORN and the "thug" run SEIU union. In fact SEIU has briefing regularly in the White House!
It appears that more than 52% of Americans voted for a Marxist socialist who detests the free enterprise system and feels the Constituttion we live by is a flawd document that does not address redistribution of wealth. A hallmark of a man who thinks of Socialism as the only way to run a country! Take from those who earn and give to those who are on the government dole!
His legislative proposals have been nothing short of trying to dismantle the free enterprise system and concentrate the powers that are granted in our Bill of Rights and from GOD to the Federal government.
The more his dangerous agenda unfolds, from Mirandizing battlefield jihadists to scrapping our missile defense systems to unilaterally disarming our nukes when rogue nations like IRAN, North Korea are nuking up, tohis emasculating the CIA by letting the Attorney General investigate and possibly prosecute CIA members who were doing their duty, and attacking the salariest of middle- and upper-income earners.I hope this will bring more Americans to oppose his blueprint for Socialism!
But, remember Obama has been groomed for and anticipated this moment for decades, and will not abandon his ambitions -- no matter how much resistance he encounters from the American people -- because in the end, he believes, like all radicals, that he knows better than the people what is in their best interests.
And if you doubt he is a page right out of Alinsky's" Rules For Radicals". I want you to reflect on his interview Sunday with George Stepanopolus.When George asked him if he thought the tax on those who fail to buy health insurance was a tax? He followed Alinsky's fifth rule:" ridicule your opponent".
When he was told by Stepanopolus that he had looked up the deffinition of a tax in the Marion Webster dictionary. Obama replied that if he had to look the word up, "that indicates to me that you are stretching a bit"! He then said, "you can't just make up that language and call it a tax increase!"
He compared the fine to buying auto insurance, which any right thinking man would not make that comparison. Obama talked over Stepanopouls questions and flatly denied that if you do not buy health insurance there will be a tax imposed. Mr. President we can read!!!
There are 12 rules for radicals, but I will just list the first five to give you an idea of what we fcaewith the " fox in the hen house"!
Some of these rules are ruthless, but they work. Here are the rules to be aware of:
RULE 1: "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have." Power is derived from 2 main sources - money and people. "Have-Nots" must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply. Government and corporations always have a difficult time appealing to people, and usually do so almost exclusively with economic arguments.)
RULE 2: "Never go outside the expertise of your people." It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. (Organizations under attack wonder why radicals don't address the "real" issues. This is why. They avoid things with which they have no knowledge.)
RULE 3: "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy." Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)
RULE 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity's very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)
RULE 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
Americans WAKE UP!! Your life depends on defeating this man!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), a physician who chairs the Republican Study Committee, said he’s actually read the 1,018-page bill that emerged from the House Ways and Means Committee, and he called it “medical malpractice.”
“This is the farthest reach of government in decades,” Price said. “This debate is not about health care, it’s about freedom. We should write into law that patients, families and doctors make medical decisions, not the government,” Price said. “We’ve got to solve the challenge of lawsuit abuse.”
Despite Obama's protestations that "HIS" bill will not include money for abortions. All the House bills and one of the Senate bills includes language that would provide funding for private organizations for abortions.
President Barack Obama’s assertion that the Democrat-backed health care overhaul would not publicly fund abortions is “demonstrably false and extraordinarily misleading,” Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) told the conservative Values Voters summit on Friday.
Smith predicted that abortions would increase by as much a one third if the Democrats’ health care legislation is enacted.
“Never have I been more concerned about the promotion of abortion coming out of the White House,” Smith said. “The unborn child and his or her mother are more at risk now than ever, since Roe v. Wade itself.
A recent Gallup poll showed a majority of Americans are pro-life and abortions have been declining, Smith said. “Against all that, the abortionists teamed up with Barack Obama, the abortion president, to coerce you and I to support abortion” with federal tax dollars, Smith said.
The former president of the American Medical Association, Dr. Donald Palmisano, a surgeon, warned that if the Obama administration did not slow down on its drive for a government-led health care overhaul, the treatment choices available to patients would be undercut.
He added that the president’s “public option” plan in particular would be a disaster for patients and medical innovation.
“When it comes to health system reform: slow down. Patients’ lives are at risk,” Palmisano told reporters at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. “Today, in America, we have the best health care system in the world – a system that provides urgent, preventative, and long-term care in every community at all hours of the day.
"The health care system is never closed in the United States,” he said. Let’s put the patient in control, with the doctor as trusted adviser,” he said. “Let’s not lose the liberty that is our right as Americans.”
“On health care, we must stand firm for no further diminution of protection of the unborn child and no further expansion of culture of death,” Smith said.
Although, for me, abortion is a moral issue not a right. There are many people who believe it is a right " to choose" and I respect their opinion. They are wrong in that it is not a rirght given by the Constitution or Bill or Rights, but a LICENSE to remove the baby from what should be the safest place in the world. The mother's womb!
But by giving the government, specificaly the president the control over all of our nealth care should ring alarm bells for anyone who appreciates and wants to protect our personal freedoms.
The health care bill under consideration in the House of Representatives would give President Obama the authority to name a new federal “Health Choices Commissioner” who would have sweeping power to govern the health insurance plans offered in a so-called "exchange" where millions of Americans would get their health insurance if the bill is enacted.
These powers would include deciding which treatments are covered, which companies can participate, which states can run their own exchange, and enrolling individuals into the public exchange.
The Health Choices Commissioner would establish “the benefits to be made available under Exchange-participating health benefit plans during each plan year,” according to page 84 of the 1,018-page bill. That means the commissioner would determine what benefits the participating insurance companies must offer participating customers in the exchange.
The commissioner would also set rules for insurance companies to participate in the health insurance exchange, and establish criteria for individuals to receive federal subsidies to purchase insurance in the exchange, according to section 142 on page 42 of the legislation.
Further, the commissioner would have the authority to establish “automatic enrollment” of individuals who qualify for the health insurance exchange.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) believes giving one bureaucrat this much power over the health insurance of Americans is among the least noticed provisions of the legislation.
“The American people want two things from health care reform: lower costs and more choices,” Boehner said in a statement. “Yet Democrats have done exactly the opposite coming up with a bill that actually raises costs--increasing the deficit by $240 billion--and letting a new federal bureaucrat make health care decisions that should be left to patients and their doctors.”
The legislation also gives the commissioner power to determine who can participate and under what conditions.
And if you could trust the leadership of the Democrat party before this attack on 1/6th of our economy. You should be convinced that by now they will say anything and do anything( even go to bed with ACORN and SEIU) to gave absolute power!
This interaction with Speaker Pelosi illustrates the duplicity of the Democrats and some RINOs.
"While many pro-life Democrats in the House of Representatives say they will not vote for a health care reform bill unless it explicitly prohibits federal funding for abortion through insurance plans, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has declined to state whether the final legislation should address the issue.
On the July 26 edition of CNN’s State of the Union, for example, host John King asked Pelosi: “If this bill passes and there’s a public option, should that public option cover abortions?”
Pelosi said: “That’s not--that’s not the issue. The issue is people go out there to--we’ll be working on that issue. But that’s not the issue to people like me. And it should be an issue for the 60 million Catholics in the USA and all Christians and Jews that beleive in the Commandment "Thou shal not kill"!
We must stop this atrocity masked as a welfare reform from happenening. Write, call and email your representatives in Washington, an go to TEA partys and rallys, and we will stop this abomination from happening!!
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