Saturday, September 26, 2009


Despite the fact that in the last week terrorist threats have ben reported at least three times. The latest was friday when a 19 year old Muslim was apprehended trying to blow up a 65 story ofice building in Dallas, Texas.
Fox News is reporting that: A Jordanian man living outside Dallas and an ex-convict who wrote letters to John Walker Lindh (the American turned Muslim terrorist )were in custody on Friday after each tried to blow up what they thought were vehicles packed with explosives outside a Texas skyscraper and an Illinois courthouse.
Public records show Finton was in an Illinois prison from 1999 until 2005 aggravated robbery and aggravated battery convictions. After getting out, Finton told his parole officer he had converted to Islam, the affidavit said.

AND an immigrant from Afghanistan who lived legally in Denver was plotting one of the most serious terrorist attacks on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001, federal authorities say.
A law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday that Zazi had associates in New York who were in on the plot. Court papers say that during the summer, Zazi and three unidentified associates bought "unusually large quantities" of hydrogen peroxide and acetone — a flammable solvent found in nail-polish remover — from beauty supply stores in the Denver area, products with names like Ion Sensitive Scalp Developer and Clairoxide.

Najibullah Zazi, 24, made his home in the United States, working as a Denver airport shuttle driver in Colorado and owning a coffee cart in New York City.
Authorities say Zazi scoured the Web and visited beauty supply stores in a hunt for chemicals needed to build bombs for Al Qaeda.

They characterized the suspected plot against New York City subways and trains as one of the most significant threats to the United States since 9/11.

Despite these attempted terrorist threats,the news from Washington is not that we will be beafing up our security on our southern border. But reducing the already thin line of defense against terrorists and illegals from pouring over our border! Gues where we will be sending border pratrol agents? The Canadian border!
Where the Canadian border service has not had to fire the only weapon they have, a hand gun, for almost a year.
Agency officers are stationed at more than 1,200 locations across Canada, including 14 international airports and 119 land crossings.

Canadian guards who began to carry sidearms in July 2007 are now pulling them from their holsters about three times a month!

The report says no guns were actually fired in the 34 cases where the sidearm was used last year. Batons were brought out five times but never used.
Pepper spray was discharged four out of the seven times it was displayed to aggressive travellers. No one was seriously injured in any of the incidents.

Compare this with the violence at our southern border where drug cartels carry automatic machine guns.

The Border Patrol is responsible for securing a total of 8,607 miles of border, including the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S.-Canada border from Washington state to Maine, and sectors of coastline in the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.And we are sending guards to the Canadian border. Has this administration lost it. collective mind!

In the May 7 update of its performance review, DHS said the Border Patrol’s goal for fiscal 2009 was to have 815 of the 8,607 miles of border for which the agency is responsible under “effective control.” The review also said the Border Patrol’s goal for fiscal 2010 was to again have 815 miles of border under “effective control,” meaning DHS was not planning to secure a single additional mile of border in the coming year.

However, Acting Deputy Assistant Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Todd Owen told a House committee in July that the Border Patrol already had 894 miles of border under effective control as of May 31 of this year. These 894 miles, Owen said, included 697 miles on the Mexican border, 32 miles on the Canadian border and 165 miles in the coastal sectors.

The entire U.S.-Mexico border is 1,954 miles long,( and horray, we have 697 miles covered!!)according to the International Boundary and Water Commission. While 697 of those miles are now under “effective control,” according to the Border Patrol, 1,257 miles are not under “effective control.”

The Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Border Patrol Director of Media Relations Lloyd Easterling confirmed this week that his agency is planning for a net decrease of 384 agents on the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2010, which begins on October 1.

A Department of Homeland Security annual performance review updated by the Obama administration on May 7 said the Border Patrol “plans to move several hundred Agents from the Southwest Border to the Northern Border to meet the FY 2010 staffing requirements, with only a small increase in new agents for the Southwest Border in the same year.” Why don't the Obama administration just put welcome signs all across the Mexican border!!

1 comment:

BILL said...

Meanwhile, the Obama administration has plans to levy a $10 dollar fee for vitors from Germany and the rest of Europe to enter the USA.
The United States has said that they intend to collect the fee through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). The system has been used to track visitors from countries using the Visa Waiver Program since January. The ESTA system involves having potential visitors to the US fill out a form at least three days in advance of their journey and is intended to assist US immigration screeners. Once registered with ESTA, the visitor registration is valid for two years. However, registration does not guarantee entry to the US, and therefore cannot be considered an actual visa.
Does this make sense to you?