Saturday, September 29, 2007
1938 Revisited by Hillary Clinton?
As if promising socialized medicine wasn't enough to garner the votes of the woman voters. Senator Clinton has "switched to the other side of the plate", and appears to be encouraging motherhood not abortion. In a speech yesterday she said she thought the government should give every child who is born a $5,000 Bond, redeemable at age 18 with an unspecified interest rate.
Not since the days of Adolph Hitler leading up to WWII has there been such a political incentive for motherhood. Hitler took a different approach, awarding medals to women who had over four children.
The following is an excerpt from an article published by Charles Sturt University on the web, about the Nazi attempt to encourage more children be born to fight for the "Fatherland".
"A motherhood cult was put in place. On the 12 August (the birthday of Hitler's mother) fertile mothers were awarded the Honour Cross of the German Mother (bronze for more than four children, silver for more than six, gold for more than eight). Prolific mothers were honoured the same as front line troops. A wartime slogan says it all, "I have donated a child to the Führer ".
Don't leap to the conclusion that I am comparing Senator Clinton to Hitler, but there is an analogy here that strikes to the heart of her quest for the White House,
Clinton has proposed many things, none of which she has told us how they will be paid for, except by trashing the Bush tax cuts and more taxes on the "rich". All of this smacks of Socialism, and the dictatorship of Hitler was a form of Socialism. Often referred to as Fascism. The dictatorship of Hitler was a tyrannical autocracy with unlimited rule over all German people. Not all Germans were members of the Nazi party,
The situation in the United States is gradually moving in that direction, with the erosion of individual rights for the benefit of Society as a whole. The two party system is gradually moving to a one purpose group. To develop a larger government that rules our lives and provides what it believes is best for the Common Good, not what individuals would prefer.And certainly, not what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they drew up the Constitution for a limited Federal Government.
Friday, September 28, 2007
It has become apparent to this blogger that every one of the Democrat candidates for President wants to lead America down the path to Socialism. They are supported by a leftist media, the intelligentsia who believe the rest of us are to uneducated or to enlightened to determine our own fate. So they want us to be lead by promises to give more government handouts to the "under class" of the U.S. by taking it away from those who earn it.
The web site Patriot Post reveals the fact that previously Communist controls have been successful running their governments by cutting taxes and allowing free enterprise to rule the day.
The following is an excerpt from today's Patriot Post.
"Speaking of taxes, a recent Investor’s Business Daily editorial highlights a growing trend in Eastern Europe’s ex-communist nations: the low-rate flat tax. In the U.S., when a politician argues for lower taxes, the result is a drawn-out ideological debate. In Eastern Europe, such debates are unheard of. It’s simply assumed common knowledge that low, non-progressive tax rates are better for everybody (even for government revenues). There is good reason for this assumption: Formerly stagnant economies are flourishing and government revenues are increasing, even as tax rates are going down—flat-tax rates between ten and 20 percent are common, and rates are declining. The “Baltic Tigers” of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are perfect examples of economic growth, as they embrace the principles of a free economy and just tax laws. Apparently, it takes several years under an oppressive Marxist regime to give a nation a real taste for economic freedom.
Their only mistake is to think that after their break with communism, they are now imitating the West. In reality, they are leading the way. Old Europe continues to commit economic suicide by attempting to preserve bloated welfare states, and even the United States could do worse than to heed the lesson of the Baltic Tigers. The specifics of the “flat tax” are not the point. The proposed “fair tax” would likely work just as well. As ironic as it may sound, we would do well to follow the example of Eastern Europe, rather than follow Western Europe’s socialist road to serfdom".
Based upon this information only those who want the Government to take care of them from cradle to grave should vote for a Democrat in 2008.
Not since the Presidential campaign of 1964 when Johnson and Humphrey ran against Barry Goldwater have I seen the Democrats stoop so low into the gutter in the quest for power.
For those of you who don't remember or were not alive in 1964. I will briefly review the add that ran only one time on National television by the Democrat election committee.It ran immediately before the election.
A little girl of six years age or thereabout, was seen in the first frames of the add picking daisy's. In an instant she was blown to smithereens by an apparent atom bomb. The add concluded with words to the effect that if Goldwater was elected this would happen! Johnson won in a walk!
Today we have a new low in political advertising lead by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that includes such ilk as Congressman Ram Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Chairman at this time is Congressman Chris Van Hollan of Maryland.
The following is a report by a columnist at CNSNEWS.Com.
Susan Senior EditorSeptember 28, 2007( - "As the end of September approaches, so does the end of the third fund-raising quarter, prompting urgent last-minute appeals from political and advocacy groups that use key phrases such as "Karl Rove" and "Islamophobia" to drive liberal outrage -- and attract dollars. One Democratic group(DCCC) on Thursday sent out a fundraising appeal "signed" by Karl Rove.
Obsessed by Rove, although Bush adviser Karl Rove left the White House this summer, Democrats are still using his name to raise funds".
The letter sent out contained these words: "As my last act in the White House, I asked Dick Cheney if he could help me break into the DCCC and send you this email," "Rove" says in a "parody" issued by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on Thursday.The DCCC, a group that raises money to elect Democrats to the House, has "Rove" reminiscing about alleged misdeeds of the Bush White House: "For six years the Republicans in Congress let George [Bush], Dick [Cheney] and me get away with every trick in the book. Making up stuff about weapons of mass destruction, revealing the identity of a covert agent to get revenge on her husband, firing US Attorneys who went after Republicans; we did it all. And if Republicans were in power we'd still be getting away with it."Then "Rove" says, "On behalf of Dick Cheney, I order you not to contribute to the DCCC."The message, intended to prompt Democrats to open their wallets, is signed, "Insincerely, Karl Rove," and it's followed by a "P.S." noting that although the message is a parody, "the sentiment is real: don't let Karl and his friends go back on the offensive."
When a party lacks any positive platform other than surrender in Iraq and Socialized Medicine with more taxes for all, and more welfare programs for illegals. I guess they are driven into the gutter of character assassination as is this case., funded by billionaire George Soros, still smarting over congressional repudiation of its "General Betray Us" ad, says that Congress -- by failing to force an immediate troop withdrawal -- is not doing its job.
The new project invites Americans to send photos of themselves showing "how you feel about the war." Photo submitters also will be invited to record a voice message to Congress, and Political Action says it will "put together a big unveiling," using the photos and words in an ad campaign and in a message to members of Congress. "We'll make it impossible for them to ignore you," the group promised. It is obvious that has committed themselves to a troop pullout. They have also stepped up their negative campaign against OUR Country's War effort against Islamic radicalism. The following is an except from a press release of Still smarting over congressional repudiation of its "General Betray Us" ad, says that Congress --" by failing to force an immediate troop withdrawal -- is not doing its job". The new project invites Americans to send photos of themselves showing "how you feel about the war." Photo submitters also will be invited to record a voice message to Congress, and Political Action says it will "put together a big unveiling," using the photos and words in an ad campaign and in a message to members of Congress. "We'll make it impossible for them to ignore you," the group promised".If one of the Democrat candidates running for the Presidential nomination wins the White House. has not commented on the Democrats' refusal to commit themselves to a troop pullout. Despite this they have committed to a campaign which if done during WWII would have been considered treason!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Even Sweden Has Realized the Faults With Socialized Medicine
One of the pillars of all Democrat aspirants for the nomination of the party's candidate for President in 2008 has been "universal Health Care". A nice sounding phrase that dis guises the horrors of socialized medicine.
Even some of the non-candidates have started the quest to pass socialized medicine. One of the most recent and probably most ridiculous example of how Democrats think is that offered today by Congressman John Dingell(Dem. of Mich.). His bill would impose a 50Cent additional tax on gasoline, kerosene and jet fuel. He also talks about a "carbon tax" to reduce U.S. consumption of energy.
He postulates that the money confiscated by the new tax will help fund "universal health care", and for good measure he throws in an unspecified amount to fund the Earned Income tax Credit. This is the money given to people who pay no taxes, so where the word "earned" comes in I will never understand! It is nothing less than taking from those who earned and giving it to those who have not!
While this is going on the Country which is always pointed to in conversations about the Great Benefits of Socialized Medicine, Sweden, has begun privatization of their failing system of Socialized Medicine.
The following is an except from The National Center For Policy Analysis (NCPA) in August of 2001, that I am sure was never publicized in the U.S. or mentioned by the Socialist Media.
"For decades, Stockholm relied on an under performing civic health service monopoly characterized by long waiting lists, chronic overspending and flagging quality. Since the experiment began, virtually every sector of Stockholm’s health system has undergone some form of privatization:
Initially, the experiment included 150 private providers who were licensed to compete for health service contracts.
The contractors were originally allowed to compete for contracts in the non-medical services, technical services, ambulatory services, small hospital, home care and nursing home sectors.
In 1998 the Council began the gradual privatization of all primary care.
In 1999 St. Göran’s, one of Sweden’s largest hospitals, was sold to the private company Capio AB.By the end of the experiment’s first five years, all but one of the original 150 private contractors had survived and were flourishing. Likewise, by the end of the first year of its privatization, St. Göran’s had shown significant improvements over its performance as a public facility.
Controlling Costs with Markets.
A study conducted for the Stockholm government compared the costs of services in six medical specialties between physicians in 40 private practices and 20 public hospital outpatient clinics, and found the cost per consultation to be lower in private practice. For example:
In ophthalmology, costs in the public sector were 28 percent higher.
Among ear, nose and throat specialists, costs were 17 percent higher.
In general surgery, internal medicine and dermatology, costs averaged 13 percent higher.In addition, private nursing home costs have fallen 30 percent, and the costs of care among private specialists have been cut by 40 percent. Savings have been even more dramatic in the hospital sector. At St. Göran’s, costs for lab and X-ray services, for example, have fallen by 50 percent, and overall costs are down 30 percent. For many types of treatment, doctors in the private sector have reduced expenses to levels 15 percent lower than the same procedures would cost in the public sector.
Setting New Performance Benchmarks.
One result of decentralizing and divorcing health care providers from bureaucratic control in Stockholm has been that private sector companies have been able to introduce simple, professional management structures that enable doctors to spend less time on paperwork and more time with patients. This change has, in turn, increased productivity in several key areas. Most importantly, it has drastically reduced waiting times for treatment by increasing the number of patients being served. For example, as the figure shows, at St. Göran’s:
The average wait for heart surgery is two weeks, compared to 15 - 25 weeks in Sweden’s average public sector hospital.
The average wait for hip replacement surgery is 10 weeks, compared to more than a year in the average public hospital.No longer hampered by public system restraints, St. Göran’s is now treating an average of 100,000 more patients each year than it did as a public hospital - but using fewer resources. As a result of St. Göran’s success, the Council now has formal plans to sell all seven remaining public emergency hospitals in Stockholm to private investors.
I had personal experience with the horrors of Socialized Medicine in Italy, where even foreigners pay nothing--and they get nothing in the way of care also. Those who read my column aka blog can remember it was a near death experience--all for free!
Americans seem to believe we can" have our cake and eat it too"! But socialism does nothing for the individual, and collectively it has failed all over the world, Will We be stupid enough to elect a man or woman president who promises "pie in the sky" but will give us long lines and lousy service? It is no accident that heads of State from all over the world come to the U.S. for care when then need treatment to save their lives.
Yes, it is expensive, but everything good is expensive. We need to find a way to treat those who have no insurance, even if it is establishing second class facilities that give life saving and basic care to all in need, but offer none of the frills found in today's private hospitals, Don't let power hungry politicians ruin one more private enterprise that is the envy of the World. Our Medical system. If we can put a man on the moon we might be able to figure out how to take care of the uninsured.
One way would be to stop paying for the millions of abortions being done here in the United States and stop paying for contraceptives in foreign countries. But that would offend the sensibilities of the feminists, and we must not do that!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I Just Changed Beers Forever!
As the old saying goes, "he must be rolling over in his grave"! Yes Frederic Miller the founder of Miller Brewing company and a devout Catholic would not only be embarrassed beyond comprehension, but he and his successor grandson,Fred Miller, jr., who gave me my first job, would never have allowed the sponsorship of the deviate homosexual day in San Francisco.
This day, called this year "The Leather Street Fair", and every year there is a Folsom Street Fair celebrating the deviate life of homosexuals, lesbians and transsexuals which has bee sponsored by Miller brewery as well as many others.
This year a new low in "shaking their collective fist at God" has become part of their advertising the event. A depiction of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper painting has been given a sadomasochism look.
The men and women sitting at the table are accompanied by the tools of their deviant sexual practices, and the people in the add are dressed or undressed in appropriate style for the homosexual lifestyle.
I have always said what people do in their own bedrooms or in private is a matter for them to be responsible for, and we "straights" should "butt out".
God is their only judge in the end, and I feel they have every right to be what they want to be, but when they use their animus for anti-religious principles by portraying a sacred event that to me and many billions of other Catholics represents the last supper of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This is not only bad taste, but a frontal attack on the people who say, "hate not the sinner, but the sin" and love the sinner.
Why a company once run by an All-American tackle and Captain of the Notre Dame football team, Frederic Miller,jr.would sponsor such an anti-Christian add is beyond comprehension.
Fred Miller was a Catholic family man with eight children, and a compassion for all College students at Marquette University in Milwaukee. He made sure there was a summer job for all of us who applied, and in my case a full time job at night during my junior and senior year that allowed me to finish college with a wife and three children. I was working the night he and his son, Fred Miller III, died in a plane crash shortly before Christmas on December 17, 1954.
Corporations have no conscience I know, but this is an abomination of corporate responsibility. The Sponsorship of this event and add has made me decide Miller products will never again be brought into my home, and I hope other Christians feel the same way.Political correctness has been taken to the end of the lime in this Real Sacrilege.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
"The State governments possess inherent advantages, which will ever give them an influence and ascendancy over the National Government, and will for ever preclude the possibility of federal encroachments. That their liberties, indeed, can be subverted by the federal head, is repugnant to every rule of political calculation."
-- Alexander Hamilton (speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, 17 June 1788)
-- Alexander Hamilton (speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, 17 June 1788)
Alexander Hamilton(1751-1836), the fourth President of the United States, drafter of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, which became the Bill of Rights. Was the original Federalist who believed that the powers of the Federal Government ,and it's responsibilities should be limited and defined. He was a fierce advocate of States rights. Probably the only President until President Ronald Reagan was elected who believed it was necessary to reduce the size, scope and power of the Federal Government over the states.
For the past year all GOP candidates for the nomination of President of the Republican party have talked about everything except returning to limited Government.
President Bush has aided and abetted the growth and expense of the Federal government by his failure to use the "veto pen".
Now that Ex-Senator Fred Thomson has officially declared himself as a candidate for President. He is the only one who has mentioned that he wants our government to return to Federalism.
The Federal government taking control over the lives of the U.S. citizens from cradle to grave is the mantra of all the Democrat candidates for President. Federal agencies dictating how we live, where we can or cannot practice our religion is done every day as the Federal agencies reach into our states dictating how it's citizens will live.
Laws that are made that are influenced by special interests, who detest the independence of thought and action, are passed far away in Washington by people who live lives unrelated to the average citizen. These laws or laws based upon the same principles have been passed in Germany, France, Sweden and Canada with disastrous consequences for the citizens whom now live under socialism. Why else form the European Union except to collectively save each other from financial disaster. Marxist Socialism was responsible for the destruction of the Soviet Union, brought down during the Reagan years.
Unless we elect a man or woman(not Hillary) who believes in the Founding fathers principles that the powers of the Federal Government should be well defined and limited. We too will become a Socialist Country. I believe we are well on our way presently, but a President who recognizes and adheres to the Federalist principles of the founding fathers could hopefully slow the process down.
Unfortunately, there are too many people whose very livelihood depends upon government, aka taxpayer, handouts in Our Country already. I believe those dependent upon the Federal Government for employment, government aid and illegals taking tax dollars in the form of benefits which should be reserved for citizens, already make up 50% or more of the U.S. population. Thus, it makes it difficult to slow down, much less stop the "run away train" that is the Federal government!
If you are concerned about Federal government intrusion into you life while taxing you more and more to hand out to the "give me- give me's" of this Country. Please don't vote Democrat. Vote for Fred Thompson!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
The lefts anointed candidate for President of the United States in 2008 was everywhere you tuned on the Sunday television"talk" shows yesterday. She was busy bashing President Bush and the Iraqi government for their failures in bringing the war to a successful conclusion on all five of the TV shows I briefly watched.
Her simplistic solution to the problem in Iraq was typical of a "chameleon" like person that Hillary Clinton. She said on the "Face The Nation" program that the only option is to stop the funding of the war. To get President Bush's attention and to get the present Iraqi government" to change course."
What course other than fighting the forces of evil she didn't say, but it is easy to discern that the course she wants is to include the withdrawal of all troops and let the"chips fall where they may" in Iraq.
To comprehend what this devious person with Marxist tendencies wants , it is worthwhile to review briefly what the cutting of of funds would do.
Thus far from 2003-2006 the U.S. has spent 28.9 billion dollars in Iraq. Of this 17.6 billion was spent to reconstruct the economic and political structures that were destroyed before our invasion by Saddam, and that which occurred during the war.
10.9 billion dollars have been spent for maintaining security assistance in Iraq, such as training a new police force. Approximately 40% of the funding, about 11.5 billion dollars, was spent rebuilding roads, seaports,bridges,airports,electric, water and sanitation plants for the restoration of infrastructure necessary to have a stable Iraq for the people we have fought to bring freedom.
22% of the funds went to education and health care facilities for the private sector. Replacing those that were destroyed before and during the war or were non-existent. This is 28.9 billion dollars for those people in Iraq the liberals keep saying are worse off for our occupation.
I will say one thing for ALL the Republican candidates for President. Not one has advocated withdrawal of our troops or even hinted at cutting off of funds. It would be monstrous to do that not only to the troops, but the Iraqi people. The world would rightly think of US as betrayer of trust.
To put this money spent in Iraq in proper perspective. I would remind you how much this Country spent rebuilding two enemies Country's after WWII.
In today's dollars we spent 15,2 billion between 1946 and 1952 in Japan, and we spent 29.3 billion dollars in Germany during the same time period. Of this amount 1.4 billion was for the Marshall plan that began in 1949. Four years after Our Government let the German population starve on less than 1000 calories a day rations for four years.
Electing people like Senator Hillary Clinton would be a disaster for the Iraqi's and an eventual downfall of the prestige and honor of our Proud Country. Don"t let it happen!
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