As if promising socialized medicine wasn't enough to garner the votes of the woman voters. Senator Clinton has "switched to the other side of the plate", and appears to be encouraging motherhood not abortion. In a speech yesterday she said she thought the government should give every child who is born a $5,000 Bond, redeemable at age 18 with an unspecified interest rate.
Not since the days of Adolph Hitler leading up to WWII has there been such a political incentive for motherhood. Hitler took a different approach, awarding medals to women who had over four children.
The following is an excerpt from an article published by Charles Sturt University on the web, about the Nazi attempt to encourage more children be born to fight for the "Fatherland".

Don't leap to the conclusion that I am comparing Senator Clinton to Hitler, but there is an analogy here that strikes to the heart of her quest for the White House,
Clinton has proposed many things, none of which she has told us how they will be paid for, except by trashing the Bush tax cuts and more taxes on the "rich". All of this smacks of Socialism, and the dictatorship of Hitler was a form of Socialism. Often referred to as Fascism. The dictatorship of Hitler was a tyrannical autocracy with unlimited rule over all German people. Not all Germans were members of the Nazi party,
The situation in the United States is gradually moving in that direction, with the erosion of individual rights for the benefit of Society as a whole. The two party system is gradually moving to a one purpose group. To develop a larger government that rules our lives and provides what it believes is best for the Common Good, not what individuals would prefer.And certainly, not what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they drew up the Constitution for a limited Federal Government.

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