It has become apparent to this blogger that every one of the Democrat candidates for President wants to lead America down the path to Socialism. They are supported by a leftist media, the intelligentsia who believe the rest of us are to uneducated or to enlightened to determine our own fate. So they want us to be lead by promises to give more government handouts to the "under class" of the U.S. by taking it away from those who earn it.
The web site Patriot Post reveals the fact that previously Communist controls have been successful running their governments by cutting taxes and allowing free enterprise to rule the day.
The following is an excerpt from today's Patriot Post.
"Speaking of taxes, a recent Investor’s Business Daily editorial highlights a growing trend in Eastern Europe’s ex-communist nations: the low-rate flat tax. In the U.S., when a politician argues for lower taxes, the result is a drawn-out ideological debate. In Eastern Europe, such debates are unheard of. It’s simply assumed common knowledge that low, non-progressive tax rates are better for everybody (even for government revenues). There is good reason for this assumption: Formerly stagnant economies are flourishing and government revenues are increasing, even as tax rates are going down—flat-tax rates between ten and 20 percent are common, and rates are declining. The “Baltic Tigers” of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are perfect examples of economic growth, as they embrace the principles of a free economy and just tax laws. Apparently, it takes several years under an oppressive Marxist regime to give a nation a real taste for economic freedom.
Their only mistake is to think that after their break with communism, they are now imitating the West. In reality, they are leading the way. Old Europe continues to commit economic suicide by attempting to preserve bloated welfare states, and even the United States could do worse than to heed the lesson of the Baltic Tigers. The specifics of the “flat tax” are not the point. The proposed “fair tax” would likely work just as well. As ironic as it may sound, we would do well to follow the example of Eastern Europe, rather than follow Western Europe’s socialist road to serfdom".
Based upon this information only those who want the Government to take care of them from cradle to grave should vote for a Democrat in 2008.
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