Now a 34 year veteran of Congress as a Democrat, and a past Secretary of State under President Bush,Sr. as co-chair of a Commission on Iraq appointed by Congress. Have together come up with another "cut and run" report on the Iraq war.
Although their report makes no specific recommendations for action other than the failed bromide of Diplomacy. It could have been written by the cadre of Pelosi, Schumer, Kennedy,and Clinton.
The foreign press, no friend of the U.S. and especially full of animus for President Bush use such phrases about the report as: "the report is a major humiliation for Bush", forces Him to admit a devastating defeat."
Hamilton was also co-chair of the "mish-mash" 9/11 report, and James A. Baker III can be remembered for his diplomatic handling of the crisis in Lebanon during the Presidents' fathers administration. His solution was to withdraw our troops and hand over Lebanon to Assads' Syria. We all know how successful that turned out.
The Iraq Committee was stacked from the beginning with pre-9/11 foreign policy consensus people. Diplomacy was all they knew and believed in.
Diplomacy has done nothing for the U.S. in the North Korean situation. Did little for defusing the Communist Russia threat until President Reagan started"Star Wars" saber rattling! And it did wonders for Europe when Neville Chamberlain used diplomacy with Hitler in 1936.
It appears that history is about to repeat itself. Once again we have tried to fight a war with a military with one hand tied behind it's collective back due to political interference.
It took five years before the New York Times and Washington Post took up their collective pens against the war in Vietnam. In the Iraq war they were against the effort from day one, ably abetted by the leftist politicians and academics. The tragic end will be a cut and run policy and the consequences will be bloody for the poor dumb Iraqis' who believed in our cause.
What would have happened if in the years 1774 to 1781 when the Continental Congress' was struggling to put together this new countries government, they were given a mandate to finish their business in a year or we would bring in the French, German and British to straighten it out?

Our left wing anti-christian,ant-semitic,and therefore ANTI-American traitors won't accept anything short of capitulation by America to our avowed enemies.These gutless wonders who collectively have the common sense of a pack of jackals and the collective intelligence of mentally disadvantaged cretins would fail to acknowledge the true facts as you so correctly presented.If they deny a Creator,then we can expect nothing more from these fools.
I can assure you that these failed diplomats who think like immature teenagers would not have spoken their treasonous words very long in the days of the 17th and 18th century heads of state when Americans were intelligent enough to understand our true enemies.These hapless internationalist,self righteous blabbermouths make no sense for America's continued freedom.Capitulation to a ragtag bunch of barbarians who, with oil money, are paying for these so called diplomatic talks to defeat us sooner than we think.Dishgusting!
Great article,Bill.Keep them going as the truth is seldom heard by our mostly tresonous media whether knowingly or unknowingly.
Baker and Hamilton and their fellow travelers somehow misrepresent the thinking of the majority of God loving Americans that cherish this country's rapidly deteriorating freedom.Because of such cowardly recommendations of cut and run operations in Iraq,these same hypocrites that bailed out of Vietnam and left our prisoners of war behind are now proposing the same type scenario for the war in Iraq.This a disgrace to the American men who have fought and died in all our wars,many who lay in the ground in enemy lands.They didn't pay the supreme sacrifice for this country to have windbags like these arrogant doves give our country to our enemies.
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