In an article for Slate shortly after Election Day 2004, Leftist Jane Smiley wrote:
"The election results reflect the decision of the right wing to cultivate and exploit ignorance in the citizenry...I suppose the good news is that 55 million Americans have evaded the ignorance-inducing machine. But 58 millions have not...Ignorance and bloodlust have a long tradition in the United States, especially in the red states...The error that progressives have consistently committed over the years is to underestimate the vitality of ignorance in America...The history of the last four years shows that red state types, above all, do not want to be told what to do - they prefer to be ignorant. As a result, they are virtually unteachable...Listen to what the red state citizens say about themselves, the songs they write, and the sermons they flock to. They know who they are - they are full of original sin and they have a taste for violence."
"The election results reflect the decision of the right wing to cultivate and exploit ignorance in the citizenry...I suppose the good news is that 55 million Americans have evaded the ignorance-inducing machine. But 58 millions have not...Ignorance and bloodlust have a long tradition in the United States, especially in the red states...The error that progressives have consistently committed over the years is to underestimate the vitality of ignorance in America...The history of the last four years shows that red state types, above all, do not want to be told what to do - they prefer to be ignorant. As a result, they are virtually unteachable...Listen to what the red state citizens say about themselves, the songs they write, and the sermons they flock to. They know who they are - they are full of original sin and they have a taste for violence."
Then she wrote the following for the Huffington Post 2/06/07:
The problem with victory here is that Cheney and Bush can't reveal what they have always really wanted--control of Iraqi oil, and so they when they get it (which they might), they won't be able to reveal that victory is achieved. There's a big picture and a little picture. The big picture is that no victory can be won against an insurgency without pretty much wiping out the native population (which naturally resents being told what to do). The little picture is that if and when the US and its oil companies get control of Iraqi oil and the profits thereof, they can't admit that that is what they were after in the first place. So, "Prez" Bush, no victory for you. Sorry.
If the Mullahs had written and spoke the words above they couldn't have done a better piece of propaganda for the Radical Islamist cause than this 3 times married and divorced, Vassar '71 graduate is doing on a daily basis.
The greatest hope the Radical Islamists have in their quest to defeat US, the "great Satan", is to destroy the American Public confidence in our Government. They know they can't win a military victory----YET!
Once they get the "BOMB" they can and will use it. In the meanwhile the four things they want to do is promote four things in the U.S.
Infiltration, Intimidation, Disinformation and most importantly Appeasement.
They have already begun the infiltration with the election of Ellison to the U.S. Congress, CAIR is leading the battle of intimidation. A perfect example is their immediate condemnation of the "Moderate Muslims" meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida this past week.
Disinformation comes in many forms. The biggest supporter is the leftist main stream Media here in the U.S. This includes the "traitor" Jane Smiley whose quotes I lead off with in this blog.
Appeasement comes in the form of the Democratic Congress lead by Pelosi, Murtha, and their followers the "peace marchers" and defacers of the Congressional Bldgs.
It is clear to me that Stalin was not too far from the truth when he said: "We don't have to defeat you militarily. We can do it internally." What he didn't say and needs to be said. We will use your Constitutional right of free speech to do it. Ms. Smiley and the Media are living proof that we are on course to destroy ourselves.
1 comment:
A very good article.You are right about the average person taking everything as truth printed by our communist taught main stream media who think lying,deceiving,and promoting everything that is counterproductive to our Constitution, and to our faith based culture, is somehow fashionable.
We are a country run,for the most part, by arrogant thought police who think the Federal govt.should rule and not serve the citizens and ,in general, close to a majority of people believe this communist and fascist ideology.Complacency due to materialistic "things" has replaced belief in God which is exactly the planned trap being used by these no God elitists in control of our Congress.Rome,under Nero,was one of numerous,failed empires that can be compared closely to today's moral relativism and legally enforced perversions.A country without morals is a failed country.History proves this without any doubt.Mammon is the replacement for a Supreme spiritual being.
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