Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
From The London Telegraph WEB SITE comes this information.
"Saudi Arabia today called for a summit of oil producing countries and consumers to discuss how to prevent oil prices from soaring further, following last week's surge to a record high of $139 a barrel.
The country's Information and Culture Minister, Iyad Madani, said that the kingdom would work with OPEC to "guarantee the availability of oil supplies now and in the future".
In a statement following the weekly meeting of the Saudi Cabinet, Mr Madani said the current price of oil was unjustified and pledged action to prevent further "unwarranted and unnatural" price hikes.
The price of a barrel jumped by over $10 on Friday - the largest ever one day increase - as the dollar weakened further and tensions escalated between Israel and Iran, the world's fourth-largest exporter.
The Saudi's could not care less about the pain that their monopoly of the oil industry has on the average American!
What this meeting is all about, is to try to preserve their profit margin that they have obtained by being one of the three major suppliers of crude oil to the world.
This past year has been a bonanza for the Arab Country's, and equally so for Russia. Their oil is being marketed to unheard off heights!Partialy due to speculation, but mainly because of rapid increase in demand from China, USA and India.
No one in his or her right mind would have thought that a strong, viable and prosperous Country like the USA, would have let it self get into such a mess energy wise.
Even though contiguous land, and off shore areas, contain more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia and Iran combined. The leftist environmental movement has managed to stifle the exploration and recovery of crude oil for over 40 years!
The first refinery in over 35 years is just now being built with great opposition from the environmental zealots.
The Arabs read the newspapers, scan the Internet and watch TV, and they realize that the voting public in the USA is getting tired and anxious over the high cost of gasoline and natural gas. Diesel, that is used primarily to keep food products moving to the market is more costly than gasoline. As a result the cost of food and everything associated with delivery of foods and products are sky rocketing. People are having to cut back on their grocery purchases to pay for gasoline to get to work!
The Arabs know Americans are sick off it, and fear that the "sleeping giant" that is the "silent majority" in America, is waking up!It will not be long before voters are screaming to drill for oil here in the United states. Bumper stickers are being printed now with just the word,"Drill Now"!
Americans want clean air, but they must eat and go to work, and realize that energy deposits under our own soil and off shore could make us independent of the Arabs in 10 to 20 years if Congress would just listen to them not the leftist ecology zealots!
If Congress doesn't open up the locks that have been placed on the drilling and refining of crude oil, they will have a revolution on their hands. No, not a shooting revolution, but a revolution that will clean house of all those who cater to Environmental lobbies and not the will of the people.
As once was said, "open your windows and say I have had enough"! Drill now!!!!!
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Market fundamentals did not justify the rise in oil prices, said the cabinet statement, adding that it had asked Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi to call a meeting to discuss the issue
1 comment:
Dr Richard Pike, a former oil industry consultant and now the chief executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: "Rather than only getting 20 to 30 billion barrels [from the North Sea] we are probably looking at more than twice that amount."
His analysis is supported by petroleum experts who believe there are some 300 fields off the coast of Britain still to be explored and tapped properly. If energy prices continue to soar, companies will become increasingly willing to tap previously uneconomic oil fields.
Dr Pike claims that the industry knows the true figures but refuses to release them because of commercial secrecy.
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