The ACLU was founded in 1920 by Roger Mark Baldwin an avowed Marxist, graduate of Harvard who was raised in Massachusetts as a agnostic Unitarian by wealthy parents.
He was a proclaimed socialist who worked for disarmament and eventual abolishment of the "State" itself. The abolition of the "property class" was also one of his goals.
He made friends with Anarchist Emma Goldman who was quoted as saying: "voting is the opium of the masses, Every four years you deaden the pain!"
Baldwin was executive director of the ACLU from 1920-1950, and served as an adviser until his death at 97 in 1981.
Our infamous Naval Academy graduate who "snuck" into the Oval Office, President Jimmy Carter awarded Mr. Baldwin the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1981 shortly before Baldwins death.
Not only did his political and philosophical attitude lean toward Marxist socialism, but he was an early member of the Marxist International Workers of the World Union. This Communist union called the "wobblies" in the early years is still active in the U.S. and Australia.
Although their membership is small, estimated membership of 2000 in the U.S. ,their presence is noted at all anti-war and anti-capitalist rallies as seen in the enclosed picture of their demonstration in Seattle, Wash. in 2007.
If the history of this organisation is not enough to want it "denuded" then I have eight more reasons,
1. They support the distribution of child pornography and oppose its suppression. The support NAMBLA
2. They use tax payers money to subvert the Constitution.
3. They oppose the 2nd amendment, right to bear arms.
4. The oppose tax exemptions for Churches.
5. They want to abolish the Boy Scouts as presently constituted.
6. They advocate open borders, and even assist illegal immigrant crossings.
7. They Defend Terrorists.
8. They have opposed every attempt to pass National Security Laws.

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