One such man whom too many people know very little about except that he drank a lot of brandy and smoked cigars.
What people should know is relevant to the war we are involved in with radical Islam, and Churchill sounded the clarion alarm bells many years ago. The following is a quote from a politician who actually fought against the followers of Mohammad.

"Indeed it is evident that Christianity, however degraded and distorted by cruelty and intolerance, must always exert a modifying influence on men's passions, and protect them from the more violent forms of fanatical fever, as we are protected from smallpox by vaccination. But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness."
After 9/11, George W. Bush famously described Islam as a "religion of peace". Churchill entertained no such fancy notions. In his history of the Malakand Field Force, Churchill wrote that "civilisation is confronted with militant Mahommedanism. The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace. Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better armed."
By the time his first book was published, Churchill had taken part in active service, fighting in Bangalore. He joined Lord Kitchener's army in the Sudan, and took part in the Battle of Omdurman on September 2, 1898. This battle took place in what is now a suburb of Khartoum, and pitted British troops against 50,000 belonging to a local warlord, Abdullah al-Taashi. This man called himself the Khalifa or "Caliph", and was the successor of Muhammad Ahmad. Ahmad had been the self-styled "Mahdi" (Muslim Messiah) who had beheaded General Gordon at Khartoum in 1885. The war in Sudan was a religious war.
He also said Muslimism is:"A militant and proselytising faith,and fanaticism is not a cause of war, but the means which helps savage people fight, and no stronger retrograde force exists in the world today."
Propagandists for groups like CAIR and our own President would have us believe that the terrorists are a small fanatic fringe of the Muslim faith.
But as Sir Winston Churchill knew over 60 years ago. All of Islam is to be feared if they do not publicly denounce the atrocities perpetrated upon people around the world by Islams radicals.
Unfortunately in the world of semantic jingoism words like "Islamaphobic" is used to label anyone who speaks out about the threat to the Judeo-Christian world by Islam.
The Democratic controlled Congress and the MSM should take note of another quote from Sr. Winston: "Victory will never be found by taking the line of least resistance." Withdrawal from Iraq will be taking the line of least resistance, and embolden those who have sworn to destroy us.
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