He spoke this past week to the media in London, England of the impending catastrophe of global warming. His background is similar to other non-scientist advocates of the "anthropogenic climate change" religion that has swept the developed nations lately. Hansen is an educated physicist and astronomer,not a climatologist. Not un- like Al Gore, with no scientific training, has taken on the mantle of the new left. The ecology movement, and it's Marxist goals to bring down the capitalistic system. Not that they are Marxists. But their "quest" is running hand in hand with those who are!
The whole movement began in the 1970's, when the coal miners struck in England during Margaret Thatchers term as prime Minister of England. Like so many other leaders of the free world she was worried about Her Country's dependence on oil and coal.
To alleviate this problem she went to the scientific community with a great deal of money and told them to find that fossil fuels producing co2 was the cause of raising temperatures. Her intent was to promote clean nuclear power supplies. Like many good ideas it ran away with itself!
Most of those who have taken up the cause of "global warming", including Presidents and Prime Ministers, have bought into the idea that the environmental movement is too strong a force to fight.
Indeed the environmental industry in the U.S. has grown from a government (aka taxpayer) investment of 170 million dollars in the early 1980's to a present 2 billion dollar taxpayers expense. There are hundreds of thousands of government and higher education people making their living off this movement. Mr. Gore even has his hands in the profit making end of environmentalism. But those that want to destroy our way of life are not all Islamists.
The founder of Green Peace, Patrick Moore, was recently quoted as saying: " Peaceniks" and Marxists have moved into the ecology movement with their anti-capitalist motives."
The National Resources Defense Council and Council on Foreign Relations are the other strong forces behind the push to make the lie of co2 and global warming a truth.
Most if not all the predictions used to support the claim for the connection between co2 and global warming come from computer models. These models are all subject to the well known acronym "GIGO". Garbage in and Garbage out! This is so, because none of the data used for their predictions, takes into account the Suns energy busts. A subject I touched on in previous blog.
Real scientists and climatologists, like Dr. Pirus Corbyn, claim that the "sun Bursts" sometimes called sun spots have more effect on global warming than co2.
All computer models used by the "gloom and doom" global warming advocates use co2 as the basis for the warming. This fact has been stated by Dr. Roy Spencer of NASA.
MIT professor R. Lindgen states that: "the green house propaganda was begun in 1988, when the IPPC predicted disaster due to global warming. This was done with no evidence to prove or support the theory that co2 causes global warming."
In fact the studies of ice core samples taken in the Arctic by Scientists from MIT and Harvard show that co2 does not cause temperature rises, but the temperature rises produce an increase in co2 over time.
Another large producer and sink of co2 are the worlds oceans. They absorb co2 when the ocean is cold and produce co2 when the ocean becomes warm.
Even the scientists who put together the Kyoto Agreement stated that if we reduce emissions of co2 drastically by 60-80 percent, as they recommended, it will only reduce global temperatures by .005 to .01 degrees by 2050!
But if we do fall into the trap of global warming and reduce co2 by the demanded amount. This Country will revert back to the bicycle days of the 1990s.
Professors of science have long been telling those who will listen that co2 is naturally produced by decaying vegetation and animal matter. Cows are a large producer of methane gas. Should we kill all the cows?
The polar bears have survived the dramatic climate changes of recorded history and they will adapt as will we to any natural change in temperature. Whats the real worry? Most of us and are relatives for the next generation won't live to see any change. Even if the "quacks" are correct. This heretic believes they are wrong and know they are!

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