During World War II Winston Churchill was the man whose force of will kept Great Britain fighting when it could have been easy for the English to capitulate to the stronger Nazi force that was systematically destroying London with bombs.
This is one of my favorite quotes from this great leader and hater of evil despots
Today we once again face the despotic presence of another serious threat to Our way of life and very existence.
The problem we face in this country is that too many people prefer to ignore or deny the presence of this threat. They do it at the peril of their own freedom and life.
The threat I refer to is Islamic Radicalism as personified by Irans present leader, Ahmadinejad.
As early as 2005 he was quoted during a speech to his people with the following words. "And God willing with the force of God behind it, (Iran)we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism."
Only a brain deficient person could read these words without wondering how this maniacal person expects to accomplish this feat?
The "peace at all costs before conflict" crowd will dismiss this as the rantings of a "little Caeser". They will deny the possibility of his accomplishing his avowed purpose, but denying unpleasant truths will not make them go away.
Recently in Berlin the Foreign Minister of Iran gave an interview with the German News media. In his presentation he said, "Iran has been in conflict with the U.S. for the past 28 years. But we do not fear a military attack from them ,because the United States cannot afford another crisis for it's taxpayers." Note please. He didn't even refer to US as citizens!
When asked if he would meet with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and shake her hand. His response was illuminating. He said: "I am a devout Muslim and adhere to Islamic principles and will NOT shake her hand!
What Principles!
The Iranians are moving fast toward the development of Nuclear weapons. They will have no reticence to using them against the U.S. and Israel. Will we wait until it is too late. It would be a lot easier to strike them now than later when diplomacy has failed once again, and don't count on the UN to accomplish anything. We have too many enemies in that building on the shore of the Hudson River to make the UN any kind of a force to protect our interests.

1 comment:
How about the little revelation by our far left(communist in my opinion)news media about Sen.Feinstein finally stepping down from her position on a powerful defense spending committee with not even a whimper that it borders on,if not in actuality,felonious activity because for years she has been getting huge sums of money for defense contracts for her multimillionaire husband's business.A Republican senator would be tried and sent off to prison but you will be lucky if you hear any more about it from the news media or her hand in our pockets fellow Senators.She is part of the elitist club of careerist politicians in Washington who is looking out for her own sefish interests while voting every way to turn this country over to the leftists or any anarchist group of American haters.
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