In fact all this proposed legislation would accomplish is to place a financial burden on the oil and natural gas producers that will be passed on to us the consumer in higher prices at the pump and in our gas bills.
The Bill not only does nothing to encourage oil companies to explore and extract oil and natural gas we know exists, but will force up the costs consumers pay for their products.
For every "scientist" who is seen on TV decrying the rapid advance of "global Warming" you can find another equally qualified person we does not ascribe to the warming mantra. If the new left wing, anti-progress faction of the country wins this battle it won't be long until we will be subject to the whims of nature to warm our home in winter. Many jobs will be lost due to the closing of plants designated as polluters, and gas will cost more than the finest liquors.
Please call, fax or write your Congress person and Senators to oppose this bill. If it passes our only hope is that Bush will use his reluctant "veto pen".

1 comment:
The Fox Guarding The Hen House
This week Democratic "Queen in Charge", Speaker Pelosi appointed "a fox" to the hen house Congress calls The House Judiciary Committee. This fox is newly elected Congressman Ellison from the state of Minnesota. This man is an avowed Muslim who was supported for this position in Congress by the Congressional Black Caucus. A man who became a history maker by taking the oath of office with his hand on the Koran, and was supported in his election campaign by a $50,000 contribution from CAIR!
Last week the news that the Democratic Committee began their meeting with a prayer given by Husham Al-Hausiny was another example of the Democrats appeasement, denial and capitulation to radical Islamists.
Al-Hausiny is the Dearborn, Michigan Islamic Education Center director. An outspoken supporter of Shiite Muslims, of which his Mosque has 5000 members. This man has publicly spoken in support of Islamists, and an extremist known for his anti-war feelings. Perhaps this is why the Democrats choose him. After all , it appears the Democrats want the U.S. to withdraw and effectively loose the fight against the same people this man supports.
It appears to this blogger that the American left including the Democrats, Socialists and Communists organizations are the ones supporting both financially and in person the demonstrations going on in the quest to end the U.S. fight against radical Islam in Iraq. Just watch a video of their marchers and read the signs. The hate drips from their placards.
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