Todays blog is about another "brain dead" President Bush hater spouting off once again about something she apparently knows little or nothing about.
Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher from the California 10th district is quoted in the following excerpt from "SPIGEL ONLINE" today.
This woman is a close friend of Speaker of the House Pelosi and Senator Fienstein. She represents the East bay area of Northern California including Berkley. It is easy to deduce that this woman is a leftist although, Wikapedia biography lists her as a moderate Democrat. There hasn't been a moderate in the Congressional democrat delegation for at least 10 years.
Her interview with the Berlin newspaper was about her opposition to President Bushs' plan to deploy a missile defense site in Poland as part of the MDA (missile defense agency) master plan that is described below briefly.
Tauscher has introduced a bill in Congress to reduce funding for missile defense, especially money for the Poland project would be defunded.
Although she claims she is aware of the world wide threat she says that land based missile defense in Poland is too easy a target and she implies that it would unnecessarily antagonise the Russians.
Never mind that one day in the future a missile targeted for the U.S. could be launched from Russia or nearby Iran!
Ms. Tauscher says she would prefer a mobile approach to the missile defense plan not the fixed site.
If she spent more tIme reading about what she plans to oppose she would know that the Plan on the draftboard is a multi-system approach including land based fixed sites, naval based floating AEGEIS weapons system that would be modified to work as part of a missile defense and space satellite laser systems if deemed necessary.
Poland is just the first step to building a network of missile defense that would help us to avoid final desperate measures to intercept missiles that are approaching our homeland.It is better to intercept them when they are launched than to try and cut them off at the last moment.
It is nice that our Congress and Senate elected "princes" can tour Europe at tax payers expense, but hey should not show their animus
for the President and undermine Foreign relations by showing their ignorance to the people they visit.
Congresswoman Tauscher said this:
"We share the same kind of deep concern about the threats that we see developing, concern about short- and medium-range missile threats coming from the Middle East."
Well then why has she introduced the bill described below?
"The proposed bill would reduce the funding for missile defense -- especially the money needed to start building silos in Poland.
In the bill, what we have done is we have effectively said that we don't want construction to begin. We don't want site preparation to begin. We want engagement on a diplomatic level. So we will slow them down. The current threat is short- and mid-range, I am for protecting against that now. The long-range threat, analysts say, will come out of Iran in 2015."
I guess she hasn't considered the possibility of a missile being launched at US from China, North Korea and as I mentioned above Russia. None of these Countries including Iran like the United States, and if we listen to "dummies like the political hack touring Europe on our dime. We will surly be a target later if not sooner. Has this Countries citizens forgotten what happened in Pearl Harbor in 1941?
I have copied a short piece from the
Raytheon Web Sitethat summarises the present plan for missile defense. Raytheon is deeply involved in the multi-billion dollar project to develop a comprehensive anti-missile system.
"The mission of the BMDS is to defend successfully against missiles of all ranges (short, intermediate, medium, and long) in all phases of flight (boost, midcourse, and terminal).
When operational, the BMDS will require many different individual products, systems and technologies that will be based on land, at sea, in the air or in space. All components must be fully networked to assure coordinated operations. The concept of delivering all those capabilities to fulfill the mission is called a “layered” defense. That concept is the foundation of the MDA’s approach to building the BMDS.
A layered approach will provide multiple opportunities to destroy a missile and its warhead in any phase of its flight. This approach significantly increases the probability of a successful intercept – and improving the odds is especially critical since attacking missiles may carry weapons of mass destruction."
I would suggest Congresswoman Tauscher and her fellow liberals read it before spouting off again! But I Wont hold my breath.
1 comment:
Stand "small" for the defense of America should be printed in all the biographical descriptions of these liberal nutcases like this feminist leftist from Kalifornia,the part of the state that has given us such "stellar" Americans as Boxer,Feinstein,and this Nanny know nothing but Marxist doctrine.
Most of the people living in her district don't know or really care what country this is as long as they take(I didn't say earn purposely) their 6+ figure salaries.
But a crazy bill to stop development of a missile shield in Eastern Europe is assuredly asking for eventual nuclear destruction.
These people are living in a strange world of fun and games which does not reflect the world wide devastation of a nuclear holocaust which is imminent if this country continues to let these pacifist fools dance to the tune of "it could never happen to us".
Einstein,over 50 years ago,said the destruction of "over 2/3 of the world" would be possiblewhen we had the more "benign"atomic bomb. It was the weapon of mass destruction.
Well,today we have Hydrogen bombs capable of vaporizing millions instantly, and leaving nothing but atoms of what once was a human creature.
He recommended that Russia,Britain and the United States meet immediately and develop ways to assure parity and assurances of no sneak attacks using the massive destruction of nuclear bombs.
Russia,if they had good intentions, would sit down with the United States and England, and agree that this defense deterrent in Eastern Europe could be to their advantage as well.
China,North Korea,and Iran are very imminent threats.
These liberal thinking airheads have an apparent death wish with their faulty thinking.
Left wingers need to quit worrying about partisan politics and President Bush, and get the necessary implementation of nuclear deterrance before it is too late.
Take the sage advice of Albert Einstein,one of the brilliant thinkers behind the development of the atomic bomb, and reach parity through assured deterrence.
The enemy will still have the capability of striking but at least we have a chance of some assured self defense versus none.
We have been lulled to sleep by the pacifist mystique and will never knowwhat hit us in an instant if we delay in our efforts.
We can't say that a liberal thinker didn't warn us years ago.
Maybe it is time to listen to the advice from one who knew what he was talking about!
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