Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with "Jihadistan."
The average American citizen wallows in a sick society implemented by our socialist school system and repugnant, socialist news media., Both are aided by a rudderless run government, choking on its own ineptness.
Self pity, along with, avarice,vanity,deceit,and selfishness, describes American society today.
These are all the Capital sins against what was once a spiritual “believing” country.
This shows the rest of the world that we are a failing society of Godless materialism, that is sliding down a steep slide.
A weak hearted society of feminist driven “children”.
God forbid that we should have to drive our “gas hog” vehicles,that would force the inflated gasoline price down.
Such a suggestion would be taken as treasonous by most of our selfish, spoiled society.
To limit the family to two vehicles is unthinkable.It is a sick scene to witness 5 or 6 cars sitting outside many,many homes early in the morning. A car for all who are of driving age.
Yes,we are really trying to bring the price of gasoline down.In this age of “mine,mine,mine,me me,me,and more,more ,more”,it is just taken for granted that some other “nutcase” will cut back on his driving.
After all,according to our loudmouthed, buffoon late night talk show gurus, where most of our dumbed down adults receive their Hip Hop education,everything that is a problem is the fault of the vast right wing conspiracy.
I have news for these “schlock's”,the world looks on America as one huge country of whiners and a clueless country of spoiled clowns.
To a Chinese citizen,the owning of a bicycle is a great accomplishment.
To a desert nomad in the Middle East,a tent and a camel is a sign of affluence,not to mention enough food for the family to prevent their dying of starvation.
The reasons we have these problems(poverty,unemployment and disease) in our country are greed,graft in Govt.programs,unconcern,and in many cases a total lack of charity or love for Our fellow man.
I recently witnessed some of this arrogant indifference in the Dallas Airport where a large group of our young Airborne combat troops, just deplaned from Iraq,and still in their combat attire, were catching planes to return home for a few weeks rest and relaxation before going back to fight for the “fruit loops” who stuck their noses in the air, and most of them turned their backs on these American heroes.
I was more than mad to see this liberal,left wing, brain washed group of free Americans act in such a despicable way toward these boys who are willing to die for these fools.
1 comment:
The Prince of Darkness has taken a firm hold on the policy making of the United States.The Prince of light has had the door slammed in his face by a bunch of fools who still believe in the tooth fairy and Cinderella,among other fables,when it comes to dealing with an enemy that has openly said what he means and means what he said.Iran is an increasing disaster for the U.S.and Israel each day that our ignorant and arrogant would be diplomats continue their crazy drivel that these Haters of Christianity and Judaism will somehow be appeased and cut a deal with the United States and Israel, and suddenly burn the teachings of the Koran.Stupid damn thinking or better yet, non-thinking by a bunch of so called diplomacy experts which is leading this country to a nuclear holocaust, which will trigger responses from at least five countries in a nuclear cataclysm that was predicted by scientists 60 years ago, and by many non-scientists, who saw diplomacy with rogue nations acquiring nuclear capabilities as a total and fatal waste of time.This miseablly flawed, unilateral, phony attempt to reach some sort of agreement must not be permitted.These idealogue,naive diplomats apparently need a few lessons in what Megalopoltic destruction can occur with the detonation of one large nuclear device,not to mention the radioactive cloud that can circle the earth killing millions more.Multiply this by 50+ and you have eliminated civilization as we now know it.The ants keep working while the overly optimistic grasshoppers keep fiddling to their own foolhardy tunes.God help Israel and the United States if Iran or any Moslem dominant country reaches this capability of nuclear weapons.We non Islamic people are not called infidels by these fanatics for no reason.These Islamic fanatics have declared Jihad against all those refusing to convert to Islam.Hello!!! It doesn't become any more clear in sane,thinking people's minds.The tongue can be the weapon which brings us to nuclear disaster.Stop wagging the tongue and use some muscle to stop this sure fire recipe for disaster.
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