Gay rights advocates had reason to celebrate on both coasts Thursday, with New York set to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere and California preparing to begin issuing marriage licenses to gay couples on June 17. Hours after California issued a directive Wednesday authorizing that date, word came that New York Gov. David Paterson instructed state agencies — including those governing insurance and health care — to immediately change policies and regulations to recognize gay marriages.source:Associated Press
Gov. Paterson is one of only four Black men to sit in a State Governors chair in our history, and is well known for his stance on stem cell research, voting rights for non-citizens(illegals), and now he will be known as the man who is attempting to "solomnize" the marriage of sodomites.
In an anterview after Gov. Paterson made his announcement at a meeting of gays and lsbians, his spokeswoman, Erin Duggan said this: " we want it clearly understood that marriage includes gay couples in the solomnized marriage pact".
Thesaurus defines "solemnized" as bless, celebrate, commemorate, dignify, exalt, sanctify and venerate. Only a blind person could call a relationship that involves sex between two same sex people in these terms!
Let me say at the beginning. What people do in the privacy of their own home is none of my business, or any government agency. That is unless they are making bombs, or some other gross violation of the law.
But when an elected official panders to a politically active group like the gay and lesbian community, by tearing down the framework of the American family unit. He is a really morally blind person! That makes Gov. Paterson doubly blind, as he is legally blind himself!
This Country was built upon the Judeo-Christian principles that are found in the Talmud and the Bible. One of which is the numerous condemnations of the "sodomite".
Granted our Country has slipped slowly to the secular, nihilist, atheist's interpretation of what the Founding fathers intended this Country to be. The killing of millions of unborn and partially born babies testifies to this fact. But when persons, who are elected to a position of power, try to change the natural law of marriage,that being a man and a woman who can produce offspring(babies), to that based upon "love"of two same sex people. We are well down the road to the fate of the Roman Empire!
1 comment:
These marginal scientists don't even understand or don't want to understand the word matrimony which means mother bearing.This is what matrimony is meant to be and not meant to be some sicko of the same sex joining another of the same sex in a warped sexual relationship.This is in direct conflict with the natural laws.I haven't seen any homosexual unions in the rest of the ANIMAL world which puts man down the food chain when it comes to common sense and the reason for having opposite sexes.Just another flawed legalism made up to appease those who are bent on changing for the worse what has existed since man and woman were created by a superior being.MR.and Mr.John Doe or Mrs.and Mrs.Jean Doe just doesn't make any reasonable sense to believers with spiritual life beyond a life of idolatry of tree hugging worship and worship of phalluses,vaginas,rectums,and mouths substitutes for the traditional belief in a spiritual creator and respect for heterosexual marriage.Today,friends walking down the street of the same sex are automatically suspected of being gay.Isn't that cute?I don't think so.With decisions as loonie as these,it is no wonder this country is the disaster it has become with immature herd mentality dictaded by a bunch of pikers.
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