People like the "huckster" Al Gore, and his academic ilk have perpetrated the lie of"impending doom" because of global warming. This is bad, but not the worst that has been done to We Americans.
The Congress and the Presidents since 1975 have reached deeper into your pockets to steal more and more money for their pet socialistic programs. The hidden taxes that State and Federal governments put on the cost of energy are obscene.
In the state of New York the tax payers shell out 3.4 billion dollars in hidden taxes on their electric bills each year. This is the highest hidden energy cost in the continental U.S.
The Edison Electric Institutes vice-president, M. William Brier stated this week that compliance with the Federal Rules included in "The Clean Air Interstate Rules" and the "Clean Air Mercury Rule will cost the electric industry 47.8 billion dollars between 2007 and 2020. All of this expense will be passed on to the taxpaying consumer. The horrible fact is that these two laws don't address the humongous numbers of 18 wheeler trucks belching diesel fuels or the millions of buses carting children to and from non-neighborhood schools.
Returning to the 40-60 dollars you just spent to fill up your vehicle tank. As you drive away cursing the price gouging oil companies. You should know that since the end of world war two the price of a barrel of crude oil taken at the wellhead has stayed around$23.57. The balance of the costs is the cost of refinement and shipping, profit amounting to pennies on the gallon and the biggie, taxes. The average federal tax on a gallon of gas is 55 cents and state taxes vary from 34 cents in Alabama to 52 cents in Nevada.
Compounding this problem is the fact that even though one of our mortal enemies, Iran, is presently building an oil refinery that will produce 38 to 50 thousand cubic meters of natural gas and 700-800 barrel of gasoline a day. We here in the U.S. have not built a refinery since 1976.
Not only are the present refineries not capable of producing enough to satisfy the needs of our growing population. They pose a potential catastrophic event in their being over worked and under serviced to meet current needs.
The Senate in the United States Congress is the culprit in the denial of the search for and obtaining of U.S. energy independence.
The energy bill passed into law in 2005 had provisions for offshore oil drilling and Anwar limited drilling that could of produced an estimated 19 billion barrels from the Kuparuk River region. The Senate version was dedicated to conservation an alternative sources of fuels. This from a bunch of millionaires being driven around in taxpayer funded limousines!
Heavy oil reserves in the ground made off limits by our environmental "wackos" is estimated at 69 million barrels of oil in off shore deposits alone.
Besides, there have been statements made by well known agriculturalists that if we decimate the supply of corn to produce ethanol. There could be a third world famine of worse proportions than is present today.
One final comment. It would be a lot easier to clean out pockets of terrorist resistance with a brigade of Abrams tanks in Iraq, then for our courageous foot soldiers to go from house to house subject to land mines and snipers. But we can't do that unless we have enough fuel for the tanks. God help us if we get into a war with Iran with our need for 70% of our oil coming from OPEC, and only 30% from the U.S.

1 comment:
Most Americans with expensive cars and trucks have been duped by their own idolatry of the substitution of material things which are bright and shiny suicide assists just waiting to happen versus moral and spiritual values.Their anxiiety and feelings of insecurity have caused their relentless not important driving despite the outrageous gas prices.Americans for the most part are living off of overextended credit in all phases of their lifestyle as well as for their outlandish,overpriced vehicles,and have to keep up with the false idea that these pieces of shiny metal shows the rest of the wannabe's that they somehow have arrived.They have taken the bait and swallowed it whole and seem oblivious to reasons gas prices are way overinflated.They accept willy nilly the left wing news media blaming price surge of gasoline on the popgun war in Iraq.I don't think a rifle,machine gun,or artillery piece uses any gasoline to fire.No warplanes are being used to amount to much or are any tanks.The politicians,with the constant twisting of the truth by our devious news media, have pulled another hoax on the American public.
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