The following quotes are taken from the Internet site of "Middle East Media Research Institute". They illustrate that we conservatives here in America are not the only ones who think her visit was ill advised and damaging to the cause of hoped for regime change.
Editor of Arab Reformist Website: "Shame on Ms. Pelosi!"
In an article titled "Shame on Ms. Pelosi for Shaking the Hand of the Damascus Hangman!" Omran Salman, the Bahraini editor of the reformist website Aafaq, wrote that Pelosi had turned her back on Syrian reformists and had harmed the cause of democracy in Syria:
"Of course no observer of Middle Eastern affairs could at all take seriously what Pelosi said [about Syria's willingness to renew the peace process]. The most [such an observer] could do would be to struggle to keep from laughing…
"What the honorable U.S. congresswoman said has no basis in reality. Syria did not say that it would stem the flow of terrorists into Iraq. Likewise, it did not say that it would close the offices of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Damascus and expel their leaders. If it had wanted to do this, it would have done so years ago, in response to American demands and pressures…"
Pelosi Delivered a Blow to the Liberal Opposition in Syria and Frustrated Reformists' Hopes
"The only result that Pelosi achieved in visiting Damascus, and in sitting down with the Syrian president and shaking his hand, was to deliver a blow to the liberal opposition in Syria and frustrate reformists' hopes for change. By breaking through the ring of isolation [surrounding] Bashar Assad's regime, Syria advanced [several] steps towards repression and despotism, and the march of reform and democracy fell behind.
"Is it any secret that the Syrian regime supports terrorism and is the prime suspect in being behind the… Hariri assassination and the assassinations of a number of other Lebanese journalists and politicians?
"Is it any secret that the Syrian regime is one of the most vicious of regimes, and one of the most repressive, in the region…?
"Perhaps Pelosi did not know… that during her visit to Damascus, this regime was specializing in torturing Syrian oppositionists - among them Kamal Al-Labwani, the founder of the Liberal Democratic Rally in Syria…
"What was Kamal Al-Labwani's crime? In October-November 2005, Al-Labwani toured Europe and the U.S. to gather support for the cause of democracy in Syria. In the U.S., Al-Labwani met with members of the U.S. government and Congress and members of Amnesty International…"
Pelosi Rewarded the Hangman and Turned Her Back on the Victim
"Instead of demanding [Al-Labwani's] immediate release [from prison], Pelosi went to reward the hangman, and turned her back on the victim. Did Al-Labwani fall victim to the trust he placed in America's promises to support democracy and those demanding it?
"This is more than saddening; it is disgraceful to the highest degree. But not all of the blame falls on Ms. Pelosi alone. Over the last four months, more than 10 U.S. members of Congress, from both parties… have made the pilgrimage to Damascus and met with Assad… What is certain is that support for reform and democracy in Syria was not on their agenda.
"Any observer cannot help but be astounded how elected representatives of the American people, which loves liberty and humanity and is devoted to democracy, can engage with a first-rate dictatorial regime..." [7]
My comment on the above is the members of the opposition party mentioned are "RINOS", republicans in name only. No loyal republican would defy the President and assume the role of diplomat not given to members of Congress by the Constitution. This role is the sole province of the Executive Branch. Why some member of The Republican Congressional
block doesn't introduce a resolution of censure for Congress woman Pelosi is beyond cowardice. Both she and Senator Reid are guilty of censurable acts, and at the very least should be called out for their actions by members of their Peers.

1 comment:
Madame Pelosi,by her very act of defiance of the President of the United States on her recent trip to Syria, apparently intended to show her arrogant opposition to the war in Iraq as the Democratic Majority Leader of the House of Representives.She made a fool of herself and her fellow travellers just like Hanoi Jane did on her trips to North Vietnam,but being an elected official and not an anarchist movie actress,Mrs.Pelosi should have had the decency and good sense not to try and politicize at tax payers expense her untenable and unthinkable travel to a country which has been funneling terrorists,weapons,safe havens,etc.which are aimed at killing American troops in Iraq.If rubbing elbows with a rogue nation like Syria is an example of positive leadership,I will start taking large quantities of Prozac tomorrow,and then maybe I would have her temerity to also shake hands with the devil.
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