With such a threat to American soldiers and Marines you would think all Americans would be incensed and support any troop support including massive re-enforcements to strike this threat down. Americans don't normally react well to threats. They fight back! As Patton said: America hates a quitter."
But not the Move on Political machine which is pulling the strings of such Washington lawmakers as Senators, Durbin, Kennedy, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Boxer, Feistein, Obama. Levin and Biden. Not to be undone as the biggest "cut and run group" you have Pelosi, Murtah, Martin, Rohm Emanuel, Meehan Sanchez,and Morris chomping at the bit to help defeat our effort in Iraq by drafting legislation to limit or cut-off funding to the additional 21,00 troop deployment.
They use the ruse that they don't want anymore soldiers killed. As if any one does, especially not President Bush who actually has a heart! Would they rather see America loose another war because the leftists want America to become weak and effete like most of Europe has? Where has the will to win gone? We live in a day of instant gratification, but this Country didn't become a Republic in four years, so why should we expect to wrest Iraq from the "chains of Saddams' tyranny" in a short time. We still have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, Bosnia long after the shooting stopped. People die in wars. It is tragic, but those brave men and women knew when that signed up it wasn't for the Peace Corps.!

These pro choice lberals say it is fine to destroy millions of lives by abortion yearly,but they claim to be against the loss of 3,000 people who are fighting for our continued freedom.This is convenient schizophrenic thinking.
----- Original Message -----
Umaisuli, ben, tamorrib kernon kertanta, juna chiuna xado, wen? Il, na, xire khr ya. Quem ari khr? Enconheiam ognung, yo ha pregir, pab, yo yog nin. Xir cheira guem ajusta modosa!!!
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