This attitude is manifest in the lack of political discussion, by candidates for the Presidential nomination, about the issue of illegal immigration.
Presently we have between 20 and 30 million illegals in the United States. Close to 65% are illegals from Mexico who crossed into the USA through wide open borders , and are living free from prosecution for their illegal act. Yes, there have been a few "round ups" and well publicized raids on a few employers of illegals. But most of them a have been booked and released. Never to return to Court much less be deported.
The people behind the support for this horde of law breakers are Socialists, Communists, Anarchists and Marxists who detest our Constitution, which they profess is just after all a piece of paper!
The Constitution did not grant illegals any rights!
The very first sentence of the Constitution (often referred to as the Preamble) clearly states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” It doesn’t say “in Order to bestow various rights and privileges on aliens and their Posterity” Illegals are law breakers not poor individuals to be aide and abetted.
Unfortunately there are those who believe it is not only O.K. to aid and abet these felons, but their religious duty to do it.
Kim Bobo is one such person. A labor activist who has been in the news for 30 years operating in such areas as the UAW and United Mine workers strikes. Now she has taken up the mantle of illegals with the organization of "The National Interfaith Worker Justice Organization". This group is opening "sanctuaries(in direct violation of Federal Law) in 28 cities around the United States to hide illegals. They have their "cells" in L.A., N.Y. , Seattle and San Diego operating now.
Her quest includes not only sanctuary, but wants Our minimum wage laws to apply to illegals as well. Taking into account that as illegals they have NO rights afforded them by the Constitution, she is advocating the absurd to an already felonious action of aiding and abetting a criminal.
Only a government that believes in the One World Orderwould stand by and do nothing when an organization like her's commits a felony each time they assist an illegal in avoiding detection and apprehension. The penalty for aiding and abetting is up to 5 years in jail. The very least a government that cares about it's legal citizens should do is take away this organizations tax exempt status! But then there are members of the Council of Foreign Relations that predict that by 2010 we will abolish our borders!
These people are not Christians following Jesus teachings, they are people who with their leftist philosophies have invaded religions with their Marxist ideas. Many if not all were part of Ms. Bobo's "Lets Dump Bush" campaign, and many are members of the "Young Peoples Socialist League", an arm of the American Socialist Workers Party here in the USA.
The disturbing thing to this blogger, are the number of Catholic leaders who have joined in the fight for illegals. Many priests have opened their doors to feed and hide the illegals, and Cardinal Mahoney publicly opposed HR 4437, a Congressional bill which would force the government to closed the sieve that we call our border.
Apparently Cardinal Mahony and the US Bishops hadn't read the Pope's Encyclical from Christmas 2005 where Pope Benedict XVI clearly ordered the Church to stay out of politics. The call by Mahony to engage in politics is in disobeyance of the Pope's Encyclical Letter, Deus Caritas Est of 12/25/05 where he states: "Fundamental to Christianity is the distinction between what belongs to Caesar and what belongs to God . . . The just ordering of society and the State is a central responsibility of politics . . . The Church cannot and must not take upon herself the political battle to bring about the most just society possible . . . The direct duty to work for a just ordering of society, on the other hand, is proper to the lay faithful. As citizens of the State, they are called to take part in public life in a personal capacity."
Those who can and do read, must realize the riots that have happened in Holland, France and Great Britain by aliens can happen here if the rule of law is not enforced. Yet no leader in the race for the White House has an illegal alien plank in his platform, God help US!

1 comment:
Exactly right about politics by Cardinal Mahoney and other detractors of authority of the leader of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Benedict XVI.These clerical liberal politicians for social justice are not only thumbing their noses at Rome and the Pope who has clearly stated his views on the clergy staying out of politics but many other problems existing in the American Catholic leadership today and in recent years.
This schism by these liberal elements of the Catholic clergy against their authority is causing many believers of the Pope's leadership to leave the Roman Catholic Church in America.These Cardinals are the same types that swept pedohilia and homosexuality under the carpet,allowed pro abortion politicians to receive Holy Communon despite their approval of the killing of the unborn,and using a euphemism of social justice which is actually coddling the lawbreakers who illegally entered this country.They also are complicit in the breaking of the laws by sheltering these illegals while trying to evangelize and proselytize those who are not Roman Catholic.This is socialistic thinking at its best to wrongly incorporate lawbreakers into a citizenry of law abiders.Don't blame the Pope for this mischief which he strongly opposes,but the mainstream media will twist the fact and blame the Pope.
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